Chapter 31: Legends

With the bonfire already ablaze and the smell of roasting hot dogs filling the air, the only thing that was missing was Jake... and Bella. 

My first ever official council meeting, that included the storytelling of our ancestors, was being disrupted by an outsider. Dad and the other leaders had thought it would be best for her to hear the tribes histories — or in other words — for her to change her mind about becoming a vampire.

So far everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves but Seth, he looked pretty upset tonight. Even though they were only sixteen, two years younger than the rest of us, Catori and Seth seem to be really in love and were both handling the separation badly. I was going to try and help her no matter what, I didn't care if I was going to get myself in trouble.

A car door slammed and I looked up to see Jake arriving with Bella. "I don't get why she has so be here." Paul muttered under his breath.

"Be careful with what you say, she's family." Jesse warned.  "But I don't get it either." He added quickly which I kind of agreed with.

"Jake!" Seth seemed to lighten up and jumped up from his seat to greet Jake. He saw Jake as a role model and I guess they bonded over both having restrictions over who they could see.

They spoke for a bit as we all watched. Bella was the first outsider to ever attended a council meeting but Bella and I weren't the only newbies here tonight. This would be Seth and Leah's first time hearing these versions of the stories as well considering they were new wolves. Emily was joining us too, as well as Jared's girlfriend Kim, it amazed me Jared had even found someone to even like him in that way. 

Seeing Emily and Leah here also made me slightly angry. Sam and Jared's girlfriends were allowed in on the secret so why couldn't Seth's?

"Hey, vampire girl!" Embry greeted loudly as she approached with Jake and Seth. Quil suddenly jumped up from beside me and gave Bella a high five and a kiss on the cheek. Emily waved her over, gave Bella's hand a squeeze before telling her to sit with her and Sam.

Other than a few teasing complaints - mostly by Paul and Jared - about keeping the bloodsucker stench downwind, Bella was treated like someone that belonged... and it bugged me.

I looked up at Jake to see him already looking down at me with a glowing smile on his face. "Hey." He took a seat beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple.

"Hi." I leaned into him slightly, putting my head in his neck to kiss the skin there softly. As I pulled away the guilt set in again, why had I just done that?

I still hadn't told Ryan. I'd had many opportunities at school but I was still confused as to what or who I wanted myself. If I told him about Jake now he could jeopardise any future we could have. Wow... I hated myself right now. I needed to end it with him, it was only right.

Our interaction earned looks from everyone else, especially Bella, she almost looked jealous. The council leaders were watching as well, and Dad and Billy had small smiles on their faces, it was actually kind of creepy.

The night continued happily, the boys joked about together as they vacuumed down the hot dogs. Leah didn't really get involved in the group conversations as she sat just outside the circle.

"Are you going to eat that hot dog?" Paul asked Jake, his eyes locked on the last sausage of the night.

Jake was now sat between my legs, leaning back against the log that I was perched upon. He toyed with the last hot dog he had spitted on a straightened wire hanger and heaved a sigh as he patted his stomach. It was somehow still flat, though I'd lost count of how many hot dogs he had consumed after his tenth. Not to mention the super-sized bag of chips and the two litre bottle of root beer.

"I guess," Jake said slowly. "I'm so full I'm about to puke, but I think I can force it down. I won't enjoy it at all, though." He sighed again sadly and I held back from gagging. If he ate another I think I was going to puke.

Despite the fact that Paul had eaten the same amount as Jake, he glowered and his hands balled up into fists.

"Sheesh," Jake laughed. "Kidding, Paul. Here." He flipped the skewer across the circle and Paul caught it with ease, a satisfied grin on his face.

"Thanks, man." Paul said, his mood the complete opposite compared to about ten seconds ago.

The fire crackled, the last of the firewood burning nicely. Billy sat at the head of the circle with my dad and Old Quil stationed at either side of him. Sue Clearwater had a chair on Old Quil's other side; she had taken over Harry's place on the council since his death.

I wondered how horrible it was for Leah to sit across the circle from Sam and Emily. Jesse had told me how painful it was to hear Leah's thoughts when she was in wolf form, and how guilty Sam felt when he heard them.

A girl's laugh brought me out of my thoughts as my eyes landed on the source: Jared's girlfriend. When I first met Kim my first impression was that she was a nice girl, and a little shy, but now that she was with Jared she was definitely delusional.

She didn't greet me when she arrived with Jared so she must have been told about me and Jared must've warned her about what a terrible monster I am. After they settled in their seats I even heard him mention how I had contacts in and now had the blood red eyes of a leech. That she should stay clear of me.

But, the more the evening went on, the more I noticed how much of a different person he was around her. It wasn't like he was being fake, but he seemed completely relaxed compared to his edgy, angry self when he was around Bella and I.

They were like a mirror image of Sam and Emily, so endearing and so involved and in love, yet they had their own - dare I say it - beautiful uniqueness that could make anyone jealous.

"It's getting late." Bella murmured to Jake from beside me. Jake was her ride home and I guessed she thought Edward was worrying. If he was, I would definitely know about it, I'd be his go to to deliver Bella back to him. 

"Don't start that yet." Jake whispered back. "The best part is coming." He stood from the floor and turned to face Bella and I, and with one swoop I was up in the air and placed upon his lap. My alarmed expression didn't hide the fact that I wasn't expecting him to do that.

"What's the best part?" Bella asked after shuffling herself away from us by a few inches.

"Story time." Jake chuckled lowly as I rested my head against his warm chest.

"Story time?" Bella repeated in question.

"The histories we always thought were legends." I answered wanting to get involved in the conversation.

"The stories of how we came to be. The first is the story of the spirit warriors." Jake continued, explaining the rest.

The individual conversations of the group died out after Jake's last words, the official meeting was about to begin. The boys all sat up straighter, and Leah moved closer into the group and sat herself beside her mother. Emily produced a spiral-bound notebook and a pen from her bag. Sam twisted slightly beside her so that he sat facing in the same direction as my dad, taking the last place of the council elders.

Billy cleared his throat, and, with no more introduction than Jacob's whisper, began to tell the first story in his rich, deep voice.

"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning. And we are a small people still, but we have never disappeared." Billy said. "This is because there has always been magic in our blood. It wasn't always the magic of shape-shifting - that came later. First, we were spirit warriors."

It was like I had been thrown back in time to when my dad would tell these stories to Jesse, Catori and me. Billy's voice held so much authority, and even though we never addressed him by his title officially, he was our chief. His power was laced into his words.

"In the beginning, the tribe settled in this harbour and became skilled ship builders and fisherman. But the tribe was small, and the harbour was rich in fish. There were others who coveted our land, and we were too small to hold it. A larger tribe moved against us, and we took to our ships to escape them.

"Kaheleha was not the first spirit warrior, but we do not remember the stories that came before his. We do not remember who was the first to discover this power, or how it had been used before this crisis. Kaheleha was the first great Spirit Chief in our history. In this emergency, Kaheleha used the magic to defend our land.

"He and all his warriors left the ship - not their bodies, but their spirits. Their women watched over their bodies and the waves, and the men took their spirits back to our harbour.

"They could not physically touch the enemy tribe, but they had other ways. The stories tell us that they could blow fierce winds into their enemy's camps; they could make a great screaming in the wind that terrified their foes. The stories also tell us that the animals could see the spirit warriors and understand them; the animals would do their bidding.

"Kaheleha took his spirit army and wreaked havoc on the intruders. This invading tribe had packs of big, thick-furred dogs that they used to pull their sleds in the frozen north. The spirit warriors turned the dogs against their masters and then brought a mighty infestation of bats up from the cliff caverns. They used the screaming wind to aid the dogs in confusing the men. The dogs and bats won. The survivors scattered, calling our harbour a cursed place. The dogs ran wild when the spirit warriors released them. The Quileutes returned to their bodies and their wives, victorious.

"The other nearby tribes, the Hohs and the Makahs, made treaties with the Quileutes. They wanted nothing to do with our magic. We lived in peace with them. When an enemy came against us, the spirit warriors would drive them off.

"Generations passed. Then came the last great Spirit Chief, Taha Aki. He was known for his wisdom, and for being a man of peace. The people lived well and were content in his care.

"But there was one man, Utlapa, who was not content." Paul hissed lowly from across the fire, showing his distaste for this ancient ancestor. Billy ignored him and continued with the story.

"Utlapa was one of Chief Taha Aki's strongest spirit warriors - a powerful man, but a grasping man, too. He thought the people should use their magic to expand their lands, to enslave the Hohs and Makahs and build an empire.

"Now when the warriors were their spirit selves, they saw each other's thoughts. Taha Aki saw was Utlapa dreamed and was angry with Utlapa. Utlapa was commanded to leave the people, and never use his spirit self again. Utlapa was a strong man, but the chief's warriors outnumbered him. He had no choice but to leave. The furious outcast hid in the forest nearby, waiting for a chance to get revenge against the chief. 

"Even in times of peace, the Spirit Chief was vigilant in protecting his people. Often, he would go to a sacred, secret place in the mountains. He would leave his body behind and sweep down through the forests and along the coast, making sure no threat approached.

"One day when Taha Aki left to perform his duty, Utlapa followed. At first, Utlapa simply planned to kill the chief , but his plan had its drawbacks. Surely the spirit warriors would seek to destroy him, and they could follow faster than he could escape. As he hid in the rocks and watched the chief prepare to leave his body, another plan occurred to him.

"Taha Aki left his body in the secret place and flew with the winds to keep watch over his people. Utlapa waited until he was sure the chief had travelled some distance with his spirit self.

"Taha Aki knew it the instant that Utlapa had joined him in the spirit world, and he also knew Utlapa's murderous plan. He raced back to his secret place, but even the winds weren't fast enough to save him. When he returned, his body was already gone. Utlapa's body lay abandoned, but Utlapa had not left Taha Aki with an escape - he had cut his own body's throat with Taha Aki's hands.

"Taha Aki followed his body down the mountain. He screamed at Utlapa, but Utlapa ignored him as if he were merely the wind.

"Taha Aki watched with despair as Utlapa took his place as chief of the Quileutes. For a few weeks, Utlapa did nothing but make sure that everyone believed he was Taha Aki. Then the changes began - Utlapa's first edict was to forbid any spirit warrior to enter the spirit world. He claimed that he'd had a vision of danger, but really he was afraid. He knew that Taha Aki would be waiting for the chance to tell his story. Utlapa was also afraid to enter the spirit world himself, knowing Taha Aki would quickly claim his body. So his dreams of conquest with a spirit warrior army were impossible, and he sought to content himself with ruling over the tribe. He became a burden — seeking privileges that Taha Aki had never requested, refusing to work alongside his warriors, taking a young second wife and then a third, though Taha Aki's wife lived on — something unheard of in the tribe. Taha Aki watched in helpless fury.

"Eventually, Taha Aki tried to kill his body to save the tribe from Utlapa's excesses. He brought a fierce wolf down from the mountains, but Utlapa hid behind his warriors. When the wolf killed a young man who was protecting the false chief, Taha Aki felt horrible grief. He ordered the wolf away.

"All the stories tell us that it was no easy thing to be a spirit warrior. It was more frightening than exhilarating to be freed from one's body. This is why they only used their magic in times of need. The chief's solitary journey to keep watch were a burden and a sacrifice. Being body-less was disorienting, uncomfortable, horrifying. Taha Aki had been away from his body for so long at this point that he was in agony. He felt he was doomed — never to cross over to the final land where his ancestors waited, stuck in this torturous nothingness forever.

"The great wolf followed Taha Aki's spirit as he twisted and writhed in agony through the woods. The wolf was very large for its kind, and beautiful. Taha Aki was suddenly jealous of the dumb animal. At least it had a body. At least it had a life. Even life as an animal would be better than this horrible empty consciousness.

"And then Taha Aki had the idea that changed us all. He asked the great wolf to make room for him, to share. The wolf complied. Taha Aki entered the wolf's body with relief and gratitude. It was not his human body, but it was better than the void of the spirit world.

"As one, the man and the wolf returned to the village on the harbour. The people ran in fear, shouting for the warriors to come. The warriors ran to meet the wolf with their spears. Utlapa, of course, stayed safely hidden.

"Taha Aki did not attack his warriors. He retreated slowly from them, speaking with his eyes and trying to yelp the songs of his people. The warriors began to realise that the wolf was no ordinary animal, that there was a spirit influencing it. One older warrior, a man name Yut, decided to disobey the false chief's order and try to communicate with the wolf.

"As soon as Yut crossed to the spirit world, Taha Aki left the wolf — the animal waited tamely for his return — to speak to him. Yut gathered the truth in an instant, and welcomed his true chief home.

"At this time, Utlapa came to see if the wolf had been defeated. When he saw Yut lying lifeless on the ground, surrounded by protective warriors, he realised what was happening. He drew his knife and raced forward to kill Yut before he could return to his body.

"'Traitor,' he screamed, and the warriors did not know what to do. The chief had forbidden spirit journeys, and it was the chief's decision how to punish those who disobeyed.

"Yut jumped back into his body, but Utlapa had his knife at his throat and a hand covering his mouth. Taha Aki's body was strong, and Yut was weak with age. Yut could not say even one word to warn the others before Utlapa silenced him forever.

"Taha Aki watched as Yut's spirit slipped away to the final lands that were barred to Taha Aki for all eternity. He felt a great rage, more powerful than anything he'd felt before. He entered the big wolf again, meaning to rip Utlapa's throat out. But, as he joined the wolf, the greatest magic happened.

"Taha Aki's anger was the anger of a man. The love he had for his people and the hatred he had for their oppressor were too vast for the wolf's body, too human. The wolf shuddered, and — before the eyes of the shocked warriors and Utlapa — transformed into a man.

"The new man did not look like Taha Aki's body. He was far more glorious. He was the flesh interpretation of Taha Aki's spirit. The warriors recognised him at once, though, for they had flown with Taha Aki's spirit.

"Utlapa tried to run, but Taha Aki had the strength of the wolf in his new body. He caught the thief and crushed the spirit from him before he could jump out of the stolen body.

"The people rejoiced when they understood what had happened. Taha Aki quickly set everything right, working again with his people and giving the young wives back to their families. The only change he kept in place was the end of the spirit travels. He knew that it was too dangerous now that the idea of stealing a life was there. The spirit warriors were no more.

"From that point on, Taha Aki was more than either wolf or man. They called him Taha Aki the Great Wolf, or Taha Aki the Spirit Man. He led the tribe for many, many years, for he did not age. When danger threatened, he would resume his wolf-self to fight or frighten the enemy. The people dwelt in peace. Taha Aki fathered many sons, and some of these found that, after they had reached the age of manhood, they, too, could transform into wolves. The wolves were all different, because they were spirit wolves and reflected the man they were inside."

"So that's why Sam is all black," Quil muttered under his breath, grinning. "Black heart, black fur." I bit my lip to stifle my laugh but a few pack members couldn't contain their chuckles.

Bella's sat with her eyes wide, like she couldn't believe someone had interrupted Billy. As she looked around the pack I did too, we were all decedents of Taha Aki. Real magic ran through our blood.

"And your chocolate fur reflects what?" Sam whispered back to Quil. "How sweet you are?"

Billy ignored their jibes. "Some of the sons became warriors with Taha Aki, and they no longer aged. Others, who did not like the transformation, refused to join the pack of wolf-men. These began to age again, and the tribe discovered that the wolf-men could grow old like anyone else if they gave up their spirit wolves. Taha Aki had lived the span of three old men's lives. He had married a third wife after the deaths of the first two, and found in her his true spirit wife. Though he had loved the others, this was something else. He decided to give up his spirit wolf so that he would die when she did.

"That is how the magic came to us, but it is not the end of the story..."

He looked at Old Quil, who shifted in his chair, straightening his frail shoulders. Billy took a drink from a bottle of water and wiped his forehead. Emily's pen never hesitated as she scribbled furiously on the paper.

"That was the story of the spirit warriors," Old Quil began in a thin, frail voice. "This is the story of the third wife's sacrifice.

"Many years after Taha Aki gave up his spirit wolf, when he was an old man, trouble began in the north, with the Makahs. Several young women of their tribe had disappeared, and they blamed it on the neighbouring wolves, who they feared and mistrusted. The wolf-men could still read each other's thoughts while in their wolf forms, just like their ancestors had while in their spirit forms. They knew that none of their number was to blame. Taha Aki tried to pacify the Makah chief, but there was too much fear. Taha Aki did not want to have a war on his hands. He was no longer a warrior to lead his people. He charged his oldest wolf-son, Taha Wi, with finding the true culprit before hostilities began.

"Taha Wi led the five other wolves in his pack on a search through the mountains, looking for any evidence of the missing Makahs. They came across something they had never encountered before — a strange, sweet scent in the forest that burned their noses to the point of pain."

My heart leapt as I realised this was going to be hard for me to listen to. Old Quil was going to prove me to be a monster, Jared would probably revel in it and I was about to become very uncomfortable.

"They did not know what creature would leave such a scent, but they followed it," Old Quil continued. His quavering voice did not have the majesty of Billy's, but it had a strange, fierce edge of urgency about it.

"They found faint traces of human scent, and human blood, along the trail. They were sure this was the enemy they were searching for.

"The journey took them so far north that Taha Wi sent half the pack, the younger ones, back to the harbour to report to Taha Aki.

"Taha Wi and his two brothers did not return.

"The younger brothers searched for their elders, but found only silence. Taha Aki mourned for his sons. He wished to avenge his sons' death, but he was old. He went to the Makah chief in his mourning clothes and told him everything that had happened. The Makah chief believed his grief, and tensions ended between the tribes.

"A year later, two Makah maidens disappeared from their homes on the same night. The Makahs called on the Quileute wolves at once, who found the same sweet stink all through the Makah village. The wolves went on the hunt again.

"Only one came back. He was Yaha Uta, the oldest son of Taha Aki's third wife, and the youngest in the pack. He brought something with him that had never been seen in all the days of the Quileutes — a strange, cold, stony corpse that he carried in pieces. All who were of Taha Aki's blood, even those who had never been wolves, could smell the piercing smell of the dead creature. This was the enemy of the Makahs.

"Yaha Uta described what had happened: he and his brothers had found the creature, who looked like a man but was hard as a granite rock, with the two Makah daughters. One girl was already dead, white and bloodless on the ground. The other was in the creature's arms, his mouth at her throat. She may have been alive when they came upon the hideous scene, but the creature quickly snapped her neck and tossed her lifeless body to the ground when they approached. His white lips were covered in her blood, and his eyes glowed red."

My eyes flitted around the camp fire and froze when I looked at Jared, his eyes already locked onto me with a disgusted look on his face.

"Yaha Uta described the fierce strength and speed of the creature. One of his brothers quickly became a victim when he underestimated that strength. The creature ripped him apart like a doll. Yaha Uta and his other brother were more wary. They worked together, coming at the creature from the sides, outmanoeuvring it. They had to reach the very limits of their wolf strength and speed, something that had never been tested before. The creature was hard as stone and cold as ice. They found that only their teeth could damage it. They began to rip small pieces of the creature apart while it fought them."

Jared's disgusted look shifted into a devilish smirk. I knew that he wanted me gone, maybe even dead, but now was not the time to do this. I was not going to lose my temper in this situation, it would just prove I'm like the monsters in the story.

"But the creature learned quickly, and soon was matching their manoeuvres. It got its hands on Yaha Uta's brother. Yaha Uta found an opening on the creature's throat, and he lunged. His teeth tore the head off the creature, but the hands continued to mangle his brother.

"Yaha Uta ripped the creature into unrecognisable chunks, tearing pieces apart in a desperate attempt to save his brother. He was too late, but, in the end, the creature was destroyed.

My eye's left Jared's due to this discomfort he was causing a I snuggled closer into Jake's chest. He must have noticed how I was feeling and turned his head towards Jared's direction and a low warning growl rumbled in his chest.

"Or so they thought. Yaha Uta laid the reeking remains out to be examined by the elders. One severed hand lay beside a piece of the creature's granite arm. The two pieces touched when the elders poked them with sticks, and the hand reached out towards the arm piece, trying to reassemble itself.

"Horrified, the elders set fire to the remains. A great cloud of choking, vile smoke polluted the air. When there was nothing but ashes, they separated the ashes into many small bags and spread them far and wide — some in the ocean, some in the forest, some in the cliff caverns. Taha Aki wore one bag around his neck, so he would be warned if the creature ever tried to put himself together again."

Old Quil paused and looked at Billy. Billy pulled out a leather thong from around his neck. Hanging from the end was a small bag, blackened with age. A few people gasped. All of us newbies including Bella.

"They called it The Cold One, the Blood Drinker, and lived in fear that it was not alone. They only had one wolf protector left, young Yaha Uta.

"They did not have long to wait. The creature had a mate, another blood drinker, who came to the Quileutes seeking revenge.

"The stories say that the Cold Woman was the most beautiful thing human eyes had ever seen. She looked like the goddess of the dawn when she entered the village that morning; the sun was shining for once, and it glittered off her white skin and lit the golden hair that flowed down to her knees. Her face was magical in its beauty, her eyes black in her white face. Some fell to their knees to worship her.

"She asked something in a high, piercing voice, in a language no one had ever heard. The people were dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer her. There was none of Taha Aki's blood among the witnesses but one small boy. He clung to his mother and screamed that the smell was hurting his nose. One of the elders, on his way to council, heard the boy and realised what had come among them. He yelled for the people to run. She killed him first.

"There were twenty witnesses to the Cold Woman's approach. Two survived, only because she grew distracted by the blood, and paused to sate her thirst. They ran to Taha Aki, who sat in counsel with the other elders, his sons, and his third wife.

"Yaha Uta transformed into his spirit wolf as soon as he heard the news. He went to destroy the blood drinker alone. Taha Aki, his third wife, his sons, and his elders followed behind him.

"At first they could not find the creature, only the evidence of her attack. Bodies lay broken, a few drained of blood, strewn across the road where she'd appeared. Then they heard the screams and hurried to the harbour.

"A handful of the Quileutes had run to the ships for refuge. She swam after them like a shark, and broke the bow of their boat with her incredible strength. When the ship sank, she caught those trying to swim away and broke them, too.

"She saw the great wolf on the shore, and she forgot the fleeing swimmers. She swam so fast she was a blur and came, dripping and glorious, to stand before Yaha Uta. She pointed at him with one white finger and asked another incomprehensible question. Yaha Uta waited.

"It was a close fight. She was not the warrior her mate had been. But Yaha Uta was alone — there was no one to distract her fury from him.

"When Yaha Uta lost, Taha Aki screamed in defiance. He limped forward and shifted into an ancient, white-muzzled wolf. The wolf was old, but this was Taha Aki the Spirit Man, and his rage made him strong. The fight began again.

"Taha Aki's third wife had just seen her son die before her. Now her husband fought, and she had no hope that he could win. She'd heard every word the witnesses to the slaughter had told the council. She'd heard the story of Yaha Uta's first victory, and knew that his brother's diversion had saved him.

"The third wife grabbed a knife from the belt of one of the sons who stood beside her. They were all young sons, not yet men, and she knew they would die when their father failed.

"The third wife ran toward the Cold Woman with the dagger raised high. The Cold Woman smiled, barely distracted from her fight with the old wolf. She had no fear of the weak human woman or the knife that would not even scratch her skin, and she was about to deliver the death blow to Taha Aki.

"And then the third wife did something the Cold Woman did not expect. She fell to her knees at the blood drinker's feet and plunged the knife into her own heart.

"Blood spurted through the third wife's fingers and splashed against the Cold Woman. The blood drinker could not resist the lure of the fresh blood leaving the third wife's body. Instinctively, she turned to the dying woman, for one second entirely consumed by thirst.

"Taha Aki's teeth closed around her neck.

"That was not the end of the fight, but Taha Aki was not alone now. Watching their mother die, two young sons felt such rage that they sprang forth as their spirit wolves, though they were not yet men. With their father, they finished the creature.

"Taha Aki never rejoined the tribe. He never changed back to a man again. He lay for one day beside the body of the third wife, growling whenever anyone tried to touch her, and then he went into the forest and never returned.

"Trouble with the cold ones was rare from that time on. Taha Aki's sons guarded the tribe until their sons were old enough to take their places. There were never more than three or four wolves at a time. It was enough. Occasionally a blood drinker would come through these lands, but they were taken by surprise, not expecting the wolves. Sometimes a wolf would die, but never were they decimated again like that first time. They'd learned how to fight the cold ones, and they passed the knowledge on, wolf mind to wolf mind, spirit to spirit, father to son.

"Time passed, and the descendants of Taha Aki no longer became wolves when they reached manhood. Only in a great while, if a cold one was near, would the wolves return. The cold ones always came in ones and twos, and the pack stayed small.

"A bigger coven came, and your own great-grandfathers prepared to fight them off. But the leader spoke to Ephraim Black as if he were a man, and promised not to harm the Quileutes. His strange yellow eyes gave some proof to his claim that they were not the same as other blood drinkers. The wolves were outnumbered; there was no need for the cold ones to offer a treaty when they could have won the fight. Ephraim accepted. They've stayed true to their side, though their presence does tend to draw in others."

I briefly remembered my dream of my great-grandfather and Ephraim Black telling me that the legends were true and that Jacob, Jesse and the rest of my friends had become wolves.

"And their numbers have forced a larger pack than the tribe has ever seen before," Old Quil said, and for one moment his black eyes turned to Bella and I, burning into us. "Except, of course, in Taha Aki's time," he said, and then he sighed. "And so the sons and now daughters of our tribe again carry the burden and share the sacrifice their fathers endured before them."

"Burden," Quil scoffed in a low voice. "I think it's cool." Quil's full lower lip pouted out a little bit.

Across the dying fire, Seth nodded his agreement. Billy chuckled, low and long, and the tenseness of the storytelling began to fade away. Jared flicked a small stone at Quil, and everyone laughed when it made him jump.

Billy then began to speak again. "Our magic is powerful. So powerful in fact that it creates a new power within us. Half human half vampire." I looked up to meet Billy's welcoming gaze. "The magic in our blood protects and prevents the evil of the Cold Ones and saves our loved one partially. Aria is proof of this." He spoke softly and Jake hugged me tightly and everyone smiled at me warmly except for Jared. "Aria is one of our protectors too. We must all remember that." I suddenly felt the urge to cry as Billy smiled at me, I felt like I was being made a member of the pack.

After a while everyone faded into their own separate conversations and the four main council members moved away from our group to also talk amongst themselves. I saw this as my chance to ask them about Tori. I sat up from Jake's lap, ignoring his questionable gaze before wandering over to the four elders.

I knew I had to be respectful for this to go my way, I was asking to break a sacred rule that meant a lot to the pack. Their conversation stopped abruptly when they realised that I was approaching. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to ask something of all of you."

"What is it?" Dad asked moving over on a log so I could take a seat. They had their own smaller fire burning helping to keep them warm.

"Sue? How has Seth been since his change?" I asked her and she seemed surprised I had brought this up.

"Depressed... Lonely." She spoke quietly and from the way Billy's face tightened I could tell he was remembering Jake when he was forbidden from talking to me.

"Tori has been the same and I know this is something that should never be asked of and that I am not in any position to ask this but-" I began.

"I see where you're going with this." Billy cut me off.

"Please just hear me out." I asked and they nodded. "She feels forgotten about. Being the only one in our family who is kept in the dark and when she couldn't turn to us, Dad included, she turned to Seth. And now he's gone too. I know what it feels like to be shut out and I don't want her to feel that too... So please, please let her in on our secret." I looked at them all as they all looked to be thinking as they stared ahead into the flames.

"Please leave us so we can discuss this." Billy asked and I nodded standing from my seat to make my way back over to the younger group.

"So what did they say?" Jesse asked as if he already knew the answer. He believed that they wouldn't agree.

"They are discussing it." I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"Discussing what?" Embry asked shuffling closer over the dirt.

"To let Tori in on the secret." I said and Jared scoffed. "Sorry what was that?" I asked him with an edge to my tone, I wasn't going to act up with Kim and Emily here.

"You can't change rules around here leech." I clenched my hands into fists as the pack members growled at him. Emily reached over to Kim and pulled her towards her harshly, getting her out of immediate danger in case Jared lost his temper. Bella jumped as Jake leapt up to stand in front of Jared, grabbing his shirt.

"Have you not learnt anything?" Jake spat at him, his body shaking slightly.

"Jacob! Let him go!" Billy yelled sternly and Jake released him.

"He needs to learn." Jake argued and Billy nodded.

"Yes and he will. Sam?" Billy was being wheeled across the grass towards our larger group by my dad, Old Quil and Sue following behind.

"Jared you had been warned about this. Patrol now." Sam said sternly pointing towards the forest.

"What?" Jared spat furiously, jumping up from his log as he shook with anger. "Why should I leave? She shouldn't even be here!" He yelled pointing at me. Jake came back to me immediately, encasing me in his arms to comfort me. I was learning to control my temper. I would not embarrass myself by starting a fight at a council meeting.

"Now, Jared." Sam boomed, standing too to exert his authority.

"But what about Kim?" He growled but with the way he was shaking with anger it looked like Kim didn't want to be around him - he was scaring her.

"We'll take her home. Off you go." That was the end of the conversation, with the power in Sam's voice made it clear that Jared didn't have a choice.

He roared in frustration before running off into the trees, not giving any of us a second glance. Jake held me tighter as he kissed the top of my head. "I thought he'd be different tonight." I murmured into his chest.

"Me too." He sighed, his hands rubbing over my sides and back. "At least he's gone now."

"Jake, maybe you better take Bella home." Billy said eyeing Bella with worry, she looked liked she was about to pass out. She didn't cope very well with confrontation.

Jacob nodded at his father before looking back down at me. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked, worry lacing his husky voice.

"Yeah, I can take care of myself." I reminded him with a small smile. He nodded again before placing a sweet kiss against my forehead. After he released me, Bella and Jake said goodbye to everyone before they disappeared into the darkness.

Shortly after that, Sam, Emily and Kim said their goodbyes as well. Kim most likely felt awkward after her boyfriend's embarrassing outburst. It seemed that Jared's warning didn't phase her one bit. She hugged me goodbye without any tension, she even apologised for Jared's behaviour promising she'd get him under control.

The rest of the group remained slightly awkwardly before Billy spoke up again. "Aria we have made a decision."

I walked over so I stood before them, fiddling with the ends of my jumper nervously. "We have come to a decision." Billy began and I nodded. "We have agreed to let Catori in on all of this." He finished with a smile and my eyes widened.

"Really? Oh my god, thank you!" I went round hugging them all happily. "Can I tell Seth?" I asked Sue and she nodded. I squealed as I jogged away from them and I heard their laughter once again.

"They said yes!" I said once I reached the pack.

"I can tell." Jesse smirked.

"Said yes to what?" Seth asked and I beamed at him.

"Come here." I grabbed him arm and pulled him away from the group.

"If you're here to yell at me about hurting your sister I know I've done something wrong but I can't take it back-" I just smiled at him before I cut him off.

"Ahh but you can. I asked the council if we could tell her the truth and they said yes! Seth you can explain everything to her. She's been so sad recently and she needs you." His face broke out into a smile and he hugged me tightly lifting me from my feet and spinning me around.

"Thank you so much." He said as we hugged.

"You're welcome. I know how terrible you are both feeling and I've been in her position before." I shrugged as he set me back on the ground.

"I'll go speak to her now." He looked so happy.

"Okay, but Seth, don't do anything that will make Jesse want to kill you." I said referring to anything sexual between him and my little sister.

Seth laughed nervously. "Okay I'll keep that in mind." I watched him run off with a curious look on my face. Did that nervous laugh mean something? Had they already had sex? God I hope not.

* * *

The following night I had been asked by Alice to stay at the Cullens' as I had apparently been spending too much time with my other family. I had missed the Cullens and it had felt like it had been a while since I last saw them, but I guessed it wasn't Alice's idea at all. I believed it was Edward's idea, to get back at my family for stealing Bella away the other night for the bonfire.

Seth and Tori were completely fine now and their lovey-dovey relationship was just too much for me to handle especially with my weird relationship with Jake at the moment. Seth hadn't told her about me yet, he was waiting for me to do that myself.

Despite being away from family drama that didn't mean that I was away from other problems. Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Emmett and I were all watching the news in the den. The disappearances and murders in Seattle were getting worse and it was obvious to us that it was the work of more than one newborn, and they weren't being controlled.

"Seattle is in a state of terror." The woman from the news report said. "The police are not calling the recent rash of homicides and disappearances the work of a serial killer. They are reluctant to believe so much carnage could be the work of one individual. This killer — if, in fact, it is one person — would then be responsible for 39 linked homicides and disappearances within the last three months alone. If these deaths can be linked to one man, then this is the most violent rampage of serial murder in American history. The police are leaning instead toward the theory that gang activity is involved. This theory is supported by the sheer number of victims, and by the fact that there seems to be no pattern in the choice of victims.

"More gruesome yet, most of the remains show evidence of brutal violence - bones crushed and snapped by some kind of tremendous pressure - which medical examiners believe occurred before the time of death, though these conclusions are difficult to be sure of, considering the state of the evidence.

"Another similarity that points to the possibility of a serial killer: every crime is perfectly clean of evidence, not a fingerprint, not a tyre tread mark nor a foreign hair is left behind. There has been no sightings of any suspect in the disappearances.

"Six of the homicides were committed in the first month, eleven in the second. Twenty-two have occurred in the last ten days alone. And the police are no closer to finding the responsible party than they were when the first body was discovered."

Carlisle shut the TV off abruptly. "It's getting worse." Carlisle sighed just as the sound of Edward's car quietly rumbled towards the house. We waited in silence until they joined us in the den, Alice following suit.

"Did you see that they're considering a serial killer now?" Edward asked clearly annoyed. Bella, who he dragged along beside him, looked slightly alarmed.

Carlisle sighed again. "They've had two specialists debating that possibility on CNN all morning."

"We can't let this go on." Esme muttered, grasping Carlisle's hand.

"Let's go now," Emmett said with sudden enthusiasm. "I'm dead bored."

A hiss echoed down the stairway from upstairs, I don't think Rose liked his excitement concerning the situation.

"She's such a pessimist," Emmett muttered to himself.

Edward agreed with Emmett. "We'll have to go sometime."

Rosalie appeared at the top of the stairs and descended slowly. Her face was smooth, expressionless.

Carlisle was shaking his head. "I'm concerned. We've never involved ourselves in this kind of thing before. It's not our business. We aren't the Volturi."

"I don't want the Volturi to have to come here," Edward said. "It gives us so much less reaction time."

"And all those innocent humans in Seattle," Esme murmured. "It's not right to let them die this way."

"I know," Carlisle sighed.

"Oh," Edward said sharply, turning his head slightly to look at Jasper. "I didn't think of that. I see. You're right, that has to be it. Well, that changes everything." I didn't bother dropping my barrier, I knew it was going to be explained. "I think you'd better explain to the others," Edward said to Jasper. "What could be the purpose of this?"

Edward started to pace, staring at the floor, lost in thought.

"What is he rambling about?" Alice asked Jasper. "What are you thinking?"

Jasper looked angry as he watched Edward pace, granted he knew more about newborns but I had never seen an expression so fierce on his face before. "Very young vampires are volatile, wild, and almost impossible to control. One newborn can be reasoned with, taught to restrain himself, but ten, fifteen together are a nightmare. They'll turn on each other as easily as on the enemy you point them at.

"Though newborns are dangerous, they are still possible to defeat if you know what you're doing. They are incredibly powerful physically, for the first year or so, and if they're allowed to bring strength to bear they can crush an older vampire with ease." I noticed as Jasper's eyes flickered up to me for a moment, I was still technically a newborn, and I was the strongest and fastest in the coven. "But they are slaves to their instincts, and thus predictable. Usually, they have no skill in fighting, only muscle and ferocity. And in this case, overwhelming numbers."

"An army," Alice whispered. "Why didn't you tell me?"

We waited silently for Jasper's response, only Bella and I's breathing and heartbeats could be heard.

"I thought I must be interpreting the signs incorrectly. Because where is the motive? Why would someone create an army in Seattle? There is no history there, no vendetta. It makes no sense from a conquest standpoint, either; no one claims it. Nomads pass through, but there's no one to fight for it. No one to defend it from." He began seriously, taking over Edward's previous job of pacing. "But I've seen this before, and there's no other explanation. There is an army of newborn vampires in Seattle. Fewer than twenty, I'd guess. The difficult part is that they are totally untrained. Whoever made them just set them loose. It will only get worse, and it won't be much longer till the Volturi step in. Actually, I'm surprised they've let this go on so long."

"What can we do?" Carlisle asked.

"If we want to avoid the Volturi's involvement, we will have to destroy the newborns, and we will have to do it very soon." Jasper's face was hard. "I can teach you how. It won't be easy in the city. The young ones aren't concerned about secrecy, but we will have to be. It will limit us in ways that they are not. Maybe we can lure them out."

"Maybe we won't have to." Edward's voice was bleak. "Does it occur to anyone else that the only possible threat in the area that would call for the creation of an army is... us?"

Jasper's eyes narrowed; Carlisle's widened, shocked.

"Tanya's family is also near," Esme said slowly, unwilling to accept Edward's words.

"The newborns aren't ravaging Anchorage, Esme. I think we have to consider the idea that we are the targets." Edward pressed, clearly pissed off.

"They're not coming after us," Alice insisted, and then paused. "Or... they don't know that they are. Not yet."

"What is that?" Edward asked, curious and tense, seeing something in Alice's mind. "What are you remembering?"

"Flickers," Alice said. "I can't see a clear picture when I try to see what's going on, nothing concrete. But I've been getting these strange flashes. Not enough to make sense of. It's as if someone's changing their mind, moving from one course of action to another so quickly that I can't get a good view..."

"Indecision?" Jasper asked in disbelief.

"I don't know..." I decided to drop my barrier to get an insight.

"Not indecision," Edward growled. "Knowledge. Someone who knows you can't see anything until the decision is made. Someone who is hiding from us. Playing with the holes in your vision."

"Who would know that?" Alice whispered.

A theory clicked in my mind. "Aro knows you as well as you know yourself." I spoke quickly.

"But I would see if they'd decided to come..."

"Unless they didn't want to get their hands dirty." Edward spat

"A favour," Rosalie suggested, speaking for the first time. "Someone in the South... someone who already had trouble with the rules. Someone who should have been destroyed is offered a second chance — if they take care of this one small problem... That would explain the Volturi's sluggish response."

"Why?" Carlisle asked, still shocked. "There's no reason for the Volturi —"

"It was there," Edward disagreed quietly. "I'm surprised it's come to this so soon, because the other thoughts were stronger. In Aro's head he saw me, Alice and Aria at his sides. The present and the future, virtual omniscience. The power of the idea intoxicated him. I would have thought it would take him much longer to give up on that plan — he wanted it too much. But there was also the thought of you, Carlisle, of our family, growing stronger and larger. The jealousy and the fear: you having... not more than he had, but still, things that he wanted. He tried not to think about it, but he couldn't hide it completely. The idea of rooting out the competition was there; besides their own, ours is the largest coven they've ever found..."

"They're too committed to their mission. They would never break the rules themselves. It goes against everything they've worked for." Carlisle exclaimed standing from his seat on the couch, too stressed to remain seated.

"They'll clean up afterwards. A double betrayal," Edward said in a grim voice. "No harm done."

Jasper leaned forward, shaking his head. "No, Carlisle is right. The Volturi do not break rules. Besides, it's much too sloppy. This... person, this threat — they have no idea what they're doing. A first-timer, I'd swear to it. I cannot believe the Volturi are involved. But they will be."

I couldn't help but turn to Bella as everyone's fears of the Volturi finding her began to swirl around my head.

"Then let's go, " Emmett almost roared. "What are we waiting for?"

Carlisle and Edward exchanged a long glance. Edward nodded once. "We'll need you to teach us, Jasper," Carlisle finally said. "How to destroy them." Carlisle's jaw was hard, but I could see the pain in his eyes as he said the words. No one hated violence more than Carlisle.

"We're going to need help," Jasper said. "Do you think Tanya's family would be willing...? Another five mature vampires would make an enormous difference. And then Kate and Eleazar would be especially advantageous on our side. It would be almost easy, with their aid."

Two of the five Denalis were gifted. I had not met them yet but I had heard of their special powers. Kate had an ability called psychic electrokinesis; she had the power to cause painful, electric shock-like jolt in anyone she touched. Eleazar's gift was ability identification, he had the ability to sense the type and strength of gifted vampire's abilities.

"We'll ask," Carlisle answered.

Jasper held out a cell phone. "We need to hurry."

I'd never seen Carlisle so shaken. He took the phone, and paced toward the windows. He dialled a number, held the phone to his ear, and laid the other hand against the glass. He stared out into the foggy morning with a pained expression.

Edward took Bella's hand and pulled her to the white love-seat. I sat beside him, staring at his face while he stared at Carlisle.

Carlisle greeted Tanya, and then he raced through the situation then something changed in Carlisle's voice. "Oh," he said, his voice sharper in surprise. "We didn't realise... that Irina felt that way."

Edward groaned just as I saw the issue inside Carlisle's head. "Damn it. Damn Laurent to the deepest pit of hell where he belongs." Edward growled.

"Laurent?" Bella whispered, paling, but Edward didn't respond, he was focused on Carlisle's thoughts like I was.

"There's no question of that," Carlisle said in a stern voice. "We have a truce. They haven't broken it, and neither will we. I'm sorry to hear that... Of course. We'll just have to do our best alone." Carlisle shut the phone without waiting for an answer. He continued to stare out into the fog as I began to silently grow angry from my seat in the corner of the room. How dare she think she could come here a do that?

"What's the problem?" Emmett murmured to Edward.

"Irina was more involved with our friend Laurent than we knew. She's holding a grudge against the wolves for destroying him to save Bella. She wants —" He paused, looking at my furious face.

"Go on," Bella said.

His eyes tightened. "She wants revenge. To take down the pack. They would trade their help for our permission."

"No!" Bella gasped.

"Don't worry," he told her in a flat voice. "Carlisle would never agree to it." He hesitated, then sighed.

"She steps on either territory with that intention I'll rip into her myself." I growled, my hands balling into fists. I meant it seriously too.

"Look Laurent had it coming and I still owe the wolves for that." Edward added, ignoring my outburst. From the thoughts around the room no one disagreed with my intentions.

"This isn't good," Jasper said. "It's too even a fight. We'd have the upper hand in skill, but not numbers. We'd win, but at what price?" His tense eyes flashed to Alice's face and away to me and then Bella.

We would win, but we would lose. Some wouldn't survive. And it could possibly be me, I had power and strength but I didn't have the marble skin like the other's. I could still be broken.

I looked around the room at their faces — Jasper, Alice, Emmett, Rose, Esme, Carlisle, Edward and Bella, the faces of my family. I made a promise to myself then that I wasn't going to leave them. I was a newborn, I was going to excel and become the best fighter there was, my mind reading gave me the advantage. I could survive this... couldn't I?

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