THREE. nice to meet... where you been?

THE WEEKEND was meant for rest and relaxation, but Rory found herself in the backyard kicking and punching the practice dummy that they had taken from the Wasabi Warrior's dojo.

It was best to get her anger and frustrations out about Demetri in this way rather than actually kicking and punching the boy.

He was a lot nicer during the Halloween dance, but it may have just been a fluke in the night. Maybe a full moon is what caused him to be just so kind that the next day it would pass over like a curse.

She threw her final punch with a heavy sigh as she backed away from the dummy.


Rory turned at the sound of her father's and gave him a small smile.

"Kind of."

Jack stepped outside and made his way towards Rory.

"Do I need to teach someone a lesson or two?" He asked, holding his fist up and pretending to jab someone.

Rory chuckled, catching her dad's fist, "You'll kill him."

"So there is someone?"

Rory shook her head, "It's nothing I can't handle. Just some nerd who think he's always right."

"Sounds like Milton."

"So much worse."

Jack threw his arm over Rory's shoulder before pulling this girl inside the house.

Rory hadn't gotten use to Reseda yet, but she had shown much of a distaste as she once did. At least, in Jack and Layla's eyes.

"You got a package today." Jack said.

Rory furrowed her brows as her father left her side to grab the brown box that sat by the front door. He jogged back towards her and she opened the box right then and there.

She stone cold look grew into a smile as she pulled the skateboard out of its box. She flipped it over and on the back had the names of family from Seaford.

Milton, Jerry Martinez, Rudy, and Kim Crawford.

Rory smiled as she ran her fingers over their names and looked up at her dad.

"A late welcome home gift." He smiled.

Rory returned the smile, possibly brighter than his and pulled her father into a hug.

"Thank you."

For the first time in a while, Jack felt Rory relax into him. She had been so bothered by the move, leaving her family behind, and the unnamed boy at school, that he hadn't seen her smile this bring until now.

"Go test it out." He said, pulling away from the hug, "There's a skate park nearby."

Rory nodded, grabbing her house keys by the front door and left with a smile on her face.

She made her way towards the skate park on her board. Testing it out and stumbling every now and then, but making it to the park with ease.

She took notice of the group of boys nearby by that were either skating or looking down at a laptop. She would keep them in the back of her mind just in case something would happen.

She placed her board back on the ground and skated around for a bit before completely falling over someone.

The person had caught Rory by her waist as the fumbled towards the ground.

Rory's board had hit a huge rock that she hadn't seen which caused her to practically spiral out.

She and the other person hit the pavement pretty hard, but she had landed on top of the person which only meant, in her eyes, that her fall couldn't have been worse than the person beneath her.

She heard the person groan beneath her and finally looked up at the person as she lifted her head from their chest.

"I'm so sorry." She apologized, "I must've hit a rock or something. I wasn't paying any attention when I should've been—"

"It's cool."

He was a guy. Rory still hadn't registered that she was laying on top of someone with bystanders around.

"I should've been looking." She continued, "My dad just got me this new board and I was testing it out and I—"

Rory finally looked down into his eyes and they were the prettiest shade of green that she'd ever seen.

Is this what felt like when people looked at Layla Beasley for the first time? Is this what it felt like when Jack Brewer fell for Layla Beasley? A bigger question. Is this what it felt like when Layla Beasley fell for Jack Brewer?

Was Rory pushing it? A hundred percent, but apparently Jack's first and only love had been Layla... so she learned it from someone.

"I promise, you're good." The boy spoke.

Rory nodded slowly and finally realized that she had still been laying on top of him and his hands still steadily placed on her waist.

"Shit." She muttered and unraveled herself from him. She stood to her feet and held her hand out for the boy to grab.

He did graciously and smiled.

"I'm Robby."

"Aurora, but Rory works."

"Nice to meet you, Rory."

"If only in better circumstances." She chuckled.

"I don't know. I liked it."

Now, Rory had people flirt with her before and it was mainly because of her name, but this felt a little different. God, she didn't want to repeat her parents love story, especially because it felt so cliché and Disney princess like.

Honestly, he could've just been nice in the moment. No flirting at all and yet, she found herself flustered.

Rory gave him a small nod before rushing off to grab her board.

Robby turned as the girl ran past. Watching as she grabbed her board and turned back to face him.

She gave him a small smile before placing her board back down on the ground and leaving the park. Whether it was from embarrassment or the fact that if she looked him any longer she might implode wouldn't be shared, but it could be imagined that it would be that latter half.

AT SCHOOL, Rory found herself in the library with Miguel, Eli, and Demetri.

She absolutely couldn't stand being in the same social group as Demetri and yet, she always found herself near him whether by force or by choice.

Anyway, Miguel had been beaten up at the Halloween dance by a boy named Kyler Park. He'd gotten a few punches in on the boy, but ultimately, Miguel had lost the fight.

"I thought you were taking karate?" Rory questioned, "I think you should know how to at least dodge a few punches."

"I just started." Miguel scoffed.

"So, that's it? No more karate?" Demetri asked.

"I guess so."

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence."

Rory furrowed her brows, "That's not a good thing?"

"No." He answered, "What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?"

Rory began to quip but Demetri quickly shot her down.

"I'm not talking about your parents Disney story, Aurora."

Rory only nodded. She couldn't and wouldn't fault him for that. She would possibly praise him for the line, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of being right.

"Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler." Eli muttered.

"Are you insane?" Demetri questioned, "Let me ask you. What is the best superpower anyone could have?"

"Super strength." Miguel answered.

"Telekinesis." Rory added.

"Wrong. Invisibility. A distant second would be super speed to run away fast." Demetri said.

"So you rather run away from your problems than to face them head on?" Rory asked.

"Yes." Demetri answered, "Running away is the best idea I've ever had."

"Run away from who?" Kyler asked, approaching the table.

"Whom." Brucks corrected, "It's the object of a preposition. Remember English class."

"We were just leaving." Miguel muttered as the group began packing up their belongings.

Rory didn't want any trouble. It was the last thing she wanted. Her parents might've been able to prove their point at school with no repercussions, but this was a new age and Rory was at a new school.

Kyler grabbed Eli by the back of his neck and pulled him close, "Hey, where you going? Oh, look at this freak." He smiled, grabbing Eli by the chin and forcing his head up.

"Oh shit! What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?"

"Let him go." Rory spoke.

"Holy shit." Kyler smiled, "This is Belle's sister. I can finally see why she's the hotter sister."

Drawing her fist back would show that she cared and that Kyler's comment hurt her, but not doing anything would still prove that Kyler was right.

So, she would do nothing. Kyler eventually let go of Eli's face and the two of them left with Demetri and Miguel following behind.

This was something that she had expected from a new school and her sister quickly standing out, but letting it get to her would be new. In a sense.

She had expected this like this in Seaford, but not to the extent of someone doing it to her face.

Kyler would be someone that would get his come up and Rory would be the one to collide her fist so hard into his face that revenge would taste so much sweeter.

— lucy has something to say !!

we've finally got a robby and rory interaction slay

anyway jack seems like such a good dad im actually so proud

demetri being the only one to call her aurora other than her parents is something

enchanted taylor's version thank god for real

bye :))))

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