I don’t know how long i had been training……but i improved a lot, yoriichi taught me many things. Turns out, sun breathing wasn’t fit to my body… fujinoki took another approach to this.

“Moon breathing?! you mean the same that uppermoon 1 uses!!!!” i said in shock, i was conflicted… part of me wanted to learn how to use it to have the advantage against this demon that wants me dead or worse…..but the other part of me feels disgusted to even try using it…not wanting to use the breathing that killed millions of people throughout the centuries.

“i know how you feel…..i know this must be difficult….but you have to… order to protect those who you love…so please..” fujinoki looked at me gently, i didn’t know what to do….i was scared….

“c-can i think it over…? i-i think i am ready to wake up now…" I said softly, and they looked at each other for a moment “fine ... .but you still need to recover…” she said and smiled gently “see you soon…my child”

after she said that, i woke up gasping, i could move a bit.

I got up from my bed and limped through the halls of the butterfly mansion, it was late at night so everyone was asleep. I breathed softly as I got out and enjoyed the late night wind.

i felt a presence on the roof, i knew who it was….

i carefully got on the roof and saw shinobu, sitting and zooming out “what are you doing here….?” she asked

“nothing much….just coming in to check on you…” i sigh “you know…’s been more than 3 years….i think we could..move on-” i was interrupted as a kunai was thrown to my face, i dodged rapidly and looked at shinobu, her fake smile disappeared….she was glaring at me with pure hatred

“easy for you to say! you left her to die!!! what in gods name makes you think i will just move on!!” she started crying….i looked down

“you are right…i am sorry….i know it’s difficult shinobu….but please…hear me out….” I begged her, I wanted to explain myself to her..

“fine! go on! say your filthy excuses!!” she looks away

i sit down next to her and sighed “listen shinobu… know how much kanae cared for us….we were young…and we were still new to being slayers…she was our superior and wanted to protect us… don’t know what uppermoon 2 said to us….what that deal was….you know damn well that kanae would have done the same for you….” i looked at her softly

shinobu sobbed “i-i….” she sighs “i-i just…i told her she was too kind for her own good…i know she would have sacrificed herself for me as well….but a part of me didn’t want to admit it..or accept it..” she looks down “she would be really disappointed in me….”

i sigh “well…concidering you had been poisoning yourself for a death wish plan to kill douma….she would be upset”

she looked at me frowning “how do you know….?” she asked me “you think i wouldn’t notice you taking my wisteria blood while i was sleeping?” i chuckled, she looks down

“sorry….f-for everything….” she sobbed
i hugged her tightly “i forgive you….”


Akaza found himself at the infinity fortress, he sighs knowing there would be a meeting for the escape of amaya ubuyashiki and possibly something else. he was wide eyes now realizing an uppermoon has fallen, he begged to the gods to please be douma the one who stopped breathing

the pot demon interrupts his thoughts “akaza-dono!! So happy to see you!! how long has it been?? 90 years perhaps? hyo! i am glad it wasn't you the one to lose their head hyo hyo hyo!!!!” he laughed at his own stupid joke.

akaza frowns in annoyense at the pot demon, seemingly disgusted by his presence and aura. sobs could be heard coming from “h-how terrible! h-how terrible! in the time w-we didn’t see each other, g-gyokko-dono forgot how to count!!” he sobs and whimper “i-it’s been 113 years s-since our last m-meetting!!! the n-number of bad luck and tragedy!! the h-horror! t-the horror!!” he cried in fear as he covered his head.

akaza rolls his eyes at this “oi biwa woman! has master muzan arrived yet?” he asked a bit impatient, he had to stay strong and pray that muzan has forgotten about amaya.

“he is yet to arrive….” she said coldly “and uppermoon 1? don’t tell me they killed him…” he frowns. 

she plays her biwa again, a hand appears on akaza’s shoulder “ara ara akaza-done! you weren’t worried about me? i am so hurted right now!~” a familiar rainbow eyed demon lays an arm on his shoulders, douma fake cried feeling ‘hurted’ by akaza “i did worry about you all!” he slowly gets closer to akaza’s face “i wouldn’t want to lose any of my precious friends~” he smirks.

“hyo! douma-dono!” gyokko said happily, douma waves “hi hi gyokko!! long time not seeing! is that a new pot?~ it’s beautiful!!!” he giggles, he started to talk about how he planted the head of a woman in the pot gyokko gifted him, akaza zooms out for a bit, thinking about where amaya could be, was she safe? was she alive? he hopped that daki left her in one piece ‘hope you are okay….and forgive me for all the pain i caused you..amaya..’ he thinks looking down “move…” he said in rage, douma looks at him confused “move your arm….” he demanded, before punching douma’s jaw, destroying it.

“KYAAAAAAA!!!” hantengue screeches in fear

He was surpriced but instantly regenerated "nice punch akaza-dono!~" he giggles "is it me?~ or you became a bit stronger akaza-dono?~" he smirks

Akaza irks "uppermoon 1 was the first one to arrive.....he was here from the begining" nakime said coldly.

" muzan....has arrive..." He said slowly and coldly, the uppermoons look up to see their master on the ceiling "gyutaro died......and the Ubuyashiki brat has escaped.....that idiot of daki has weaken him...and letted my blood bag go....the uppermoons had became weak..." muzan irks "Oh i feel so ashamed!! I was the one that brought gyutaro! How can i redeam myself?~ should i rip off my eyes and hand them to you like jewls or..?~" he asked as his heart beat for him

"I don't need your eyeballs.....i knew gyutaro would be defeated sooner or later....daki was slowling down his potencial......" He irks "if he had fought alone from the begining...he would have won or retreated after poisoning his opponents.......what doesn't matter now..." He sighs

"I trully don't understand....they are dying in order....those who have more humanity are the first ones to fall.....but that doesn't matter now....i expect nothing from you..." He said coldly

"Again saying sad things~ have i ever fail you?~ if only the little wisteria flower had been given to my care~" he whines

"The Ubuyashiki hasn't been exterminated yet....and my blood bag is free....and no one has brought me the blue spider lily......why even after a 100 haven't found it? The truth is...i trully don't know the purpose of your existance...." He irks

Everyone bow to the ground, hantengue screeches "KYAAAAAAA!!! I BEG FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS!! I AM SORRY!! I AM SORRY!!" He yells

"I.....don' Ubuyashikis.....hide...really...well..." kokushibou said

"I am not good at detective work...i don't know what to tell ya~" he whines "LORD MUZAN!! I AM DIFFERENT!!! I COLLECTED USEFUL INFORMATION THAT WOULD SATISFIED ONE OF YOUR WISHES!! I JUST FOUND OU-" He was he found himself upside down on muzan's hand, he was decapitated by him "if there is something i the changes..." He said coldly "that the body and emotions suffer alterations....because in most cases that causes the withering of things......what i the unchanging..." He glares at gyokko

"Oh lord muzan is touching my head!! gyokko thinks in excitement “that a perfect state never changes” he irks in cold rage “right now…i am disgusted that after 113 uppermoon has been defeated… don’t be so excited to give me information that hasn’t been confirmed yet…” he drops gyokko’s head which falls to the ground “for now on…you all better work to death…it seems like i had spoiled you just for being uppermoons….” he said coldly “gyokko…if the information turns out to be true…head to that location with huntengue…and if you see the ubuyashiki brat…punish her and bring her to me…alive…” he ordered, nakime plays her biwa, making muzan disappear.

“KYAAAAAAA!!! AS YOU W-WISH…!!!” hantengue screeched as he bowed to the ground, gyokko was mad ‘tch!!! but i got the information!! so unfair….but i am fine with this too…’ he thinks “gyokko-dono!! What is the information? I want to go with you two!! i want to see amaya-chan again and maybe have another tast-” he was interrupted as half of his head was punched off by akaza ‘this disgusting shit….’ akaza thinks “did lord muzan order something to you? get out of here…” akaza said, irking.

Suddenly, Akaza's hand was cutted off. hantengue screeches in fear “akaza….” Kokushibou said in a cold and intimidating voice “you….went….too….far…” he said, akaza freezes for a moment “ oh no no! don’t worry about me kokushibou-dono!! it doesn’t bother me at all!!” douma smiles.

“i….don’t…care…about you…..this….behaviour….tears…down…the….hierarchy….and our…organization…..” kokushibou said. Douma snaps his fingers “oh! i see!!” he made a dumb face “akaza….if you…are in….disagreement…with something……you should request……a….blood..battle….to….exchange…..ranks….” kokushibou said.
“but kokushibou-dono!! even if akaza tried, he would never defeat us!! don’t you remember when i turned into a demon after him! but since i climbed the ranks rapidly, i bottled up my hate!! you have to understand!!” he laughs “besides! I didn't dodge on purpose since we were just playing!!! This is how we treat each other!! we are besties!!” he giggles “we should be kind to those below us instead of scolding them for every little thing!!!” he chuckles “akaza…..” kokushibou interrupted “do you…..understand…..what i am…..trying….to say…?” he glared deeply at akaza like he was just a piece of dirt under his shoes “yes..i understand” akaza said growing “one day..i will end you” akaza glares at kokushibou in hatred “good….luck…with…that…” he said as he walked away, disappearing at the sound of the biwa playing.

“bye kokushibou-dono!! bye!!” douma smiles “i felt a bit left out of the conversation but maybe it was my imagination…right akaza-dono?” just as he finished saying that, akaza sprints away from him “ akaza-dono!! I was talking to you!!” he whines “SEND ME TO THE SAME PLACE AS HANTENGUE!!” gyokko demands and hantengue whimpers “wait!! me to-” he was interrupted as nakime teleported the ugly demons away “hey you!! Biwa lady!! wanna hang ou-” “i refuse…'' She interrupted him again and teleported him back to his temple.

he was confused but whines “no one wants to have fun with meeeee!!! i really wanted to see amaya-chan agaaain!!” he groans “my lord…new members want to talk to you…” a cult member said “oh really? sorry for making them wait!! let me put this on and…” he grabbed his hat “there there, let them in!~” he smirks.

Akaza was in deep thoughts, he ran around the forest trying to find Amaya and warn her about what was coming her way…..he jumps around until he gets the familiar scent of wisteria..

“this time……i will protect you…” he whispers to himself


taisho secrets

shinobu feels terrible

amaya trained in her mind escape for 6 months

deep down, amaya sees herself as a burden to many

she is worried for tanjiro….and knows that inosuke was stuck to the ceiling

akaza is willing to betray muzan to protect amaya…since her face gives him a familiar feeling

douma wanted to have a taste of amaya again and yes, i kept interrupting him because i love to see him suffer >:3

longest chapter yet!!!!!!

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