Ch8: final battle part 2: saving a friend from the past and unexpected entrence
y/n pov
After me and sora helped ven and aqua as well getting terra back and aqua confessed her feeling for me we had to get through a freaking hallway puzzle my father told me the many puzzles he had to go through on previous jobs so this will take awhile
Timeskip because I'm not good at how to explain puzzles
3rd pov
As y/n and sora are making their way to Kairi and lea they are fighting two individuals one with long blue hair and a x scar on his face and another that has their hood up as the young hooded figure did a couple strikes on Kairi then pushed her back about to continue their assault until lea came in and blocked the hooded figure and jumped back as the blue haired guy came in clashed each other's attacks as lea gets pushed back lea and Kairi heavily panted to catch their breath until sora and y/n called out to them
Sora: Kairi axel
Y/n: sorry we're late
Lea and Kairi looked back to see sora and y/n with keyblades in hand
Kairi: sora y/n
Lea smiles at them to know they got back up as lea turns to see the hooded figure about to attack him but y/n used his trickster style and teleported in front of lea and blocked the hooded figure's attack hen jumped back behind the blue haired man
Axel/lea: nice to see you two and thanks for the assist y/n
Y/n: no problem you three focused on mister blue hair I'll take the hooded one
Axel/lea: are you sure because anyone of us can help ya
Y/n: I'm sure and besides I know who I'm facing
Sora: alright just call one of us out to help you
Y/n: alright now this party getting crazy lets rock!!!!!
As y/n said that he teleported in front of the hooded figure and did stinger to push them away from the blue haired man as sora,lea and Kairi did their fight against the blue haired man as y/n and the hooded figure got a bit of distance away y/n did a upward slash to launch them into the air and did air combos but the hooded figure parried the last hit and kicked y/n backed to the ground and once the hooded figure landed they tried to attack y/n while he was down but he rolled back and stand back up and blocked the attack then they started to clash and parried their attacks y/n was just waited until the hooded figure wore them selves out once he saw his opening he then did a couple strikes then pushed them back near the blue haired man as he pushed back sora and Kairi as they we're knocked down he charges in but lea got in front of him
Axel/lea: stop it! Isa!
But isa didn't listen as he continued then they both clashed their weapons in a lock but isa easily pushed him back as lea was on his knees isa lift his weapon about to strike him down as lea looks at him as isa didn't strike down as xemnas appeared
Axel/lea: xemnas...
Xemnas: there was a time when I trusted you to deal with traitors. And now your betrayal outstrips them all what final words do you have for your superior
Y/n: how about you shut your trap! You silver haired wanna be you makes people with white or silver hair look bad
As y/n said that it ticked xemnas a little as sora and Kairi snickered at that comment as the hooded figure was trying to hold in their laughter then y/n tried to use stinger on xemnas who just side stepped and grabbed his wrist and threw him to lea's left side near him
Xemnas: you'll get your chance to fight me another time as I'm dealing with a former acquaintance
As xemnas was now standing in front of lea
Axel/lea: well let me think about it. How about "you were never my superior"
Xemnas: ah ever the rouge pawn knocked from the board early in the game utterly useless and forgotten
Axel/lea: you kidding? Do you know how popular I am? I got loads of people rootin' for me. Sorry boss now one axes axel. Got it memorized?
Then lea goose for a strike on xemnas as the keyblade got close to xemnas he grabs lea's keyblade stopping it from hitting him
Xemnas: is this supposed to be a keyblade? Or is it some sort of joke?
As xemnas said that a black wire came from his hand then he shot it out forcing lea to desummon his keyblade and push him slightly back then xemnas made a bunch of laser like dots appear around them then each laser started to shoot towards lea and doing some damage on him as lea was weaken as xemnas summons a laser near his hand and walks towards lea
Xemnas: our plans have been dashed by you... far more times than I care to count. Now it ends I will purge that light in you... with darkness!
As he was about to struck lea the hooded figure grabbed the laser before it got near lea while slightly burning their hand
Xemnas: changing sides again?
Hooded girl: we need him alive you know that
Xemnas: we only need his heart in order to forge the key. We do not need his soul oh... but that's right you were "friends" then... you take his life
Then the hooded girl stood up in front of lea while he was on his knees lea looked up at the hooded girl
Axel/lea: who... are you...?
As the hooded girl readied her keyblade I front of lea she was hesitating abit but was bout to strike him until y/n came in between them and lowered her keyblade as she looks at him y/n shakes his head in a no fashion
Y/n: you don't have to do this he doesn't control you
As she looks at him then looks away from him she then moved her keyblade to move his hand and jumps back a little as she tries to strike him but he hold up his keyblade block it then she continued to strike him to break his defense
Y/n: please stop
She then did a downward slash to clash their keyblades in a dead lock she trish to force him down but y/n kept his guard up
Y/n: it's alright! You can stop now!
As y/n said that as tears came down from his eyes not wanting to hurt his long lost friend and crush as she see his tears knowing he doesn't want to hurt her
Y/n: it's alright you don't have to do this don't you remember me how we became friends xion?
He said as more tears came down then she starts to loosen her grip on her keyblade then tears start to come down her face as she heard y/n said her name and remembers her then she drops her keyblade as y/n dropped his guard as she cries a little then starts clenching her head as memories of when she was with roxas and axel with some time she spent with y/n when he was younger as this was happening y/n placed a hand on her shoulder to help her ease out then xemnas appeared in front of xion
Xemnas: useless puppet
As xemnas said that y/n heard what he called her and it made in angry that he called her a puppet like what dante went through when he faced mundus
Y/n's thoughts: what did he just called her no one insults my friends and calls them a puppet!!!!
Then xemnas kicked xion as she was pushed back but y/n caught her that they both fall to the ground while x0they fall xion's hood came off revealing her face then lea puts his hand on his head as memories of her came back that he finally remembers
Axel/lea: xion!
Xemnas walks towards her a little but stops to see lea trying to stop him by grabbing his foot
Xemnas: your keyblade is no more and still you think you can play at being a guardian of light?
Moves his foot out of lea's grasp then stomps in his hand
Xemnas: you can wait your turn... also-ran
As xemnas readied is laser about to finish off xion as y/n started to glow red as he holds xion close to him and glares angrily at xemnas lea tries to reach them then sora's body starts to glow as a heart came out then small light came down towards them xemnas quickly moves away as y/n picks up xion bridal style and moves with what came down to them
????: hands off my friends
Then xemnas knows that voice then stands up straight
Xemnas: it cannot be!
As lea looks at the hooded boy as y/n sets xion down gently as she looks at the hooded boy the he took his hood off to reveal it is roxas who as two keyblades out
Lea: roxas...
Roxas looks over his shoulder with a smile glad to see his friend again
Roxas: my turn
Roxas looks back at xemnas as lea and xion gets up as y/n stands with a red glow around him as sora notices this
Sora: hey y/n why are you glowing red?
Y/n: you'll see soon
Xion: roxas...
Roxas looks at her over his shoulder as y/n starts to walk beside roxas summoning his keyblade
Xemnas: this is impossible. Where did you get a vessel?
Roxas: same as you
Xemnas: same how...?
Roxas: most of the organization's members they traveled here from the past as hearts and you had replicas ready and waiting one fore each of them.
Xemnas: who told you?
Roxas: I owe my return to many some of them people you knew
Xemnas: ansem the wise zexion...
Roxas: *lifts oblivion up to point it at him* and others too it seems your not as good at winning over people's hearts as you think
Xemnas: ah i see....
Roxas: there was one thing I needed in order for me to be whole again a connection sora and y/n here helped me find my way back here... to my friends.
Sora: roxas
Y/n: heh no prob there man xion is a friend of mine since I was younger a friend of hers is a friend of mine and thanks to two people I do this
Y/n activates his devil trigger but it's not his normal one it was different and more powerful
(I don't own this pic and you guys can think of a name for it)
Everyone near y/n was in awe looking at his new form as xemnas was not expecting his power
Y/n: now the tables have turned!
Xemnas: I don't need hearts I will scatter them all to the winds!
As xemnas said that disappears and reappears behind Kairi and grabs her wrist
Sora: kairi!
Kairi: sora!
Xemnas: what difference does one little light make? You have others just as we have more darknesses to replenish our ranks
As xemnas teleported away sora tries to stop him but it's too late and isa lands in front of sora as he stops and roxas went to sora's side followed by y/n as the three nodded to one another lea sites to go help but xion stops him by putting her arm up
Xion: rest axel roxas will fight in your place and I'll fight for kairi
Lea looks at her and see she's right and smiles
Axel/lea: yeah... when it comes to keyblades you're the old hands
Xion nods and smiles but before she went to their side to fight isa
Axel/lea: and if I remembered correctly you still have your little crush on y/n * says in a tease tone*
Xion: *blushes* how do you know that!
Axel/lea: you use to talk an awful lot about him now go help them
Before she even tried to talk back she just lets it go and goes to the others side to fight isa as they all get in their stances
(Play the devil trigger song for this fight)
Y/n: you guys wait for me to make an opening once I do you guys attack with everything you got
Sora, xion and roxas nod isa and y/n charge at each other they clash y/n launches isa in the air and did some air combos then slams him to the ground then y/n pushes isa back and charges drive to use overdrive once it's fully charged he lunches it once it hits it deactivated isa's power state making him wide open sora and the others went in and attack isa roxas did a couple of duel wielding attacks to push isa back then xion followed up with slashes and launched isa in the air lastly sora jumped in the air and did some air combos after he did the last hit to knocked isa back down once isa landed on the ground isa did a desperation move that knocked sora, roxas and xion back then isa charged at xion but y/n intercepted isa once they clashed they started to slash and parry each other once y/n manage to get the upper hand in the clash roxas ran in to help y/n to fight isa once that happened roxas threw oblivion to y/n who caught it they both did team attacks on isa once that was finished isa ran towards roxas to attack him y/n threw oblivion back to roxas who caught it and used both to block isa's attack and pushed him back then y/n pulled out ebony and shot near isa's feet to get his attention once isa looked at y/n who was still in his new devil trigger form they both ran towards each other to do a final strike once both were near each other they strike at the same time as they passed each other backs facing them both isa dropped his weapon as y/n fell to his knees and deactivated his devil trigger while using his keyblade as support to keep him self xion and sora went to him to check on him as axel went to isa
Short timeskip
(Stop the music hear)
Y/n pov
After lea talked to his old friend as he faded as sora tuts I being re completed I was taking Short break as sora went on ahead to help Kairi as roxas, lea and xion had their tearful reunion roxas went to me
Roxas: hey you ok?
Y/n: yeah just that my new devil triggr form was a little taxing but with a short break I'll be find
Roxas: that's good I'm roxas by the way
Y/n: nice to meet ya I'm y/n l/n the grandson of sparda but just y/n is fine
As we talked xion and lea went to use oñce they it near xion surprised me with a kiss I was taken back at first but I leaned into it and kissed back after a few moments we separate
Xion: I always wanted to do that because I have feelings for you y/n ever since after we spent so much time and also as I was in my final moments I found out I as in loved it you
Y/n: I felt the same way even after you disappeared and when some of my memories were fading away I refused to lose them becaue I love you too but I also love aqua
Xion: I think me and her can come up with something
After we had are moment roxas and lea said in unison "she loves you" causing us to blush then we heard some commotion from where sora was at
Y/n: guys in going on ahead to check it out
Roxas: go it looks like its going to be serious
With that I went to where sora was at to see if I can help in anyway so nothing bad can happen
To be continued
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