part 1
You where siting in the bar with Kurogiri and Twice on a usual Boring afternoon, you where staring at your drink wich was a glass of sparkling water.
-When can I go on missions? You asked taking another sip from the glass and sulking.
-When Shigaraki thinks you are ready. Kurogiri said with a sigh and got himself a drink.
-Ugh.. he is too overprotective! You yealed and set the glass down with a huf. Kurogiri chuckeld.
-You will be gratefull for it someday. Plus its only narural he wants to keep you safe after what happened with your family. He said, you shot him a glare at the mention of your family. They didn't deserve it.. exept for your father, he choud go rot in hell for all you cared.
-Remember when I tried a glass of vine when no one was looking? You asked looking up at him.
-Yeah, Shigaraki went on a full rant about how you where "too young" a deep voice chukeld. You smirked and turned your head to see that Dabi and Toga, they where back from a mission.
-Sometimes I wish I didn't have a brother. You mutterd and leaned on your hand.
-I wish I choud see my brothers again.. Dabi mumbeld, you perked up.
-You have siblings?! You asked with a smile. Dabi grunted.
-Yeah.. two brothers and a sister, he said and sat beside you. Kurogiri poured him a shot.
-They must have been cooler then Shigaraki. You said with a laugh.
-Actualy im the oldest so I relate to him. I wanted to keep my siblings safe from my.. father and I got these scars cos of it. He said pausing before the word father and pointing at his scared neck and hands. You snickerd and turned your head to your glass with a frown.
-I know he cares, but im not helpless! The hero students are my age and they train and have missions. You complained.
-Thats cos heroes don't have to look over their shoulders, they live in comfy houses and are praiced for their abilitys. Shigarakis scrappy voice rang out as he steped in to the dimlit room. His neck was red from all the nervous scratshing he does.
-Bro you need to try that lotion I bought for you. You giggled, Shigaraki let out an anoyed grunt and shook his head.
-Don't get snapy with me missy. He said flicking your head with his fingers.
-Ouch.. you said rubing your head. You choud feel his smirk from under the hand.
-So whats the plan? Twice asked squesing a stress ball in his hands.
-We need to get a spy on the inside. Propaply to the hero school UA. The crusty man said and hanged his head low.
-That whoud never work, for one they all know our faces and none of us are even young enough to go as a student. Twice scoffed.
-Well.. Y/N is the same age as the firstyears. Dabi said and rubbed his neck. you blinked, your brother whoud never alow you to go to a school full of heroes.
-Im afraid it may be our only option.. he sighed. Your eyes widend. Is this really happening?!
-You'll let me go on my first mission?! You asked jumping up and slaming your hands on the counter hard enough to flip Dabi's drink over.
-Ugh, yeah.. but don't get eny ideas! Shigaraki warned. You put your hands up in mock surender and smiled.
-Finaly I can show the hero weaklings whos boss. You said beaming with exitement.
-Toga will help you preapare an outfit. And Dabi, I trust you can give her some training without killing her? Shigaraki said giving a glare to Dabi.
-If she gets anoying I won't promise anything. The dark male grumbeld.
-Sounds great~! Toga giggled coming over to you.
-Uh, lets go pick an outfit I gues. You said. Toga nodded quickly.
-Yes yes! I have some outfits for you! Maybe we can try a new hairstyle aswell! She beamed grabing you by the rist and starting to drag you.
-Also, Y/N.. try not to get atached to any students. Shigaraki mutterd. You scoffed.
-As if I whoud even talk to any of them outside class. You grined and saluted .
Toga pushed you in a closet and handed you the first outfit. You put it on and looked in the mirror. A skirt, legings and a shirt. It was cute but not your style.
-Maybe something else, you said geting back in the closet. Toga handed you a new outfit. It was Jeans, a teashirt and a bracelet. You shook your head again. No not this eather. Toga tought for a moment and then pushed you in the closet with force.
-You are alot stronger then you look.. you muterd when you hit the back of the closet. Toga showed you the third outfit and you put it on. Comfy Pants, a teashirt and a knited jacket. This will do.. you tough.
-So so? Toga asked claping her hands.
-I like this one, it will do. You awnserd. She giggled and noded.
-You shoud go, Dabi isn't patient and you need all the training you can get. Toga said practickly pushing you out the door. You sighed and went to change in to some short and a top also tying your hair up in a ponytail (unlses you have short hair).
You went outside to a training area and Dabi was alredy there. Smoking, as you tought.
-Your gona give yourself canser one of these days. You said walking up to him. He only grunted and threw the cigaret away stomping on it.
-My health is none of your consern. He said glaring at you. You roled your eyes.
-I want you to fire your spikes at me, you have had training before but this time im not holding back. He grumpeld, you nodded and fired at him. He doged every single one.
-That was pathetic! He groweld. You bit your lip and fired again, this time you fired at his sides leaving him only the choise to go up or forword. You smirked but it didn't last long. Dabi erupted his blue flames knocking the spikes away.
-Not as bad.. he grumpeld.
-Thx? You said rubing the back of your head.
-now, I want you to defend by using your quirk. He said charching forword. He had flames in his hands and he tried to punch you. You doged just in time and moved farther away. You tried shooting the spikes on his hands but he doged swiftly seemingly without much efort. You created one big sharp spike and took it in your hands. You used it like a sword and tried hiting the man. He sliped behind you and held his arm to your troath. You gasped and tried to riggle yourself free, but it was no use. Dabi was too strong. You felt something hot on your shoulder, then something extreamly hot. You screamed and saw dabi burn your shoulder. He wasn't kidding about not holding back.
-figure something out or you will die! He yealed. You panicked and looked for enything helpfull. Then you figured something. You consentraited and carefully lifted a spike of the ground. You where still screaming as a distraction. You sank the spike to his flesh and Dabi imidiadly let go with a yelp. You took this oportunity and created spikes to pin him to a tree. After Dabi puled out the spike he looked at you with a scawl.
-pretty good. He said burning the spikes off. You smirked and streched.
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