You were just trying to sleep after the awful day you had, suddenly, your apartment began shaking, things were falling off shelves, and you fell out of bed and looked around confused.
"Is there an earthquake going on or something?-" you asked, before out of nowhere a portal appeared and it had sucked you right into it, closing behind you.
You land on an island surrounded by a thick and heavy fog, you get up and slowly look around, wondering where the hell you are, everything is mucky and mysterious.
"Okay...where the hell am I?..." You look around before you see someone in the distance slowly walking up to you, smiling.
"Ah, good...seems the portal worked after all." A voice said as the figured approached you, looking right into your eyes.
"Who are you?." You asked raising an eyebrow, looking confused at the old man who was standing up, giving you an evil smirk.
"I am Shang Tsung, the great sorcerer." Shang Tsung circled you, his eyes looked...disappointed. "You look very interesting..."
"And you look very old, what do you want?." You said before Shang gripped you by the throat, his eyes started glowing green.
"I'd advise you to show me may save your life..." He said in a calm and monotone voice, you put your hands up.
"Alright, I'm sorry, what is it you want from me?." you asked. "And where am I, this doesn't look like earth."
Shang smirked and released his grip on your throat, you fell back on the dirt and he ran a hand through his long white beard.
"You are correct, this is not Earthrealm." He stared down at you. "You are in the world of Mortal Kombat...and I summoned you here from dimensional manipulation."
"...Mortal...Kombat?..." You looked confused, both about the name and the dimensional manipulation part. "Can you please explain to me what that is?."
"Mortal Kombat is a tournament where the best warriors from all the realms fight for control over the other realms..." Shang explained
"Okay...that doesn't really make any sense to me, I'm not sure I understand." You got up again before Shang grabbed your throat and began choking you.
"You are as dumb as you look..." Shang smiled. "But you might be able to serve a purpose in my new plan-"
That's when out of nowhere, a lightning bolt struck right next to you both, sending Shang Tsung back, he landed on his feet, and both of you looked over and you saw someone else now stepping into the mix.
"I will not allow you to harm this mortal Shang Tsung." The man appeared in front of you, glaring at the sorcerer.
Now the winds began picking up and someone appeared next to the guy with the cool hat.
"Be careful mortal..." the white-haired guy looked back at you. "Shang Tsung is a cunning sorcerer..."
"Who are you two?." You asked, looking back and forth between them, looking confused.
"I am Raiden, god of thunder and protector of Earthrealm." Raiden gave you a nod as the man next to him kept his eyes locked with Shang.
"I am Fujin, god of wind, and brother of Raiden."
"Ah, Raiden and Fujin..." Shang smirked. "Why am I not surprised you two interrupted?..."
"What do want with this mortal, Shang Tsung?." Raiden glared at the sorcerer.
"I do not believe you have summoned him without reason." Fujin also glared at Shang, who was still smirking
"I plan on using this human for my plans." Shang put his hands together, he was staring at you now.
"And by use you mean consume his soul..." Fujin took at step foreward, his eyes were glowing red.
"Consume my soul?." You looked even more confused as Shang Tsung started approaching the three of you.
"Perhaps, if or when I won't require his services anymore."
"I will not allow you to harm him." Raiden spoke as he suddenly made lighting appear in his hands, making you back up.
"I can see you've already grown attached to him." Shang ran a hand through his beard again, not intimidated by Raiden's lightning in the slightest.
"I was told that this mortal was in danger and if he was harmed, something dire would happen to Earthrelam." Raiden continued glaring at him.
"Is that so?." Shang walked up to Raiden, the two of them now standing nose to nose. "Interesting, this mortal must be very important if you were told to save his pathetic life."
"I was sent by the elder gods, told to intervene and make sure this mortal was unharmed by you and your schemes, stay away from him or I will handle this problem myself."
Raiden's lighting began glowing more and more red with each word that came from his mouth.
Shang's eyes began glowing green, ready to fight Raiden...then he looked over at you, and smirked as he stopped his power.
"Very well Raiden...I will leave him alone." Shang smiled. "If he can best me in kombat-"
"What!?." Fujin shouted, his pure eyes widened as he looked at you then quickly darted back to Shang Tsung. "This mortal isn't fit to fight anyone, let alone you with your powers!."
"Let me finish..." Shang put his hands behind his back. "If the elder gods told you to protect him, that it must mean that he is...the chosen one..."
"The what?." You spoke up.
"He must be the last fighter that they selected for earthrealm...therefor-" Shang started speaking again before Raiden cut him off
"I will not allow this mortal to enter the tournament." Raiden got in front of you. "He doesn't have any knowledge of this universe or what is at stake!."
"I'm sure earthrelam's best warriors can fill him in." Shang smirked devilishly. "As well as train him for the upcoming tournament-"
"We can not allow him to fight in the tournament, he will surely meet his end-" Fujin argued.
"If the elder gods told you to step in, then they must see something inside of him..." Shang smiled. "And besides, it seems you need all the warriors you can know what happens is Outworld wins another tournament."
Raiden was about to speak but he couldn't, he looked over at you and nodded before looking back at the sorcerer. "Very well, but heed my words Shang Tsung, you are making a big mistake allowing him to compete."
"We'll see..." Shang laughed as he began walking away. "Oh, and good luck,'ll need it to survive."
Hearing Shang laugh sent a chill down your spine as Raiden put an up on your shoulder.
"Come, we must go find Earthrealm's greatest warriors." Raiden put his hands up and lighting zapped you all out of the fields, disappearing.
You, Raiden, and Fujin were now at a military base, people were chatting and talking about some sort of gang known as the "Black Dragon" Whatever the hell that means, you don't want to find out.
"So, what was that all about?." You asked.
"We will explain later," Raiden spoke up. "There is much to do, now...what is your name earthrealmer.?"
"Y/n." You looked at Raiden then at Fujin. "Y/n L/n."
Both of them nodded.
"Follow us, Y/n, we'll explain to you everything you need to know." Fujin walked by a few shoulders, Raiden following him and you following Raiden.
"What is this, some sort of army base?." You looked around as Fujin and Raiden began walking ahead of you, you followed them but kept looking around, wondering why you were there.
"Precisely," Raiden answered walking into a building. "This is the special forces headquarters, initially formed by the United States government with the goal of stopping international crime gangs, in particular, the Red and Black Dragons, over the decades, it has now become Earthrelam Special Forces and has now expanded to defending all of against other dimensional invasions, such as by the and other threats to Earthrealm as a whole."
"...Invasions?..." You looked confused as Fujin patted your back.
"You'll understand everything in time, mortal, for right now, there are a few warriors we'd like you to meet."
You and Fujin walked inside after Raiden, the three of you entered a room with a control panel, giant screens, and a shelf of awards for some reason.
"What's all these awards for?." You looked at the shelf reading the titles. "Best actor award for Ninja actor award for Ninja Mime Two-What is Ninja Mime?."
"It's a bunch of movies." a voice said, walking into the room, it was a woman who was wearing military combat gear and sunglasses, being followed by a drone.
"And who are you?." The girl asked, removing her shades and looking right at you, chewing on a stick of gum before blowing a bubble and popping it.
"This is Y/n L/n." Raiden introduced you to the female, looking over at you. "Y/n, this is Cassandra Cage, commander of the special forces and daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade."
"Nice to meet you Cassandra." You offered her a handshake, she looked at your hand and gave you a nod.
"Sup." She smiled. "And call me Cassie, I hate being called Cassandra."
"Alright..." you made a mental note before realizing something. "Wait...did you say Johnny Cage is her father?." you looked at Raiden who nodded.
"Yes, THE Johnny Cage, you know, the famous actor and movie star." Cassie blew another bubble sitting down in a chair. "Why, are you a fan of his movies?."
"Oh god no." you shook your head. "They have cheesy lines and awful CGI and he openly revealed that he can't lose a fight in his contract, all his movies are the same thing."
"Well, that's something we can agree with." Cassie smiled at you. "Things have been pretty rough with him though, ever since the divorce with my mom."
"I'm sorry to hear that." You looked down. "Must've been hard for you."
"You wouldn't imagine, mom's perceived prioritization of work over her own family led them to divorce." Cassie looked down. "But she still loves me as her daughter and fellow solder."
"Your mother must be tough as nails-" You spoke before someone else walked into the room, you both looked up and Cassie smirked.
"Speak of the devil."
The woman who walked in was wearing a blue special forces hat, vest, gloves, and black combat pants, she was giving a stern look that made everyone stand up straight.
"General Blade." Raiden nodded, walking over to her. "There is someone here you should meet."
He then pointed to you.
"Y/n L/n, he's a new competitor for the tournament."
Sonya looked at you up and down, you didn't move your head at all, keeping your eyes locked with hers as she walked towards you.
"So, what's your deal, L/n?." She asked, putting her hands on her hips.
"Well, I'm not sure what my deal is..." you rubbed your neck. "You see, I was going about my day, then out of nowhere I was pulled into a portal and it led me to some island where I was met by this sorcerer, whose name I'm forgetting-"
"Shang Tsung-" Fujin said.
"Right, Shang Tsung." You nodded at Fujin then looked back at Sonya. "He was talking about this tournament, where people from different realms fight for dominance, saying I could be useful to him in some way, then Raiden and Fujin showed up, Shang went away and now I'm competing in the next tournament."
"I was given a vision from the elder gods, they told me to protect this mortal from Shang Tsung's clutches, if they told me that, he must have some potential to help Earthrelam." Raiden added, Sonya continued looking into your eyes.
"We were hoping you could train him, show him what you know." Fujin spoke, putting an arm on your shoulder. "He needs the training, a lot of training."
"You look weak..." Sonya gave you a cold stare. "I don't know if I'd be able to help you-"
"Mom." Cassie got up from her chair. "Give him a chance, I mean, like, if Raiden was given the order to protect Y/n, he must have something about him."
"Perhaps..." Sonya sighed, looking at her daughter, she then looked at you. "Alright L/n, I'll teach you what I know for the tournament."
"Thank you, Sonya-" You smiled and went for a handshake, you were surprised when she grabbed your arm and flipped you onto your back with a judo throw takedown.
"Address me as general...and be warned, I do not expect failure." she gave you another stone-cold glare.
"Yes general..." you groaned as Raiden and Cassie helped you up, Sonya walked away.
"Your training starts at 0100." Sonya walked out of the room.
"What is 0100?." You looked at Cassie, confused.
"1 A.M." Cassie answered.
"Great..." you sighed, looking down.
"Don't worry." She patted your back. "Just follow everything she says and you'll be done in no time, until then, it's best you sleep, you look like you've had a rough day."
"I agree." Raiden nodded. "You should save your strength for tomorrow, General Blade will not hold back so it's best if you are well rested."
"Alright...I'll get some rest..." you nodded, getting up.
"Great, I'll show you where you can sleep." Cassie smiled and led you down a hallway.
"What do you think of him so far?." Fujin waited until you and Cassie left before looking at his brother.
"He doesn't seem like the brightest mind, but I can tell he has heart, the elder gods must see good things in him, maybe he is the key to earthrealm's safety." Raiden spoke, keeping his eyes on you and Cassie.
"And here we are." Cassie smiled, opening a door, showing you a small room with a bed...and only a bed.
"...That's it?." You asked. "Just a bed?."
"Yep, why, got a problem with that pretty boy?-"
"Pretty boy?..." you looked at Cassie, she quickly realized what she said and looked away...but you could swear you saw her cheeks turn pink.
"Disregard that, okay?." She asked. "Um, so, anyway, these are your sleeping quarters, in the morning we all eat at the mess hall which is over there." she pointed to a room big enough for at least 30,000 soldiers to sit in.
"Alright." you nodded, still looking at the small room you were going to sleep in, you then looked around the base. "So, what's your position."
"I'm commander." Cassie smiled proudly. "So you better follow my orders if you want to keep your balls together."
"Yes, Commander Cage." You saluted, which made her chuckle.
"Oh stop, I already told you, call me Cassie." She patters your shoulder. "Now get some rest, rookie, you'll need it, also, please be on time for the training mom is very serious about those and will make your life hell if you are late."
With that, Cassie walked away, you slowly walked into your room and sat down on the small bed, it wasn't very comfy, but you were going to have to try and make the best of it, at least for now, still, as you lie down and try to get some sleep, a million questions ran through your mind, about the tournament, Raiden and Fujin, Shang Tsung, even Sonya and Cassie, you didn't know what this whole thing would bring but you were going to make the most of it now that you are here, for now, you close your eyes and eventually, drift off to sleep.
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