What You Gonna Do?
After they left the clinic Camila took them home. It was a quiet ride until they got home. Kevin got a phone call and he look at his mom with pleading eyes, "Mom I know your mad at me about what you found out, and I'm sure you wanna talk about it but I have to go."
She didn't even say nothing she walk pass him and went in the house. "See yo ass pissed her off." Dee knew she was mad at her but he did some stupid shit all by his self too, so he couldn't blame her for his actions. "I didn't make you wake up and go sell dope on the corner." "And I didn't make you lay down with dogs and get up with flees."
That cut deep and Dee couldn't believe he said that to her. She started crying and shaking. She already got to deal with her mom and dad, and he gonna say that to her. She ran right pass him and into the house locking the door.
Her mom was in her room so she went to hers. She thought about how everything is slowly changing. Just the other day she broke up with Chuck, and now he is going to be the father of her child.
She remember Chuck and her that night. He promised her they was going to be together for ever. Dee knew he loved her but she wasn't sure if she was ready. He then ask her did she want to smoke some weed with him.
She knew then that she felt out of place. Though he convince her to and they end up having sex. Dee woke up and look at the time and it was 10 some at night.
She hurried and put her cloths on telling him to drop her off at home. When she made it home she was caught. Dennis caught her while he was getting some water in the kitchen. He heard the door and waited for her to come in.
"What you doing coming in here late." She didnt know what to say. "Dad I was hanging with Sharesse." She tried walking away but he stop her.
"You really is playing with my kindness, lately you been leaving early and coming back late as hell. DEE you 18 and I'm trying to give you freedom, but don't take advantage of it."
Dee nodded and went to her room and stayed up on the phone with Chuck.
Dee didn't know she was going to be pregnant. She then replayed how everything took place at the clinic.
Then it hit her why did Sharesse call Chuck, and how did they know each other. She look for her number and called it.
"I knew you was gonna be calling me. Now tell me everything." Dee didn't know should she ask her now or wait. "Well I'm pregnant."
"Oh my god Dee how." DEE started laughing, "Well if no one haven't told you yet then that's between you and your parents."
"Stop fucking playing with me Dee I do know how but I just can't believe it. So what you gonna do now?" Dee honestly couldn't answer that question.
"I don't know girl but I'm keeping my baby even if Chuck don't be there." "Girl please he is going to be there I'm not letting my niece or nephew be with out there father."
"Awwl, even though we are like sister you can be the aunt, but I was thinking you can be the god mother." Sharesse was quiet she was then wondering should she tell her.
"Dee I think-"" Sorry girl my mom calling me, but we do need to talk about something later."
Dee hung up and went to her mom room. "Yes mom," Camila motion her to sit beside her on the bed. "Baby girl I was thinking maybe you should call and tell your dad."
Dee nodded but was scare to tell her father. Then she thought about it," Mom since I'm pregnant I'm still gonna own my own shop." Camila nodded in agreement.
"Trust me baby I am with you on that, but you are not going all the way over there to a college." Dee gasp,"I wanna go there mom please."
Camila shook her head, "Baby I'm sorry, now that we know your pregnant you have to stay close by for protection and to be close with Chuck."
"But mom I-"" Dee shut up, do you hear your self." Dee was confused what did she say wrong that could make her mom mad all of a sudden.
"I don't get what I said wrong. I want to go to college in Duplair mom why you don't understand that that's what I want." Dee was on the verge of crying," Why nobody care about what I want anymore."
Camila was upset that Dee is being selfish. She need to understand that its not about what she wants anymore. So since Dee didn't understand then she would have to find out by her self. She got up and left the house going for a peaceful drive. "Lord what am I'm gonna do and say when Dennis come back."
Dee was angry she couldn't believe her mom wanted her to stay close home. "She can just chill with that mess if I want to go ima go then."
Her phone was ringing and she didn't feel like talking, but she remembered she had to talk to Sharesse about Chuck. She answered it without looking and was welcome to her man voice on the other end.
"Sup baby do you feel better." She was so happy to have someone to talk to since everyone was gone. "Hey and yea but my mom is irritating me."
He started laughing," I was wondering do you wanna come to Jr. birthday party." Dee didn't even held back her excitement she liked Jr. every since they met," Of course. "
After they finish talking Dee called Sharesse, but it went straight to voicemail. She called three more times still nothing. She then wish she had her own truck.
Hours went by and Dee was now hungry. She stood in the kitchen rubbing her stomach. "Baby girl I know you hungry, but I cant find nothing.
She then heard the front door open and close. "Yo Dee where mom at." She turned around happy to have company. She ran an hug him for what seem like forever. "Dang Dee I haven't been gone that long." Dee started crying holding him.
"Kevin I felt so alone and everyone was busy." Kevin then felt bad," Look Dee I'm sorry about what I said, I don't know what I was thinking I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings." "Kevin its not your fault I was the one who messed up big time now I have to suffer the consequences."
"Dee I got you no matter what, and don't worry ima work things out with Chuck." She slowly nodded. They both got quiet but then was interrupted with Dee stomach growling. Kevin laugh," Damn Dee is my nephew hungry."
"Nephew? Boy please I bet I'm having a girl." "Yea well lets see what Chuck wants then," Dee took her phone out and call Chuck. The phone ring three times before he answer.
"Whats up baby," Dee rolled her eyes." Chuck I told you about calling me baby." "But you know you will forever be bae so stop playing, and tell me whats good witchu." Dee felt some kind of way when he said that but she hid it. She only wanted Charles and that is that.
"Well me and Kevin was arguing on what the baby is gonna be, and I just wanted to know what you want." It got silent on the line as Chuck think. "Well to be honest Dee as long as the baby is healthy it doesn't matter, but I would prefer to have me a mini Dee." Dee soon started blushing. "Thank you Chuck I was hoping you say that because Kevin said its a boy."
Chuck started laughing," I gotta go but tell Kev I said ima settle for the girl, but like I said it really doesn't matter." Dee hung up and started bragging about how Chuck took her side. Kevin started laughing but he understood. Soon Camila came back in looking at both of her kids smiling.
She couldn't resist the smile that appeared on her face. Her kids are happy and healthy, and she will soon see her grandbaby. Dee look up and smiled," Hey momma you ok now." Camila nodded and put her bag down on the coffee table. She turned her attention back to them.
"Look I'm not happy with neither one of you decisions , and Kevin especially you. I thought I told you drugs are wrong." "Mom i'm not using them I swear I just sell them and make my money." Camila just stared at him. Her son look exactly like Dennis. He look so nice and sweet and educated. She cant shake the fact that her son is into that illegal stuff.
When he was little he would play with his football and his trucks. He would dress and act like his dad. As she thought more about it she felt tears fall, and Kevin soon wiped them away," Mom I am not lying I just sell them." Camila nodded as she slowly talk," But baby why you gotta be apart of that, you don't need money I give you money all the time."
"Mom that's the point I want to make my own money, and I just want to do this and be known to everyone." "Mom, we sorry for disappointing you." Camila look at Dee and wiped her eyes. "Baby both of you didn't disappoint me. I disappointed my self." Kevin and Dee look at each other in confusion. "Mom what do you mean."
"Baby when both of you was born I always thought you to would be perfect and go off to college and be successful. I thought about how your future will be and how it will affect us as one, and now I realize that you guys are not going to be perfect. You are going to mess up along the way so you can learn, and I hope you to do and don't end up hurt."
Kevin hug his mom and Dee son joined. They sat their on the couch hugging each other. Dee felt so comfortable in this hug. This hug meant something, something big but it just hurt that her father couldn't be apart of it.
"Charles you think yo ass know so much do you? Huh?!! Huh?!! Huh?!!" Glinda was yelling loud following him down the stairs to the kitchen. Charles was heated he couldn't take this anymore. He turned around and was now in her face," If yo ass don't shut up and sit down somewhere ."
"Charles don't yell at me i'm a grow-" "Yo ass aint a grown nothing, and if you keep talking shit in my house get out!!" He was tired of dealing with her and that attitude. "On god if it wasn't for Jr you wouldn't be here." he said to his self.
"Anyway nigga tell me where Jr party going to be at." Charles bit off his apple," The park." Glinda nodded as she her phone vibrated. She look at it and a scowl appeared on her face.
Why you been ignoring me.
First I don't have to talk to you every damn day second I'm setting up my baby birthday.
Oh let me know when every thing is ready so I can come.
Like I said let me know or we will have a problem.
Glinda couldn't believe it. She hated him with every bone in her body. "What the hell wrong with you." Charles said as he stared at her. "Y-yea well I have to go." Charles stared at her again as he went and sat down at the table. "Bye."
Glinda wanted to tell him about his father, but the last time she did that the family had to get him away from her. She stared at him trying to say it but couldn't. Then she had an ideal.
She left his house got in his car and text him.
Your father is coming to Jr. birthday party.
She knew he was going to call so she put it on silent and kept on driving to Mindy house.
Dee look for her phone in the living room but couldn't find it. She went back to her bedroom and look through the covers and still no luck. She then heard Mila J Main playing which is her ringtone. She followed it to the bathroom.
It was sitting on the counter, she pick it up and answered it. "Hey Girl." Dee started smiling, "Sharesse I been trying to reach you for the longest, what you doing." The line got quiet and Dee thought she hung up," Hello."
"Girl my bad I been busy a little but guess what." Dee wanted to question her but she sounded so happy. "What." " Guh I've been ask to attend Dirk University and then they gave me a full scholarship!!" Dee mouth fell open.
She couldn't believe it her friend got a full scholarship to go to Dirk. That was one of her choices. Dee forced a smile on her face trying to be happy for her." Girl I'm so happy for you." "Thanks but I was wondering is you going to Duplair like you wanted."
Dee rolled her eyes," No, my mom said its best that I stayed close by and get my license." "License for what?" Dee forgot she haven't told Sharesse about her opening up her salon. She started talking and before long they was in a deep conversation laughing like middle school girls again.
Michael was walking around his one bedroom apartment and he stop in front of his son picture. He love all his kids especially Jr. He then thought about Glinda and why she keeping his son away from him.
He shook his head already knowing she was trying to get close to Charlie, but he could care less as long as he see his son. He started feeling bad about what he did to his family. Tears started going down and before he knew it he was balled up in a corner crying.
He lost his wife and kids. He learned that his foolishness came back and bit him in the ass. He indeed love Martha and his kids including Jr. He tried to stop the gambling and the women but he couldn't. He didn't think Glinda was going to get caught with him in bed, and he didn't know she was gonna end up pregnant.
He wish he could get Martha back he tried and tried and tried but failed. He struggle up and slowly walk over to his mini bar. "Baby I need you...I really doooooo ne-ne-need you!" He screamed to the top of his lungs crying. "OH GOD WHY!!!"
Sorry for mistakes.
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