Ova1: accidental dimension travel
3rd pov
After y/n and his friends had a party trish had y/n, sora, ventus and nero to clean up the basement while her, lady, aqua and Kairi have a little girls time and Dante had a job involving a little girl name patty
Sora: man why did we have to get stuck with cleaning the basement?
Y/n: quit your complaining and put those over at that corner besides I bet you just want to go on a date with Kairi after you two kissed
With that little tease sora began to blush hard on how he knew that while ven and nero were laughing at that reaction
Sora: wah when how did you know that?!
Y/n: sora how home were in and also I was you two in the back of the room kissing
With the sora sighed in defeat in knowing he caught them and resume their work until sora knocked over a vile of snakes blood on accident and ven did the same but it was a vile of kamono saliva on the floor with the snakes blood mixing it together with the noise y/n and nero heard the commotion
Nero: really you two now we got to clean that up
Sora/ven: sorry
Y/n: let's hurry before something unexpecting happens
As soon as he said that a blue vortex appeared and they were being sucked into it but nero uses his demon arm to grab on the floor y/n quickly grabs onto nero
Nero: dude what the fuck man!?
Y/n: hey you were the closest one too me
Then ven and sora grab on to y/n so they don't get sucked into the vortex
Y/n: what the why are you two grabbing on to me?!
Ven: hey we don't want get near that vortex
Nero: uh guys we got a problem
They look at nero's giant demon arm and it was fading away as it was gone they fell into the vortex
Y/n: I bet the girls are having the best time right now!!!!!
Meanwhile with the girls
Lady: hey aqua do you have a crush on y/n *teases*
With that aqua chocked on her drink and blushes at her question
Aqua: wah I don't know what your talking about
Kairi: with a reaction like that you do have a crush on him
Aqua: I wouldn't be talking when you kissed sora
Kairi: *blushes* wah how did you know that?!
Aqua: y/n told me that he saw you two kissed
Trish: *laughs* I bet you thought of you and y/n kissing do ya
Aqua blushes as red as y/n trench coat as the girls laughed and back with the boys
Y/n pov
After me, nero, sora and ven we landed at a park on a hill
Y/n: is everyone alright?
Nero: more or less
Sora/ven: we're ok too
Y/n: that's good now where are we
We looked at the edge and see a city that neither us know or seen before
Y/n: yeah I don't think we're at the shop anymore
The others agreed we were about to go ask people where we are until the whole area around us changed and words that said "die" appeared and demons show up but we never seen these ones before
( I'm not going to use the picture of the enemies to those who played dmc you already know but those who don't look it up)
Nero: Damn I forgot red queen!
Y/n: just use yamato sora and ven use your keyblades
They did and I use rebellion but I decide to make it more fun I summoned my keyblade heart of rebellion to duel wield and charged at the demon and boy weren't as challenging then the ones back at home or the heartless and nobodies after the first two were dead I put both my weapons blade backwards to do what I like to call duel overdrive to launch he remaining demons on my end in the air then switched to Pandora to turn it to its sherikun mode and there it at them to weaken them when it came back I turned it into its rocket sentry turret and launch a bunch missiles and killed them once we took care of the demons me and the others regrouped I was about to say something I sensed someone behind me I turned and pulled out ivory along with nero pulling out his fire arm with sora and ven with their keyblades just to be safe we see a woman with a hood but she seemed transparent
Woman: whoa whoa easy I'm here to help
Me and the others look at each other not sure then we look at her again
Y/n: how can we trust you and why are you transparent?
Woman: ok first I'm not attacking you and my name is Kat and second the reason I'm transparent to you guys is because your in limbo a plain that's between heaven and hell while also being close to the living realm
(I don't know how to explained it if you can you know more on Dmc then Dec
Sora/ven: what you mean we're dead?!
Kat: not really you were just pulled into limbo so your not dead
Sora and ven breathed a in relief but one question came to mind
Y/n: how do we get out of limbo?
Kat: there are two ways one is that you kill the demon that pulled you in or I make a way to for you guys to escape but it seems the demon that pulled you in was called off because you were not its target so I'll help you guys out if you agree to meet with the ones I work with
Nero: sure their faster the better
Then she made a some kind of magic circle with paint that she said she made from things that sound disgusting sora and ven look like their about to puke after what they heard so we let her lead to meet with people she works with
Timeskip brought to you by dante and bayonetta flirting with each other
After hours of walking we were at a warehouse like building I saw a camera to watch the around the building as we made are way we see two people one was a man that was calm and with smile on his face probably trying to make a good impression and the other was a guy in a trench coat ugly ass emo hair and he was smoking
Calm man: hello you four I see Kat was able to have you guys meet us
Emo guy: I don't see a reason to even meet four teenagers
Calm man: please excuse my brother's rudeness well allow us to introduce are selves I'm vergil nice to meet you
Emo man: names dante and we're the sons of sparda
Me and nero were shocked that these guys are fathers while ven and sora didn't understand yet until it hit them we looked at each other so we know what to do
Ven: I'm ventus but please call me ven
Sora: I'm sora it's nice too meet you guys too
After they said their name sora and ven looked at me and nero nervously but me and nero just answer honestly
Nero: I'm nero
Y/n: and I'm y/n l/n
Y/n/nero: and we're the grandsons of sparda
As soon as we said that vergil went wide eyed as dante coughed
Dante: ok what the he'll you two got to be lying because I did not knocked some bitch up and have a kid
Y/n: oh believe me you emo haired dick the feelings same but lucky we're not from here
Dante: ok what did you just called me?!
Vergil: dante calm down and what do you mean you guys are not from here?
Nero: he means we're from a alternate dimension
Vergil: makes sense on how your related to sparda
Y/n: yeah so do you guys know how to help us get back to our dimension because I don't want to know what happens if we don't return
Kat: yeah all I need is to know what was used to take you guys back
We told Kat what was used to take us here she said it will take her a couple minutes to be ready so we just talked to this dimension version of dante and vergil
Dante: so kiddo what do you have as weapons
Y/n: well rebellion I got and some devil arms along with a keyblade version of rebellion I like to call heart of rebellion
Dante: neat so do you have a girlfriend? *winks nudge nudge*
Y/n: ok you are definitelymy father because he always teases me and aqua as a couple
Dante: ha knew it!
After awhile nero and vergil also chatted along with me and dante while sora and ven told them about what's going on in our dimension then Kat told us the portal is ready
Vergil: well it's nice to have you guys around especially my son and nephew
Dante:yeah same here make sure you guys kick some serious ass when you get back
Y/n/nero: you got it dad/father
With that we entered the portal e trip was as trippy as the light speed from star wars at the end of it we were at the front entrence of the shop
????: damn it just let me train my nephew and son will ya!!
?????: yeah no you can train your son but mine is for me to train!!!
With that two womens came flying out of the shop and don't tell me where we are
We couldn't believe are eyes of what were then we hear two more voices
????: can you two not fight
????: yeah we still need to set up the marriage
We see two more girls and oh boy this is so weird
Sora: waaaah why am I looking at a girl version of me!!!!
Ven: I don't know but we're not in our dimension
The girls looked at us but the two female versions of sora and riku lunged at me and nero in a hug and put are faces near their breast causing me and nero to blush while our sora is freaking out and ven is laughing his ass off
Fem sora/riku: y/n/nero
Right now I was trying to get out of fem sora's grip while nero was trying to do the same with fem riku
Y/n: ok hold up what is going on here and where are we?!
Fem sora: what are you talking about I'm showing my love for you and I thought you and nero would get back in three days?
Sora: um this is starting to get weird would you please let go of our friends so we can explain
When fem sora and riku saw our sora and ven they were confused but we manage to tell them we're from a different dimension then we met the male version of trish and lady and I must say the male lady is a lot more laid back lucky trish had already had the portal to take us back home apparently something like this before so we went through it as soon as we entered we were back at the basement and we agreed to not talk about it especially the thing with fem sora and me
To be continued
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