ch9: a date with xion and aqua (lemon)

author notes: hey guys this is my first lemon so I hope you guys enjoy the chapter now lets rock

Y/n's pov

after we stopped xehanort's plan we all celebrated and had some fun aqua, ventus and terra went back to the land of departure and made a memorial shrine for their beloved master who was like a father to them Lea, xion, and roxas to hang out like they did in the past along with isa, hanyer, peance and olette as for me I was back at the shop dad, lady and trish went out on a job while nero and kyrie went on their way and also started a devil may cry on the road right now I was chatting with riku, terra, roxas, ven and lea 

Y/n: man what a crazy event we had

lea: yah at least its all over

ven: right now we all can rest easy now with that out of the way

we kept chatting and sharing stories on what we did in the past like how I fought a giant lava spider that tried to kill me when I was on a job then I felt two pair of arms wrapping around both my arms I tensed up as I look I am greeted by a smirking aqua and xion

aqua: oh Y/n do you know what time is it~?

y/n: um I can take a guess

xion: its time for us to be dating~

y/n: oh boy um guys a little help here

as I look back only to see a outline appearance from where they were standing

y/n: oh thanks a lot guys!!!!!

aqua: come on y/n lets get this date started

xion: I can agree to that

with that they dragged me on the date I had no choice but to accept it because I did promise the I would take them on a date we start are date by going to the movies that we watch f/m (favorite movie) after a couple of hours in the movie both aqua and xion rubbed my crotch during the movie causing me to blush as they silently giggled once the movie was over we went to a restaurant to have lunch once we ordered are food began to talk

y/n: man it's times like this is where I can make the best of memories

xion: *smiles* you can say that again

aqua: I can agree to that

Y/n: so what are you guys going to do since we stopped xehanort?

there was a moment of brief silence which aqua and xion looked at each other and nodded then looked back at me

aqua: that is are little secret for now lets enjoy are date

xion: yeah

with that the waitress came with our food we chatted and enjoy are food once we finished are food we went to the park the same one when I first met xion we hung out for awhile there until the sun was starting to set so we head back to the shop to relax after a couple minutes of walking we made it back to the shop 

aqua: hey y/n me and xion have something for you

xion: but you have to wait we will be in your room we'll call for you when we are ready

y/n: ok? but why my room?

aqua: *giggles* its a surprise don't want to spoil it

with that both aqua and xion went to my room for some reason while I wait I pull out two small boxes as I look at them

y/n: I just hope they like them

xion: we're ready y/n you can come up

once I heard it was okay for me to come up I put the two small boxes back in my coat and head up stairs to my room after going pass a couple of doors I made it to my room once I went in I stopped to only see.....

3rd pov warning lemon in bound

as soon y/n stepped into his room he was quickly met with a sight of aqua and xion in their bra and panties as he was looking at them y/n began to have a large blush once aqua and xion saw his reaction the girls giggled and walk towards him as aqua took y/n to his bed while xion closes the door

y/n: *blushes* wh what are you girls doing

aqua: its simple y/n what we are doing

y/n: and that is?

xion: well y/n we love you is what we mean

y/n: you both love me?

xion: yes when I first met you at the park and helped me with those demons at that moment we became friends and as time went by I started to have feelings for you but I couldn't tell you cause I was running out of time I was afraid that you forgot me like everyone else but you didn't after you saved me from xemnes my feelings for you became much stronger

y/n: xion

then xion kissed y/n he was shock at first but melt into the kiss and kissed her back after a couple of minutes into the kiss the need for air caused the two to separate then aqua put both hands on both sides of y/n's face and kissed him just as passionate as xion which y/n kissed back then separate after a passionate kiss

aqua: you already know how i feel about you y/n but I love you too

y/n: *smiles* and I love you both too with all my heart

then all three of them began to kiss turning into a heated make out session as aqua and xion began to take off y/n's clothes as they took off his pants they see his bulge in his undergarments both aqua and xion blushed at the sight then made a lustful smirk

aqua: looks like someone is happy to see us~

xion: you can say that again~

then they both pulled his undergarment off only to have his member come out and surprised to see it fully erect then they both took turns to lick the base and tip of y/n's member after a couple of lick aqua switches with xion as she lick the tip while aqua licks the base

y/n: *groans* so *pants* good you both feel so good

then xion put half of his member in her mouth while aqua suck on part of his member that wasn't in xion's mouth after awhile of xion sucking on y/n's member she switched with aqua as aqua put half of his member in her mouth as xion does what aqua did befor they switched but she also messages his balls while sucking

Y/n: oh *moans* god this feels incredible 

with that reaction both aqua and xion pulled away causing y/n to get confused until they both undid their bras letting their breast out to be seen by him then they both put their breast to si member giving him the best feeling

y/n: oh *moans* god you *groans* two are the best

xion: I know I'm not as big as aqua but you-

before she could finish y/n cutted her off with a kiss then pulled away from her 

Y/n: I know your breast aren't that big but I don't mind because their yours and I love you and aqua the way you are

with that xion and aqua smiled and continue with what they were doing with their breast with one of them sucking the tip of is member once in awhile also taking turns sucking his member after a couple of movements with their breast and sucking on his member y/n was reaching his limit

y/n: girls I'm about to

before he could finish both aqua and xion stopped and moved their breast away with that action caused y/n to get confused by this

aqua: *smirk* sorry y/n but we cant have finish just yet until the best part

y/n's thoughts: okay now that's just evil

then aqua took off her panties and moved herself above y/n's member and slowly lowers herself until she felt his member inserted her womanhood slowly until it was met with a obstacle then finally inserts the whole thing letting out a moan of pleasure and pain

y/n: aqua are you okay?

aqua: yes I'm fine its just my first time is all

y/n: ok just don't force your self too much just take it slow ok?

aqua: ok I will thank you y/n

with that aqua slowly bounces on y/n's member slowly getting use to the feeling as this was going on xion puts both of her hands on y/n's shoulders lightly pushes him on his back and hovers over his head with her panties already off having her womanhood seen by him

xion: don't forget about me now

 y/n: *smiles* not in a million years 

then y/n proceeds to lick xion's womanhood as she feels his tongue brush against her she feels so much pleasure by the feeling while aqua had finally gotten used to the feeling she starts to speed up her movements as she bounces on is member

y/n: *groans* aqua your *moans* so tight

aqua: and your *moans* so big inside *moans* me

xion: his *moans* tongue work is *moans* amazing as well

then y/n puts his tongue in xion's womanhood making her let out loud and pleasurable moan then y/n puts his hands on aqua's waist and moving them to her butt coping a feel making aqua speed up her bounces even more after a couple of thrusts y/n was nearing his end

y/n: aqua I'm about to

aqua: me *moans* too lets cum together 

then after a couple more thrusts y/n ends up releasing inside aqua as she releases on his member then xion moves away form y/n's face and helps aqua off of him then aqua lays herself next to y/n as xion moves aboves his member she was about to lower herself until y/n stops her

y/n: wait xion are you sure your ready for this we can wait

xion: no its fine I'm ready for this please I want you to be my first

with that y/n nod allowing her to lower herself onto his member as the tip enters xion's womanhood she lets out a soft moan of pleasure until y/n is met with an obstacle he looks at xion as she nods to him allowing him to proceeds as he thrust in her pass the obstacle she lets out a moan of pleasure and pain as tears start coming from her eyes then y/n kisses them away as xion starts to bounce on his member slowly while y/n places kisses on her neck moving down to her breast earning a moan from her after awhile xion starts to pick up speed as she bounces on y/n's member

y/n: *moans* xion your so * groans* tight

xion: and your *moans* so big aqua was *moans* right

then as y/n and xion speed up their movements aqua moves to y/n placing a hand on his left cheek making him face her and taking one of his hands placing it on her breast having him fondle it while his other hand feeling xion's butt after a couple of thrusts y/n was nearing his end

y/n: xion I'm *groan* about to

xion: me *moans* too release inside me lets both cum together

then as they continue after a couple of more thrusts they both release with y/n releasing inside of xion as she releases on his member then they both fell back on the bed panting heavily after their fun

warning lemon over

y/n: *pants* man that was

xion/aqua: *pants* amazing

y/n: hey girls I got you something

then y/n goes to his coat to take out the two small boxes and gives them to aqua and xion

aqua: what is this?

y/n: *smiles* open it and find out

with that they both opened the small boxes in their hands to reveal two rings with each of their colors of their hair

xion: what is this?

y/n: aqua and xion you two are the most beautiful of women I have ever seen in all my life and you two are my everything will you both marry me?

aqua and xion were shock by this that they both smile and have some tears of joy

aqua/xion: yes a million times yes!!!!!

then they both kissed and got in the covers of the bed and let sleep take over ready for a bright future for them

to be continued

author notes: and done I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and my first lemon so let me know how I did and if I should do some lemons in my future stories and I will catch you guys in the next one

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