Start of the Quest

"Thank you so much for the warm welcome People of Heavenly, seeing you all here makes me remember a qoute that our ancestor Amari once said. Fear of the bad fades when you're inspiration is the people of Heavenly. I now understand why Great Ancestor Amari, a woman leader, said that. Just remember people, no matter who wins, the same bloodline will rule you, so don't compare us, instead pray for our safe travel." I reminded them while looking at my castle. I really don't see them as competition at all.

The announcer walked in front again to speak, " Now, let us all witness the passing off of the Generational Crown, the Mahiwaga, of Princess Cryztal to her little sister Infanta Sapphire of Thrar.

My little sister Sapphire who was holding Queen mother's hands immediately was stunned that she wasn't able to act hasty. We kept the passing down of the crown a secret to her, so she could be surprised. She looked at our brother Garnet, before looking back at me.

Garnet must've said something because she let go of Queen Mother's hands and walked gracefully down here in the Platform, she and the family were standing in the elevated area located at the right side of the platform.

I encouraged the crowd to hype her up so that she wouldn't feel awkward coming here, and so they did, they started cheering my sister's name.

"Sapphire! Sapphire! Sapphire!" They yelled in unison. I smiled as I watch my little mini me be loved by the crowd, if ever I won't be able to come back from this quest, I know that Garnet will be a good Leader and Sapphire would end up where her heart will bring her.

I took off my crown as she kneeled before me. I said the same words Aunt Emblemin told me before giving me the Tiara, "Let this be the start of your discipleship, spread courage and love little Princess." I caressed her face after placing the tiara at her head.

She touched and felt my hands before holding the tiara with her two hands. "Am I really a Princess, now? How about you?" She asked whispering.

"I'm either going to be a queen or a free woman, Princess." I smiled at the thought of being free. Don't get me wrong I always wanted to lead, but being able to do things I haven't before is exciting and fun too.

"Come back in one piece, teach me how to be you, how to be a Princess." She hugged me in front of all of the People, it made them smile in awe. The innocence of this child is the kind of personality all the other children needs to spread the love in this Kingdom.

" You don't need to be me, you need to be you. A Princess is merely a title, what you do with the title is the thing you need to find out by yourself. " I told her and smiled. I pointed my hands at her and presented their new Princess.

They bowed down as I did, and then Immediately the announcer guided her off the Platform. " Again! Let's all hear it for Antoneitte Cryztalliene of Thrar!" Thr announcer yelled so everyone can hear. They Once more cheered for me, not for being their Princess, but for being a contender like my cousins.

I went down the platform and stood beside my cousin Rose, who was standing beside Cousin Erebor. "Wow! You're really not the crowd's Princess anymore, did you agree to this?" Rose asked. She seemed so stunned of the recent situation.

I smiled at her, it's nice to talk to a cousin again. "I figured that If I die out there, I won't be able to pass down the crown to a successor, it's now or never." I answered my Cousin Rose.

"Still what you did was unbelievable, I mean I can't do that, I just can't give what I have so easily, It takes such courage." Cousin Rose added and patted me on the back.

"It could be courage, but maybe she's just stupid." I was shocked to hear cousin Erebor insult me, he never did that before, well not literally.

"It's good to hear your voice, Cousin Erebor." I smiled at him joyfully, I don't care if it's an insult or not, he acknowledged my presence, that's more than enough reason to be happy.

Soon Cousin Nikita joined us in the line. Though she wasn't as supportive sounding like Cousin Rose, when she congratulated me with my actions, the thought was there.

"Can't believe you'd give away your title like that, I wonder if it'll be like that with the Ruler Title? Congrats! Cous' you were a great Princess." She said. It was a mixed up negative and positive feedback so I didn't really know what to say, I just replied with the words that came out of my mind.

"I'll give you all a fair fight, the worthy shall lead all." I replied, I didn't add another more sentence, I'm afraid it will sound boastful than it already did. I saw her kind of pout at my message, it looks like I might've insulted her or them? The other cousins reacted to what I said too.

"Loving the confidence, let's see if you can keep that up until we're at the top." Cousin Erebor commented of which sounded like a challenge. I'm not going to lie, it did awaken my competitive spirit a bit, but I still don't want them to see me as a competition, I just to want us to be united, not divided by leadership.

"Wow! So many leaders here, I wonder who's going to be an Amari," Cousin Hikaru immediately opened a conversation with us, when he arrived at the line.

"What's an Amari?" I asked, I know who she is, I just don't know the meaning of the Jargon.

"Oh we use Great Ancestor Amari's name as substitute for Leader among leaders, sure we're all Royals and we all know what to do, but in times of crisis, who Will be the one with a voice loud enough for everyone to hear?" Cousin Hikaru's words was so intriguing that all the cousins, including me let out a pleased smiled.

"Well I surely know that I ain't no deaf, surely I'll be that one with the loudest voice, I'll dominate the line." Cousin Rose shared her thoughts.

"What will you tell us? Wear shiny boots? It's going to be someone who knows how to survive, like me." Cousin Erebor debated, which made cousin Rose annoyed.

"Well I'm a Soprano, I'll surely be the loudest one. Y'all should just call me Sensei now." Cousin Nikita suggested while flipping her hair on both sides. I just smiled at her jolly and funny personality.

"I don't know, let's just see once we're there. " Cousin Hikaru ended the conversation as it was already being so chaotic, nobody wanted to be dominated by the other.

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