Got The Intel, And A Date With Leggy

(Had to make it short because fuck me is Wattpad pissing me off......I still love it though.)


Are the ruby


We'll serve our great Diamonds!

And if you think we won't, you've,

Got another thing coming!

It's for the gems

Of Homeworld!

Believe in.

Navy, Army
And Doc.
And Leggy!
And Goofball, me too!

[Third Person Pov]

~~~5 Months Later On A Track On Homeworld

Eyeball, Army, Navy, Leggy and Doc were standing on a track, Doc had a stopwatch in her hand.

Eyeball: .....*cough*.

Army: ....Sure is quiet.

Navy: I like quiet.

Doc: Well I need quiet so, shh!

Leggy: Wait, why are we here again?

At that moment, a dust cloud appeared in the distance.

Leggy: Oh, right.

The cloud got closer, and they were all blinded by the dust and Doc stopped the stopwatch. When the dust cleared, it revealed Goofball standing with his fist on his hips with a confident smile. He was wearing a orange cap with a big red "G" on it. The Rubies managed to get him a custom made cap just for him and gave it to him as a gift. They think he looks nice in it.

Goofball: How was that?

Doc: Uh.......minute, 23 seconds.

Navy: I believe that's a new record.

Army: Truly an amazing show of speed!

Eyeball: Way faster than before.

Leggy: I don't what's happening but I'm just gonna say, yay!

Goofball: Heh, getting faster everyday! At this rate, I can run all around Homeworld in 10 seconds flat!

Eyeball: I can definitely see you doing that.

Goofball: Ok, let's go.

Navy: Oh come on, try and beat your record.

Goofball: I don't know, we've been here for a while. And-

Navy wrapped her arms around Goofball's neck as all the Rubies gave her jealous looks.

Navy: Oh come on, not even for little ol' me?

She gave him wide puppy dog eyes. He blushed deeply.

Goofball: ........DOC COUNT ME DOWN!

Goofball got in a running position.

Doc: Grr.....3, 2, 1, GO!

She started the watch and Goofball zoomed off.

Navy: *sigh* He's so dreamy.

She turned to see everyone looking at her angrily.

Navy: ...What?

Army: What? WHAT?! You know what?!

Doc: "Not even for little ol' me?" You were flirting with him!

Navy: ...So?

Eyeball: So, you're trying to manipulate him!

Navy: I can't help it if he likes me more than all of you. Just proves that I, Navy, am the most attractive.

Eyeball: My fist will be the most attracted to your face, SLUT!


Doc: Would you two shut up?

A dust cloud appeared on the distance.

Leggy: Oh, that was fast.

Goofball: Yeah! New re-woah!

He tripped and started to tumble before sliding on his face.

Doc: Woah, are you ok?

Goofball: My pride hurts a bit.

He rolled over and did a kip-up.

Goofball: That didn't count.

???: RUBIES!

Everyone jumped and turned to see Jasper.


Eyeball: Jasper! We were just...uh....

Goofball: It's my fault.

He stepped forward.

Goofball: I convinced them to come here, they didn't know we weren't allowed here.
(They actually aren't.)

Jasper: Of course it's you, you've always gotten into trouble...what's that I'm your head?

Goofball: Uh, a cap? I like it-

Jasper snatched the cap off his head and tore it into pieces. Goofball flinched with each tear.

Jasper: This is a war! Not a fashion show! Get serious, or get lost, got it!

Goofball: Y-y-yes Jasper.



Jasper: Good, now get to work.

The Rubies saluted and walked away.

Navy: ...Are you ok?

Goofball: ............

He turned to them with a smile.

Goofball: Not a big deal! I can always get another!

Doc: Are you sure you're ok? You've been getting pushed around a lot lately.

Goofball: What? No I haven't.

Goofball got pushed aside by someone.

Painite: Out of my way pebble.

Ruby: Ugh, males.

The two left.

Goofball: ......Why do they hate male gems?

Doc: Don't you remember that Painite that attacked gems?

Goofball: Oh right, wonder here he is.

Eyeball: Are you sure you're ok?

Goofball: Eh, it's whateves. I'm used to it by now.

The Rubies looked at him concerned.

Goofball: Girls, I'm fine! Let's just do this mission! Last one there is a Pearl!

He zoomed off to the ship, the others followed behind.

~~~Ruby Ship

Eyeball: Could you sit down?!

Goofball was zooming all around the ship.

Goofball: Can't! I've been still for too long! I gotta move girl!

Doc: If you don't sit down will tie you a chair, remember?

Goofball: Super strength, remember?

Army: Please just sit down.

Goofball: Neva!

Navy: Pretty please?

Leggy: Wait, what's happening?

Goofball: I'll stop when we land, we're almost there anyway-

The ship jolted to a stop causing Goofball to smack right into the side of the ship.

Doc: We're here...hehehe.


Army: Our mission is simple, gather Intel on the enemy.

Eyeball: What do you think Goofball?

They all looked at him.

Goofball: We can do this one of two ways, all sneaky like, or loud and stupid.

Leggy: We should go in sneaky.

Eyeball: Why? That's boring!

Leggy: Well, if all wr need to do is get Intel, why would we need to attack them?

Goofball: Wow, you're right Leggy! You're so smart!

Leggy blushed a bit.

Leggy: O-oh, it was nothing.

Goofball: Alright, let's go!

He zoomed off..........then came back.

Goofball: Which way is it?

~~~A Construction Site

Gem: Move it gems, the war ain't gonna fight itself!

The Rubies peeked out some Bushes.

Navy: Look! Ruby Guards!

Doc: We could blend right in!

A line of Rubies walked past and they all ducked into the bushes. When they went past, they joined the line and walked with them.

Eyeball: [Whispering] Maybe this plan will work for more than 5 seconds.

Gem: HEY!

Army: Of course.

The lone stopped and the gem walked up to Goofball.

Gem: ...You're not suppose to be here.

Goofball: Uh...(Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.) Are you sure?

Gem: Yes! ......You're defective. You do the "easy" jobs over there.

She gestured to a bunch of defective gems working.

Goofball: Oh! My mistake.

He nervously smiled, walked away, and mouthed, "I got this.", to his team. He got to the site and-

Ruby1: Pst, over here.

He looked at a Ruby that looked like Eyeball. She was gesturing him to come over. He looked around then went over to her.

Goofball: Can I help you?

Ash: You're here on an Intel mission right? You can get it from that building over there.

Goofball: Wait, who are you?

Ash: I was sent here too, but I couldn't get close enough. But maybe you can.

Goofball: Well...ok, I trust you. You better not be lying.

Ash: Ok, I'll provide a distraction, then you slip away.

Goofball: Sounds like a plan.

~~~With The Other Rubies

Doc: Well he says my visor makes me look cute.

Eyeball: Well he says I'm cute when I'm mad.

Army: Well he likes how strong I am.

Navy: Well he thinks my butt is cute.

Leggy: What? He never said that.

Navy: He thinks it~


The Rubies looked over too see a sad looming Ruby looking at some rubble.

Ash: I-it was an accident.

Gem: *sigh* Don't worry, I'll help you pick it up.

The Rubies looked a tad bit to the left and saw Goofball walking to the building with his thumbs up. He went inside and went to work.

Gem: Don't do it again.

Ash: Ok.

Ruby1: Why is she still here?

Doc: Ok, now we just wait until Goofball finds some Intel.

Navy: And when he does, I'm giving him a reward~

Eyeball: [Whispering] Slut.

Leggy: .....Hey guys? ...If I were to ask Goofball out on a you think he'll say yes?

Eyeball: *pft* Heh. *snicker*

Leggy: What?

Navy: No offence Leggy, have zero redeeming qualities.

Leggy: What?! I....I do to!

Doc: You can't even remember your own name without Goofball telling you.

Leggy: Well at least he's nice about it!

Army: Don't take it personally. We just have a better chance with him.

Leggy: Oh yeah! Well...I'm gonna ask him out!

They all laughed and Leggy looked away and blushed.

Navy: What in the everlasting FUCK, makes you think you even have the slightest of chances with him?

Leggy: Why are you so nice, but so mean?

Began to tear up.

Goofball: Got it!

He ran up to them but saw that Leggy was sad.

Goofball: What's wrong Leggy?

Leggy: They were making fun of me.

Goofball gasped dramatically and hugged Leggy.

Goofball: Whatever they said about you is not true. You're an amazing Ruby.

Leggy: Thank you.

Goofball looked at the others and shook his head. They all just crossed her arms, except Navy, she looked more mad.

Goofball: Ok, I got the Intel, let's get the other Ruby and get out of here.

Army: The other Ruby?

Goofball flagged down Ash who snuck away when no body was looking.

Goofball: She was sent before us bit couldn't get the job done...I didn't mean to sound mean.

Ash: I could've shattered them...but I don't like shattering.

Goofball: See? It's not just me!

They checked one more time to make sure the coast was clear, and snuck out of the site.

Navy: Well that went well.

Doc: Nice to have a mission go smoothly for once.

Army: It is a nice change of pace.

Eyeball: I'm just mad I didn't get to punch anyone.

Ash: Thanks for bringing me with you.

Leggy: Goofballwannagoonadate?

Everyone looked at Leggy, who was somehow redder than before.

Goofball: ..................Yeah ok.

The Rubies' jaws dropped, even Leggy's.

Goofball: We could go star watching!

Leggy: O-ok! I-it's a date!

They all got in the ship. Goofball gave Ash his seat. He just held on to something.

Doc: Setting course for Homeworld.

The ship zoomed off to Homeworld. Leggy had a wide happy smile on her face. Not only did she get a date with Goofball, she also showed up the other Rubies! ...Maybe that wasn't a good idea. Navy was pissed, but she didn't show it. She still had that smile on her face. But she was planning, planning on sabotaging the date. If she can't have him.

Navy: (No one can.)

[A/n Pov]

Sorry this took so long, and it's shorter than I wanted it to be. This would've came out a sooner, but Wattpad glitched out, and something personal happened that I don't feel like talking about. I'm immediately working on my Hazbin Hotel book.
...........I'm not saying it-Kay, lataaaaaaaaa!

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