Chapter 7 *Edited*

A/N: The Shinazugawa father was not an abusive piece of shit. He is good. The Shinazugawa family is happy. Giyu's sister Tsutako, his best friend Sabito, and Makomo live as well. If you're looking for tragedy and angst it will not be here, this story will be pure.

A/N: Edited 05/09/2023 or 09/05/2023


It's been a month and you were proud of the progress that has been made with your demons. Gyutaro definitely came out of his shell and, now actively sought your attention whenever you were around which was endearing. Michikatsu and, Yuichiro finally grew on you and, loved when you would hug them, touch them and, just spend time with them. Muichiro and Yoriichi were the same as their cousins and, life was good. Life was fantastic for you and your demons. That lady that has been harassing you finally left, having found a new job somewhere closer to where she lives. You didn't care as long as she stayed the hell away from you. 

"I knew that lady was nothing but trouble the moment she started harassing even you." You were talking with the only coworker you got along with here and, that was Julicia. She was a pansexual mess that flirted with anyone as long as they were sweet and, showed some interest back, She wasn't one to flirt with someone who was clearly not interested. You loved her. You both agreed on a lot of things. She was also the only one who had her own demon pets as well. 

"She harassed anyone that made her question herself and, sadly that was everyone in here. She was just extremely bitter and, I'm just glad that she got another job. Maybe now she can find herself and, find some peace within herself." It was your lunch break and, you told your babies, aka your demons, that you weren't coming home during your lunch break. You looked up at your building swearing you saw someone looking out the window but, they disappeared the moment you looked up. If it was, it was more than likely Daki or Makio. They grew on each other and, now they both were a menace. You also were working on buying a house with land and, stuff. So they can all have some more space. You planned on finding the house and, using whatever money you save from your side hustles and main job to put a down payment once you found your house. If you're being honest you would love to buy a building but, you'll be happy just to find a house. You really wanted your babies to have more space. As well, as to adopt more...

"How're your babies doing?" Julicia had looked around before asking the questions. It was well known that the way the two of you treated demons was looked down upon and, can get the two of you in big trouble or worst. Get your demons taken away because you were treating them right. Fuck this stupid city and its rules.

"They're all doing fine actually. I'm so proud of the progress they all have made. I also checked on the Rengoku family and, they're doing fine as well." Julicia and Avery met each other a while ago and, you're 90 percent sure they're smitten with each other and, have been texting each other. You didn't care, you were just happy they were enjoying themselves and, whatever happens, it just happens. You'll support it either way.

"That's great. Giyu, Mitsuri, and, Genya are doing fantastic. I got lucky getting demons that knew each other and, I found out a lot about them as well. Giyu had the three people that meant the most to him taken away and, he was the only one left. Poor guy. Mitsuri was separated from her family for being too weird and, then later on her spouse and children. She didn't tell me his name or the children's names. Bringing up too many memories, she starts crying which leads to her profusely apologizing. Genya was separated from his family and, he just wants them back. Other than that they are okay." You had pictures of the three demons wishing that you knew how to help them. You wondered if this streak inside of you was ever going to go away or if you were just unstoppable. Maybe because of who your family is, this is the reason why you're like this.

"Julicia if you don't mind, can you see if they can tell you the names of their family? You already know how I am about helping so, this shouldn't be a surprise to you." The two of you shared a laugh talking away the rest of your lunch. The two of you went back to work afterward with a plan in mind. 


It took a couple of weeks and, finally, you had all the names. The Shinazugawa family are 7 siblings with Sanemi, Genya, Shuya, Hiroshi, Koto, Teiko, and Sumi, and the two parents were Kyogo and Shizu Shinazugawa. Giyu has an older sister named Tsutako, a younger sister named Makomo, and a best friend named Sabito. Surprisingly Mitsuri's husband is a demon named Obanai, who you wish to adopt, and they had 3 children all taken from them. Obanai you can't get until he becomes adoptable. The 3 children were going to be tough as hell if they were still alive. You're not sure if you heard of these names but, you wanted to google to see if anything pops up about them. You really hoped none of them were in fight rings. Fight rings were hard and, a lot of the demons that came from them either are killed from old wounds or just become too feral and unhinged to be adopted. 

"Looking at more demons huh" You turned to Tengen who was hovering over you looking at your laptop. He normally didn't hover but, you enjoyed it when he did. You liked the little bouts of trust he shows you.

"Yes, my friend Julicia has demons and they have families out there and, I just, want to see if I can help." You were searching through Craigslist and, the dark web. "Oh, the names of her demons are Mitsuri, Genya, and Giyu." You heard something drop and, you turned to see Tengen staring at you with wide eyes having dropped the cup that was in his hand. "What's the matter? Was it something I said?" That knocked him out of his stupor as he quickly picked up the cup focusing his attention back on you.

"I know...them. All three of them." Your eyes widen turning your full attention to him. 

"Would you like to see them? Do your wives know them? Does Kyojuro? Can you tell me about them?" He spoke a little bit about them, that they all met as babies and, once they were about thirteen that's when they were all separated. His wives do not know them personally but, he speaks about them often to all of them.

"Kyojuro knows just about everyone I know. I remember Sanemi more than Genya but, nevertheless, I still know Genya...It would be nice to see them." He was shy with his little request but, you can make arrangements for him to see them. You texted Julicia right then and there momentarily forgoing your search to see how she feels about a meet-up. She was rather excited and, agreed that the next day she can bring them over. You had the next three days off so you gave her your specific address and, that was the end of that. You texted Avery and, she was more than happy to bring Kyojuro and, Senjuro.

"How do you feel about seeing them tomorrow?" Tengen's mouth opened and, closed a few times before he wrapped you up in a firm hug. He didn't initiate hugs much but, you were always so giddy whenever he did. It made you feel like you did something right. 

"...Thank you so much." You nuzzled his cheek placing a soft kiss there before he pulled away to continue doing whatever he was doing. You turned back to your laptop to do your findings searching for another 15 minutes until finally clicking on something that looked suspicious. It said 'items for sale. Dirt cheap.' You read the fine print and, it was sixty dollars. What? You were going to exit but, your gut told you hell no. You clicked on it. You choked on air at the images. It was images upon images of kid demons the same ones over and over. All sad. All crying. You searched the whole gallery looking at images and, stupidly one of them put their full address so you wrote it down. Looking more there was a fifteen-second video. You played it holding your breath as you listened. 

'I don't know who the fuck is going to see this shit but, these are the useless little shits. Sixty bucks for all five of them. Hiroshi, Koto-'

You shut off the video already grabbing your keys, money, and shoes while Avery was on speed dial. She picked up in five seconds and, you gave her an address telling her to be there you're going to get some babies literally. 

"What's the matter Y/N?" You turned to your demons who now were looking at you going crazy back and forth. 

"I found Genya's siblings. It's not Sanemi but, it's his other five siblings. I and Avery are going to get them and bring them back to Genya who is with my good friend Julicia. I will be back and I will be safe." You ran out of the apartment stopping next door to let them know you'll be back as well even though you're pretty sure they heard you. Demons had extremely good hearing. You made it to the car putting just as Avery texted you she is on her way to the address. You pulled out of the parking garage having inputted the address into a GPS to keep from getting lost. "I keep fucking doing this I'm going to need to buy a damn village." You floored it rushing a bit knowing damn well Avery was breaking all the street rules and, you had to make it. You made a 45-minute drive in 20 minutes and, it's a miracle a cop didn't stop you. You looked up and, the house was a dilapidated 3-story building. You were tempted to call the cops but, then those babies won't go to Genya. They'll be separated for real. Thank God Avery was as crazy as you were. You got out of your vehicle just as Avery pulled up and got out of their car.

"So, are we doing this or what?" You turned to look at Avery who looked unhinged. This was the Avery that had made you friends with them in the first place. 

"We are, even though this is the first time I actually considered dialing 911." You both snorted and, made your way to the building. You knocked on the door and, a creepy old man opened the door. He looked at us both up and down giving a nasty smirk with yellow teeth. Damn, he looks exactly as you imagined a creepy dusty, crusty, musty man would look like. 

"I never thought someone would actually see it." This man's voice didn't match the one in the video so, there was more than one. Clearly but, it made you feel better bringing Avery. "Please...come in." He opened the door further but, stayed behind it. You and Avery slinked your way in your eyes never leaving the old man behind the door. Once inside you realized that he in fact was not an old man and, he had a gun. Fuck. "I got a new plaything." You blinked and, he was disarmed getting smashed in the face with the same gun he was pointing at you. You turned to Avery who was rummaging his pockets grabbing ammo, another gun, and a silencer that they placed on their end piece. 

"Thanks, Avery, you're the best." You were more a bat, pipe, bottle kind of woman, not a gun person like Avery. You'll leave the shooting to them. The two of you continued on your way listening quietly to voices. You figured a couple of things out. Either that was a fake address or you stumbled upon a child demon trafficking ring. The two of you heard voices up ahead so you hid in the shadows. You felt like you were in a movie with the way the two of you slinking but, you thanked your childhood for being able to be quiet and, not make noise. The two of you saw two guys and a woman well dressed talking amongst each other coming down the hallway. 

"Do you think Frank got someone? I heard him say we got company from that video?" It was the woman as you gritted your teeth. That dude Avery knocked out was Frank and, had seen them pull up. 

"Of course he did. We better go see before Frank does too much to them." You both waited for them to pass you two and, you both grabbed the two men pressing firmly on their pressure points knocking them out. The woman turned about to scream but, Avery placed the end of the pistol into her mouth watching her tear up in fear. You decided to speak.

"Be quiet. How many more of you are here?" She hesitated but, when Avery cocked it back, she held up shaky hands showing five. Damn more than you thought. "How many demons? The truth." You had a feeling it was more than five and, you wanted to be sure of it. She shook her head so, growing tired of her you socked her in the jaw hearing a crack and, watching her crumble to the floor. Avery pouted at you. 

"I wanted to pistol-whip her." You rolled your eyes fondly at them. 

"Don't worry pistol-whip one of the five we are about to encounter." You guys continued walking wincing at the creak of a step once at the top. You really were in a movie, weren't you? The two of you continued walking you making a noise of appreciation when you saw two pieces of wood about two feet each. Perfect. You felt better holding them in your hands as you continued walking. 

"Where the fuck did they go this time? I thought they went to check on Frank with those two idiots?" You and Avery made eye contact and kept it as they continued talking. 

"They haven't texted yet? Should we go check on them?" You heard a slap and a cuss. 

"You really think two lousy people could give them trouble? Even if they did somehow get past Frank that psycho, we sent Amanda, Adlin, and Austin. Everything would be fine." You smirked a little at Avery who smiled a bit too wide. They were going to do something stupid. She stomped. 

"What was that? Go check that shit out." You both hid in the shadows watching as a short squared man with glasses came out. He was grumbling as he stomped his way over to the two of you. This was going to be the guy Avery pistol-whipped and, you watched patiently as he zoomed past but, turned at the last minute. It was too late though and, he was pistol-whipped knocked out cold. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!" It was time to come out and, you did when three men came out looking furious. They froze when they saw Avery with two guns aimed at them. You glanced over to see they had placed a silencer on the second one. You firmly grasped the two pieces of wood tilting your head to the side. 

"How many demons you got here?" You were still going to tear this building apart either way but, you wanted to give them a chance. 

"To hell with you."The one closest to you got cocky and Avery pulled the trigger, the bullet going through his shoulder and, you quickly hit him over the head. The second one lunged but Avery shot him in the knee bringing him down and, you uppercut him with the second piece of wood knocking him right out. The last guy from inside came out and, he had a gun. Avery was too fast and, shot him in both hands. They went to him while you dealt with the last guy who took a swing at you full force leaving his ribs open. You hit him hard enough for one to crack before squeezing his neck so he can pass out. You turned to see Avery wrestling the guy and biting his nose before hitting him in the temple. You felt something on your face and, you wiped it away to see blood. All well. 

"Y/N." You went to Avery to see what they were looking at and your jaw dropped. It was definitely more than five children. You saw the original five children but, in the other corner were three other children huddled together. Two of them had black hair with bright green eyes and, the third one had one turquoise and one golden eye with pink and green hair. No way. Absolutely no fucking way. 

"Ain't no way in hell I'm this lucky." The children understandably were scared and, trying to hide and scamper away. Avery was dealing with the five while you dealt with the three new ones. No way. This was way too good to be true. You felt like slapping yourself to make sure you were seeing what you were actually seeing but you were pretty sure that would just scare them.

"Scary..." They were very scared and, that was okay. They won't be too scared any longer. You felt so bad right now because they have been through so much but, you were on borrowed time. 

"Yes, I am a scary person, a scary human to you three. I am sorry for doing that to you but, just please look at this picture." You had a picture of Mitsuri and when you showed her to them their eyes widen. You were right. These were her children.

"That's Mommy! Do you know where Mommy is?! We can go to Mommy?!" You almost cried at how hopeful they sounded. You were going to take them to their mommy. Their mommy wanted and missed them just as much.

"Yes, I know where mommy is. My friend named Julicia has her and, she misses you. You and Daddy are all she talks about. I will get Daddy eventually, first I need to bring you three to her. She is going to be so happy. Please. Let me take you to her." They were hesitant but, nodded. Oh my God, they can be taken advantage of so easily. How many children has this happened to because of their trusting nature? Damn, humans. You grabbed all three and, ran out of there going straight for your car and covering them in blankets. "Now, I have an important question." They all looked at you nodding. "Are there any more in there? If they are please tell me now so I can save them. Please." You looked around and saw Avery sprinting to their car with the five siblings. You turned back and, the dual-colored eyes one was hesitating a bit. 

"I-I...noise in up and...down." The noise is up and down great. You ran back and Avery didn't need to be told twice. Those people were not going to be waking up anytime soon but, you didn't want to take any chances if they did wake up.

"I check upstairs you go downstairs." They nodded heading down the stairs as you checked the rest of the rooms on the second floor. It was nothing so you went upstairs to the third. You stopped straining your ears to listen so you decided to say fuck it and check all the rooms and closets. There were four doors so you busted down every single one of them. The first room was nothing, you flipped beds, and dressers and opened closets nothing. Same thing with the second. You went to the third but, when you flipped the dresser you heard a shallow knock. Turning to the walls you knocked realizing it was hollow. You dug your nails breaking a few to pull out the boards but, it was worth it because you found a demon curled in on itself. It was a she with black hair and big blue eyes. Attached to her dirty pink kimono was a fox mask. You grabbed her ignoring her protests. "I'm so sorry but, I'm taking you away. You won't be hurt anymore. No more mean humans. I promise." You held her close to you as you busted down the last door to see it was empty. Something didn't seem right though. You placed the little demon girl down near you so you can check. You opened the closet to see it was empty looking up to see a string. Why would string be in a closet?

"C-careful." You turned to the little girl who flinched at your speed and you quietly apologized to her ignoring how she looked in awe at the apology. 

"I will be careful." Slowly you pulled the string and the whole top door fell out along with an arm that ended in claws. Thinking the worst you pulled the rest of the floorboards down and a demon fell down right on top of you. This one had wild white hair and a lot of scars. He was pretty heavy but, light at the same time. You needed both hands to carry him so, compromising you bent down to let the demon girl climb on your back. Once she was comfortable you maneuvered the unconscious demon in both arms and hurried down the stairs. It was a task and, you almost killed yourself flying down those stairs but, adrenaline kept you almost floating. You ran out of there and saw Avery waiting by your SUV. 

"I don't have any more room." They had a small car while yours was huge so understandable. You ushered them to grab your keys so they can open the door forgetting they didn't have your keys in the first place so, both of you placed the demons with the three siblings who were clinging to each other still watching the two of you like hawks. Once inside you turned to Avery giving them a hug and feeling them slip an envelope into your hand. You looked and saw stacks of hundreds. 

"Everything they ever did and had was illegal so, who are they going to call?" You forgot you also technically committed a crime but, all well. Money is money no matter where you got it from. This is why you loved Avery. "Meet you back at your place." You nodded going to your SUV turning it on and turning back to the demons. They were crowding around the unconscious one with all the scars. Why the hell was he unconscious in that hole? Bastards. You should have hit them harder. You pulled out there though and, looked in the mirror to see Avery was following you. Everything was going to be okay. They were going to be okay.


Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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