11. Meet Team Outworld!
Hey, so, I had a fun little idea, to do and questions and answers chapter based on Mortal Kombat, you can ask me any question, whether it would be about the stories events that have happened, or the events going forward, MK 1 (Which I have now played), a certain character, maybe my opinions about them or just some random question about the series in general.
It's always a fun thing to do If you have any questions you ask me, please leave a comment with those questions and I'll be sure to answer all of them.
Now with that out of the way, onto the chapter.
You were being led down a dark hallway, with only torches lighting the way.
"Where are you taking me?." You looked at the guards who only laughed at you before throwing you into a room, the doors shutting behind you.
"Where am I?." You asked yourself.
"Where does it look like?." You heard a voice speak up, you slowly turned around to see who spoke to you.
"What the fuck?...." You backed up, staring at the mysterious creature. "Okay, who are-no, scratch that, what the fuck are you?."
"I am Baraka..." Baraka snarled. "Leader of the Tarkaten warrior tribe."
"Tar-what-en?." You looked confused.
"Tarkaten." Baraka glared. "It is a tribe of savage warriors, much more powerful than Earthrelamers."
"Okay, well...names Y/n...I'm an earthrealmer myself..." You offered a hand for him to shake.
"I don't like you Earthrelamers..." He glared at you.
"Okay, now that's racist." You pointed at him.
As you said that, you felt another presence in the room, and before you knew it, giant red tentacles shot up from the ground and pulled you over to a corner of the room.
"Mmm..." The woman looked into your eyes and licked her lips. "I love the smell of fresh blood..."
"...Umm..." Your eyes widened. "Hello, are these tentacles yours?."
"Yes, they are." The woman smirked. "They are made from blood, all the blood that I've collected, it's my power and my source of life..."
"What are you some kind of sexy vampire?." You raised an eyebrow.
She slowly laughed at your question.
"I'm no vampire but I am "sexy" as you said, earthrealmer." She put a hand on your cheek. "I think I like you, you are quite the charmer..."
"...Well, I'm sorry, but I'm taken..." You said.
"That won't matter." She ran her hand down your face. "I can give you a much...better...experience than your lover-"
"Well, here's the problem, she'll eat my face if I even look at another woman in a way that offends her, she's got teeth like Baracuda over there-"
"Baraka!." Baraka shouted at you.
The woman laughed again, she seemed amused by you for some reason.
"Charming and a sense of humor, you are mysterious to me, and I like it..." She licked her lips again. "My name is Skarlet, I am Shao Khan's most faithful and deadliest creation."
"He created you as well?." You raise an eyebrow. "First Mileena, then you, is that a power of his, to just create women?."
"Are you saying you are one of his vile creations?." You heard a powerful voice from the other side of the room, there was a large man, chained to the wall.
"Because I will not hesitate to smite you when I get free from these shackles-" The man said before Skarlet sighed.
"Excuse me for a moment." She walked past you and began slicing the guy's chest, making him scream in pain while she laughed.
"You will never be free Kotal, Shao Khan defeated you and reclaimed his place as the true Khan of Outworld, you will never have power for as long as he lives, and your lover, you will never see her again..."
"Who's the green guy?." You asked, still being held up by Skarlet's tentacles.
"I am Kotal Kh-" Kotal began to speak up before Skarlet stabbed him again before looking at you.
"He is none of your concern, Y/n." She walked back over to you. "Now, tell me, am I...attractive...to you?..."
"I already said I'm taken-" You said before she pointed her blade at your neck, her smile now fading.
"And I said that won't matter." She growled. "I can make you forget all about your lover-"
"Trust me." You began shaking your head. "Nothing will make me forget her, I still remember nearly pissing myself when we first met."
"Death will make you forget everything..." You heard a voice from the shadows, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
"Okay, who's the Grim Reaper-looking guy?." You asked.
"I am death's hand." The dark figure spoke, looking at you.
"Well, seems someone never got out of their emo phase." You rolled your eyes before the figure spawned a shadowy figure next to him.
"You are lucky that we are on the same side, earthrealmer, otherwise you'd be the next soul I would send to the depths of hell..."
"Wait, this isn't hell?." You raised an eyebrow. "It sure looks like it."
"It might as well be." The green guy groaned.
That's when the door slowly opened and someone walked in, carrying a large bag, he had four arms and red eyes, and he was also green.
"Is this the newest member?." He looked at Skarlet who nodded.
"Yes, he's an earthrealmer, and a decent-looking one at that." Skarlet smiled at you.
"Interesting..." The red-eyed creature looked at you. "He'll be of much use for Shao Khan..."
"And what are you, his servant?." You asked.
"I am Kollector, I collect profits from those who forget to pay tribute to Shao Khan." Kollector smiled.
"So you are a tax collector?." You raised an eyebrow.
"Yes." Kollecter answered.
You chuckled a little bit.
"You dare laugh at me, I am a Naknedan-"
"What is it with you people and your tribe names?." You asked.
"Do you not come from a tribe?." The green man in chains spoke up.
"Oh, I do." You joked. "I'm from the L/n dynasty."
"I've never heard of any L/n's before..." A woman's voice was heard as she also walked into the room, she also had four arms.
"Are they fierce warriors like us Shokan?." She asked.
"No." You answered. "My "tribe" are normal Earthrealmers, we don't have four arms like you and the weird-looking green Gollum over there-"
"I have six arms, you racist shrew." Kollector glared at you, he turned around and you saw two tiny arms holding his bag of koins.
"Oh, my bad." You then looked at the four-armed warrior again. "We don't have four or six arms like you or the weird-looking green Gollum over there-"
Kollector growled at you, wanting to attack you but he knew he couldn't or he'd have to answer to Shang Tsung and Shao Khan.
The door opened up again and you saw someone walk in, the British 80,000 old butler, Charles.
"Pardon me." Charles walked into the room. "But, Konquer Khan wishes to see you all in his throne room."
You were dropped by the tentacles that Skarlet had you bounded with and Sheeva walked out of the room first, followed by Kollecter, Baraka, Noob then Skarlet and Yourself, while two guards ran in to get Kotal and bring him there.
You all walked into Shao Kahn's throne room, there was a lot of gold lying around the place, it was very large as well, with paintings of him all hung up on the walls, one of them was him surrounded by a ton of women wearing very revealing slave outfits.
"And I thought Cage was egomaniacal." You looked around the rooms and at all the paintings.
"Are you insulting Shao Khan's greatness?." Skarlet glared at you.
"Well, I mean, he's a piece of shit, he treats his wife and daughter poorly, and he's nearly killed me and my friends several times-"
"How do you know how he treats Sindel and Mileena?." Baraka asked.
"Because I saw it with my own two eyes as I was sitting down for breakfast with my wife and her parents."
"Who's your wife?." Kollector asked.
"Oh, only Mileena." You said.
"What!?." Skarlet, Kollector, and Baraka looked at you in shock.
"Yep, and even though she scares me sometimes and hasn't showered since 1000 B.C., I still love her." You smiled. "But she really needs to shower."
"...What is this shower you speak of?..." Baraka asked.
"Are you joking, do you not know what a shower is!?." Your eyes widened.
"What does the word "joking" mean?." Skarlet asked.
Your eye twitched for a split second, you looked like you were about to snap.
Mileena was pounding on the doors, desperately trying to get you back.
"Y/N!!!!." She screamed as she kept pounding on the doors. "GIVE ME BACK Y/N!!!!!!!!."
"What happened?." Kung Lao slowly got up, rubbing his jaw.
"THEY-THEY TOOK MY HUSBAND AWAY FROM ME!!!." Mileena kept pounding on the doors, before she slowly began sobbing. "I WANT HIM BACK!."
"We'll get him back daughter, mark my words." Sindel walked over to Mileena. "If they've done anything to him, I will make them wish they never met me."
"Yeah, that's great and all..." Johnny put his arm around the scream queen. "There's only one small problem with that statement."
"And what is that?." Sindel glared at the actor.
"The fifty guards surrounding us right now." Johnny motioned to the guards who had sharpened spears that were pointed at all of them.
"Great." Cassie put her hands up, rolling her eyes. "What now?."
The guards began poking them, telling them to follow the lead guard as they moved along a pathway.
"I've got a bad feeling about this." Sonya glared at each of the guards.
Two of the guards picked up the soulless body of Raiden and carried it along the pathway while the rest of your friends began to follow the guards.
"Not the hair!." Johnny screamed as one of the guards was dragging him by the hair.
Shao Khan walked into the throne room, a nasty smile on his face.
"Ah, look at all these fine warriors..." He smiled proudly at most of the people, before looking at you and Kotal. "Well, most of them..."
"Hey, how do your balls feel, oh right..." You smiled. "You don't have any left after I punched them so hard they exploded-"
"You are lucky I'm letting you live, the only reason you are even breathing right now is because of Shang Tsung's plan."
"Which you will have a key part in." Shang smiled at you.
"And what part might that be?." You asked the sorcerer who shook his head.
"Patience..." He said. "All will be revealed soon enough, until then, you've got some more friends to meet."
"Great, like who?." You asked before a knife flew past you and got stuck in the wall.
"Ello, wanker." Kano glared at you, Kabal stood next to him, looking pissed as hell.
"Oh great, these two." You groaned. "Anyone else?."
Suddenly, you heard the familiar and haunting sound of a swarm of several bugs, your eyes widened as you began looking around frantically.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." Your eyes darted around the room before the bug lady appeared in front of you, a smile on her face.
"Hello human..." She smiled. "We meet again."
"Get the hell away from me, you ugly freak!." You growled, backing up as far as you could.
"It seems you two have met." Shang Tsung smiled. "Y/n, this is D'Vorah, a kytinn warrior-"
"And an ugly critter." Kano nudged Kabal and laughed.
"This one does not like your comments, Kano." D'Vorah glared at the Aussie who gave her the bird.
"Rack off." Kano smiled.
As this was going on, Skarlet walked over to you, smiling.
"So, you never answered my question."
"What question was that?." You asked.
"Am I attractive to you?." She smiled.
"Well...I mean...you look fine I will admit...but, I'm married-"
"Just fine?." Skarlet glared at you.
"Well, I mean-"
"Just fine!?." Skarlet removed her blade.
"Y-You're stunning, beautiful, sexy, what do you want me to say?." You backed up, she sighed then smiled again.
"Good..." She put her blade away. "I am more than just "fine" earthrealmer, remember that."
"Everyone, listen up." Shao Khan commanded. "The Tournament is almost ready, you all will be representing outworld, more importantly, the great and powerful Shao Kahn, so I do not expect failure from anyone here...even you two." He glared at you and Kotal.
That's when someone walked into the room and stood at his side, Kotal's eyes lit up when he saw her.
"Jade!." Kotal shouted, he tried to rush over to her but was stopped by literally everyone besides yourself, the chains were also holding Kotal back.
"Don't worry Kotal, I've been keeping her nice and warm..." Shao laughed and smiled at Jade who frowned and looked away from him.
Kotal looked like he wanted to rip Shao's head off, he was seething with anger as everyone was holding him back.
"Now Jade, I'm worried our newest member of my team will be... disappointing in the tournament..." he glanced over at you. "I need you to train him for a few days, make sure he knows what he is doing."
"I understand." Jade nodded, looking at you, before Shao Khan out of nowhere slapped her.
"Understand what!?." Shao Khan shouted.
"...Master..." Jade held her face where she had been slapped, The Konquer smiled and nodded.
"Good..." He then walked away, Shang Tsung followed him, Jade looked over at you.
"So, he treats you like shit too?." You asked.
She nodded, then motioned you to follow her to a training room.
"JADE, WAIT!!!." Kotal shouted, trying to break free from the others. "LET ME SPEAK WITH YOU, PLEASE!!!."
Jade didn't even look back at Kotal as she led you into the training room, closing the doors behind you.
Hey, as I mentioned at the start of the chapter, I'll be doing a little Q&A chapter, answering any questions about Mortal Kombat, whether it's the story, characters, anything you ask, I will answer it, so please, feel free to ask any questions that you have.
We are closely approaching the tournament stages of the story and it's about to get messy and chaotic, and it's going to be a fun time, for me at least, maybe not for you.
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