The West Wolves

-Raven POV-

I read outside for a little while. I've read all my books many times before so I knew pretty much everything about them. But today I picked up the detail that the prince slept in the West Wing and began to wonder why this castles West Wing was off limits. 

Knowing that if it was dangerous, I could handle myself, I decided to go in. Making sure no one saw me, I flew up there and went into the main entrance. What I saw I could barely believe. 

The room was covered completely in dust. The shelves, cabinets, carpets, all of it. I could clearly see footprints on the floor with a doorway showing more halls and rooms.

I walked towards one of the chests opening it to see both wooden and stuffed animals. They were spared from too much dust because of them being in the chest, but they did seem well loved in the past. 

Closing the chest, I walked on when I came upon a painting. Using my magic to take off the dust, I saw it was a family portrait. 

The man was a blond and looked to be very fit even in his suit. He had green eyes and a peach tone with a warming smile. The wife, a brunette that was slightly more tan then her husband, was dressed nicely in her blue long sleeved dress with a hand on the little boys shoulder. 

But the boys face gave me a sense of deja vu. His eyes looked familiar with that sparkling green. The rest of his face was unseeable due to large scratch marks that seemed to have been done by a large animal. 

One of the last things that caught my eye was in the last room I saw. It was two separate large portraits of the male and female from the other painting but that's not what got my attention. Under each of the paintings was a human sized coffin. A handgun was in a secure glass box between the two. I was reaching out to touch the glass when Beast Boy appeared out of Nowhere furious. 


“I-” I couldn't think of an excuse. 

“GET OUT!!!”

I didn't need to be told twice. I flew quickly out of there and out of the castle grounds. I flew through the forest regretting my choice to stay when a wolf grabbed my cloak with it's jaws pulling me to the ground. 

I got up and saw a large pack of wolves surrounding me. I rolled my eyes. “So you have me out numbered.” Stood up and lit my hands with my magic. “But I have you out powered.” 

Multiple Wolves attacked at once and I blocked them out with my magic. Causing half of the wolves to run, but one succeeded in knocking me to the ground. The vicious animals face so close to mine made me need to use all of my energy to contain my magic.

Suddenly, the wolf was knocked off me and I heard the wolf wine. I looked to see what happened and saw a green cheetah with a wounded wolf under foot. It turned around and looked me in the eye before morphing into a green Black-bear (Species black bear. Not color black) and facing the wolves.

It growled at them and they attacked. It did a good job of fending them off but one succeeded in taking a bite from his left side causing the bear to roar in pain. 

The wolves, feeling as if they had won, gathered together and looked at the bear in obvious pain. But then it turned into something I never thought I’d see with my own eyes alive without time traveling even if it’s green. 

The mighty Saber Tooth Tiger stood strong blood dripping from its side panting slightly. Then it roared a mighty roar causing the wolves to flea from fear.

The danger gone, I stood up as it suddenly began to rain very hard. The Saber Tooth slowly turned to look at me in the eye, every breath out a wine, before it fell over in the now mud wound up. But I still saw some of the mud splash onto the injury. 

The creature morphed once again and I was shocked to see that the green creature that saved me was Beast Boy. Why he didn’t tell me of his shifting abilities, I don’t know. But I knew I needed to help him for saving my life even if his anger got the best of him.

I knelt next to him sheltering the two of us from the rain with my magic. “Beast Boy.” I said causing him to painfully open his eyes. “I want to help. But you need to help me get you back to the castle.” He looked confused as if hurting too much to speak. “I need you to stand for a moment.”

I created a magical platform just large enough for him to ly on and he smiled seeming thankful.

After a struggle full of dog like wines and growels, I helped him on the platform and had him lay down before I quickly flew the two of us back to the castle.

When the servants saw Beast Boy in such a state, a few fainted while others ran to get painkillers and bandages. I was lead to a spare room and I volunteered to clean the wound since I’m the reason it was there in the first place while a female servant named Miss Busher kept him still, and a male named Ethan Miller would hold up the shirt since the bite was in the middle of his left side back.

Some of the male staff helped him take a shower to get as much dirt off him as they could without soap while I quickly changed into a borrowed black T shirt and dark blue basketball shorts then got a bowl of clean water and a soft rag. 

And it turned out this castle can only treat minor things so the painkillers weren’t very strong and they just happened to have the right bandages. This worries me since the wound was serious

The whole time I was praying to the monks of Azarath that he’d be ok. If he died tonight, it would be my fault.

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