Ch7: the keyblade graveyard
Y/n pov
After everyone was done to do what they need and prepared we all gathered in the main floor of the shop me and the others were going by portal while sora, Donald and goofy go by gummi ship as riku,Mickey,ven,lea,Kairi and nero go in first it was only me and aqua whirl my dad as working to protect a little girl name patty who I met a couple days ago with Morrison me and patty got along well she looked at me as a brother figure which I don't mind while lady and trish had hobs of their own i was about to go into the portal until aqua grabbed my hand I turned around to look at her
Y/n: what's wrong aqua
Aqua: it's nothing just be careful this will be the toughest fight I just don't want to lose anymore friends especially you
Y/n: *smiles* it's alright aqua well be fine and plus my grandfather sparda was a powerful demon who fell in love with a human but even if I fall *grabs his necklace* I have people close to me to help me back up
As aqua looks at me with a warm smile she looks at my necklace she was shocked at it
Aqua: where did you get that necklace from?
Y/n: my dad said it was my mother's he said she wanted me to have it before she died so she can be close to us even when she is not here anymore why do you ask?
Then she pulled one out like it but blue
Aqua: I also have one even one for terra and ven I made and put a special magic for a unbreakable connection
Y/n: that's a beautiful way aqua I think mine has a special magic too but I don't know yet
Aqua: then well find out together
With that I smiled and she smiled too the both of us nodded and walked into the portal
3rd pov
As everyone got to the keyblade graveyard they all look at each other then they look ahead of the entrance
Mickey: it's time the keyblade graveyard is up ahead.
As everyone nodded sora and y/n notice something
Sora: someone's comping
Y/n: yeah I can feel a presence
A figure walks towards them with the blow of sand counseling his appearance until he walks out of the sand the man known as xehanort with a smirk on his face ven, aqua and Mickey react to this seeing the man that cost them pain and hardship as xehanort stops in place to have his saying
Xehanort: legend has it that darkness once covered the world. We know so little about the keyblade war only that it was just the beginning. If ruin brings about creation then what would another keyblade war bring? When the darkness falls will we be found worthy of the precious light the legend speaks of?
Then another man appeared known as ansem xehanort's heartless stand on xehanort right side
Ansem: or will all of creation be instead returned to the shadows? Today we will recreate the legend and see.
As sora grunts he and riku both look at ansem that they have fought before then another man appeared next to xehanort on the left side of him the man is known as xemnes
Xemnes: but first... your light shines far too brightly. It must be extinguished in order for the truth to be seen.
As he finished to more figures appeared vanitas stands in front of between xemnes and xehanort and a young man standing next to vanitas on his right side he is xehanort of his youth
Vanitas: only when your hopes have been broken by battle upon battle can the key be claimed to kingdom hearts
Young xehanort: and break you is what we shall do it as been etched.
As they finished they were pouring out darkness around them as it expands and everyone got in a defensive stance ready for anything the darkness flowed around them and covered the sky heartless started to rained down
Sora: look at ow many there are!
Everyone got worried expression expect for nero and y/n they faced numbers this big before and they walk forward nero reaching for red queen and y/n summoning his keyblade
Y/n: heh this is nothing looks like this party is getting crazy come on guys let's rock!!!
Mickey: *summons his keyblade* he's right guys it's now or never get ready!
As they get surrounded by heartless, nobodies and unversed everyone summoned their weapons aqua and ven ran to y/n and nero to help them as everyone else charged in groups of two or four
(Play the song this fire burns)
Y/n did a horizontal strike to take out three heartless then one nobody and one unversed try to strike y/n from behind but nero and aqua saw this nero used his demon arm to pull the unversed away from y/n as aqua fired a fira at the nobody and got a direct hit on it and dissipates as nero did combo a on the unversed while ven was having trouble taking on a large group of heartless and unversed hen y/n used trickster style to teleport next to ven then he pulled out Pandora and turned it into its shrikin mode and threw it at half of the heartless then it came back to his hands and switched back to heart of rebellionthen him and ven looked at each other and nod then the two did a team attack that use both their speed attacks that they did attacks before they realised what happen then while both y/n and ven were on opposite sides of each other they threw their keyblades towards each other through the group of unversed that both keyblades scrapped each other ven's keyblade went to y/n while his went to ven they both did a couple of practice swings hen ven charged at the unversed and did stinger going threw the group of unversed stopping next to y/n while y/n was charging up an attack similar to drive but added a explosive magic then fired it making a giant explosion finishing off the group of unversed then they gave each other their respective keyblades then they went back to nero and aqua y/n strikes down a nobody that tried a surprise attack on aqua while ven did the same to a heartless ext to nero then nero used is demon arm again and grabbed a unversed and looked at y/n
Nero: hey y/n here you go!!!
Nero threw the unversed at y/n as he turned around and did a diagonal slash on the unversed then aqua, ven, nero and y/n regrouped back to back
Aqua: we got to get to the the keyblade graveyard to regroup with the others
Nero: eseaier said then done there's a large group of them blocking the way
Ven: then what do we do?
As ven said that a glowing magic train came near them taking outthe surrounding heartless, unversed and nobodies aqua, ven, nero and y/n look and see sora, Donald and goofy ridding on it taking out the enemies faster than they can appear and clearing and opening for them
(End of song)
Y/n: well looks like they got it from here let's go
The others nod and thay ran to the opening through the small path way to the graveyard once they reach the other side they regrouped with Kairi, lea, riku and Mickey
Mickey: hey guys you all right?
Y/n: yup how about you guys
Kairi: yeah we're fine what about sora, Donald and goofy?
Nero: don't worry their whooping some ass they'll be here right about now
As he said that they came from the entrance once they regrouped they look straight ahead and see a man around aqua's age
Y/n pov
We manage to regroup with everyone Mickey turned to us to make sure that all of use are fine
Mickey: is everybody okay?
Kairi nodded and lea gave a thumbs up ven and aqua gave a look that said "we're okay" sora the upper part of his lip signifying his group is are okay as well me and nero look at each other and nodded while giving each other a bro fist of us being a top performance
Sora: c'mon let's go
Everyone nodded at that ven then looks at another direction ahead of us I followed his gaze and see a tall man with a arm gauntlet with Brown hair staring blankly at the ground
Y/n thoughts: something dosen't feel right about him
Ven: terra!
Even runs to his friend while aqua tries to stop him
Aqua: ven!
As ven reach terra he grabbed his wrist while calling for him
Ven: terra! We found you!
Then terra looked at him still with a blank expression on his face then aqua reaches ven and terra and looks at him while I walk to them but keeping my distance just to be on the safe side
Aqua: terra please say you're in there.
Then terra looks at aqua still with a blank expression me and aqua look closer into his eyes that their not normal aqua sees this and walks to ven's side putting a hand on his shoulder pulling back away from terra behind her while I walked up and stand next to aqua as the others run up stopping behind us at a little distance
Ven: what gives aqua?
Aqua: I know your not him
Ven: huh?!
Aqua: now let our friend go!
As "terra" closed his his smiled with a hmph I know that smile is not a one you give to your friends so it's not him then his hair turned from Brown to a white or silver color as everyone got in a defensive stance as ven gave a worried look seeing what happen to his friend then "terra" looked at us with his eyes open instead of blue they were an amber color
Mickey: he is their thirteenth
Terra?: today is the day you all lose
He said with darkness coming off him
Aqua: what?!
Terra?: before you even face the thirteenth every last one of you will be torn from heart from body. But fear not*summons a keyblade* the x-blade will still be forged
Sora: we're not gonna lose to you
With that"terra" smiled then chuckled abit and vanished before aqua notice he was next to her ready to strike at ven but I took action and quickly stood in front of ven I summoned my keyblade to block he then strike with a enough force to knock me and ven back while ven was would be safe from the attack I on the other hand suffered only a strike to the shoulder the force knocked us back to the cave entrance I manage to shield ven from the impact "terra" smiled at the minor damage he did on me while I gently put a knocked out ven on the ground I look at "terra" aqua had a concerned look on her face when she saw us
Aqua: ven! Y/n!
Sora: that's it!
Soar summoned his keyblade along with lea sora charged at "terra" and true to attack with his keyblade but was stopped by orb of darkness coming from terra's? Hand sora tried to pull his keyblade away but couldn't then terra? Pushed him back and sora fell on his back then terra? looked at Kairi and lea Kairi was in a defensive stance and lea had his keyblade ready then terra? charged at them going straight for Kairi but lea got in front of her he blocked an attack from terra? then lea was knocked back hitting one small rock and into medium size rock
Kairi: axel!
Then Kairi looked at terra? ready to swing down in her but sora got back up and ran towards her trying to reach her as Mickey and riku got worried Donald and goofy ran to him along with nero
Mickey: no sora!
Nero thoughts: not no my watch!
Soar got to Kairi and hugged her to shield her from the attack just as terra? striked down the attack was blocked by goofy's shield and nero's red queen the clash knocked back both terra? and goofy while nero used his demon arm and punched terra? in the air then Donald was charging up powerful magic attack a magic circle appeared around him I looked at it so I can remember it because trish taught me a or two about magic then i hear goofy called out to him
Goofy: Donald don't!
Donald: zettaflare!!!!
A larges beam fired right at terra? he tried to shield himself with his arms but it was too much for him then he was engulfed by the beam then the beam started to die down and dissipate Donald was in a stance and everyone else relaxed then aqua came to me to see it I was alright I'm going to have it when this is over then i noticed that Donald st I in the stance from when he used that attack then he dropped his staff and collapse on the ground goofy and Mickey went to his side worried for there friend then my attention went to ven me and aqua went to him
Aqua: ven....
Y/n: he's alright just unconscious
Aqua: what about you are you alright?
Y/n: heh I'll be fine I only took a hit in the shoulder my healing factor already took care of that
Aqua: that's good
Then I see Kairi and riku at lea's side nero went to us he just playfully punch my arm for taking a hit for ven while sora was standing there worried
Sora: this can't be
Then he notice a portal of darkness on the ground something tells me this is not over yet
Then a giant swarm of heartless came out of it bigger then the last one it stays in the air waiting I got up ready for a fight then riku looks at sora then he runs to him
Riku: pull it together sora! We haven't lost then they still have their hearts but we have to protect them
Sora: *with a determine look* right!
Aqua and I went to them to help them I stood next to her and she stood next to sora
Aqua: we stand together
Y/n: you got that right no way I'm letting anyone hurt my friends nero you protect ven
Nero: but
Y/n: you and the others are still standing you have to be the last defence if we fall
Me, aqua, riku and sora ran past mickey, goofy and Donald and summon are keyblades
Aqua: mickey, kairi, goofy watch the others
Mickey: no we should all get to safety while we still can
Riku: it's too late for that
As he said that we see another swarm of heartless then more started to appear then they went to the one that's forming a giant tornado of heartless we see there are a lot more heartless the we thought this is definitely not good
Aqua: it can't be.... no....
I look at aqua who has a troubled look on her face as she loosened her grip on her keyblade go in front of her
Y/n: aqua you can't lose hope not now
Then serpent swarm of heartless went to us i turned around and grip my keyblade brought it up instance to block it as soon it came near Me I blocked it but struggling to keep them back so I activated my devil trigger to hold them back
Y/n: aqua get out of the way whi,e you still can!!!
Aqua: y/n no don't do this i don't want to lose you
She said that I was being covered by mist of darkness as I was losing my defence what I didn't expect was that aqua hugged me from behind with tears coming out of her eyes
Aqua: please I haven't got the chance to tell you something!!!
Now I'm about to break my guard I can't keep up I deactivated my devil trigger
Y/n: aqua!!!!
Aqua: y/n!!!!
And with that my guard broke we both get swallowed up all I can see was darkness
Sora's pov
After I saw y/n and aqua get swallowed I couldn't do anything
Riku: aqua! Y/n!
Then I see another went to nero and ven while nero tried to get him and ven out of the way but they get swallowed as well then i see them went to Kairi and axel no not her then it went for mickey, goofy and Donald swallowed them as well then I I Kairi I tried to reach for her and she tried to reach for me but it took her in to the tornado of heartless after I was that I let go of my keyblade and went on my knees
Sora: graaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I slammed my hands on the ground and tears came out of my eyes then I hear riku ran to me
Riku: sora!
Sora: they're gone kairi, Donald.... goofy, the king...... gone forever*looks at riku* what do we do? Without them.... i.... all my strength came from them they gave me all of it alone I'm worthless we've lost its over
After I said that we step there in silence then riku stood up and said
Riku: sora you don't believe that I know you don't
Then he walked in front of me going to the tornado of heartless at a distance away from me then another serpent swarm of heartless came out of the tornado and came right for us then riku stopped and ready his keyblade to do a stab then as it came closer he lunged his keyblade forward and clashed against the it preventing it to get us as some went around us riku was using all of his strenght to keep it away
Riku: gggrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I see some dark mist coming on him like I did with y/n I reached my hand forward to him then he gets swallowed up then it came for me then is swallowed me too
3rd pov
Then with that darkness prevailed and light expired
As it's shown ten gold pieces surround the main white piece as two young boys play a game that represent light and darkness
Boy in black: *places his final piece* checkmate and so darkness prevails and the light expires you need a new strategy
Boy in white: my move isn't it?
Then the boy in white grabs his main piece and puts it on his side of the board
Boy in black: huh?
Boy in white: it's not over
Boy in black: c'mon that's not fair I know I had you
Boy in white: yes you nearly did but a games no fun if you know where it's going there's more to light than meets the eye I told you
Then more chess pieces appear several with stars on them while one shows a unique symbol
Boy in white: some light comes from the past
Scene change with y/n
As y/n was waking up from being unconscious he stands and look around of is surroundings and see a place of clear skies with a water like ground with a mansion in the distance then he hears a voice calling him
?????: huh I never knew I would see you in a place like this
Y/n turns around and see a man with white hair like him but pulled back wearing a blue trench walking towards y/n
?????: think about it who do I look like if I did this
Then he undo his hair as it resembles y/n's father then it hits him
Y/n: u uncle vergil?
Then the man smiles then pulled his hair back as it was
Vergil: the one and only it's nice to finally meet you my nephew
Y/n: I can't believe I'm finally meeting you! But where are we?
Vergil: this place is the place where you go after your final moments
Y/n: I'm dead?! Then I failed everyone
Vergil: your half right but your still alive there is something that is keeping you in the living realm not just one but two very special people that means a lot to you
Y/n: then how do I get out of here then do i have to do something first?
Vergil: yes as we speak nero and one of your girlfriends are trapped by some heart stealing specter all you have to do is dive into the place they are trapped in defeat it realise them I'll show them back
Y/n nods and summons his keyblade points it at the grown to open a portal to reach nero and aqua he was about to jump in but he turn to vergil
Y/n: uncle after this will you be able to be with my grandparents?
Vergil: unfortunately no im stuck here I can't see them they probably wouldn't want to see me
Y/n: *smiles* are you sure about that let's see what they think
Then y/n takes his necklace off with it in his hand he reaches it to vergil
Vergil: what are you doing?
Y/n: put your hand on the necklace please
Vergil puts his hand on the necklace as it made contact a light appeared as it died down two familiar faces are standing near them as vergil has a shocked look while y/n has a smile on his face
Sparda/eve: hello son
Vergil: but how?
Y/n: it's thanks to the necklace i believe aqua calls it a wayfinder so since you lost your way I thought I help you find it again
Sparda: it's nice to see you again son thanks to the way finder we can see each other and just so you know your wrong about us not wanting to see you
Eve: that's right you may have done the wrong thing in the past but people can change for the better you are no different my son
As they said that vergil smiled and cried tears of joy from the kind words from his parents what he was surprised that y/n hugged him
Y/n: it's nice to finally see you uncle
Then vergil returned the hug with a smile as well with some tears of joy at being called uncle as they part from the hug and sparda and eve return to the way finder y/n gets near the portal
Vergil: nephew make sure you tell my son nero I said hi and also go save your girlfriend
Y/n: *blushes* aqua is not my girlfriend?!
Vergil: *chuckles* funny I never said aqua
Then y/n just puts his head down in defeat that he fell for that so he nods and jumps in the portal
Y/n pov
After I jumped in the portal I was in a park where i met nero and kyrie while that I see both aqua and nero being held up in a orb then a phantom with a heartless symbol floating in between them
Y/n: so this is the specter that uncle told me about this will be easy
As i said that the phantom summoned more heartless to defend it self
Y/n: me and my big mouth
I summoned my keyblade and take a step forward then multiple heartless in the air surround me charging at me as they all got close to me I smirked i activated my quicksilver to freeze time and slashed all the heartless around me then got behind the phantom I deactivated quicksilver as the heartless slashed at all been taken out the phantom looked for me I took the chance to take it out without having to fight it I do a diagonal slash to cut it in half taking it out as that was done I point my keyblade at nero first and a beam came out to disperse the orb while it was gone I see a light going up meaning I freed nero then I did the same with aqua after I freed them a bright light appeared I closed my eyes after awhile I here a voice calling me
????: y/n come on we have to get back to the others
I open my eyes I was in a path way with a light up ahead i go towards it I see aqua waiting for me with a smile
Y/n: aqua why are you still here?
Aqua: well a man with a blue coat told me I can go ahead with the others but I wanted to wait for so we both can go
Y/n: then your one of the two people that kept hanging on to me
Aqua: yup now shall we go meet up with the others
She offered her hand to me I gladly accepted with a smile we both head to the light we both closed are eyes then once we felt we're on solid grown we opened our eyes we see everyone else standing in one piece
Sora: you guys made it!
Y/n: yup now let's finish what we started
With that we all nodded and ran towards the entrance to the keyblade graveyard where we got jumped
To be continued
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