7. Caught, Captured, and...Consorted? (Plus questions at the end)
At the special forces base...
Johnny was getting his ass kicked by Sonya, Cassie, Jax, Jacqui, and Kitana...Raiden's eyes were glowing red and he was furious.
"Tell us why you did that you idiot!." Sonya bent the actor's arm back, making him scream.
"I told these guys about where to find him so they can take him Shao Khan, no big deal, he doesn't mean anything to anyone anyways-"
Sonya then broke his arm.
"He matters to me, far more than you do!."
Johnny could only scream in pain as Sonya got off of him, and then Raiden slowly picked him up.
"my arm...she broke my damn ar-"
Raiden suddenly pinned the actor against the wall.
"Chill out Rai-Dude...you can find your next champion, right here." He pointed to himself before The Thunder god shocked him and started destroying the actor.
You were being carried by the three guys that captured you, you were in a completely new world now, different types of species were walking around, some had very pointy teeth, and some only had one eye.
"Come on." The cowboy spoke. "We still have a long walk ahead of us."
"Hold up-," The Aussie said. "Gotta take a piss-"
"Are you kidding me!?." The masked guy shouted. "This is the sixth time we've stopped!."
"Relax, it'll take ten seconds-" the guy then dropped you on your head to remove his pants.
"Ow!." You groaned. "Fuck!!!. I'm going to kill that actor when I see them!!!."
"Oh, you ain't gonna see him anytime soon friend..." The Cowboy looked at you, twirling his six-shooter.
"Yeah." The masked guy laughed. "Maybe Shao Khan will kill you and hang your head on a wall."
"Right after you are done sucking him off-" You looked at the guy who kicked you in the side, the cowboy let out a chuckle.
"You know what, this guy is funny."
"Shut up Erron!." The masked guy shouted at him.
"Erron?..." you looked up at the cowboy. "That's your name, what kind of name is that?."
"Damn straight it's Erron..." he then kicked you in the ribs. "You better not forget it partner..."
"Don't worry...." You heaved. "...I won't... Please, tell me how it's spelled, I want the mortician to spell it right when Raiden comes for me..."
"Cute..." He rolled his eyes and then looked in Kano's direction. "Are you done yet, Kano?." He asked at the Aussie, who zipped his fly back up.
"Yep, just got done...alright, so, where are we taking this wanker?." Kano looked down at you.
"We're taking him to Shao Khan's palace, him and his mistress Sindel have offered us a nice paycheck in order to bring them this feller." Erron also looked down at you.
"And how long will that take?." The masked guy asked.
"Ten hours..."
"Ten hours!?." The masked Guy complained. "We better be getting paid good for this fuckhead."
"Don't worry Kabal." Kano smirked. "We're going to rob them anyway, take some of their riches and we'll get paid for bringing in this sack of shit right here."
"We better be." Kabal began walking along with Erron while Kano began dragging you through the mud and dirt, making you look like more of a mess than you were at this point.
The four of you had been walking for a little while now and the sun was going down now.
"Alright..." Kabal ground. "We should stop here...give ourselves some time to rest."
"I agree." Kano nodded before pulling a bottle of booze out from his pants and taking a swig.
"...Tell me you haven't kept that down there this whole time..." Erron looked at Kano.
"I have, mate, anyone want a drink?."
Both Erron and Kabal turned away before Kano looked at you.
"Here mate, after all the shit we've put you through, a drink to your "good health-" he laughed devilishly.
"I'm good-" you tried to say before Kano poured the booze into your mouth, smirking as he did so.
"That's just wrong." Erron took off his hat and sat down on a log. "I'll get some firewood, keep an eye on the captive."
"I'll come with you." Kabal followed Erron into a jungle to get some firewood, really both of them wanted to get away from Kano who was still pouring the booze into your mouth.
Kano was sitting on a log and you were weak, you had vomit on yourself as well as blood, booze, dirt, and mud.
"You alright mate?." He smirked. "You don't look well..."
"Fuck you...." You coughed up a bit of blood.
"Aw, there's no need for that kind of language, can't we just be friends?." He snickered before stabbing a few worms with his knife. "Ah, you must be hungry right mate?."
You tried to untie yourself but Kano smirked as he tried to feed you the worms, you head-butted him in the balls and he fell over, his knife missing your head and landing on the sand, you weakly crawled over to it and propped yourself upright so you were able to free yourself.
Now freed, you grabbed a handful of the worms and shoved them in Kano's mouth before knocking him out with a punch.
"How's that taste, you wanker?." You smirked, before finding a few koins on the ground next to him, a smoke bomb, and the knife he tried to feed you the worms with, you grabbed all of that stuff and began hobbling away, trying to get as far as possible before Kabal and Erron returned.
You had hobbled as fast as you could, not stopping for any reason.
"Gotta keep moving..." you said to yourself as you kept hobbling, your knees were buckling but you knew you couldn't stop, it was life or death for you.
"Goddamn, next time I see Cage, I'm gonna-" you groaned before all of a sudden some bugs began swarming around you, in massive hives, then more began showing up.
"What the?....." you look confused before the bugs clumped together, you see a giant, disgusting-looking bug thing forming and it appears in front of you.
"Hello, Human..." it smiles at you.
You, naturally freaking the hell out by how disgusting this thing is, start screaming your head off
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?." You tried to hobble away before the bug thing took you down.
"...Mmm..." it sniffed you. "This one finds you...appetizing..."
"WHAT THE FU-" you shouted before you are suddenly knocked out.
"Kano." Kabal said, coming out of the forest. "We're back with that....fire...wood..." he saw Kano, knocked out, and you nowhere to be seen.
Erron came out of the forest and looked around. "YOU LOST HIM!?." You walked up to Kano and punched the shit out of him, waking the Aussie up.
"WHA-OI, WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?." Kano shouted.
"YOU LOST THE GUY WE NEED TO BRING TO SHAO KHAN!." Kabal shouted, putting his swords to Kano's neck.
"Oi, take it easy, the lad jumped me while I was pissing." He lied, while they were talking, Erron looked at the ground, seeing a bloody trail going away.
"He didn't get far..." Erron pulled out his six-shooter. "Come on, follow me, and let's find this son of a bitch..."
You woke up in a different area, it certainly wasn't the desert or wherever you previously were.
"Where the hell am I?..." you slowly looked around, seeing several bugs, some large, others larger, but the bug lady smiled as you looked around.
"I see you have an interest in the hive...this one's home..." she smiled as she petted an insect she was holding.
"What is that?..." you slowly asked.
"Oh, this one will be feeding on your flesh and planting my bugs in your brains..."
Your eyes widened upon hearing that and backed away.
"Yeah, okay, alright, no fucking thank you, hell to the no, nope-nope-nope-nope-so much nope!-" you continued backing away.
"You don't have a choice, this one will enjoy it..." she smiled and began floating closer to you.
"This one." You pointed to yourself. "Isn't becoming one of your little nests for your damn bug babies, this one is getting out of here..." You quickly checked for your gun and knife...they weren't there.
"Oh, what's wrong human, afraid now that you don't have your little toys?." She smiled.
"No, I'm just gonna beat the shit out of you." You wobbled over and got into a fighting stance and she did the same.
You were getting the shit beat out of you, the bug lady threw you around the hive like a Ragdoll as you went crashing into several gooey and disgusting creatures, making you vomit all over the place.
"Ooh, this one will look forward to trying your bodily fluids later, human, after I'm done planting my bugs in your brain-"
"That...that won't happen..." you groaned as you hurled again.
"And why is that human?..." she smirked.
"Two words, bitch..." you smiled. "Smoke bombs!." You threw a smoke bomb down on the ground and disappeared from her sight in seconds, getting her covered in white smoke in the process.
She flew up and saw you trying to run for your life, also covered in smoke.
As you were trying to find your way out of the hive, dozens of bees and bugs were swarming after you, and you were screaming for your life.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-" you screamed before you tripped on a rock and landed on your face, the bug lady fluttered down and smirked.
"It looks like it's time for this one to feed..."
The bug lady was about to feed on your flesh before a lasso wrapped around her neck and yanked her away, you saw Erron, Kabal, and Kano, all with their weapons out, the cowboy yanked harder on the lasso and the bug lady began choking, gasping for air.
"Kill her." Erron glared, Kano and Kabal began stabbing her in the legs and stomach several times, making her groan in pain, Erron then shot her several times, over and over, emptying the chamber of his revolver into her.
Before Erron could get the killing blow, she shoved you into Kabal who flew into Erron and he missed, the bug lady flew away, holding her wounds.
"She got away..." Kano sipped a bottle of booze.
Erron growled and then slowly looked at you, though you couldn't see the bottom half of his face with his mask, you could he was ten seconds away from shooting you in the forehead.
"You are lucky we need you alive, amigo..." he then punched you in the jaw and knocked you out cold.
You slowly came to as your vision was slightly blurry, you looked around confused, and realized your hands were bound and tied.
"Hey, he's finally awake..." Kano smirked as he pulled you up to your feet by your hair. "Come on mate, don't you want to see the big man himself?..."
"...not really..." you groaned as you now had a black eye from how hard Erron punched you.
The doors to the throne room opened and in walked a tall and imposing figure, dressed in armor and a cool-looking helmet, he was holding a giant hammer with only one hand.
You were tossed down to the ground by Erron who grabbed you by the hair and made you look up to see Shao Khan himself.
"So, this is Earthrelam's champion, the so-called chosen one?...pfft hahahaha!." He laughed. "I wouldn't even allow you to clean my boot...Shang Tsung told me all these things about you, and I'm not impressed, you are just a fly...and now...the so-called "Chosen one" will be nothing by a pile of bones with one single blow-"
"Well, we brought him here." Kano glared. "Where's our pay?-"
"Yes, yes, I'll get to that...but for this mere man...he is not worthy enough to even fight me" he pointed to you. "Toss him in the flesh pits, my daughter will enjoy devouring him-"
"Flesh pits!?." Your eyes widen as you kick Kano away from you, you avoid Kabal's swords and kneed him in the balls, making him fall over, however, Erron grappled you from behind and took you to the ground, you tried to get up but the Cowboy put his gun to your head.
"Take him to the flesh pits now, Erron Black." Shao Khan commanded.
"It's going to cost extra." Erron tipped his hat.
"Just get it done." Shao commanded and sat down on his throne.
You tried to get out of Erron's grasp but the Cowboy had a firm grip on your hair, taking you down into a dark room, he opened the door and threw you into it.
You landed in the sand, getting it all over your clothes and hair and the door slammed shut, you looked around and saw several skulls and bones on the ground beside you, when you slowly turned around, you saw something staring at you...two yellow eyes...
You started shaking, you began crawling away and the eyes got closer.
"Mmm, fresh meat...." You heard a low voice smirking as the eyes got bigger.
"P-please don't eat me..." you begged. "I don't taste good, please, for the love of god, don't do it, I'll-I'll do anything, anything you want-"
The eyes got closer and closer until a figure stepped out of the shadows.
"Anything?..." She smirked, showing her very sharp teeth.
You saw the woman's attire and your face instantly went red from how...revealing she was, leaving very little to your imagination....
You slowly backed away again, however, she looked down at her chest and smiled, seeming to have caught you staring.
"Seems I excite you..." she laughed, walking towards you.
You backed up again but were stopped by a wall and she got right up in your face, smirking.
"Do I excite you?..." She asked softly.
"I...well...I mean." You struggled to speak however the woman laughed again.
"Oh, I think I'll enjoy you..."
"Please don't eat me..." you begged, you felt your heart beating rapidly, you started hyperventilating, you didn't want to die, at least not now, and not here.
The woman began examining you up and down, she began getting even closer to you.
"You have potential..."
"Potential for what?...."
"For being mine, after all, in order to become the next Khan, I need someone to be my king...." She then put a hand on your neck and began squeezing. "Tell me...would you do anything to save your life?."
"Yes, anything at all!." You shook with fear, putting your hands up.
"Interesting..." she looked at you up and down, you felt like she was...examining you...you didn't know what to do but she slowly put her hands around your cheeks and grinned. "Then, you won't mind if I do this-"
before you could say anything, she slowly licked your face a few times, then smiled.
"I don't have lips so consider that an engagement kiss-"
"E-E-Engagement?...." Your eyes widen.
"Why yes, human....you said you would do anything to save your life, so if you agree to become my consort, I can rule over outworld...then your life will be spared."
"Is there another option-" You asked before she growled.
"N-Nothing!." You shrieked and you nearly soiled yourself in fear. "I...I-I'll marry you...if that's my only chance at staying alive..."
"A wise decision, human." She slowly smirked. "Now...what is your name?..."
"Y/n L/n..." you spoke.
"Such a nice name, for an Earthrelamer..." She then slowly caressed your face, smiling, you could smell her foul stench and it nearly made you vomit. "Now come along, Y/n, we need to get Father's blessing..."
Shao Khan was sitting on his throne, a woman was by his side, smiling as Shao was admiring her beauty, Erron, Kabal and Kano were waiting for their payment, all of them looking angry.
"Can we get our pay and go now?." Kabal asked.
"Silence!." Shao pointed at the masked man before smiling back at the woman. "You are divine and elegant, wife..."
As Kano was about to go outside for another piss, the door swung open with such speed that it slammed against his skull and knocked him down.
"Father!." Mileena smiled, walking into the throne room, and dragging you in as well. "I have the most wonderful news!."
Everyone looked shocked when they saw you again, apart from the woman by Shao Khan, she smiled as she saw you enter beside her daughter like she was thinking about something...
"Mileena, what are you doing!?." Shao Khan shouted. "Why haven't you eaten him yet!?."
"Oh my..." a woman standing next to Shao Khan smirked. "Daughter, who is this fine-looking human?."
"This is Y/n, and he's agreed to be my husband." Mileena smiled, pulling your face to hers and she licked it several times.
"W-What she said..." you looked sick as Mileena kept licking your face like a dog.
"WHAT!?." Shao Khan got up from his throne. "IF YOU THINK IM GOING TO GIVE MY BLESSINGS TO YOU WITH EARTHREALM'S CHOSEN ONE AS YOUR HUSBAND THAN....." he stopped, you could practically see the gears turning in his head. "Earthrelams's chosen one...married to my daughter...that means he'll be on Outworld's side for the tournament...."
Your eyes widened as your realized how screwed you were...
"Outworld?..." you said to yourself quietly, several thoughts running through your brain.
"Why, Mileena." Shao Khan smirked. "Of course, it would be an honor to give you my blessing."
"And mine as well, I must say, he looks very....stunning..." The woman next to him looked at you and licked her lips. "I think he'd make a great consort..."
A/n: ...I know this skin is in the Kombat League, but, if there's another way to unlock it...please, let me know...
She then quickly looked at Mileena.
"To you, of course, daughter..."
"Oh thank you!." Mileena smiled then licked your face again. "You and I are going to be together...forever..."
"Forever?..." You began shaking again as she walked away, dragging you by the arm, you looked outside, seeing the many servants running around, all looking miserable and scared.
"Why was I the chosen one?." You looked up at the sky. "Why elder gods?."
"I'm not getting anything." Jax looked at the computer, trying to find you. "No trace or anything-"
"Keep looking!." Sonya commanded. "We have to find him, I swear if they touched a single hair on his head, I'll!-"
"Mom, calm down..." Cassie gripped her shoulders. "We'll find him, I know we will!."
"And if we don't?." Kung Lao asked before Sonya pulled out her gun and aimed it at Johnny.
"Then this son of a bitch dies!."
"Woah-woah-woah-woah!." Cage backed up. "He's probably fine...maybe they'll have Mileena eat his face and if you ask me, he'll look a lot better with his face missing-"
Sonya, having more than enough of Johnny's shit, gave him an uppercut that sent him into the ceiling.
"My sexy face!." Johnny shouted as his head was stuck in the roof.
"You need to relax, Sonya." Kitana looked at the general. "We will find him, and destroy anyone in our path.
"Damn right, we will!." She nodded and looked at the computer Jax was looking at.
"How are we supposed to find him?." Liu Kang asked. "For all we know, he could be in Edina or Outworld..."
Kitana had a thought, it was like she just remembered something...or someone who could help locate you.
"I have an idea." She spoke up again and everyone, besides Johnny who was still stuck in the ceiling, looked at the princess.
"Can someone get me down?." Cage groaned.
A/n: Hey, just want to ask a few questions, these are your options but I'm always open to feedback.
1. How are the characters being written so far? Good, Bad, whatever you feel, let me know.
2. What do you think will happen, now that you are "married" to Mileena?. (Lucky you btw)
3. In this story, if a character dies, they don't come back...so...are you hoping anyone dies soon or in the future?.
4. Who are you looking forward to seeing in this story? maybe you want to see a new character, or maybe you want more writing focused on another character, it's your opinion.
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