Ch 3. The fruits of his labor


Hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Deku: The wielder of the omnitrix - Ch 3.

Bakugo darted his eyes from corner to corner, trying, hoping to catch up with the blue and black trail. Focus, his explosions couldn't keep it away forever. It blitzed through the room at tremendous speeds, like it was everywhere at once. What was the objective again? He couldn't care less. He took upon a cocky grin, fully enthralled in the heat of battle.

Days earlier, the glorifying aroma of fish and rice invaded Izuku's nose like a not so sneaky burglar. Transfixed by the smell, he dashed downstairs in an autonomous action. His stomach grew complacent as each second passed, the smell getting heavier and stronger.

Gulping down the food like a starved hyaena, Izuku let out a satisfied groan which got a laugh out of Inko. He thanked her for the meal before she went out to check the mail.

He looked around the room and eventually locked on to a clock.

4 days, it had only been 4 days since the entrance exam time seemed to come to slow down as each day passed. "When is it going to come?" He mumbled, watching the hour clock strike 12:00 AM.

His question would be answered shortly by the sudden explosive entrance at the door. "Izuku," he heard his mother bellow, "The U.A results... They're here!"

Time stopped, his heart skipped a beat when he received the mail. He fumbled his way upstairs into his room in frantic manner.

He placed down the mail with such care that would make a renowned surgeon bat and eye.

Glancing back and forth, he anxiously paced around the room. Overcoming his towering reluctance, he sat himself down and carefully opened the envelope with a red 'U.A' seal on it.

A glimmering white light startled the young boy backwards, it was coming from a black disc inside the envelope. Izuku furrowed his brows. The luminous beam of light shifted and jumbled over itself, eventually forming a hologram of...

All Might?

'What's All might doing in a U.A...-'

"I am here!" All might bellowed, showing off his iconic smile. "You're probably wondering as to why I'm here. Well, you're looking at U.A's newest faculty member!"

'All might... U.A?....' Izuku was at loss for words just by the thought of those words in the same sentence.

"Speed things up? Wait- I gotta do how many of these?" All might asked someone off camera, groaning at the answer. "Ahem, well to get to the point..."

Frozen, if time had seemed slow before, it was practically still now. His heart stopped, his body went numb. His path to becoming a hero- would it end here? Getting the omnitrix- did he truly waste this chance to become a hero? No, no he didn't - he knew that. He worked hard for this, harder than he had for anything in his life.

"You passed."

He wasn't just a quirkless nobody anymore. He was a somebody on his way to being a hero. He grinned from ear to ear, his blood rushing from ear to ear.

"With an astounding 120 points! During the exam you showed your worth in power and strength, that alone would've allowed you to pass, however, because of your courage and quick thinking to save another examinee in trouble, you gained an additional 20 points! Young Midoriya... Welcome

to your new hero academia!"

Within an instant the hologram disappeared back into the black disc, leaving only but a fading trail of light.

"U.A... I'm..." Izuku could hardly contain his excitement. "I'm in U.A!"


Placing his hand on his eyes like a visor, Yagi let out a contemptuous sigh. He wiped his hand down his face to eye the page in front of him again. 'Izuku Midoriya,' He thought inwardly, 'quirkless.'

His eyes back tracked in denial. 'This doesn't make sense.' He rubbed circles on the sides of his head.

"Toshinori, you're still here?" Principal Nezu said, peeping his hour into the U.A staff office. "Oh, interested in one of the new students I see?" He said, noticing the quirk registration book at Yagi's desk.

"Yes... You remember that examinee, Izuku Midoriya?' Yagi said, standing up from his desk. "He's-"

"Quirkless? I know." Nezu assured with a grin.

That caught Yagi by surprise. "So... what do we do in this situation?"

"For now," Nezu said, "we see how it plays out. If a time calls for us to intervene then we will."

"...right," Yagi stammered. Nezu gave him another snide smile.

"This year class 1 - A and 1-B... are definitely going to be a handful." Nezu remarked.


"Izuku!" Inko called, her face exasperated. Izuku came to stop, turning back to Inko just as he was about to leave. For a moment, Inko could only stare at her son.

"What is it mom? I have to go or I'll be late!" Izuku stated, his body slowly retreating to to the door.

"Izuku," She said, "I just want to say that I think you're really cool. And I know I haven't always been the best mom in the world, but I want you to know that I will support you no matter what."

When Izuku was first diagnosed quirkless, he cried. In that moment, Inko sought to comfort him. 'Sorry, Izuku. I'm so sorry.' Those words stuck with him. She didn't believe him. Growing up he'd always had that thought at the back of his head 'Why didn't she say she believed me? Why didn't she tell me I could still achieve my dreams?' But now he understood. She only wanted to protect her only child. He couldn't blame her for that.

"Thanks, mom." His mouth formed a wide grin before parting. He was strong now, he had the omnitrix and he was going to show mom that he wasn't the same small boy that she needed protect. He was going to make her proud.


After a long train ride, Izuku had finally came face to face with U.A's entrance for the second time. They were intimidating but he walked through them with much more ease this time.

The U.A halls. Massive. Huge. Confusing. He was lost- embarrassing. One way or another he'd turned one too many corners and ended up in the third year section.

"Ooh, I've never seen you here before?" A girl with luscious blue hair queried. "Are you some kind of transfer-"

"Uh- Nejire, judging from his face, K think he's lost." A black haired boy added grimly, standing a few odd feet behind her.

"Lost, huh?" A blonde haired boy said, "We can help with that! By the way what's your name?"

A drop of sweat dripped down the side of Izuku's head. "Uh-" he hesitated, "Izuku Midoriya. I- I was looking for the first year section?"

"Midoriya? Well my names Mirio Togata, the girl with the blue eyes- she's Nejire Hado, and the shy guy back there, he's Tamaki Amajiki." He placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "And the the first year classes are downstairs."

Izuku's face turned bright red. "I- Thank you so much!" He added before dashing the opposite direction.

"What an odd guy." Mirio commented.

"Hey, Hey, did you see the thing on his wrist?" Nejire started, "It looked like a watch-"

"It was probably a support item," Tamaki interjected, his voice fading as quickly as it was brought up. "It looked too big to be a normal gadget."

"Well, we'll dwell on it later, right now we better get to class, guys!" Mirio exclaimed.

Meanwhile Izuku darted from hall to hall, hopefully in the right level this time. His eyes watched the passing door.

1-A.... 1A... there it is!' He stopped in front of a massive door with '1-a' written on it. The door was enormous, he questioned why everything in this school was big. For people with gigantification quirk perhaps? Anyways, without thought he opened the door.

'Please- please anything but those two!' He wished as the door swung open.

"Remove your feet from the desk this instance! You are disrespecting school property!" The robotic examinee from the entrance exam demanded towards Katsuki.

"Eh- back off four eyes!" Katsuki growled, his words coming with venom.

"Excuse me? I'm a student from Somei academy, a school which taught me with integrity and respect and for student to be going to U.A with an attitude like yours simply cannot stand!" The robotic student explained.

"Somei, huh? You're just another elitist prick. Damn I'm going to enjoy tearing you a new one this year!" Katsuki said, turning his head to the sound of the door opening.

Great. The two people Izuku absolutely didn't want to see in his class, were in his class. He let out a callous sigh.

"Hey!" The robotic student strode towards him, "you're the guy from the entrance exam, right?"

"Uh- Yeah." Izuku replied, wanting to end the conversation already. "My names Izuku Midoriya."

"Well, Midoriya, my name is Tenya Iida and I would like to give you my sincerest apology!" Iida said wholeheartedly, "I'm truly apologetic over my behavior to you during the test-"

"Oh, no- no problem!" Izuku intervened, "I was too blame aswell!"

"No, I thought you were just in the test to distract the other examinees but instead you sought the true objective of the exam while I could only watch." Iida continued, "please, accept my apology."

"I already did," Izuku assured frantically, getting more and more embarrassed. The glaring and gossip of the other students in the class didn't help either.

'Well,' he thought, 'At least I know he isn't a bad guy... just a little too studious?'

'That nerd.' Katsuki barred his teeth, recalling the meeting both he and Izuku had after their acceptance letters had arrived.

It didn't come as a shock to find out that Katsuki had been accepted into U.A, but Izuku? The quirkless runt who never showed any potential? He somehow got into the same school as him? It came a welcome surprise to their teacher who congratulated the both of them for their achievement.

After the meeting, Katsuki took Izuku to the back of the school. Something was not right, he was supposed to be the only person to enter U.A, the only kid from that depressing school to beat all the rest with ease. That prospect was ruined now, all because of this pebble which kept showing up in his path.

He cornered Izuku, pushed him to a wall, asked him how he got into U.A. even if he'd been training his body, it didn't compare to the hundreds of other examinees who had formidable quirks.

Izuku maintained his composure, shrugged the bondies glowing hand off his collar. "Look, Kaachan. I'm not the same person I was before, I... something happened a few months ago that changed my life, Alright? It gave me a chance to become hero. And wether or not you like it, I will not stop my dream just because you want me to." Izuku said at the time.

Katsuki didn't want to admit it, but he knew that this pebble In has path- it was growing. The thought sickened him. Why the sudden change? And the watch on his wrist, it had caught his suspicion.

"This is class 1-A, right?" A voice pitched from behind Izuku. He looked over to see a girl with bobbed brown hair. "Hi, nice to meet you, mines Ochaco Uraraka."

A girl. Freeze. Izuku could barely bring his hand up for a wave. "Uh- h-hi." He stammered, "my- my name-"

"Silence." A voice demanded. Izuku looked down, a yellow blob with a face. What? It was bewildering at first and then it spoke again. "7 seconds, it took you all 7 seconds to shut up." The blob unzipped itself and a raggedy looking man emerged. "That's 7 seconds too many for my liking. If all you want to do is make friends in your time here at U.A then leave."

'Huh? Who is this guy?' The students pondered in unison.

"Im Aizawa Shouta," the gruff man stated, "Your new Homeroom teacher." That shocked the students. They would have never guessed that such an unkempt man would be their teacher.

"Get your U.A kits," he ordered, "we'll be meeting at the the field."


U.A wasn't the top school in Japan for no reason. Just it size alone proved time and time again to bring his old school to shame. It was practically an ant compared to U.A.

He stood transfixed at the vast, sandy field. 'Woah.' Was the only thing that could describe it. However that awe didn't last.

"A quirk asses,ent test?!" The students yelled, their reactions varying from surprise to indifference.

"Excuse me," Uraraka raised her voice, "What about school orientation? It's our first day, we can't just do an assessment out of the blue!"

"Look, you all aspire to be heroes, you should know that there isn't time for leisure during time which could be honing your skills." Aizawa expressed, "U.A is a school that is unrestrictive in its methods. What that means is that I'm allowed to teach you guys in whatever way I see fit."

The students were quiet, staring at Aizawa with uncertainty.

"Look, you kids have been doing this since junior high." He pulled out a device akin to a smartphone, "physical tests without the use of your quirks. Japan is the only the only country which still takes in average of people who don't use their quirks, its irrational. Soon they'll learn to drop that idea, it's all due in time. Bakugo you got one of the highest scores in the exam, in junior high What was your best result for softball throw?"

"67 meters." Katsuki answered.

"Then try doing it with your quirk this time."

Katsuki feigned a slight moment of reluctance before going up into the encircled throwing area.

"You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in that area." Aizawa said, throwing him a ball.

"Anything I want, huh?" Katsuki stretched, "well, then-" he reeled back his throwing arm, his hand getting hotter and hotter. Release. "DIE!" An giant explosions erupted from his palms. The ball was sent an impressive distance forward.

'Die?' Izuku questioned.

Aizawa turned to his class of students and held up the device again, this time it read "705" meters.

"Holy shit! That far, are kidding me?"

"Oh this looks fun, I want to be next!"

"Fun?" Aizawa restated, "This looks "fun' to you?"

A mine. The students had just stepped on one of Aizawa's mines. "Idiots," he said, "alright if you're not going to be taking this test seriously, how about I. Are it even more "fun"? Whoever gets last is immediately expelled."

'Woah woah- expulsion? On the first day?....' Izuku readjusted his footing. This teacher, he wasn't pulling any punches was he?

"Hey! You can't expel us on the first day!" Uraraka pleaded.

"I can't? Like I said earlier, U.A allows teachers the utmost freedom when it comes to how they teach their class."

"But this isn't fair-"

"You know what else isn't fair? Natural disaster, villains, accidents." Aizawa retorted. "Being a hero isn't fair, but it's Why we'll train you to be ready for those kinds of things when you do become one. You'll go through a grueling three years at U.A and we expect you to keep up. This is your first hurdle. Now, show me what you can do."

A hurdle. U.A - the cream of the crop, nothing else the students wouldn't expect from the top school. With Aizawa's speech, the students were riled up.

'I'm not to keen on his way of teaching,' Iida decoded, 'but I'll do my best.'

'I'll blow these losers out the water!' Katsuki proclaimed.

Izuku crunched his teeth together. He wasn't going to mess up, all he had to do was not come last... It sounded easy, but who knew what kinds of quirks these guys had under their sleeves.


First test: 50 meter dash!

Tenya Iida, his quirk: engine. He came from a family with a history of famous heroes, his quirk caused him to procure engines on at the back of his legs.

Racing him was Tsuyu Asui, a girl who's quirk caused her to manifest all the "quirks" of a frog.

Izuku recognized her, she was the girl he saved at the entrance exam. He was surprised she hadn't said anything to him yet, then again he was turned into Blitzwolfer for the entire time.

He examined them both closely from the sidelines.

"3...2...1...Go!" A robot signaled. The two started, Iida shifting his quirk into gear a half second later. Flames bursted from his engines, his speed climbing up second by second.

He passed the finish line with a few well placed strides.

"3.02 seconds!" The robot exclaimed.

Tsuyu followed suite, slightly behind.

"5.58 seconds."

"Like a fish out of water," Aizawa grumbled, "I wonder how the rest will do?"

Next in line, Ochaco Uraraka and Mashirao Ojiro.

Using her zero gravity quirk, Uraraka lightened her clothes just by touching them with all five fingers. 'This'll make it easier!'

Ojiro on the other hand, had a tail quirk. He had a tail. Izuku admitted it wasn't the most interesting quirk he'd ever seen but the way he used it to travel was amazing, bouncing it against the ground like some sort of spring board.

Uraraka finished in 7.75 seconds, hey at least she did better than her junior high time.

Ojiro took the win with 5.58 seconds.

The next two were Mina Ashido and Yuga Aoyama.

"Oui, none of you are being creative enough!" Aoyama announced, "let me show you how it's done."

"Oh shut up!" Mina replied before the robot signaled for them to go.

Izuku examined Aoyama's quirk, naval laser. A laser came out of his belly button but he needed the help of support item to utilize it. It was kind of like the omnitrix, although admittedly it did much more than allow a laser to burst out of his belly button for less than 2 seconds.

After those two seconds, Aoyama fell flat on the ground and tried to regain his composure, but Mina slid by him with her usage of her acid quirk, taking the win.

Aoyama: "5.51 seconds!"

Mina: "5.13 seconds!"

'Looking at you quirks it becomes clear what you students are capable of and what has room for improvement.' Aizawa monologued. "This will connect the creativity needed for your survival."

Next was... of course they'd be racing: Katsuki and Izuku

"I'll smoke you, Deku." Katsuki taunted, noticing Izuku fiddling with his watch, "Don't fucking ignore me!"

"3...2...1" Katsuki readied himself despite his annoyance, "go!"

A flurry of explosions, Katsuki was going to blast his body to the finish line and win a clear victory.

A flash of green, a blue and black trail. "0.96 seconds." The robot stated. "4.13 seconds."

Another flash, red in color this time blinded the students. What just happened? They looked at Izuku in bewilderment. Just a second ago he was at the start line and now he was at the end? It didn't even look like he broke a sweat.

Katsuki was... beaten... by Izuku? This- This didn't make any sense! How? He glared at him. 'How the hell did he do that!?'

'Interesting,' Aizawa smiled, 'There Are 7 more test and some extraordinary results have already been made. Keep this pace up.'


Second test: Grip strength!

During this test, many students like Mezo Shoji excelled in this show of strength. His quirk created led to the multiplication of his arms, leading to an in incredible grip strength.

"Wow, 540 kilograms?" Both students, Mineta and Sero commented. However, all their attention was placed on four arms, another one of Izuku's aliens.

It was a hulking, 8 foot alien with- well, four arms. He was probably one of the more plain looking aliens but he sure did pack mean punch.

"1200 kilograms?!" Their jaws dropped, "A behemoth!"

The next few tests were a breeze for Izuku. In test 3: standing long jump, Izuku used crash hopper, a bug alien with legs that took him over the sand paint, and more. He wasn't experienced with control the strength of his jumps with that alien yet.

Test 4: side steps! He didn't have an alien exactly suited for this so he just used his human form.

Test 5: ball throw!

Izuku watched once more from the sidelines as Uraraka took to her place. He glanced back to the side of him, Katsuki was glaring at him. He had been this entire test. He was pissed, that wasn't hard to tell.

Ignoring him was hard but he was used to it.

Uraraka touched the ball with all 5 of her fingers and then threw the ball. It travelled far, really far. It would fall any seconds now. Any second... it wasn't coming back down.

Aizawa showed the readings: "Infinity"

The class roused, impressed by the grand result.

'Infinity? And I have to do mine right after that?" Izuku whined, walking to the throwing area. Which alien to turn into? Strength or strategy? He had an ensemble to choose from, which would produce the greatest result?

"Midoriya, go in the next 10 seconds or you'll be disqualified." Aizawa said. "You're wasting my time."

'10 seconds? 10 SECONDS!? I have to pick-' he slammed his fist down on the omnitrix. A flash of green engulfed him, blinding the other students.

What was he going to turn into now? Was the thought that circulated throughout the class. Izuku had quickly risen to a hot topic. His quirk- it was transformative, but it seemed too strong to be just that. It was as if he had a multitude of quirks packed into one.

The light dimmed, the unkown alien revealed itself.

"Ditto!" Ditto shouted, "Ditto? Are you kidding me?!"

The students watched in awe, Izuku had just transformed into another Alien. It was short, child-like in appearance but its body was white and black.

"You have 7 seconds left," Aizawa said. 'Sometimes putting them under pressure will bring about true creativity. In a situation that seems dire, to make a quick decision is not always easy.'

And quick decision is what Izuku made, well, you could even say a 'split' decision. In less the a second another alien identical to his own ripped itself from his body.

"There's two of them?"

"What is this guys quirk?"

"So," both ditto's said, "you said I only need to stay in the circle, right?"

'This kid!' Aizawa grinned, giving him a nod.

"Sweet! You got that ditto #2?"

"Let's do this!"


| Four arms, species: treamand. humanoid aliens spanning approximately 12 feet tell with a huge hulking figure. This species has and extra set of arms and has well developed muscles. This alien has enhanced strength and is capable to lift several times its own weight. |

| XLR8, species: Kineceleran. it resembles a semi- armored velociraptor. He has black orbs on his feet and wears a black conoid helmet with a visor that is part of his Kineceleran biology. Using the orbs on his feet, he can manipulate friction to travel incredible speeds in no time. |

| Crashhopper, species: Orthopterran. This alien resembles that of a grass hopper and a praying mantis, Gerry bug like in appearance. Due to its long muscular legs, it can jump extremely long distances. |

| Ditto, species: Splixson. This alien is about the height of a human child, it has white and black skin. This alien has the ability to clone itself with no limit into independently thinking clones. | - (think of it like twice's quirk.)

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