8. Dinner With The Kahns!
You were led into a room in the palace, you had handcuffs around your hands so you couldn't try and run away as you were shoved into a room with a bed.
"Oi, your groom is here, teethlady." Kano shut the door, you slowly got up and saw Mileena, sitting on a chair, wearing a very revealing attire.
"Hello...husband..." She said in a very sultry tone as she got up and walked towards you in a slow and sexy manner, her breasts were bouncing with each step and her hips were swaying from side to side.
"Umm...Hello again, Mileena..." You spoke quietly as she circled you, looking at you up and down, her sais were strapped to her hips but her attire left very little to the imagination.
"How are you feeling?." She asked, still pacing around you, looking right into your eyes. "I must imagine it must feel pretty good, knowing you are going to be engaged to me, and be by my side...forever..."
"Well...um..." You stuttered, trying to not stare at her large breasts or round and plump backside. "I...I...I feel...nervous, I guess."
"Oh, don't be nervous, Y/n..." She chuckled. "I'm sure we'll get along just fine, granted, as long as you follow my every order."
"O-Of course." you nodded.
"Good..." she walked up to you now and took off her mask, revealing her sharp teeth once again, she slowly licked your face, moving her tongue along your cheek, she slowly walked to a mirror and examined herself before she noticed you, not being able to resist anymore, began looking at her body.
"Is there something you wish to tell me, Y/n?..." She asked, still looking at the mirror, you know you were caught but you couldn't help but stare as your face turned bright red.
"I-I'm sorry..." You frowned. "I just couldn't resist looking..."
Mileena let out a laugh as she turned around and began walking towards you again. "Come here, husband..." she commanded, opening her arms, you slowly walked over to her and she wrapped her arms around you, shoving your face between her girls, she slowly began patting your head and running her fingers through your hair.
"I'm glad you find me attractive..." She pats your head a few times, giggling. "Now, shall we get going?."
"...Where?..." You asked as she pulled back from the hug and began walking to the door.
"Father requested we have dinner with him and mother." She smiled.
"...Oh...great..." you said slowly, Mileena raised an eyebrow.
"You don't seem excited by it..."
"I'm not...Your father...well, to be honest, I've heard awful things, and If I'm married to you-"
"Don't worry about him..." Mileena slowly smiled again. "Just do everything he says and you'll be on his good side-"
"He's got a good side?..." You looked at her. "He looks like he'd kill a poor starving man because he stole some bread."
"He isn't as bad as he seems...trust me, Y/n..." Mileena walked up to you once again and held out her hand to you. "Now, let's go eat..."
"Yes, mam-" You took her hand but she quickly pointed one of her sais at you.
"You address me as Mileena, none of this mam talk, understood!."
"Y-yes Mileena..." your eyes were wide, she slowly smiled and licked your face several times.
"Good, now come on, we'll be late, and Father doesn't like it when someone is late."
"WHERE ARE THEY!?." Shao Khan slammed his hand on the table, angrily, making everything jump. "THEY SHOULD'VE BEEN HERE FIVE MINUTES AGO-"
"Come now dear..." The wife of Shao Khan smirked, sipping on her glass of wine. "Give them a few more minutes, I'm sure they are just...settling in...taking more time to know each other-"
"THEY HAVE THE REST OF THEIR LIVES TO GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER!-" Shao raised his voice before a door opened, Mileena smiled as she pulled her mask down, gripping your hand tightly as you both walked to the table.
"At last," Shao growled. "You've arrived, daughter..."
"Hello, Father." She smiled at him before turning to the woman. "Mother, I hope all is well."
"Oh, everything is alright daughter." The woman smiled, she was still wearing her revealing attire when she looked at you. "Hello Mr...hmm, I don't think I caught your name..."
"Y-Y/n L/n..." you spoke, trying not to stare and piss off Mileena and/or Shao Khan. "Please to meet you, Mrs. Khan-"
"Oh please my dear..." she chuckled. "Call me Sindel, or Mommy, after all, we are family now."
"R-Right." You nodded. "Well, nice to meet you then, Sindel."
"Aren't you going to speak to Father, dear?." Mileena smiled, before sitting down at the seat next to Shao Khan, you slowly looked over at the big man and he was giving you the meanest glare you've ever got in your life.
"...I think he knows all about me, dearest..." you sit down in the seat beside Sindel.
"Did you hear that, he called her dearest..." Sindel smirked. "How...adorable..." her voice sounded very sultry, and she was looking at you more than Shao Khan.
Shao Khan was continuing to glare at you, you didn't dare look at him, so there was a very awkward silence between the four of you.
"So, you are from Earthrealm?." Sindel smirked, continuing to look at you.
"Correct." You nodded, still trying not to stare, you slowly picked up a glass of water and slowly sipped it.
"It must be a wonderful place, I'm sure I'll get to see just how lovely it is once we conquer it, right dear?." She looked over at Shao Khan who still had his eyes on you.
"Yes..." he slowly answered. "It will be a great day when we watch all those pathetic earthrelams die, well, most of them, I can see others becoming fine slaves, maybe breeding stock..."
You, hearing that, spat out your water and began coughing.
"Y/n!?." Mileena quickly stood up. "Are you alright?-"
You nodded and pounded your chest a few times.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You nodded.
Sindel rang a little bell and you saw an old man with white hair and a neatly trimmed mustache, wearing a nice butler's outfit walk to the table, holding a tea try and rag.
"Oh, Mrs. Mileena, I didn't realize you were already sitting down...would you, care for some tea?." The man spoke in a British accent, you slowly looked at him.
"Yes, Charles, that will be fine..." Mileena nodded, Charles grabbed the teapot and instead of pouring it into the cup, he accidentally poured it on Mileena instead.
"OH!." Mileena gasped as she got up.
"Y-y-y-yes sir, right away sir!." Charles stuttered, quickly grabbing the from the tray and began cleaning the spot where the tea was spilled on Mileena. "There, that's it, good as new, good as new it is."
"Good, now...leave..." Shao Khan demanded and the butler nodded, walking away but bumping into the door on his way out.
"Mileena, are you alright?." You asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm fine, Y/n, the tea wasn't that hot..."
"I do not know why you keep letting that old idiot stick around!." Shao Khan glared at Sindel this time.
"Oh darling, you know this, Charles has served me for many decades, the man is over 80,000 years old in Edenian age at least-"
"...What?..." you looked confused. "That British butler is 80,000 years old!?."
"Why yes dear..." Sindel smiled. "I am 40,000 years old, Mileena and Kitana are 10,000 years old, we have much longer life spans than you humans do."
Your jaw drops so far that it hits the table, and your eyes look like they're about to pop right out of your sockets...then you stop and think...did she say Kitana?
"Wait, how do you know Kitana's age?..." You asked raising an eyebrow.
"Simple my dear, she's my daughter, like Mileena is-"
You slowly turn your head towards your wife who smiles, then your eyes widen as you realize that you were taken away from all of your friends, including her, surley they are trying to find you now, right?...
Sonya was pacing back and forth, Jax was still typing into the computer, Jacqui was next to her father, and Cassie was sipping on a large soda with her name on it reading "Kassie" It was crossed out and the correct spelling was underneath it.
"Have you found anything?." Sonya walked over to Jax.
"Can't find a damn thing, Sonya." Jax looked at the general. "It's like he's gone off the grid-"
"He couldn't have gotten that far, he was captured a day ago!." Cassie continued sipping on her drink.
Suddenly the doors opened and Raiden, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and Kitana all walked in, Kitana was wielding her fan blades, Kung Lao had his hat on and Liu Kang had nunchucks.
"Sup Rai-man." Cassie smiled at the thunder god. "What's going on?."
"I am forming a search party to find Y/n L/n's location," Raiden answered, grabbing his staff. "We are leaving soon..."
"We're coming with you." Sonya walked up to him.
"You have soldiers to train, General Blade, you will not be needed for this." Raiden glared before Sonya walked right past him and grabbed several guns.
"I'm coming, and you aren't stopping me." She glared back at the thunder god.
"Who will train the soldiers?-" Kung Lao asked.
"Rest assured." Fujin walked into the room. "I shall train them, you all shall go look for Y/n, the more of you, the better."
"Cool, operation: Save Y/n's sweet ass is a go!." Cassie smiled and put on her shades before she was given weird looks by everyone. "What?..."
"What did you just say!?." Sonya walked up to her, looking pissed.
"I said, operation: Save Y/n's sweet ass is a go-" Cassie repeated.
"Why did you say sweet ass?." Jacqui glared.
"I would also like to know." Kitana stepped in, also glaring.
"ooooh..." Johnny smiled, walking into the room. "A catfight, I like it..." he smiled then walked over to the women. "Alright now let's not fight, there's plenty of me to go around for three of you-"
"Shut up Cage!." Sonya glared at her ex-husband.
"What, I said three, ain't no way I'm doing C-"
"Just shut up..." Cassie cringed, backing away.
"I didn't even say-"
"Just stop talking!." Jacqui shouted.
"Please!." Kitana also shouted at the movie star.
"Fine, but I know you all want a piece of me, I mean, come on, who else is better looking than me?."
"Where do I start?..." Sonya rolled her eyes.
"Can we stop with this bickering and start searching for Y/n!?." Raiden shouted, his eyes glowing red.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever Rai-dude, I don't care for the guy anyway, hell, I hope he's dead somewhere in the desert if you need me, I'll be getting some much-deserved beauty rest-"
Raiden suddenly teleported in front of him and grabbed him by the throat, pinning him to the wall.
"You will be coming with us, Johnny Cage!." Raiden growled. "For you are the mere reason that he is missing!."
"Yeah, yeah, sure, can we wrap this up, I've got a five-hour massage starting in ten minutes, then another tapping for Ninja Mime Fi-"
Raiden, having enough began shocking the piss out of Cage, Sonya smiled, seeing him in pain felt...therapeutic...
You were still eating with Shao, Sindel, and Mileena, you were shaking, scared shitless of what either parent is capable of doing to you...
"So Y/n..." Sindel smiled. "I must say, I can't help but notice your bulging...." she paused, then quickly looked up at your arms. "Muscles..."
You quickly blushed as you caught her looking at your, well, you know what I'm talking about...
"...Um, t-t-thank, Sindel-"
"Darling, please, as I said, call me "mommy" After all, we are family now..." Sindel smiled, putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Mother, I think you are making him uncomfortable..." Mileena looked at you, your face was bright red.
"Oh, I know, daughter, and I find it quite amusing..." Sindel laughed, then looked back at you. "I must say, he is very...and I mean...very handsome..."
Shao looked pissed by her comments, he was glaring both at you and Sindel.
"Well, I do work out a lot..." You looked down, your face was redder than ever.
"Oh, I can tell..." Sindel smirked. "You have excellent form-"
"That's enough Sindel!." Shao snapped, glaring at his wife.
"Oh calm down dear, I'm just trying to conversate with him-"
"You sit on a throne of lies!." Shao Khan shouted again. "I know what you are trying to do, and I won't stand for it!."
He then slowly stood up and began walking over towards her, Sindel slowly got out of her chair.
"What are you doing?..." She slowly began backing away, Mileena, looked up, looking shocked.
"Father, what are you-"
"Silence Mileena!." Shao pointed at her, his voice was now deeper and his eyes were filled with rage, Mileena looked on confused, but she shut her mouth as Shao looked back at Sindel.
"As for you, wife, you need to learn how to control yourself-" He then slowly gripped her wrist, squeezing it tightly.
"Get your filthy hands off of me!." Sindel shouted, pulling her hand away.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!!?." Shao shouted so loudly that the entire room shook.
"Now hang on a minute...sir..." you slowly got up from your seat. "I-I'm sure she wasn't-"
"FATHER!!!." Mileena shouted, now getting up from the table as well. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY HUSBAND!!!."
"I AM NOT!." Sindel shouted back, lying.
"DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!." Shao gripped his wife's wrist harder, but Sindel screamed right in his voice and like it was some sort of magic, sent him flying across the room, slamming into the table, and ringing the bell.
"Yes sir?." Charles opened the door, Shao Kahn was growling as he slowly turned his head to the butler.
"LEAVE CHARLES!." he glared, making the bulter jump with fear as he quickly shut the door, The Conquer slowly got to his feet and began walking up to his wife, anger written all over his face.
Sindel used her hair and trapped to wrap it around him but he kicked her so hard she flew into the wall.
"MOTHER!!!!." Mileena shouted, she ran over to her but was pulled away by Shao Khan and thrown back against the table.
"You show your daughter some respect!." You shouted...Shao Khan stopped looking at Sindel, slowly turned to you, walked away from Sindel, and began laughing.
"And what are you going to do about it?..." he continued laughing.
"I'm going to give you what you deserve." You put your fists up, getting into a fighting stance.
"Y/N, NO!." Mileena shouted before Shoa Kahn smirked and grabbed his hammer from the table.
"Alright, earthrealmer...I'll enjoy digging your grave..."
You ran at him and the conqueror went for a swing, but what he didn't know is that you learned a trick or two from Cassie, you slid under his legs and punched him right in the balls....it was ten times more effective than Johnny's...
A/n: This may or may not get flagged by Wattpad but just to show how effective your punch is...
Shao Khan dropped his hammer, he froze, his eyes bulged, his voice shaking.
You slowly got up, and both Mileena and Sindel stood by you, Khan fell to his knees, his voice was inaudible as he collapsed onto the floor...it was so silent you could hear a pin drop on the floor.
"Oh shit..." You backed away, realizing how incredibly fucked you are.
"Oi, what's all the racket!?." Kano poked his head into the room. "Also, where the hell is the bathroom?."
Raiden and the search party were walking through a forest, most of them trying to find you, the keyword being MOST of them...
"Y/N!." Jacqui shouted, searching behind a few trees.
"IF YOU CAN HEAR US, SCREAM!." Cassie shouted out, cupping her hands together, meanwhile Sonya was kicking trees down with her legs, she looked like she was trying to find you to most.
"Y/N!?." She shouted at the top of her lungs. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?."
"You never screamed that loud for me when I was lost in the forest..." Johnny frowned, looking at his ex-wife.
"Just shut up Dad." Cassie continued looking for you, she was now starting to climb a tree to get a better view.
"You know Cass, there was a time when you respected me." The actor ran a hand over his hair. "I miss that side of you."
"That side of me is long gone after what I saw you do to not only mom but several other women asshole."
"I told you to not tell her about the other women, I even gave you ice cream-"
"I DIDN'T WANT ANY DAMN ICE CREAM YOU FUCKING EGOTISTICAL LYING CHEATING ASSHOLE!." Cassie shouted at the top of her lungs, she shouted so loudly that the birds in the trees flew away
"DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT YOUR FATHER!-" Johnny shouted back before Sonya came over and punched him so hard he flew across the air and into a tree, he bounced off it and groaned as he landed on his face.
"Take it easy..." Johnny groaned. "...It was only a couple of groupies and agents...it wasn't some stripper or anything like that-"
Sonya pinned his neck against the tree with her boot and glared.
Jax had to pull the general away just in time, saving Johnny's life, the actor's head was bleeding but he had a shit-eating grin on his face.
"You know, I love it when you're feisty..."
"CAGE JUST SHUT UP!." Jax shouted as he tried to restrain Sonya who was thrashing around, trying to grab her ex-husband.
"I SWEAR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!." Sonya shouted as she tried to lunge for Cage who smirked.
"How long have they been arguing like this?." Liu Kang looked over to Cassie who was continuing to climb the tree.
"Since I was born..." Cassie sighed. "Now keep searching, who knows where Y/n is and what's happening to him."
You were in your room, you had locked the door and barricaded yourself in there with enough food and toilet paper to last until the next millennium.
"I'm going to die..." you began frantically eating an apple. "That man will kill me..."
That's when there were rapid knocks on the door.
"YOU WON'T TAKE ME ALIVE!!!." You shouted, backing up against the walls.
"Y/n, it's me..." Mileena's voice could be heard from outside of the door, you slowly walked over to it and hid behind it as you opened the door and saw your wife standing there.
"Hello..." you looked around, making sure nobody else was around.
"May I come in?." She asked.
"Of course." You held the door open and she walked inside, her hips swaying with each step, giving you a nice view.
"What's all this?..." she looked at the food and toilet paper scattered around the floor.
"Rations..." You replied shutting the door. "Your father is going to kill me if I step outside, so I'm locking myself in our room..."
"Y/n, you don't have to hide from him..." Mileena wrapped her arms around you before licking your cheek. "Because if he ever tries to attack you or Mother again, he will regret ever creating me..."
"...You seriously scare me sometimes..." You slowly hugged her back, you could smell rotting flesh and you began gaggin. "Jesus, do you not shower, at all?."
"...What?..." Mileena looked confused. "What is a shower that you speak of?..."
Your face locked up, you slowly looked at your hands, they were covered in blood and other stains from her clothing.
"....You....you have never showered before?..."
"What is a shower?." She asked again, you slowly sat down and began trying to think where everything went wrong in your life.
"Hey, are you alright?..." Mileena asked. "Do you want me to hold you?..."
You didn't respond, so Mileena held you anyway and began licking her face to comfort you.
"Don't worry husband, I won't let my father hurt you...I won't let anyone hurt you, because if anything happened to you, I'd kill everyone in this palace and then myself..."
She slowly walked you over to the bed and laid you down next to her, wraping her arms around you, she put your head between her girls and began running her fingers through your hair.
"Now, let's get some rest alright?."
"Yes Mileena..." you slowly wrapped your arms around her and closed your eyes.
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