Magic vs Quirks
(Took me long enough to update this story didn't it. Sorry school has been taking up most of my time. However fall break starts today and that should give me the time to update my more stories more often)
Izuku woke up the next morning and quickly got ready for school. He stood in the door way of his house.
"Well I'm off to school." Said Izuku
"Have fun Izuku" (Tohru)
"Have nice day Izu." (Lucoa)
"Good luck Izuku." (Kanna)
"....." (Fafnir)
Izuku smiled before openning a portal to U.A. Izuku then walked through the portal to U.A where he got a couple of stairs from students. Izuku brushed off the stairs as he began to look for class 1A.
"Why does this school have to be so big?" Izulu askes himself.
After a few more minutes of looking Izuku finally found his classroom.
"Finally." Said Izuku as he looked at the class due to a bit of intimidated. Izuku mentally slapped himself. "It's ok. I'll do great. I just hope I'm not in the same class as Kacchan or that leg guy."
As Izuku opened the door he saw the same two people he didn't want to be with.
"God dammit." Whispered Izuku
"Izuku it's good to see you." Said Kendou as she waved at Izuku from her seat.
Izuku smiled that he at least knew someone in this class. Izuku took a seat behind Kendo. About a minute later a tall skinny man wearing black and a bandage scarf came into the room.
"My name is Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher. Now everyone hurry up and put in your PE outfits and meet me outside."
(Outside Izuku point of view)
Me and the rest of class 1A had learned from Aizawa that he'd be testing our quirks and who ever came in last place would be exspelled.
"Wait but we'll miss orientation." Said a brown haired girl.
"If you want to become heros you don't have time for pointless stuff like orientation." Said Aizawa. "Midorya I want you be the first to take the ball throwing test. Just throw this ball as hard as you can while using your quirk."
I walked to the center of the circle that Aizawa pointed to. As I did I could hear people whispering.
"This quirkless bastard is gonna be the one to get exspelled." Said Kacchan
"Are you kidding me Izuku is practily already in the rop three." Said Kendou
"What are you talking about. A quirkless loser like him should have never been able get into U.A!" Yelled Kacchan
"Bakugoe are awhere of what Midorya did during the entrance exam?" Asked a boy in glasses
"What did that little shit do?" Asked Kacchan
"Just watch you're about to find out." Said Kendou
Kacchan looked at me kinda pissed. I ignored him and charged all the magic I could into my arms. I took one step forward and through the ball. Upon throwing it a massive shock wave and sonic boom happened causing some of the student amd Aizawa to be pushed back or ro cover their ears.
The ball want out of sight and I bit my finger.
"Did I use to much power?" I asked my self
Aizawa looked at the device that recorded the scores and his eyes widened. He showed the score to the rest of the class and their jaws dropped. I had scored. I had scored over 2000. I saw Kacchan with a pissed of look on his face. He then ran at me creating explosion.
"Deku! How the hell did you do that." Screamed Kacchan
Before Kacchan could get any closer Aizawa caught him in his capture gear and erased his quirk. I was amazed that the underground hero Eraserhead was our homeroom teacher.
(Time skip brought to by Chibi Tohru)
The scores were on the bord I ranked first while a girl named Tooru ranked last. However Aizawa said he was only kidding about the person in last place being exspelled.
"Your homework is on your desk. Have it done by tomorrow." Said Aizawa
(Scene change brought to you by a chibi Kanna flying across your screen)
Izuku walked out of U.A and was about to make a portal to go home but was stopped when someone called out his name.
"Izuku do want to walk home together?" Asked Kendou
"S-sure." I said
"Excuse me, my name is Iida Tenya and I was woundering if I may join you as well?" Asked the blue hair boy.
"Sure." I said slowly
"Also I'd like to apologize for the way I acted durring the entrance exam. You found the hidden meaning behind the test. You are far superior ro me." Said Iida
"There's no need to go that far. I don't see myself as better than anyone else." I said
"A truely honourable thing to say." Said Iida
"If you three are walking can I tag along to?" Asked the brown hair girl. "Oh it's you. You're the one who saved me during the entrance exam. You're Deku right."
"Well actually Deku is a name that Kacchan would use to make fun of me." I said
"Oh sorry for calling you Deku then. But I really like Deku. It could make a great hero name."
"Also I'm Uraraka."
The four of us walked to the train station where we all parted ways. I rode the train home. Once I entered my apartment I saw the girls huddled around the tabble working on something.
"What are you three working on?" I asked
"No Izuku can't look yet. It's not done." Said Kanna blocking my sight so I couldn't see what they were working.
"Ok I won't look." I said before I did my homework before going to bed.
(Next day. In U.A, 3rd perosn)
The whole day want by fast and soon Izuku soon found gimself in the hero course.
"I'm coming through the door like a normal person!" Shouted All Might
The whole class was amazed that All Might was their hero course teacher. All Might then intructed the kids to grab their hero outfits and meet him in the training area.
"Oh no. I was so busy training that I didn't put in a form for a costum." Izuku paniked running his hands through his hair frantically.
"Young Midorya this was drop off earlier today for you." Said All Might handing Izuku a package
Izuku took the package from All Might and opened to revive a note ontop of clothing. The note read.
Dear Izuku
I noticed that you didn't send in a form for a hero outfit so as your loving maid I made one for you. While I did have some help from the others I did most of the work. These clouth are a replica of the cloth a great dragon slayer from our world once wore. I hope you like them.
Sinserly Tohru XOXOXO
PS. Be safe and good luck
Izuku blushed at the note. He took the cloth out of the package and was stunned of how cool they looked.
Izuku quickly put the cloth on and rushed out to join the others in the training field.
"Wow Izuku you're costume looks awsome." Said Kendou. "It makes you look like a woundering warrior." Said Kendou
"Thanks Kendou. I like your costume too. You look like someone right out of a Kong Fu movie." Said Izuku.
"Ha I guess I do." Laughed Kendou
"Wow you two look amazing." Said Uraraka. "I really should have been more specific with my costum. It's a skin tight jump suit."
"All right everyone get really. Today we'll be doing combat training. You will be placed in teams and fight agenst another team." Shouted All Might. "However there is one exception. First would Young Bakugou, Tordiroki, and Kiroshima please step forward."
The three boys stepped forward and woundered why All Might had called them up.
"Ok you three will be fighting Young Midorya!" Shouted All Might
"What!" Shouted the whole class.
"Wait why am I fighting three of the most powerful students in the class?" Asked Izuku
All Might thought about it.
"So Aizawa how was the testing?" Asked All Might
"It was ok. However Midorya is still holding back and when I tried to erase his quirk I couldn't." Said Aizawa. "All Might the principle wants to know what he's cabable of so tomorrow durring his combat traing try to push him to his limites." Said Aizawa as he zipped himself up into his sleeping bag.
(End of flashback)
"Well Young Midorya you ranked the highest in botht the entrance exam and in Aizawa's test so I'm testing your abilities in a real fight." said All Might
"That little shit even did better than me in the entrance exam. That's it he's so fucking dead." Thought Bakugou
All Might then wamt on to explain the rules. (Same as in the manga/anime)
Team Bakugou will be villians while Izuku is a hero.
Izuku stood outside the build that the villians were helf up in.
"Ok Izuku game face. If you can survive living with 4 dragons then can survive a fight with an asshole plus two others." Izuku said to himself
(Inside the building)
"Hey wierd hair, ice boy. Do you think Deku really has a quirk?" Asked Bakugou
"If you are referring to Midorya. Then you saw for you're self his strengh. It would be stupid to think that he doesn't have a quirk." Said Tordiroki
"Yay Midroya has one powerful quirk. It super manly." Said Kiroshima
"So the bastard has been looking down on me all this time. Well guess I'll have to remind him who's on top." Thought Bakugou.
(Back with Izuku)
"Go!" Shouted All Might
Izuku entered the building through a window and then began going up floor by floor.
"Alrighr Izuku, the bomb is most likely going to be on the top floor. Kacchan will distance himself from his teammates and try to fight me himself. From what I saw during Mr. Aizawa's test. Kirishima can harden his skin while Tordiroki can generate ice from the left side of his body."
As Izuku though about how he would go about the situation he suddenly felt cold. He quickly noticed ice covering the walls and floor. Izuku quickly inhaled and them released his fire breath. Stopping the ice from advancing.
"That must have been Tordiroki." Said Izuku.
Izuku then charged his magic into his legs and began runing down the hall . As he ran the ice below him shattered due to the force he was running with.
As Izuku made it to the third to top floor. Bakugou came out from around a corner and tried to attack Izuku. Izuku jumped back dodging Bakugou's attack.
"He's not alone!" Shouted Kiroshima as he punch Izuku into a wall.
As Kiroshima want in for another attack Izuku shot a ball of magic into Kiroshima's chest pushing him through a wall. As Izuku pulled himself out of the wall Bakugou tried to attack Izuku agian. Izuku dodged and blocked every attack Bakugou throw at him. Until Bakugou got lucky and landed a punch into Izuku's stomach.
Izuku was forced to his knees as Bakugou began to speak.
"See Deku you're nothing but a pebble in path." Said Bakugo
"Shut up Kacchan. I'm done taking shit from you!" Yells Izuku as he charges up his magic into his fist and delivering an uppercut to Bakugou. The punch sent Bakugou through the ceiling.
Kiroshima then jumped at Izuku and tried to punch him. Izuku saw that and throw a punch of his own. The two fist met in the middle. The two then started trading blows. After about a minute Izuku heard Bakugou yell.
"Wierd hair move!" Shouted Bakugou as grabbed a pine on his grenade gaunlet.
Kirishima stopped his assult and moved away from Izuku. Bakugou than pulled the pine.
"Go to hell Deku!" Screamed Bakugou
A massive explosion came out of rhe gauntlet in my direction.
"I can't dodge that." Thought Izuku
(In the observations room)
"Izuku!" Yelled Kendou as Izuku was consumed by the explosion
"I know Midorya is though but can he survive an explosion of that caliber?" Iida asked out loud
"All Might you need to stop this test." Said Uraraka
"Should I stop the test?" All Might aksed himself
"Wait look." Said Momo as she pointed to a figure in the smoke
(Back with Izuku. Still third person)
Izuku closed his eyes and braced for the impact. However Izuku didn't feel his body move or anything for that matter. Izuku opened his eye and was shocked. Izuki saw that his skin had turned into dragin scales to protect himself from the attack. Izuku didn't rember ever using this ability
However he didn't focus on it now.
He put his hands together like he was about to do a kamehameha. Instead he charged up his magic into a beam attack.
(Attack looks like this. Just toned down a bit. Ok toned down a lot)
"Bakugou I think you want to far. That attack might have suveraly wounded him maybe worse." Said Kiroshima
As he finished saying that Izuku lauched his beam attack at Kiroshima and Bakugou. The two saw the attack and Bakugou used his explosions to push himself out of the way. However Kiroshima wasn't so lucky. That attck hit Kiroshima dead on pushing him through the walls and knocking him out cold. Bakugou launched himself at Izuku abd tried to kick him. Izuku blocked the kick and grabbed onto Bakugou's leg. Then charging up a good deal of magi throw Bakugou into the floor. Bakugou was knocked through three floors and was knocked put due to the impact from the impact.
"Looks like magic beats quirks." Thought Izuku as he ran off the find the bomb
Izuku made it to the top floor and as he looked in a room pilliars of ice were sent flying at him. Izuku bearly dodged them. That's when Izuku noticed that Tordiroko had also sent ice across the floor and it began to incase his legs. Izuku quickly inhaled before releasing his fire breath. Melting the ice.
"My suit is fire proof. That's awsome, but now's not the time for that. Now how am I gonna get to the weapon. I can't just walk in. I'll be pined or frozen in seconds. Wait I saw where the bomb is I can just create a protal." Thought Izuku
Izuku then made a protal right above the bomb and another obe in front of him. Izuku then jumped through the portal and landed on top of the bomb. Izuku then gripped the bomb once he landed on it.
"The hero wins!" Shouted All Might
"What, but how?" Asked Tordiroki
Tordiroki then looked behind him to see Izuku on top of the bomb.
"Hello." Said Izuku waving at Tordiroki
(Scene change observation room)
Izuku walked through the door only to be takled by Kendou.
"Izuku are you ok. You're not hurt anywhere are you?" Asked Kendou as she checked Izuku for any injuries.
"Kendou I'm fine." Said Izuku
"You did well young Midorya. Even when the odds were agenst you. Dispite of that you still managed to win the fight" Said All Might
After the rest of matches Izuku want back to his house where he was greeted by four dragons.
"Izuku you're home!" Shouted Tohru tackle hugging Izuku
"Hello Tohru." Said Izuku
Izuku greeted the others.
"Oh ya thank you for making my hero suit. It's awsome." Said Izuku
"It was no problme at all Izu Baby." Said Lucoa
Izuku blushed upon hearing this nickname. See Izuku blush becuase of Luccoa filled her with rage. However before she could do anything Izuku stood up.
"Well I'm beat I think I'm gonna hit they hay."
(Tohru) Good night Izuku
(Luccoa) Sweet dream Izu
(Kanna) Night night Izuku.
Izuku walked into his room. He was pooped form the day and from using that much magic. He fell onto his bed and want into a deep sleep.
End of chapter 6
Next time on Deku's Dragon Maid.
Chapter 7: Unleash the Demon
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