Ch:8 final battle part 1 releasing the possessed one


3rd pov

As the guardians of light make their way to enter the keyblade graveyard y/n and nero slowed down to talk a little 

Y/n: hey nero you won't believe who I met

Nero: oh yeah who did you meet?

Y/n: vergil your father he said hi by the way

Nero was shocked at this but he smiled knowing he got a message from his father once they got done talking they made it back were they got ambushed and ventus looked and saw a familiar face

Ven: terra!

Aqua: ven!

Y/n: here we go again

Even rand towards terra? once he got near him he grabbed his left wrist

Ven: terra! We found you!

Like last time terra? Looked at ven with a blank expression once aqua made to where ven is she looked at terra?

Aqua: terra please say your in there

Then terra? Looked at aqua with the same expression y/n was at the same spot he was at before but this time ready take on the possessed terra

Ven: what gives aqua?

Aqua: I know that your not him

Ven: huh

Aqua: now let are friend go!

Terra? Looked down the same as last time with a hmph with his hair changing Brown to silver or white

(Can anyone tell me the hair color is it white or silver because it always confuses me)

Everyone expect y/n was in a defensive stance y/n knew what's going to happen he wasn't going to be caught off guard twice then terra? Looked up with his eyes with Amber color instead of blue

Mickey: he is their thirteenth

Possessed terra: today you all lose

Aqua: what!?

Possessed terra: before you even face the thirteenth every last one of you will be torn heart from body. But fear not ( summons keyblade) the x-blade will still be forged

Y/n&sora: we're not gonna lose to you

With a chuckle he disappeared  y/n was about to intercept but a voice stopped him

????: he's mine protect aqua and ven save strength to save someone you care for

Y/n: huh?!

But before possessed terra could reach aqua and ven something stopped him with a dust clouded around them but the dust settled possessed terra saw someone he saw a man in some armor with a keyblade in hand to block his attack

Possessed terra: who are you?

Armored man: got you xehanort

The armored man pushed possessed terra back everyone was surprised at the sudden entrance the armored man looked at y/n and nods y/n wasn't sure but knew it was a sign for thank you for protecting my friends even with the helmet on he could tell the armored man was smiling so y/n nods back with a smile

Aqua: terra?

Terranort: this is impossible!

The armored terra began to walk towards terranort

Armored terra: how I've waited for this moment

Armored terra stopped at a distance away while terranort got into a fighting stance armored terra brought his keyblade up and turned it into a whip like weapon he then launched it towards terranort who went to block it but the keyblade whip wrapped around terranort's keyblade then armored terra manage to get terranort in to the air while in the air terranort let go off his keyblade then dived bombed towards armored terra who reverted his keyblade back to normal then turned it into a giant cannon that's bigger than pandora's rocket cannon then armored terra charged up a beam attack to weaken terranort while terranort didn't have time to block once the cannon fired he took the full force of it that pushed him back even more above ground then resummoned his keyblade while armored terra was running towards him turning the cannon back into a keyblade he jumped up towards terranort once the two were near they started to fight in mid air while that was happening ven wanted to help terra

Ven: terra!

But aqua it a hand on his shoulder to stop him

Aqua: no ven

Ven: but-

Aqua: them first

Then a large group of heartless while another group of heartless came out of a portal on the ground sora wasn't sure which one to go after but aqua and ven went to the ones that were coming from the entrence they took

Aqua we'll hold off the others

Sora: right be careful 

Y/n: nero lets go well help them hold them off with aqua and ven

Nero: you got it lets show them what we're made of

With that they charged at the heartless y/n used stinger with heart of rebellion and launched a group of them in the air and switched to sword master style and did some mid air combos then he signaled nero to switch with him nero used his demon arm on y/n to propel him into the air near the heartless that are in the air and did shuffle to keep them in the air then pulled him self to another heartless while y/n had pandora out in its rocket cannon mode and fired the three rockets at the heartless once the rockets connected the explosion took them out once y/n put pandora back into its suit case another group tried to surround and pounce on him but he quickly switched to angi and rudra then did a flaming tornado that took them out while nero was slashing and grabbing some heartless he sees a group of heartless ready to pounce on him nero started to heat up red queen once it was ready he started to spin around with burning flames running through the sword and once his group his dealt with him and y/n see everyone else took out their groups of heartless

Sora, donald and goofy are having some trouble with their fight

Sora: c'mon 

Then the serpent heartless started spin around in tornado fashion

Goofy: something's wrong

Donald: look out

Then all of the heartless are being pulled in by the force of the serpent heartless then a stream of heartless came out and grabbed some left over heartless and a nobody then did the same with a giant heartless riku and Mickey were fighting as the tornado of heartless was increasing in size everyone stood their ground ready for another stream to come out

Goofy: what now

Donald: sora?

Sora: I'll stop it!

Then sora charges in at the tornado of heartless

Donald/goofy: sora!!!!

Then another stream of heartless came out and headed to sora while sora kept running towards it after taking out one heartless comming at him he then jumped up about to strike down not before seeing a light blinding him for a small moment then see a person with silver hair and around sora's age or younger then the boy turned to look at sora with a smile

Boy: need some help?

Sora: huh?

Then sora lands back on the ground thenhe looks up and see something in the air he sees the keyblades of the fallen keyblade wielders of the far past and formed a stream of keyblades  going around the tornado of heartless everyone looks up in amazement of all the keyblades in the graveyard the the stream of keyblades flown right past sora as he starts running along with the stream he then jumps on one of the keyblades and rides it before he entered the the eye of the storm of heartless y/n and nero jumped on behind sora

Y/n: will keep off the stragglers you focus on the core

Sora: right

Y/n: hey nero use this *gives him ivory* I know you have blue rose but you have to reload after firing you don't have to worry with that

Nero: thanks now let do this

As sora fights of the heartless in the front y/n and nero fend off as they were getting closer to the core the heartless focus on the front sora was having some trouble then y/n came up with an idea

Y/n: nero I have an idea

Nero: I'm all ears

Y/n: sora, me and nero will once that happens hammered the core with everything you've got

Sora: right

Y/n: like my load man loves to say

Nero: I see where your going with this

(Your dante and nero is vergil and the blob monster is the giant group of heartless)

Y/n/nero: jackpot

Once they both fired they took out a lrage portion of heartless giving sora the opening he needs and launched all the keyblades at the core and destroying it once they landed sora looked up and admired  the sight as the keyblades grouped up and disappeared as fast as they came

Riku: sora, nero y/n

The three looked and see their friends running to them

Riku: are you guys ok?

Y/n/sora/nero: yeah

Mickey: what was that?

Aqua: keyblade wielders... from long ago

Ven: it's the light of the past

Everyone was look ing at the beautiful event but Kairi notices something

Kairi: huh look

She points at a figure walking towards them masked in dust 

Lea: just send out the big bad

As the figure came closer riku notices who it is and was not happy about it the figure turned out to be a younger version of riku

Young riku? chuckles at the reaction of the real riku gave 

Riku: you!

Mickey: the organization's been using hearts ones  xehanort got to in the past and has influence over so that must be you from when an Sen had control of your heart

Riku: yeah how could I forget?

Young riku?: *chuckles* I'd say that was our finest hour

Riku: wrong my hour of weakness

Young riku?: you sure? How about we find out?!

As he said that darkness was flowing around him that darken the sky and summoned a shadow figure of xehanort and hovered over them with its arms spread

Young riku?: a real test for the mark of mastery!

Riku: what did you say?!

Xigbar: we gotta make sure you're not blundering your way toward a second failure

Xigbar showed up via portal of darkness aqua and ven gave looks as they met the guy before

Lea: blundering? I'll have you know we failed with style chief

Xigbar: at least you admit it well if you guardians think you brought the goods you'll have to prove it to the old guy one last time

Then xigbar put his hand on the young riku? shoulder

Xigbar: kid take it away

Then he leaves through a portal as the young riku? Looked back at them then did a short laugh then unleashed more darkness into the shadow figure as it disappeared in its place heartless rained down from the sky as the young riku? finished he portals away leaving everyone to fight the heartless

Sora: this again

Nero: this is starting to get repetitive 

As everyone readied their weapons to fight the heartless then a stream of heartless came at sora but he slashed it away as more heartless continued to rain down another heartless tried to jump on aqua but was shot back by y/n with ivory that had been return by nero then riku slashed at a heartless then nero followed suit aqua and ven were back to back same with Kairi and lea along with y/n and nero doing the same as well as riku and Mickey

Mickey: this isn't good 

Then ven slashed at one of the heartless and now nobodies got involved 

Aqua: form up! Now!

Then everyone formed up in a group being surrounded by a large amount of heartless, unversed and nobodies Mickey was looking around their surroundings then Donald hit one of the heartless Mickey was about to do something but riku stopped him Mickey looked at him while riku shook his head in a no fashion

Riku: if you try to use time magic against these numbers you won't have enough strength for the final battle

While goofy took out a heartless while sora blocked an attack from one everyone was panting heavily while y/n and nero took out two more heartless and unversed then lea took out a heartless once Mickey see that riku is right he lowered his keyblade then aqua took out another heartless while y/n shot one behind her with ivory again 

Aqua: I'll try and break through everyone get ready

Ven: alone? That's crazy! I'll help!

Kairi: two is no better

Lea: yeah splitting up's a bad idea!

Y/n: I agreed with lea on this one 

Once everyone took out a heartless or two they were grouped together

Goofy: there's way too many!

Then a large wave of heartless started to form up Donald look around frantically 

Donald: we're finished!

As the large wave of heartless launched towards them and pillar of light came in front of them stopping the large wave of heartless everyone shielded their eyes from the pillar of light then as the light faded and everyone looked to see its master yen sid that stopped the heartless 

Sora/donald/goofy: master yen sis!

Then yen sid started to use his magic to prevent the heartless from advancing he made walls of light that surrounded everyone and made a path way to the graveyard its self 

Yen sid: go my young champions I will hold them all here for as long as I can

Mickey: we're not going to leave you behind!

Then Donald and goofy looked at each other and nodded then stood in front of sora 

Donald you guys go on!

Goofy: me and Donald will stay here the two of us'll back up master yen sid!

Nero: you mean the three of us I'll stay to back him up as well besides the road ahead is not my place

Y/n: nero good luck and kick some ass 

Then nero activated his devil trigger armed with red queen and yamato

(If your wondering his devil trigger form will be the one from Dmc 5 I will not spoils on what it looks like)

Sora: donald... goofy...

Donald: you're a whole pint by yourself sora

Goofy: don't worry we'll catch up with ya in just a bite!

Sora: okay!

Mickey: we'll regroup later

The path way was closing and the heartless started to come close again but yen sid strengthens the wall of light 

Yen sid: make haste

Everyone else that was not staying nodded and ran down the path way that yen sid made 

Y/n pov

As we enter the graveyard I see a bunch of old keyblades all stuck into the ground there's so many that its hard to count so i asked aqua

Y/n: hey aqua is this the place?

Aqua: yes the place where me, ven and terra fought vantias and xehanort

We walked ahead with the others along the path way where we stopped at the cross roads that go to three directions I stood next to aqua ready to go up against the seekers of darkness then I hear sora notice something we see them along with old man xehanort as they walk towards us and stopping on their side of the cross roads I go ahead and look at the cloak figure that's about xion's height 

Y/n's thoughts: don't worry xion I'll find a way to help you I promise you that

Xehanort: today we join these other wielders and leave our mark on fate I have waited patiently... but together we shall unlock the keyblade war's secrets

We stood there in silence then he summons his keyblade

Xehanort: now we forge it the ultimate key... the x-blade

As he struck his keyblade on the ground a light shines as the ground erupts and some of many keyblades are in the air as walls of a maze come up I'm looking around to see how fast they appear then I notice the ground underneath xehanort's group comes up then xehanort himself was rising highter on his own pillar he is pretty much looking down on us we look at at surroundings as the walls are up the sora look at us

Sora: here we go

We nodded at him then we run up ahead I see aqua and ven take another path so I went to them they noticed me running with them

Aqua: what are you doing?

Y/n: helping you guys get your friend back then I'm going to get a Lord friend back

Ven: well okay just keep up

Once we made it to a wide open area we see vanitas and terranort waiting for us

Terranort: so you two made it and you brought the half demon keyblade wielder

Y/n: so I see you know who I'm related to then

Terranort: of course after what vantias told me what you can do I did a little research grandson of sparda 

Vanitas: enough of this I got ventus my brother you can have the girl but you sadly can only help one or the other what will you do

Y/n: *chuckles* what makes you think I can't be at two places at once

They were confused on what I mean so I activated my doppelganger style to summoned a clone image of me once I did they were surprised I could do that

Y/n: now dopple me you help out ven I can help aqua

Dopple y/n: you got it

As my clone and ven went to fight vanitas  me and aqua fight terranort I did stinger with my keyblade once I was close enough me and him did some slashes at each other with one strike he launched me back but it gave aqua a opening he manage to dodge and they start their fight I got up run up to help her as our fight with him went on I feel my self get a little weaker because the doppleganger style can be draining i see ven's fight with vanitas I notice dopple me is gone ven and aqua got pushed back while terranort tried to do the same we got in a clash lock trying to push the other in the end we both knocked the other away I land in front of aqua and ven I was about to use doppelganger again but I heard someone calling our name

Sora: aqua! Ven! Y/n!

We turned to see sora running to us with his keyblade

Y/n/aqua/ven: sora

We all nodded at one another and continue our fight me and aqua focus on terranort while sora and ven focus on vanitas I charged at terranort we both did several slashes at each other but when he went for a strike I dodge by teleporting away and aqua took that opening once she did several attacks terranort did a downward strike that staggered aqua and left her open he was about to attack but I used quicksilver style to stop time I ran and grabbed aqua bridal style and moved away from the attack and deactivated quicksilver once I did aqua notice how I was carrying her she blushed a little but she stood back up we both notice ven and sora defeated vanitas now we all focus on terranort I used stinger again but this time I manage to stagger him and launched him in the air and the others did their attacks then i did one final attack in the air and knocked him back down once i did darkness was flowing around him then he collapsed on the ground aqua and ven desummoned their keyblades while me and sora still have ours both aqua and ven went to terra's body

Aqua/ven: terra!

Once they made it to him they picked him up over their shoulders and we hear terra's voice

Terra: aqua.... ven...

Aqua: terra please....

Ven: come back.... terra!

Then terra had his hands on his head as it was aching then ven and aqua leaned away from him 

Sora: terra! Your friends are here!

Y/n: you have to listen to them fight the one controlling you!

Then he screams out as chains came out and wrap aqua and ven as more came out one wrapped around sora and took him one tried to get me but I used trickster to get away from it then I see the others in the air chained 

Aqua/ven terra!

They struggled on trying to get freed I tried to cut them lots but I kept getting smacked away 

Sora: you have to fight the darkness!

As terra had his hand on his face I heard the possessed voice came out

Terranort: you'll never be able to break these chains they're our bonds

As I heard him say that he started to wave his hand move the chains that have aqua and ven that flunked them around I started to get mad 

Terranort: you have no power over me!

As he kept it up I tried to charged at him but he pinned me with chains

Terranort: I deal with you later

Sora: Soto terra!

As he tried to call out to terra terranort kept doing it

Sora: please stop it!

Y/n: leave them alone!!!!

As he stopped aqua was unconscious as ven was barley conscious he started to lift them higher off the ground

Terranort: farewell

Sora: no!

As i see this happening I tried to get out desperately to save them 

Y/n's thoghts: I need more power to save them I need to save the one I care about the ones I love!!!!!!

As aqua and ven were high enough I started to feel a surge of energy 

Ven: terra... I kept my promise

As they started to fall I activated my devil trigger and blown the chains that pinned me with all of my speed dashed towards aqua and ven then just before I could make it to either of them a shadow creature came out and grabbed ven and aqua while holding the chain in its free hand I stop in my tracks and looks at it then terranort looked behind him then back at the shadow creature as it broke the chains then sora's chains broke he landed on the ground while the shadow creature went to me and laid both aqua and ven gently on the ground 

Terranort: how?! You fell to the dark-

Before be could finish the shadow creature came behind him and blabbed his face I deactivated my devil trigger as looked at what's going on as the creature breaths and goose to rip off the wraps on his face near his mouth as he manage to get them off me and sora are not sure what we're seeing

Shadow creature:*coughs and inhales* one day... i... will... set... this... right...

He said as he moved terranort in front of him mark terranort look at him while struggling to get free 

Shadow creature: one day...I will set...this right... I will return to this land...

As terranort see what's go in on he see terra fighting back

Terra: and protect ... my friends!

After he said that the heart shaped hole started to glow and I see sora get his keyblade out

Sora: terra! Now!

Sora fired a beam from his keyblade hitting terranort in the back as terra who's controlling the shadow creature realised a heart of terra the shadow creature dissolved as terra's heart went back to his body as a bright light surrounded terra as he landed on the ground sora desummoned his keyblade as terra looked at himself then he looks back to his friends and runs to them i went to check on aqua 

Terra: aqua! Ven!

As aqua began to get up terra went to ven to check on him while I help up aqua

Y/n: easy aqua take it easy

Aqua: y/n Your okay and terra?

Y/n: *smiles* take a look for your self

She looks where I pointed and we terra holding ven 

Aqua: terra... is it you?

Terra looks at her with a smile

Terra: yeah you never stopped lighting my way back

As I smile seening two close friends then terra looks at me

Terra: I want to thank you too grandson of sparda

Y/n: no problem and y/n is fine Inc to meet the real you terra

Terra: like wise

Then ven was regaining as they look down as 've has opened his eyes looking up at them with a smile

Ven: your here 

Terra: I heard you too ven you found me just like you promise

They started to have their tearful reunion with their heads near each other

Terra: thank you

Me and sora just look at them back together

Y/n's thoughts: one down one more to save im coming to help you xion

Sora: aqua and ventus need rest terra look after them

as me and sora went on ahead ven tried to get up 

Ven: no sora I'm going too

As ven tried to catch up he nearly fell but aqua and terra helped him causing me and sora to stop

Sora: that's what he wants for us to make a mistake put ourselves in danger

Aqua: sora, y/n go but first y/n come here for a moment

Y/n: okay?

As aqua and I went to each other as we're both face to face the next thing I knew I wasn't expecting aqua grabbed me and kissed me I was taken back at first but I leaned into it and kissed back

Sora/ven: she loves you

As we both stopped kissing terra was giving a thumbs up while we hear sora and ven snickering

(If your wondering why terra is doing that because I'm having aqua, ven and terra see each other as siblings no love rivalry here so I'm probably have terra be with either trish or lady)

Aqua: now go we'll catch up with you later

Y/n: you got it

With that me and sora went on ahead while sora continue to tease me about the kiss

To be continued


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