12. I don't know what to call this chapter...
You were training with Jade who wasn't holding back any attack, your face had blood pouring down it, you were covered in sweat and you felt like your arms were going to fall up.
"At least try to block them." Jade rolled her eyes.
"Maybe put that pole down and make it a fair fight-" You groaned before she domed you across the head with her staff.
"It's a staff, not a pole." She glared. "And when are these tournaments ever fair?."
"Don't be asking me that, I've only been here for...well, I've lost count but I've had my ass handed to me by a military woman who then made love to me when we were alone, the prick movie star has punched me in my balls so many times I may not be able to reproduce and I'm married to a woman who eats people's faces-"
"I wonder if you'll be fighting her in the tournament." Jade pondered.
Your eyes widened as you quickly thought about it...you didn't want to fight Mileena but knowing Shang Tsung, that probably will be the case.
"I hope not, I don't want to fight anyone, even Erron, at least he saved me." You responded. "I wonder what the others are doing..."
The others were locked up in cells and put in shackles.
"From one cell to another." Sindel groaned. "I swear Shao Kahn will perish, he'll wish we never met and-"
"Yeah, yeah, we've heard it a million times." Johnny scoffed, he was trying to get some reception for his phone. "Hey does this place have any wifi?."
"What did you just ask?." Kitana looked confused.
"Wifi, the internet, connection, bars, that kind of stuff." Cage answered as he began moving around in the cell, trying to get a single bar. "How else am I going to be able to send these photos to my agent, the Cage Cinematic universe loves an underdog story-"
"Can you stop focusing on your damn movies and help us try to find a way out of here?." Jax glared at the movie star.
"And get my hands dirty, do you know how much it costs to get my manicure done these days?." Cage glared back.
"How did you stay married to him?." Erron looked at Sonya.
"It's amazing I was ever born." Cassie rolled her eyes.
Everyone suddenly heard a scream and looked over at the far corner, Mileena was trying to chew through the bars with her teeth, she was starting to go completely feral.
"LET ME OUT, I NEED TO SEE MY HUSBAND!." She shouted as she tried once again to chew through the bars.
"Sister, please...." Kitana walked over to her, trying to put her hand on her arm. "Calm down, we'll find my-your husband, I'm sure of it..."
"What did you just say?..." Mileena looked at Kitana, her eyes glowing yellow.
"I didn't say anything, Mileena." Kitana put her hands up.
"You said "my", Kitana..." Mileena's voice darkened as she began slowly walking towards her sister.
"Mileena, please-" Kitana began backing away, for the first time in her life, she felt fear of her sister.
Mileena slowly gripped her arms and pinned her to the wall, looking straight into her eyes.
"Oh shit!." Johnny smirked. "Catfight!."
"Mileena, please." Sindel approached her daughters. "Kitana probably slipped up her words-"
"Stay out of this, Mother!." Mileena growled at her before looking back at her sister. "Sister, if you ever think you can take Y/n away from me I will eat your heart!."
Mileena then scratched her sister with one of her sharp claws and walked back to the corner of the cell.
"Mileena!." Sindel shouted and ran over to Kitana who glared at Mileena.
"Well, I saw him first!." She shouted, making Mileena turn around. "I saw him back at the special forces base, I trained him-"
"Woah, hold up!." Cassie glared at the princess. "YOU trained him, correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm not, but WE trained him together, don't leave me out of this!-"
"You are just jealous he kept looking at me!." Kitana shouted at the commander
"He looked at you because he wanted a break, you were making him do impossible tasks, like trying to have him lift a damn boulder while balancing on a log!." Cassie shouted. "I, however, was getting some very...suggestive...looks from him."
"Probably because he was confusing you with legs over here." Erron jokingly pointed at Sonya, however, the general slightly blushed.
"Mom, are you..." Cassie looked confused. "Blushing!?."
"N-No." Sonya looked away.
"Then why did you look away when I asked you?." Cassie glared at her.
"Woah, woah-" Johnny stepped in. "Easy there Cass, mommy was probably just remembering the good times we had together."
He then pulled down his shades and walked over to Sonya, making her look up at him before he winked.
"Right babe?-" He asked before Sonya quickly kicked him in the balls, making him shout out in pain before he fell over and his phone fell out of his hands.
"At least HE gave me a good time, unlike you." The general glared down at him.
"Wait...are you saying that he and you?..." Jax's eyes widened.
"WHAT!?." Mileena's head turned to Sonya at the speed of light.
"What?." Cassie and Kitana looked at the general as well.
"Did you?." Jacqui asked looking at Sonya.
Sonya slowly looked down, her eyes closed shut, and her cheeks turned red.
"Mom?." Cassie looked shocked.
It was late at night and you were walking to your room after an intense training session with Liu Kang, Cassie, and Kitana, you were covered in sweat, and tired and you had a black eye.
"Goddamn, being the chosen one hurts like hell..." You groaned as you put an icepack on your eye before you heard the softest cry in the world.
You slowly walked out of your room and down the halls where the cry had started to get slightly louder, since it was completely dark in the halls you had to feel your way around several doors until you found the correct one, the lights were completely off and you could see the figure of a woman with her head down on a pillow.
"Miss?." You slowly knocked on the door. "Is everything alright?."
"...Go away..." The woman barked, her voice was a bit muffled from the pillow.
"What?-" You said before the woman quickly got up from the pillow opened the door and pinned you to the wall, gripping your arm tightly.
"What part of "go away" don't you understand!?." She shouted, you slowly recognized the voice of who was shouting at you, even though you couldn't see anything with all the lights off around the base.
"General?..." You looked concerned.
You felt the grip on your arm loosen.
"Y-Y/n?." Sonya's voice softly spoke up. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you..."
"You're fine, I've been through a lot worse today." You put a hand on her shoulder. "Is everything alright?."
It took a few seconds but eventually, the general spoke again.
"No, everything has been the opposite of fine."
"You want to talk about it?." You asked.
You felt her drag you into her arm and she closed the door, turning on the lights so you two could at least see each other.
"I've been arguing with Cassie a lot now, it's been starting ever since you got here, we keep arguing over every little thing, I'm worried that we'll keep arguing and she'll drift away from me or worse be more like Johnny...She's the only person I care more about than my job here..."
You slowly nodded as she put her head down again.
"I know in the past I've been a bad mother, I've put my job before my family and my pursuit of Kano drifted us apart until she joined the force, but I care for her, I just want to stop arguing with her."
"General Blade, you aren't a bad mother..." You sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder. "People argue all the time, most more than others, but parents and children get into disagreements all the time, sure you are driven by your work and whoever this Kano person is, but you have a heart, you love Cassie no matter what and I know she loves you too."
Sonya slowly looked up and smiled, she then quickly wrapped her arms around your neck.
"Y/n, if only you were my husband instead of that a-list asshole, my life would be much better than it is now."
"Well, I'm flattered that you think that General." You smiled. "But I don't think I would like to do military-style training both here and at home."
"...You think I'd be training you at home if we were married?." She chuckled.
"Well yeah, I mean, that's all you do around here, you make your soldiers train non-stop, hell, you knocked a few of my teeth out a few weeks ago."
"Y/n, trust me, I would be training you in a more...gentler...way." She smirked.
"What do you mean by that?." You asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well...I could tell you..." She spoke in a more seductive voice. "Or I could show you..."
Your eyes widened and you took a step back, your face was bright red.
"Woah-woah-woah general." You put your hands out.
"What, you aren't interested?." She put her hands on her hips.
"...Well...I kind of am...to be honest." You slowly replied.
"Then why don't you let me show you my other side, the different Sonya that doesn't force you to do ten thousand pushups and situps a day." She began walking up to you, pressing her body against yours. "The Sonya that cares about you and would do anything to make you smile..."
"I still don't know general-" Your face was redder than a tomato as you were up against the wall.
"Imagine bragging to Johnny about you having done it with me in the few weeks that we've known each other, after all he's done to you, you can say that I had a much better time with you than I ever had with him and his "little friend"..."
You wanted to but at the same time you didn't, but then you thought about how Johnny would feel after what she said and how mad you would make him.
End of flashback...
"Wait, so you are saying that you two really?-" Kitana glared at her.
Before she could get anything out Mileena lunged at her, trying to bite her head off before Erron and Jax pulled her away, holding onto her.
"LET ME GO!." Mileena shouted, she was seething with pure rage.
"He wasn't even yours at the time!." Sonya shouted at her.
"But he really wasn't greater than I was...right?." Johnny looked up at her. "R-Right?."
"He was a trillion times better than you, you idiot." Sonya glared at the actor. "With him, I felt something, I didn't have to fake it, he treated me like a human being, not some trophy wife to show on the red carpets to make your co-stars jealous!-"
"You said you liked going to those!." Cage glared.
"I said I hated them but you dragged me there anyways to big a bigger asshole to your so-called "friends." you are so lucky I didn't walk out on you during those stupid award shows, oh and by the way, Y/n's "little friend" is triple the size of yours!."
"It's not small!." Johnny got up.
"You keep calling yourself the biggest star in Hollywood to compensate for your microscopic-"
"ENOUGH!." Johnny shouted, slowly taking off his shades.
Erron slowly walked over to the guards by the cell bars.
"Care to make this interesting?." He made the money sign with his hands. "I bet twenty dollars on the lady."
You and the rest of the outworld team were being led into a room by Charles.
"This here is where you can find your entertainment for now..." Charles sighed. "The Centurian race will be starting soon, drinks are available at the single bar counter, and if you need anything else, please let me know-"
"Where's the tv?." You raised a hand. "I want to watch the basketball game."
Everyone slowly looked at you like were completely insane.
"What?." You looked confused.
"What is this "tv" you speak of?." Kollector looked intrigued.
"And what is a "basketball" earthrealmer?." Baraka looked confused.
Your eyes twitched again and you slowly walked over to one of the bars, leaped over the counter, grabbed a few bottles of booze, and started drinking.
"Alright, here's what we're going to do." You took a swig out of one of the bottles. "Screw the Centurian race...I'm teaching you freaks how to play basketball."
"Does it require blood magic?." Skarlet asked.
"You know what, fuck it, why not, this version can." You looked around for a round thing. "Alright, we'll need something round-"
Baraka looked at one of the waiters and cut his head off with one of his blades.
"This is round..." He held up the guy's head. "Will this work?."
You had set up a basketball court to the best of your ability and whatever you could find, the hoops were made out of wood and the ball was the waiter's head while you used the blood to make the lines on the court.
"Alright, how this works is you shoot the ball, or the head in this case, into the hoop, if it goes in, you get a point, if it doesn't, well, try again." You said as you took another swig of a bottle of booze, you were feeling a little buzzed at this point.
"Are there any rules for this?." Noob asked.
"Do whatever you want, I don't care, just want something fun to happen."
"What does "fun" mean?-" Kotal began to ask.
"Enough with the questions, just play the game." You sat down next to Charles on a bench.
One on team it was Skarlet, Baraka, D'Vorah, and Noob, on the other team it was Kotal, Kollector, Jade, and Sheeva.
"Oi, who do you think is gonna win?." Kano nudged Kabal, he was watching from the same bench.
"Don't know, but I hope we see some fights break out."
"You're thinking of the wrong sport, mate." Kano laughed.
The head was launched into the air and before anyone could even grab it D'Vorah flew into the air, grabbed the head, and put it in the hoop.
"This one thinks this game is easy." She taunted.
"You got lucky." Sheeva glared. "The Shokan will dominate this "basketball" sport."
"Oi." Kano nudged you. "maybe you'll get a statue made of yourself with the title "the founder of basketball" Now why didn't you tell them about cricket?."
"Wha-I don't have Krikket, I've got Samsung...or was it Version, I left my phone at home and it's been so long since I've ever gotten any sleep..." You drunkenly groaned as you watched the game continue.
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