Chapter 10: The Last Night
"Jake, stop it, they're gonna hear us." I giggled as I swatted his hands off of me and jogged a few paces ahead so there was distance between us.
"I don't care." He grumbled, a flirtatious, hungry look gleamed in his eyes as he stalked towards me. "We're in love, we're getting married tomorrow, we're allowed to do this considering we won't be sharing a bed tonight."
"We could've done this as home." I protested even though I didn't really mean it. I let Jake walk towards me, his closeness pushing me back until my back hit the the trunk of a tree.
"That's not as fun." He smirked as he closed the distance between us, pressed his body against mine and placed his hands on my hips. Tingles of excitement shot through me, and I bit my lip as I let my body melt into him.
His hands roamed upwards, grasping my breasts as he connected his lips to my neck. "Fine." I sighed happily as I clung to his shoulders, holding back my moans. "But we have to be quick."
He moved away from my neck and a teasing, toothy smile broke over his face before he dropped to his knees and hiked my skirt up over my hips. "I don't wanna be quick." He kissed over my thighs and then hooked his fingers into the top of my panties before drawing them down my legs and over my feet to then shove them into his short's pocket.
Jake then looked up at me with the same lustful expression before pressing the tip of his tongue softly against my clit, making my body convulse and arch towards him. He pulled back to run his fingertips over me, coating his fingers in my wetness. "Jake." I whined quietly; we were only a few miles from the beach, I didn't want to make this encounter public knowledge.
Jake grabbed the backs of my thighs and lifted me up and settled them over both his shoulders and pulled my hips closer to his face. I reached behind me and grasped the trunk of the tree, digging my hands in to give myself some support as he ran his tongue between my legs. My eyes fluttered closed and then the heavenly feeling stopped. "Watch Ari. I want you to watch!" My eyes snapped open, and I stared down at him, nodding at his words as they turned me on even more.
He got back to work, sucking my clit between his lips as he slipped a finger into me. I unlatched a hand from the trunk of the tree and brought it down to his hair, holding his head in place as he continued to suck as I began to grind my hips against him.
Tilting my hips back a little, he ran his tongue back over me slowly, teasing me, until he suddenly picked up the pace and added a second finger before sucking my clit between his lips. I was struggling to keep my mouth shut and I felt the pleasure surge through me as my climax approached.
I felt myself clench around his fingers as he ran his tongue over me finally pushing me to the edge. I gasped and then slapped a hand over my mouth to dull the sounds of my moans, my thighs squeezing Jake's head closer to me as he caught every drop of my orgasm.
As I panted and slowly removed my hand from my mouth, I looked down to see Jake smirking back up at me before he sucked my clit back between his lips one more time, the action making me tremble. "You're such a tease." I complained but I couldn't help the smile the sprung out over my face.
"Yeah? You think so?" He chuckled as he slowly placed my shaking legs back on the floor and stood back up to his full height. I kept my eyes on his as I heard his hands work his belt and zipper until his pants and boxers fell to the floor with a light thud.
"I do." I smirked as I wrapped my arms around his neck before jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his hips, feeling his erection press against my centre. "Now, hurry up." I breathed, holding him tighter against me as he gripped my ass in one hand and reached between us with the other.
My breath hitched in my throat as he positioned himself at my entrance and inched his hips forward just so the tip was inside me. He then began to move back and forth slowly, teasing me even more as he held me up against the rough bark of the tree.
I sighed and moaned but quickly became frustrated. "Jacob Black if you don't—" Then suddenly he slammed up into me, pressing my body against the tree as he thrust in and out of me. The pleasure coursed through me, and I gave up trying to be quiet, I just wanted to live in the moment and savour it for as long as I possibly could.
I felt like my insides were melting as I held onto Jake, I held his head to my neck, feeling his lips there as he nipped and sucked as my hand ran through his hair. I bit down on my lip as I listened to his grunts as he pounded into me. We muffled our moans against each other's shoulders, necks, and lips. Having to be both fast and attempting to be silent was a strange combination.
It didn't take long. Jake watched my face as I pressed my lips together, trying not to scream as I came. I could tell he had been waiting for me. I put my hand over his mouth to quiet his growl as he let go inside of me. Our chests heaved as we trailed to calm our breaths and heart rates.
"Now that was fun." Jake smiled at me before dropping his head down to kiss my shoulder.
"It really was." I mused as I turned my head to kiss his cheek. "I don't know how we're gonna clean up though." I laughed awkwardly as I clung to him.
"I do." Jake smiled smugly as I looked at him curiously. "There's a fresh pair of your panties and some tissues in the back pocket of my shorts."
I rolled my eyes before I let my laugh take over. "Should've known you planned this." He gave me a cheeky smile before pulling out of me and placing my trembling legs back on the forest floor.
I sorted myself out and replaced my underwear with the fresh pair that Jake had brought for me — I still couldn't believe he had managed to get away with planning that — and wrapped my old pair in some spare tissues and shoved them into the small purse I had brought with me. Jake watched with the same annoying smirk on his face that I couldn't help but roll my eyes at.
"You're so sexy." He grinned as he leant against the tree, he had me pressed against moments ago.
I stood from my crouched position on the floor with my purse in one hand and compact mirror in the other. "Nope, no more! We're late enough as it is." I protested as I checked my reflection and wiped the smudged mascara from under my eyes.
Jake wandered over to me and placed his hand on my hips and brought my body forward to press against his. "I don't care, I want to spend every moment I can with you before we're separated tonight." He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against mine and sighed.
"Jake, we have all afternoon and evening together. It's just one night, and then when you see me again tomorrow, we'll be at our wedding." I stood up on my tiptoes and then pressed my lips sweetly against his. "And then we have all eternity together. Now come on, I can smell driftwood burning. They've started without us."
Reluctantly Jake agreed to leave our little forest sex sanctuary, and we walked hand in hand towards the beach where I assumed everyone was now waiting for us. It was our last night as an unmarried couple and to celebrate we were having one final bonfire on the beach, with both the Cullens and our pack friends with us, though Alice had instructed sternly that it couldn't last all night. I needed my 'beauty sleep'.
The past week had been somewhat blissfully uneventful. The bruises that I had sustained saving Tori from those vile men faded on the night we returned home from our parties, though the stain of their actions hadn't faded from Tori's mind. Despite being unconscious for most of the nightmarish ordeal, the fear of what could've happened affected her in more ways than one.
She pretended to be fine, though I think that she forgets that I can read her mind and see right through her. She wouldn't let Embry near her, not when they were alone anyway. Of course, she knew that Embry would never hurt her, and she was trying her best not to push him away, but she just didn't want to be touched. Not intimately anyway.
Tori tried to keep up the facade when in public, she let Embry sit close, hold her hand or an arm around her waist or shoulders. As much as she tried, we could all see. All us girls knew what happened — apart from our mother and Aunt Renee — and how we got her out of there, and then when we got home Catori told Embry, so now Jake's whole pack knew too. Tori didn't mind about the common knowledge, she just didn't want to be asked about it, didn't want anyone to look at her differently.
I understood how she felt and how she was dealing with it. For the time being we had to let her do her own thing, if her mind took a turn I'd know about it. If she needed someone to talk to, I'd be there.
Cut from my thoughts like a swift slice from a knife, I was brought back to the present by a chorus of the usual bellowing laughter that sounded from the men in my life; the packs and Cullens included. The forest was beginning to open up onto the beach, the breeze was cool, the scents of our guests, the salt from the air and the burning driftwood blurred into one welcoming aroma.
"Here we go." Jake whispered under his breath before he picked up our walking pace and pulled me along behind him by our joint hands.
We were in fact the last to arrive, all our family and friends were gathered around the bonfire watching the orange and blue flames sparking up towards the darkening sky. Thankfully none of their minds went to what Jake and I were actually doing that caused us to be late... that would've been awkward.
As we approached cheers erupted and smiles broke out on all their faces as they stood from their seats on the usual set of logs that surrounded the blazing fire. The children that could get to their feet ran towards us on their little, unbalanced legs and I couldn't help but pick up my pace to scoop them up into my arms to say hello.
We joined the group, food and drinks were passed around, catchups of the week's events were shared and embarrassing and exciting moments of our bachelor and bachelorette weekends were relived and spilled to our other halves. We watched as Claire, Finn, Elliot and Ness played by the water's edge, we fussed over Aubrey, Camila and Luna, discussed details of the wedding and if Jake and I had finished learning our vows for the rite of seven steps.
Everything was perfect, vampire, shifter and human mingling together happily as we split off into separate groups to talk about nothing and everything. The atmosphere was so relaxed I even found myself sitting back and admiring my family and friends. It was these moments that let me appreciate life, appreciate that everything had blissfully fallen into place. It made me laugh to think that if I mentioned seven or more years ago to Jake or my brother that the Cullens would be sat on First Beach joining us for a bonfire they would have laughed in my face and called me crazy.
Then the mood took a sudden unexpected turn.
"How's your mom?" The subject change threw me off as Kim stared at me expectantly, waiting for an answer.
I looked at her, mouth gaping as I tried to form words. Neither me nor my siblings had managed to speak to our mother about what we had found out the weekend before... regrettably we still didn't know if what we thought was going on with her was actually happening. Though, after meeting Scott it seemed very likely, and why else would Mom hide the bruises if I was just a normal accident?
Our mother had flown in this afternoon, along with Aunt Renee, Phil and the sick bastard. They were staying at a small bed and breakfast outside of Forks and once they had settled in Tori and I went down there to make sure everything was okay. Jesse couldn't bring himself to join us, he was worried about what he would do when he came face to face with Scott, he didn't want to ruin my wedding, he'd wait till after the celebration to make his move. I, however, had to psych myself up. I couldn't ruin my own wedding by killing my mother's boyfriend.
It was if our prayers had been answered because Scott stayed upstairs locked away in his room, Mom said something about him wanting to shower the plane smell off of him or something. Was it bad that I hoped that he would slip and fall in the shower?
"The bruising on her face was gone, she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, nothing in her mind to indicate something was wrong." I explained as I thought back to the smile she had on her face, she just seemed like regular Mom.
"We think we may have jumped to conclusions." Tori admitted quietly, she hoped that was the truth.
"Well, I don't." Jesse called across the fire to us. "I'll prove he's a vile asshole one way or another." He seethed before turning back to Scarlett to continue their conversation.
"We can only hope it's not the case." Kim smiled sympathetically before taking my hand and Tori's in her own.
The evening continued with only happier talk, most of it wedding related with Alice talking everyone through her very detailed schedule. Not everyone wanted to listen, but she didn't really give us a choice. I still had no idea what the altar or the reception hall looked like. All I knew was that it was meant to be spectacular.
Suddenly Jake then stood from his seat beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder before he spoke up over all the smaller conversations happening around us. "Can I have everyone's attention for a moment?"
Instantly silence fell upon the group as everyone turned to look at Jake expectantly. I watched him curiously; I did not expect a speech... was I meant to prepare something as well? Something in his expression suddenly changed, instead of the smile that he had worn on his face all evening, the light left his eyes, and he suddenly looked guilt stricken and solemn.
"I would just like to say a few things, to let you all know how much this woman right here means to me. You all know our relationship had a rocky start, well a very rocky start, and it was all my fault." I didn't expect him to bring this up again, I didn't need a public apology, I knew how badly he felt about all that he had done to me and how much it haunted him. Jake knew that I had forgiven him, we were moving forward, there was no need to go back. "I was a coward; I wasn't thinking straight, and I hurt and nearly lost the most important person in my life because of that. It'll be hard to hear but I have to get it off my chest, let everyone know the ways in which I hurt you Ari, I have to own up to it.
"I'd had a huge crush on you for as long as I could remember, I had always hoped that you felt the same way." He laughed lightly then his expression became uneasy. "But then I became distracted and that was my first downfall, not to mention becoming a shifter, and then so many other selfish, stupid problems followed."
Strangely I couldn't help myself but look at Bella. It was only a brief side glance if that, but I couldn't help it. Her stringing along of Jake also caused our issues. Don't get me wrong it was mostly him that caused my pain, but she wasn't innocent either. Bella was looking down at her lap, a shame on her face that I was selfishly glad she was showing. I loved Bella, saw her as a sister, but I guess I still needed a little more time to get over the part she played in it all.
Jake turned back to me with tears pooling in his eyes. "I have lied to you, betrayed you, broken promises and deceived you, to be honest I don't even know how or why you forgave me." He laughed awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "All I'm trying to say is, is that I'm so thankful that you managed to look past all the shit that I have done and that you want to be with me and become my wife tomorrow."
He looked down at me and and reached forward to caress my cheek. "After tomorrow we have forever together, and I want you to know that for every moment, every second we share our lives together, I will be trying to make myself worthy of you. I don't deserve you but I will make sure I make it up to you so that you forget the pain that I caused you. I love you, and I will be better." He finished before leaning over me to place a sweet kiss against my lips.
Gasps and awes sounded all around but I didn't care. I got to my feet, wrapping my arms around his neck as he stood to his full height, my feet leaving the ground as I clung to him. I poured all of my love into the kiss, letting him feel what his words meant to me.
He didn't have to make this big speech; he didn't have to bring up all the pain and anger and hatred that everyone felt during those times. It hit a lot of people's nerves, especially Jesse's and Edward's. In the face of all he had said it made me love him even more, his honesty meant a lot, and I hoped that we could've forward now and never mention it again.
When the kiss ended up lasting longer than it should have Jesse butted in, throwing and empty solo cup at us to tear us apart. "Alright, enough of that, there's children present."
I refrained from blushing as Jake placed me back on my feet because in that moment I simply didn't care. I just stared at Jake's beautiful, handsome face and leaned into him. "I love you, too." I whispered happily before pecking his lips once more.
We took our seats once again; everyone had seemed to settle their own conversations after Jake's speech, so a new group discussion occurred when Kim broke the comfortable silence. "So, what are you planning to do tomorrow morning? You both have a few hours to kill before the wedding in the afternoon." Kim asked as she bounced nine-month-old Camila on her knee, the sweet baby was gurgling with laughter that made my heart ache. She was just so adorable.
"Ari isn't planning anything!" Alice snapped quickly. "She's being pampered." I rolled my eyes and grimaced, she was going to be stuck to my side like glue. Fan-fucking-tastic. I was actually hoping for a lay in. Edward scoffed and I flipped him the finger. "What's so funny?" Alice questioned fiercely.
"Nothing don't worry. So, Jake, what are you doing?" Edward brushed Alice off and thankfully changed the subject before I came under fire.
"Well, I was planning to do that rematch we were promised." Jake sat up straighter and somehow broadened his shoulders to seem bigger, more powerful.
My eyes flickered over him. "What rematch?" I asked, intrigued.
"Your beloved vampire family cheated at some games we played on our last night of the bachelor weekend." Jake explained with an annoyed tone, though he sounded like he wasn't at all surprised by the outcome of the games they played.
"We did not cheat!" Emmett boasted from across the fire, the flames bringing colour to his pale face.
"You hadn't fed for days; it was hardly fair." Paul complained. Rachel stared at her husband with light irritation. She felt like he whined about life more than poor Aubrey, and she couldn't even form words yet. "You had a hunger advantage."
"That's not even a real thing." Jasper rolled his eyes but from the smirk playing on his lips it was clear he was enjoying this.
"Hunger advantage?" Rosalie queried under her breath. I wasn't sure if I even wanted to find out what their games consisted of and what they had to do to win.
"It so is." Quil piped up. "Paul's right you hadn't fed for days so you had like this extra sense."
"Bullshit." Emmett grumbled loudly. "Stop making excuses. You won the last round."
"Language." Emily complained as she clamped her hands over Finn's ears. Luckily Elliot was already fast asleep in his stroller.
"That's true." Quil resounded before shrugging and relaxing back into himself.
"Hey, don't give in!" Embry slapped Quil on the arm, hard enough for him to almost lose his balance. "They were hunger driven; they had more reason to win those first two rounds compared to the rest of us. It wasn't exactly fair."
"As much as I hate to admit it." Edward began, shaking his head as he sighed heavily. "They have a point."
"Bullshit." Emmett snapped again a lot louder than before, it startled Aubrey, Camila and Luna to the point where a few whimpers emerged causing him to quickly apologise. "Okay, rematch tomorrow." He said a lot quieter than his previous volume, but the excitement was still there. Emily looked ready to kill him.
"Maybe the Uley Pack will actually win a round this time!" Quil teased with the biggest grin on his face. No matter what, Quil never grew out of his childish ways.
"Alright, I've been quiet up until now but you're gonna regret saying that Ateara!" Sam's voice was the only one that could rival Emmett's deepness, and his sudden outburst made his own son jump. "Honey, don't worry about breakfast tomorrow." He said turning to Emily, patting her thigh.
Emily's eyes widened and I frowned with faint disgust, racing to eat something didn't seem like the kind of thing you did on the morning of your wedding. "What in the hell even are these stupid games?" She demanded, pulling Finn onto her lap.
"Hunting mostly, hey Ari, just before you leave can you go place a flag somewhere on the mountains." Jesse asked, slinging his arm around my shoulders to pull me towards him.
"What? No. Ain't no way I'm trekking all the way up there now!" I shoved him off of me, hard enough for him to fall backwards off of the log and into the sand.
Sniggers sounded around the group as he tried to get back to his feet. "Well, you wouldn't exactly be trekking would you, you'd be vamp running." He said snidely as he brushed the sand out of his hair.
"I don't give a damn. I'm not going up there." I said in a dry tone. I was not being a part of their weird boyish games that involved eating God knows what. "Where would I even get a flag from anyway?"
"Buzzkill." He quipped and I stuck my tongue out at him as I debated pushing him over again.
"Why would you want her to do it anyway?" Paul sassed, pointing at me.
"Her?" I snapped, raising my eyebrows at him.
"Yeah, she'll just make it easy for Jake to find. She'd probably put it in their secret forest sex place." Emmett smirked, hoping that his comment would embarrass me, that was either a very good guess or he knew what we had been up to earlier this evening.
"Ew, Emmett." Bella scrunched her nose up in disgust.
"Look anyone we pick to put it up there is gonna make everyone think they are making it easier for who they're linked to. We'll just have to change the last round slightly." Seth pointed out from his seated place on the blanket that was laid out by the fire. He had paused his game of Go Fish with Nessie to listen in on the drama.
"Well, as fun as this sounds," Emily said standing with a fussy Finn balanced on her hip. "It's time to get these kids to sleep. We have another long day tomorrow." She winked at me before turning to hand over the four-year-old to Sam. A slight wave of sadness passed over his face at the thought of having to leave but he quickly recovered himself when Emily gave him the look.
Alice sighed happily and hopped up to her feet too. "She's right, Aria—"
I groaned and let my head fall into my hands. "Yes Alice, I know, beauty sleep."
"Excellent." She clapped her hands together quietly and gave us all a toothy grin. "Right, everyone say your goodbyes, but don't take too long, you'll all be seeing each other tomorrow afternoon." I think literally all of us rolled our eyes at her, but we all stood anyway, knowing we actually did have to comply as it was getting late, especially for the babies.
"So bossy." Jared grumbled as gathered up Camila's baby bag.
"You're telling me, try spending over sixty years with her." Edward mocked with a grin before he leant down to sweep Nessie up into his arms for a goodnight kiss.
"I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that." Alice closed her eyes and breathed out heavily before turning to Jasper to give him a quick peck on the lips.
My bridesmaids were coming home with me and staying with me overnight. They all thought it would be a good way to keep me calm and distracted so that I wouldn't get nervous, but I didn't know if it would actually help. I looked up at Jake to see him already looking down at me and that was enough to bring to life those pesky butterflies inside my stomach.
I held onto his hand as tightly as I could, letting him know it was going to hurt leaving him tonight. The group parted ways and separated, the girls coming home with me; Tori, Alice, Bella, Ness, Rose, Scarlett, Rachel, and Aubrey, were waiting for me further up the beach towards the trees and the boys that didn't have families were waiting for Jake up by the small grass parking lot.
"Ari, come on! You'll see him tomorrow." Alice whined from the tree line, lingering in her usual persistent manner.
I looked back to Jake, his warm eyes already looking down at me with so much love I thought my heart would explode. He reached forward and softly ran his thumb over my cheek before moving his hand to hold the side of my neck to gently pull my face towards his. Immediately he attached his lips to mine in an urgent yet sensual kiss. The kind that you never wanted to end.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body against his, letting him feel that I never wanted to let him go. Though the excitement was coursing through my veins ready for tomorrow and I knew that it was going to be only one night apart before the rest of our lives together, but I just didn't want to leave him.
"One night baby." He whispered against my lips. "That's what you said earlier." He added with a quiet laugh.
I kept my eyes closed as I rested my head against his chest and let my arms slip down around his waist. "I know I did." I mumbled against his t-shirt, letting his warmth envelop me. "But I'm going to miss you." I leaned back slightly so I could look up at his face.
"I'm going to miss you too." He bowed his head slightly to capture my lips with his own again. I let the moment last for as long as I could until I knew I had to go. As I broke away Jake held onto me with an earnest that showed me his didn't want to let me leave. "Next time I see you, you'll be walking towards me in a gorgeous white dress. You're gonna look so beautiful." His voice dropped as a lump formed in his throat.
"Hey! Don't you dare get emotional. You're going to make me cry." I sniffled as I tried to take a step back away from him.
"I can't wait to marry you." He breathed, pulling me back into his body as he dipped his head to nuzzle against my neck.
"I can't wait to marry you either." I sighed happily as I ran my hands through his hair. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." He stood back to his full height and looked over me once more before dropping his hands from around my waist. "Now get out of here, the sooner we fall asleep, the sooner we'll see each other again."
I laughed lightly as he took a step back towards where everyone else was waiting for him, I turned to see my bridal party gathered by the trees, watching us with amused and blissful expressions. "I guess you're right." I giggled as I took a step back as well. "See you tomorrow."
"I'll see you tomorrow." He winked at me as my heart leapt with excitement and nerves. I grinned at him before I turned on my heel and blurred towards the trees as I tried my best not to look back because then I definitely wouldn't be able to leave him.
The girls surrounded me with cheers and giggles, hiding me from his view as I watched us through his eyes. Almost giving in I turned to look back, but he turned towards the others and jogged up the beach towards them. I smiled as I watched him get jumped on by our friends and then turned back to my girls and let them drag me home as the real nerves began to settle in...
I'm getting married tomorrow.
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