2: Paint Me Like One Of Your French Girls
Being naked in a room with a stranger was perhaps not one of Gerard's best ideas, well, it hadn't even been intentional, but that seemed to matter very little as time seemed to slow down in few seconds it took him to process the little cough, and then react to it, with a slow, and 'oh fuck I'm dead' turn around, preparing himself for the absolute worst - like some sixty year old man with a hunchback and a sudden desire to have sex with him, however, and yet only due to Gerard's head filling with the absolute worst case scenario, he found himself pleasantly surprised.
If he could pick who walked in on him naked, dear god, it was this guy: short black hair, piercing hazel eyes and skin covered in ink from head to toe, and really, Gerard wanted to rip those stupid black ripped jeans and that fucking shirt right off him, and see the ink that lay beneath, hidden like secrets in place that people weren't supposed to see.
Yet, this stranger saw everything of Gerard, and really, the twenty eight year old wasn't at all prepared, and in consequence, had resorted to staring at the stranger, and was perhaps even content in just eyefucking the guy who'd walked in and seen him buttnaked, that was of course until, the guy coughed once more, bringing Gerard falling back down to reality and blushing like fuck, because there wasn't a chance in hell that the guy hadn't pocked up upon Gerard checking him - after all, he was being just as obvious as it could possibly be.
"You've got a pretty little ass - I must say." The stranger remarked, breaking the silence with a smirk that ensured that the scarlet red colour never left Gerard's cheeks.
"Uhh... t-thanks?" The twenty eight year old managed to stutter out after a few more moments of silence, as he came to the realisation of just how absolutely screwed he was right now - dear god, the first impression he wasn't supposed to leave on people was his ass and- oh god, his dick... this guy could see everything, and yet somehow neither of the two seemed to have anywhere near as much of a problem with that fact as they should have done.
"You ever going to put some clothes on or at least make any attempt to cover yourself or what?" Frank smirked, eyebrows raised, leaving Gerard to the realisation of the fact that he'd practically been showing off his naked body to this guy that he didn't even know the name of.
"Fuck!" Gerard exclaimed, running into his bedroom and throwing on a pair of sweatpants and the first t-shirt he came across, then turning around to find the stranger at the doorway to his room, smirking, and then fucking winking at him.
"Shame really. You do look really pretty naked. You look fucking pretty regardless, but the clothes kind of get in the way of me looking at my favourite parts of the male anatomy." And the casualty with which the guy proclaimed his confession just about killed poor, shy, insecure Gerard... and his 'pretty little' ass.
"I don't even know your name and you've seen my fucking dick- I..." Gerard exclaimed, eyes open wide as the stranger took the liberty of sitting down on Gerard's bed, gesturing for the twenty eight year old to sit beside him, and somehow, not even reluctantly, Gerard found himself doing exactly as he was told.
"My name's Frank." The guy - Frank, broke the silence with an answer to Gerard's questions. "Frank Iero. I live next door."
Gerard's eyes widened, knowing that the guy was either the one having sex or discussing how to hide a body.
"Not the psychopaths that side." Frank grinned, gesturing to where the rather worrying discussion had come from. "But the other side." Frank gestured to the side of the sex moans, and oh dear god, Gerard's words caught in his throat, because he absolutely could not take this anymore.
"I'm assuming you heard me earlier from that look on your face." Frank mused, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips - like he was secretly kind of proud of himself, and like maybe, just maybe, he wanted the guy with the pretty little ass to know what he sounded like in bed. "Like what you hear? Want to experience it first-hand, huh?"
"But you, you were with someone-" Gerard stuttered out, eyes wide as he still wasn't quite sure as to what his neighbour was implying.
"Oh, no, not my partner or anything. I'm good in bed, and people know that, so maybe there's no harm charging for a service if people are willing to pay." And with that stupid fucking wink, and the knowledge that Frank was a prostitute, Gerard really just died - right then and right there.
"Isn't it usually men that go for prostitutes?" Gerard asked into the silence, wondering how he could possibly cope with even the mere possibility that Frank might be gay, because oh dear god that would really seal his death certificate for him.
"Yeah. I'm bi, but with a preference for guys, so yeah - it doesn't bother me, and if it gives me enough not to be homeless then I really don't mind. I don't want to be homeless at twenty four." Frank sighed, biting down on his bottom lip as some thoughts that he'd rather not consider resurfaced. "What about you? You never told me your name or anything about you. What do you do to get by?"
"I'm Gerard... Gerard Way." The twenty eight year old began, wondering just about how he'd go about conveying the fact that he drew, basically porn for a living. "I'm uhh... twenty eight... I'm an artist, I guess."
"Artist, huh?" Frank scoffed, eyebrows raised high. "How far up your own asshole are you? It's a shame really - I wanted there to be room for me. And so, what's this walking around naked thing? Art? Expressing your emotions via the means of drawing like a fucking blue apple? What do you even draw, Gerard?"
"I... I..." Gerard stuttered, the words never quite coming out, and only then did things get worse as Frank laid his eyes upon the easel in the corner.
"Let's have a look, huh?" Frank rolled his eyes, making his way over to the easel, and stopping dead in his tracks as he came to realise just what was painted upon there. "Fuck...."
"I paint... like... well porn... it sells well... I... just... I-" Gerard didn't get to finish his sentence as Frank was pulling off his shirt, exposing more ink, and throwing the black fabric to Gerard's bedroom floor.
"Paint me." Frank demanded, making his way over to the twenty eight year old. "Paint me and my ink and my ass - pretty, but not as pretty as yours. After all, I've seen you naked already - it's only fair."
"I don't fucking paint for free, Frank." Gerard remarked, finally collecting himself as he stood up, trying his best not to get distracted in the millions of shades of ink set into Frank's chest.
"Yeah - I figured. But, I'll make it worth your while. You know what I do for a living." Frank shut the door behind him, as Gerard stood there, gaze distant and head deep in thought, because this was all he ever wanted and everything he should never say 'yes' to at the same time, and perhaps he just couldn't take it.
"What do you say, Gerard?" Frank asked, a smirking crawling over his lips as he played with the buckle of his belt, almost jumping at the possibility of getting absolutely fucking naked and then fucking a guy as pretty as Gerard fucking Way.
Gerard didn't speak – Gerard couldn't speak. And the gesture of grabbing a paintbrush from the bedside table spoke as his response.
By the time Gerard had set up with his easel facing the bed: a new piece of paper, and the oil paints that he only used for special occasions, but he reckoned Frank's fucking ink was the most special occasion of them all, Frank was completely fucking naked, lying rather fucking sexually on Gerard's bed, and really, he'd never had a live subject before, and at this point, he reckoned that there wasn't a chance in hell that he wasn't going to get hard just while looking at him there.
"Paint me like one of your French girls?" Frank smirked, eyebrows raised as he ran one hand back through his hair in a teasing manner that resulted in both parties bursting into laughter.
"I don't paint girls." Gerard noted, opening his paints and getting his water ready, and really just praying that it wouldn't topple over and fucking wreck what little remained of this shitty ass carpet.
"Oh..." Frank smirked, coming to one of the best realisations he'd had all week - even better when he realised that he could get high off glue, which he reckoned was pretty fucking amazing, and perhaps maybe a little dangerous, but if he hadn't died from snorting cocaine weekly, then he reckoned he could survive a little PVA glue. "So you're totally down for us fucking?"
"Just because I like guys doesn't mean I'm automatically attracted to you." Gerard murmured, lying just a little, because the twenty eight year old was already fucking head over heels for the tattooed asshole, and the tightness in his pants was nothing more than a slap in the face of confirmation.
"Yeah, well, most people seem to be." Frank smirked, sitting up and brushing his hair out of his eyes. "How do you want me to pose?"
"How do you want to pose? It's not going to look naturally if you're forced into something that isn't you."
"Comfortable yet arousing, huh?" Frank asked, grinning like a fucking maniac because Jesus fucking Christ, this was actually the most fun he'd ever had and he had sex with people for a living. "How about this?"
Gerard looked up, his jaw dropping as the sight before him was just entirely too much. "Fuck."
Frank had most definitely mastered 'arousing'. The twenty four year old was on his knees, legs parted a little, one hand on his dick, and the other at his ass - fucking fingering himself, and just to absolutely slay Gerard, he was overdoing his facial expressions in entirely the best way: mouth open wide in an 'o' shape that made the artist want to pin him down against the bed and fucking fill pretty mouth of his up, his head was tilted backwards a little, and his eyelids closed but not quite - gentle, not forced, and totally fucking hot.
"Don't fucking move." Gerard snapped, grabbing his paintbrush and putting it to the canvas in what would be the absolute best drawing of his shitty little career.
"Can I open my eyes? I want to watch you paint." Frank spoke after a moment or two, his words gentle and almost husky in tone, like he'd flicked a switch that turned him into an instant fucking pornstar, and dear god, Gerard wasn't complaining.
"Yeah, it's fine, just close them when I get to that part. This will take a while, so I might just sketch you today, and then finalise the lines after you've gone and I'll paint it tomorrow, or whenever you can come and pose for me again."
"Oh, honey, I don't mind - I've got all night, and there's nothing quite like whoring myself up for such a pretty little whore painter like you." His words were pure explicitness and it was throwing Gerard entirely over the edge. "Oh, take your fucking clothes off, please - I want to see that pretty little ass again."
Let's say, that Gerard did not need telling twice, finding no greater pleasure than being naked for Frank Iero, and for the second time today, only the latter of the two being intentional, but in no way less wonderful - okay, perhaps maybe Frank touching himself on Gerard's bed maybe have swayed the twenty eight year old's preference a little bit, but that was something that just couldn't be helped.
In life, there were things that you should never even consider, and things that you could never possibly say 'no' to, and it seemed that Frank Iero was in fact just at the top of both of those lists, and oh dear god, this was going to ruin Gerard, but if he was going to be ruined, to die, to burn out, he was going to do it with a show, an explosion, make a big deal out of it - Frank would be the gasoline he drenched himself with, before the lighter was taken to his skin.
"Wakey, wakey, sunshine." Frank smirked, rolling his eyes as he kicked the figure of the sleeping artist: curled up in his bed sheets and stained with paint. The twenty four year old had glanced upon the masterpiece, and he had to say that it was coming on brilliantly, and it was such a shame that Gerard had fallen to sleep before it could be finished, and that in consequence, Frank would have to wait another night before he could 'pay' Gerard.
To Frank, to fuck someone as pretty as Gerard, it really felt like he should be the one that was paying, but Frank wasn't stupid, and he was more than happy to accept Gerard's masterpiece in return, and then proceed to hang it in the middle of his apartment, right where everybody could see it, because things like that needed to be seen - both Frank's body, and the immaculate strokes of Gerard's paintbrush.
"W-what?" Gerard moaned out, rolling over and opening one eye, then proceeding to jump out of his skin as he came to the realisation that he was in fact not alone in his bedroom, and also naked - this was the third time.
"Come on, sleeping beauty - it's like one pm, and you've got a pretty picture to finish, haven't you?" Frank smirked, and with that fucking look on his face, Gerard soon came to remember who this guy was and what he was doing here, and how the twenty eight year old had chosen to ruin his life this time.
"Uhh... fuck..." Gerard moaned, dragging himself out of bed and sitting up, to find Frank shirtless and leaning against the wall, his eyes fixated upon Gerard's exposed form. "Stop fucking staring at me, asshole."
"Not like I haven't seen it all before, is it?" Frank left Gerard to mumble profanities to himself as he pulled on the first items of clothing that he came across, the twenty four year old making his way into the rest of Gerard's apartment and presenting the grouchy artist with a cup of coffee as he left his bedroom with what Frank would deem to be far too many clothes on.
"You looked better without clothes on." Frank commented, leaving the twenty eight year old to throw him his middle finger before taking the coffee from his hands and curling up in the tattered sofa with his daily dose of caffeine.
"You were much less of an asshole when you were touching yourself for me." Gerard rolled his eyes in retort, burying his face in the coffee mug as Frank pulled out his cellphone, texting some guy he barely knew the name of, and was going to end up fucking sooner or later.
"I've got a 'client' coming in like forty minutes or so." Frank reminded both Gerard and himself, of course, the twenty eight year old snorted at the word 'coming' and the very obvious and yet very true double meaning behind it.
"Oh fuck off." Frank rolled his eyes and taking a seat at the other end of the sofa. "I should probably fuck off soonish anyway - I guess I've already exploited your hospitality enough."
"Honestly, you did nothing but benefit me by getting naked for me, Frank. You're like porn, seriously." Gerard sighed, glancing across at the smirking face of the guy who'd be naked in his bed last night, and how this entire situation seemed utterly ridiculous if he pondered it for even longer than a second.
"I'm good at what I do." Frank bit back a grin, putting his feet upon the coffee table, and was pleasantly surprised when Gerard didn't seem to mind - not that he would have moved his feet if he had, anyway. "And so are you, it seems."
"Shut up." Gerard blushed, resorting to burying his scarlet cheeks behind the porcelain walls of a coffee mug.
"If you can't even take a simple and factual compliment then I honestly can't wait to see you when we fuck and I tell you how fucking pretty you are coming everywhere and screaming my name." Gerard groaned in response and of course, blushed like hell.
"Please don't, I'm going to need to jack off now, asshole." Gerard sighed, shaking his head as he pulled his knees up to his chest in a terrible attempt to subdue the problem in his pants.
"Oh, I would offer to help you out with that, but there's a pretty little picture coming my way before you are, honey." Frank was entirely too impressed with himself and the stupidity of his pun, and really Gerard was too horny to care, and was actually kind of awaiting the twenty four year old's departure so he could jack off like he never had done before, because although Frank may look like porn, just sat there he was nothing in comparison to real deal.
"I think this is the weirdest way I've ever met my neighbours." Gerard announced, eyes focused upon the wall which he had scribbled 'fuck off' onto, just yesterday, and still that felt like years ago, because he never would have even dreamed up the perfect dude sat shirtless beside him, and then the fact that he was painting him touching himself on his bed, and Jesus Christ, the guy was fucking him in 'payment'.
"It's gotta be the best though." Frank added, grinning and getting up, wandering into the bedroom and pulling on his shirt, to find Gerard stood by the door, watching him in a manner that gave him terrible deja vu.
"I think you're right about that." Gerard sighed, watching as Frank ran his fingers through his dark messy hair that had decided to fall over his eyes in an entirely convenient manner. "You're going now then?"
"Yeah, this guy - he pays really fucking well, so yeah, it's in my best interest not to be late."
"Don't you ever wish you didn't have to do this to get by?" Gerard asked, biting down on his bottom lip.
"Gerard, I get paid to fuck people. That's fucking fantastic." Gerard only shrugged in response. "What?"
"Doesn't it make sex seem kind of menial though? Like surely if you come all the time, if you get assfucked everyday, then it's never nearly as fun? Don't you ever wish that you could just have a normal relationship with cuddling and shit?"
"Gerard, you don't fucking know what you're talking about." And with that, and a scowl on his face, Frank Iero stormed out, because secretly the twenty four year old hated it when other people thought they knew himself better than he did, and he absolutely loathed it when it turned out that they did.
Hey guys:) Here we go - second chapter, ruining my life again, but whatever;) Votes and comments are of course always appreciated - I love you all you fucking perfect humans<3
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