First Draft
London, England
The Duke of Hayward left White's and headed the short distance to his townhouse on St. James. He was looking forward to warming up by the fire with a nightcap in his study. The journey from Bath was long and grueling, and he was ready to relax in his own home. It had been a while since he'd been to any of his properties, thanks to his mother's constant nagging. She was ready for him to fulfill his duty, take a bride, and produce heirs.
It was why he was keen to accept all Lady Margaret's invitations, along with his budding friendship with her son, Gerald. Johannes enjoyed the laid-back countess and her ragtag entourage. He grew up in a strict environment because of his family's standing in polite society, so it was nice to be around Lady Margaret.
His butler, Clarence, opened the door and bowed. "Good evening, Your Grace."
Johannes nodded, handing him his overcoat, hat, and cane. "Good to see you, Clarence. It's been a while and I'm sorry it was short notice. I hope I didn't cause the staff too much trouble."
"Not at all. Mr. Blair unloaded your trunk when the coachman delivered it earlier, and Cook fixed you a special Victoria sponge. We are all thrilled to have you home, Your Grace."
"You are a good man, Clarence." Johannes clapped him on the back. "What say you bring me some of that sponge cake and then retire for the night? I'll be turning in early myself. I'm knackered from my trip."
A look of confusion crossed the butler's face. "Although kind, perhaps you are unaware of your mother's arrival yesterday." Clarence cocked his head.
Johannes groaned and raked a hand through his hair. "Bloody hell!" He could see the corners of Clarence's mouth lift before maintaining his composure. "Did she bring my sister, as well?"
"Yes, and another young lady of her acquaintance." Clarence cleared his throat. "They are attending a musical at Lord and Lady Highmore's. I do not suspect they shall stay out too late though, Your Grace." He tapped the side of his nose and winked.
"Spit it out, man." Johannes laughed. "What, pray, are you trying to tell me?"
"I'll meet you in the study with Cook's treat. You have enough time to enjoy it and brandy before the ladies return." He gave Johannes a pointed look, shaking his head, his left cheek raised in a grin.
Johannes liked the cheeky side that Clarence pretended to hide. While proper, he wasn't your regular stuffy, stone-faced butler. Johannes hired him after inheriting the title. When his father died, Johannes sent the previous butler to a cottage in the country with a nice stipend to live out the rest of his days how he saw fit. Mr. Campbell was a dedicated and loyal employee, but well in his dotage.
"You're a genius, Clarence, and I'm terribly insipid tonight."
"It's called exhaustion and shock, Your Grace." He winked again. "I'll meet you in the study." He bowed and rushed toward the kitchen.
What in the blue blazes is my mother doing here? He told only his friends in Bath he was heading to London and while gossip traveled fast, it didn't travel that fast. His mother and sister were in the country at his primary estate—too far for wagging tongues to reach. With a heavy sigh, the duke made his way to his study. So much for peace.
He looked around the octagon-shaped room and smiled. This was his favorite room, and he'd left his father's study untouched, except for some essentials, and turned this room into his study. While not large, it was spacious, and he liked the tall bay windows adorning each side of the fireplace. Johannes placed an 18th Century King George III desk in the center and it shone as the blaze crackled behind it in the fireplace. The burgundy and gold striped drapes were a pleasant touch with their large tassel tie-backs, allowing an enormous amount of light in during the day.
The cream and mahogany furniture brightened the room, making it seem bigger. It was a masculine room without being overbearing. One might say it was tasteful. Johannes dropped into his chair and grabbed the decanter and tumbler from atop the desk where he kept them, and poured himself a large whisky. Clarence strode into the room without knocking, bobbed his head low, and laid out a tray with Victoria Sponge, coffee, and tea.
"Good man." Johannes smiled at the butler, who knew when to knock and when not to bother. "If the ladies should arrive before I finish... do you think you could—"
"Lie for you, Your Grace?" He smiled, and a wicked flash glistened in his eyes. "Of course. I will tell them you arrived, yet weary from traveling, that I sent you off to bed."
"Remind me to raise your wages," the duke said, and wiped crumbs from his face.
"No need, Your Grace. Just doing my job. I will always follow your wishes. Now, hurry. You do look like you could use a good night's rest."
Georgina gulped while looking out the window at the beautiful home in awe. She had never been to such an affluent part of London before and didn't know Lady Margaret owned a townhouse in the heart of Piccadilly.
"London is lovely this time of year," Mabel said, taking in a lungful of frosty air.
"Posh and fiddlesticks," Lady Margret grumbled as a footman helped her down from the carriage. "'Tis colder than a witch's tit, foolish woman, and it stinks. I much prefer the sea air." Margaret stood in front of her townhouse on Arlington Street, looking across at the park. "Just look how bare and chilly Green Park looks compared to the spring and summer. 'Tis downright depressing."
"Need I remind a certain someone it was their idea to come here?" Mabel raised her brows at the countess.
"So it was. So it was. One must suffer sometimes for the greater good," Margaret retorted, holding her head high, nose in the air.
"Yes, Ol' Nobel One. I forgot what a pillar of society you are." Mabel cackled when the countess rolled her eyes.
"Well, are we going to stand here on the street all day gawking at the dead trees? 'Tis dreadfully early and cold. Let's get the children inside. I suppose the servants atop the stairs are frozen by now, too."
"It would be... n-n-nice to g-g-go inside," Lady Eleanor said through chattering teeth.
Once inside, a laid-back staff offering hugs and well wishes greeted them. Georgina would never get used to an aristocrat allowing her staff to hug and gush over her. It was just another reason to love Lady Margaret and dread the moment she lost her friendship. She would just try to keep her head low and pray nobody noticed. It didn't help that Georgina was the spitting image of her notorious mother, Lottie Wakefield.
The servants laid a spread out before them: tea, coffee, cakes, toast, jam, fruit, and brandy, of course. "An invitation arrived for you, my lady," a young maid said, holding it out to Lady Margaret.
"News travels fast, I suppose." Lady Margaret took the invite. "Thank you, Scarlett. Grimes will be here on the morrow with my guests to take over his butler duties."
"'Tis no problem, my lady. I'm just happy to see you, is all. I can't wait to tell me mum you're back." Scarlett smiled at the countess.
"Good girl, Scarlett. Now sit and join us." Lady Margaret opened the invitation and a devilish grin spread across her painted, yet smeared, pink mouth. "This is the most fantastic news!" She held the invitation to her bosom. "I need a brandy and you won't believe this, Mabel!"
"You do not need a brandy. After that horrible journey, you need to eat, drink some real sweat tea and lie down. Now, who has sent you into a tizzy with a mere invitation?"
"Lady Catherine Lymington! She has invited us to tea at our convenience. She heard we were visiting for the Little Season and hoped we can all spend some time together. How delightful and perfect." She clasped her hands and invitation in glee.
Georgina's ears perked up at the mention of 'Lymington' and she was now wide awake, wondering who Lady Catherine was.
Margaret giggled, shaking her head. She adjusted her wig and said, "I bet Lord Lymington had an apoplectic fit when he fled Bath only to find his mother in London!" Her giggles turned into loud cackling and she choked on her brandy.
Everyone jumped up, but Mabel whacked the countess on the back and said, "Calm your addle-patted self or you will have apoplexy."
"Does he not like his mother?" Georgina asked once Margaret had stopped sputtering.
"He likes her just fine, poppet. What he doesn't like is how she badgers him to find a wife and produce heirs." Lady Margaret winked at Georgina.
"I see." Georgina's face blushed and now wished she hadn't asked.
"I don't think you do, child." Lady Margaret shook her head, grinning at Georgina. "The pathetic coward left Bath to get away from you, Georgie."
"Me," Georgina squeaked, her pink face now beet red.
"He's lost his mind over you. Smitten, ya see. Men are strange creatures, lass. But I digress. He ran from his feelings smack dab into his mother, who will throw every eligible girl she can grab in his face. The poor sod." She laughed some more. "However, this works out better than I could have imagined," she said with a satisfied smile and nudged Mabel. They grinned and shared a knowing stare.
Smitten with me?
Georgina was more confused than ever and startled when Romeo jumped on her lap. She rubbed the feline's head as he settled himself, grateful for the comfort he gave. She needed to know what Lady Margaret had planned for her and the duke and how to stay out of sight. It was all a hopeless mess.
Well, we've made it to London! Let the games begin, dear readers. Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter. It's a bit longer than I intended for this Victorian Novella series, but I'm not breaking any rules. And if I am... Oh, well. Sometimes you have to make your own rules for the sake of the story. Happy TGIF and I'm hoping to upload a new chapter on my Werewolf Rejected Mate Romance: His Fated Mate. If you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for? It's a new genre for me but is fleshing out very nicely—much better than I anticipated. Let me know what you think. I'll keep it up here like I do all my books as I'm writing it and leave sample chapters after publishing. If it was to get really popular as The Shipping Heiress did, I won't enroll it in Kindle Unlimited for a while. Once it's available in Kindle Unlimited, I can't offer it free anywhere else.
Lady Lisa
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