Something cool

It has been four years since Hiccup and Elsa's first encounter and ever since, every time King Mason needed to travel to Arendelle, Prince Hiccup always accompanied him to see his friend, princess Elsa.

Elsa never told Hiccup about her powers, because she never wanted him to see her any different than she is. She likes having a friend, and doesn't want to loose him because of what she can do.

Hiccup could never tell her about his powers since in doing so that would include giving away the fact about the dragons, and he promised his father to keep it a secret.

As of now, an eight year old Elsa and five year old Anna are in their room playing Enchanted Forest by having a storyline of their own to play out and using Elsa's snow and ice powers to create a few small hills with some trees on the hills or patches of trees around the area and mystikal creatures of their own imagination.

"Uh-oh. The princess is trapped in the Snow Goblin's evil spell." Anna narrated while grabbing the Snow Princess and Snow Goblin and had the Snow Goblin strike the Snow Princess, letting her fall to the floor. "Quick, Elsa. Make a prince. A fancy one." Anna demanded.

Elsa nodded before holding out one hand to then twirl her other hand above it, creating a Prince, which Anna took and put him into a tight situation.

"Oh, no. The prince is trapped too." Anna continued just as the door opened as Agnarr and Iduna enter the room, where the two smiled at their daughters playing together. "'Who cares about danger when there's love?'"

Anna acted as the Prince before mimicking kissing noises making the Prince and Princess kiss, grossing Elsa out.

"Anna. Kissing won't save the Forest." Elsa stated making Anna giggled and stopped the acting. "The Horse Fairies cry out." She continued twirling her hands to creat some Horse Fairies to continue on with the story, where Agnarr is starting to have a memory loop of his past when he was a young prince. "What sound does a giraffe make?"

Anna shook her shoulders, not knowing herself.

"Never mind." Elsa said putting the snow giraffe down to then bring her hands together and then separate them to creat the Fairy Queen. "They wake the Fairy Queen, who breaks the spell and saves everyone." She continued, throwing the Fairy Queen at the Snow Goblin to be victorious. "And they all get married." Anna finished hugging all the snow toys to bring them close, making Elsa giggle.

"What are you two playing?" Agnarr asked catching Elsa and Anna's attention.

"Enchanted Forest." Anna answered dropping all the snow toys as she and Elsa went back to playing.

Agnarr hummed. "That's like no Enchanted Forest I've ever seen." Agnarr said walking towards Elsa's bed, making Elsa gasped of taking in what her father said. "You've seen an Enchanted Forest?" Elsa asked.

"Wait, what?" Anna questioned getting very curious all of a sudden.

"I have. Once." Agnarr answered.

"And you've never told us before?" Anna asked, standing up.

"Well, I could tell you, if you..." Agnarr started but stopped when Elsa got up as she and Anna ran towards the bed and started getting on while giggling a bit, wanting to hear the story.

"Are you sure about this?" Iduna asked as she's not too comfortable that Elsa and Anna are ready.

"It's time they know." Agnarr answered sitting down on the bed, Iduna smiled lightly as she sits down on the bed behind her daughters, where the two girls started planning play time later by whispering. "If they can settle and listen." Agnarr spoked making Elsa and Anna sit straight up, making Agnarr chuckled. "Far, far away, as north as we can go...stood a very old and very Enchanted Forest. But it's magic wasn't that of goblin spells and horse fairies. It was protected by the most powerful sprits of all. Those of air, of fire...of water...and earth. And not only was it home to the spirits, but it was also protected by a great unique Dragon...the Foreverwing."

"'The Foreverwhat?'" Anna questioned, never hearing of a creature like that.

"The Foreverwing." Iduna corrects her. "A Dragon that has lived for many generations."

Elsa and Anna both looked at their mother for a moment as they're amazed of dragons existing, believing they were mythological for so long. And one living for a long time at that, and then looked at their father ready to continue with the story.

"Not only was the Enchanted Forest a home to the four sprits and Foreverwing, but it was also home to the mysterious Northuldra people." Agnarr continued his story.

"Were the Northuldras magical, like me?" Elsa asked.

"No, Elsa. They were not magical. They just took advantage of the Enchanted Forest's gifts." Agnarr answered her. "And they cared deeply towards their Foreverwing."

"How dearly?" Anna asked.

"The Northuldras have giving the Foreverwing gifts as signs of their thanks towards it. Like giving the Foreverwing flowers and hand made gifts." Agnarr gave a few examples.

"You could make hand made gifts." Anna joked looking at Elsa, who chuckled before throwing snowflakes into the air landing in Anna's hair.

Elsa and Anna then looked back at their father, ready for him to finish.

"The Northuldras' ways were so different from ours. But still, they promised us friendship. In honor of that, your grandfather, King Runeard, built them a mighty dam to strengthen their waters. It was a gift of peace." Agnarr continued.

"That's a big gift of peace." Anna commented.

"And I was so honored to get to go to the Enchanted Forest to celebrate it. I wasn't at all prepared for what the day would bring. We let down our guard. We were charmed. It just felt so...magical." Agnarr continued and soon smiled remembering all the amazing things which soon turned into a frown while remember what came next. "But something went wrong. They were attacking us. It was a brutal battle. Your grandfather...was lost. The fighting enraged the sprits. They turned their magic against us all. Even the Foreverwing was enraged and started firing upon us all. I had gotten wounded during the fight. But when I came to, there was this voice ringing in my ear...and someone saved me. I'm told the sprits and the Foreverwing then vanished, as a powerful mist covered the Enchanted Forest. Locking everyone out. And that night, I came home, King of Arendelle." He finished before blowing out the candle he was carrying, with Elsa staring at him a bit worried while Anna was completely shock.

"Whoa, Papa, that was epic." Anna commented. "Whoever saved you, I love them." She said while falling backwards into her mother's arms, where Iduna started cuddling with her daughter while wrapping her up in her blanket, making Agnarr chuckle as well.

"I wish I knew who it was." Agnarr says as the question still flows through his mind.

"What happened to the spirits? What's in the Enchanted Forest now?" Elsa asked.

"I don't know. The mist still stands. No one can get in. And no one has since come out." Agnarr answered.

"So we're safe." Iduna reassured them while placing a hand on Elsa's shoulder.

"Yes. But the Enchanted Forest could wake again. And we must be prepared for whatever danger it may bring." Agnarr stated.

"And on that note, how about we say goodnight to your father?" Iduna asked as it's a bit past Elsa and Anna's bedtime.

Anna whined getting out of her mother's blanket. "But I still have so many questions." Anna pouted.

"Save them for another night, Anna." Agnarr told agreeing with his wife as him and Iduna got of the bed and headed towards the door.

Anna sighed. "You know I don't have that kind of patience." She muttered just as Agnarr and Iduna reached the door, where the two had a small chat of how Iduna was going to stay with their daughters a little longer, which Agnarr understand and left while closing the door. "Why did the Northuldras attack us anyway? Who attacks people who give them gifts? And what does a Foreverwing look like?" Anna asked as her mother looked at her and her sister, and soon walked back to the bed and sat down.

"Do you think the Enchanted Forest will wake again?" Elsa asked.

Iduna sighed thinking about her past. "Only Ahtohallan knows." Iduna muttered.

Elsa and Anna stared at their mother, trying to figure out what she said. "'Act-who-what?'" Anna questioned.

Iduna gasped softly looking at her daughters. "When I was little, my Mother would sing me a song about a special river called Ahtohallan, that was said to hold all the answers about the past. About what we are a part of." Iduna answered with an example.

"Wow." Anna commented leaning on Elsa.

"Will you sing it for us? Please?" Elsa pleaded her mother.

Iduna chuckled softly. "Okay." Iduna accepted before moving in between her daughters, who moved to let their mother in. "Cuddle close. Scooch in." Iduna told, where Elsa and Anna cuddle as close as they can with their mother, who wrapped her arms around them.

"Where the Northwind meets the sea. There's a river full of memory. Sleep, my darling, safe and sound. For in this river all is found." Iduna sang as Anna soon fell asleep, where Iduna unwrap her arm around Elsa to pick Anna up and soon got off of Elsa's bed and started to carry Anna to bed.

"In her waters, deep and true. Lie the answers and a path for you." Iduna continued reaching Anna's bed and tucking Anna in it, and soon walked back towards Elsa.

"Dive down deep into her sound. But not too far or you'll be drowned." Iduna sings reaching Elsa to then pick her up and head over to the window to look at the night sky, where the Northern Light are.

"Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear. And in her song, all magic flows. But can you brave what you most fear? Can you face what the river knows? Where the Northwind meets the sea...There's a mother full of memory. Sleep, my darling, homeward bound. When all is lost, then all is found."

Iduna finished as Elsa soon fell asleep, as she carried Elsa back to her bed and tuck her in. She smiled at both of her daughters sleeping peacefully in their bed for a moment before heading to the door and opening quiet while walking out and then closing the door quietly, and soon started making her way towards her and husband's room, but couldn't shake the feeling about the Enchanted Forest, wondering if it will awaken once again.


As for the citizens of Caldera Cay, Hiccup is at home and waited for his father to get to sleep before sneaking into Mala's room with Toothless after learning something new with his abilities during the day.

"Hey, Mala? Are you awake?" Hiccup asks while shaking his sister awake.

"I am now." Mala mumbled to her brother. "Now go back to bed, Hiccup." She says as she turns over in her bed.

"Come on, I wanna show you something cool before the others learn about it." Hiccup pleads and Mala suddenly gets interested in what her brother has to show her. She pushes Hiccup off her bed and then gets up before putting something warm over her bed attire and boots on before following Hiccup as they sneak out as to not wake their father.

Hiccup and Toothless lead her far out to where they won't be able to disturbe the others. This is Hiccup's first time showing anyone what he's learned he could do and he wanted to see Mala's reaction before anyone else.

"Okay, Hiccup, you dragged me all the way out here. What do you have to show me?" Mala asks as Hiccup has her stop.

Hiccup walks a few more steps ahead of her and turns to face her with a smile. "You'll see."

"Do the thing. Do the thing." Toothless begs Hiccup as he's getting impatient and is just as excited as Hiccup.

He then closes his eyes and inhales a large breath before he raises his right foot and stomping it on the ground as several lines of fire spread off of his foot and start to create a circle of fire around them. Within the circle, smaller circles form, representing the seven classes of dragons in the flames.

Mala looks around at the flames and sees that she can't even feel the enormous heat from them. Now she sees he dragged her out this far so that they didn't disturb the village. What was surprising to her more was how her brother didn't need to change into his dragon form to do this. With his other abilities, they had to come with his changing.

Hiccup then raises his hands and the symbols for the seven classes of dragons start to form into actual dragons made from fire.

For the Stoker class, Hiccup created a life size Monsterous Nightmare that was actually sentient and started to move around on its own. It honestly doesn't seem so different from the real deal since that's usually how Nightmare's look.

Next, for Boulder class, a Gronckle is formed and it starts using its tiny wings to fly around the area.

Mala walks around, spinning in amazement to what her brother is about to do. It's almost...magical for lack of better words.

For the Tracker class, a Speed Stinger comes to life and starts to run around the area with the exact same speed as the real thing. It then stops near Mala as she reaches to pet the dragon and it allows her to. With that, she feels nothing but a small bit of heat coming from the creature, but not enough to hurt her.

Hiccup just continues on to the last of the classes and creates a Razorwhip from the Sharp class, Scauldron for Tidal class, Bonenapper from Mystery class, and finishes off with a Night Fury for Strike class.

Toothless runs over to the Night Fury that was made around his size and the two began to run around playing together.

Hiccup closes his fists together and creates a fireball before throwing it into the air as it grows and shines light down upon them, lighting up the area like the sun.

Mala laughs at the power her brother has and sees now he's just showing it off. But she's not complaining. This is the most amazing thing she's ever seen in her life.

What the two don't know is that up on a mountain, someone's watching the two of them.

Two someone's.

Ryker and Viggo Grimborn.

"I believe you have your answer as to why this child is closely watched and guarded, dear brother." Viggo tells Ryker.

"He is quite powerful. He can talk to dragons, even has their powers." Ryker agrees. "If we were to get the right buyer, he would fetch us a high price."

"Indeed." Viggo confirms his brothers thoughts. Even if they don't find a buyer, they could use him to hunt other dragons with that power.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's pick him while he's fresh." Ryker says and was about to get up when Viggo stopped him.

"Patience, brother. The more powerful he becomes, the more of use he becomes. He seems to be growing in power the longer he stays in a place comfortable or where he feels is safe. Now we know what we're after, we will come for him when the time is right." He promises.


Back in Arendelle, Elsa was asleep in her bed when Anna starts to climb on her bed.

"Elsa. Psst. Elsa!" Anna says as she climbs up and starts to shake her older sister. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!"

"Anna, go back to sleep." Elsa tells her and tries going back to sleep.

Anna sighs and drops on top of Elsa. "I just can't. The sky is awake, so I'm awake. So, we have to play." She says while spreading her arms over Elsa.

"Go play by yourself." Elsa says and pushes Anna off her bed and tries going back to sleep when Anna climbs back up and forces one of her eyes open with an idea to get her up.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Anna asks.

That got Elsa's attention off of sleeping easily.

But what follows afterwards was something nobody could have prepared for.

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