Thornberry Beach
Dee woke up to her phone vibrating. She slowly lift her self up and search for her phone which she assume is tangled up in the sheets some where. Dee finally caught it before it stop," Hello" she said groggily. "Girl, I know you ain't sleep at this time of the day." Sharesse said loudly.
Dee look at the clock and saw it was 2:00. "Girl what is it hell". Dee was getting irritated "Stop with the attitude and get ready for the beach in 3 hours." Dee was skeptical but figure she was gonna be bored the rest of the day since she slept half of it away, " I guess which one."
"Girl the one and only Thornberry!!" Sharesse said getting loud with it. Dee agreed and they both hung up the phone.
Dee slowly got up and went to Kevin room and knock. There was some shuffling and then the door swung open." I see yo ass up now." Kevin said smiling. Dee laugh and invited her self in.
"Uh, excuse you did I say come in." Kevin look her up and down like he was ready to fight. Dee laugh again, "Nigga what you gon do-","Oh I'll show you what I'm go do ima-"Dee raised her hand up, "You gon sit down and be quiet, and if not then knock down and be force quiet."
Kevin shook his head while he jump on his dresser, while he tossing his basketball in the air she started talking. "Now I was gonna ask you do you wanna go to the beach with me and some friends." Kevin eyes lit up like fireworks at the park on the Fourth of July.
"Hell yeah, Sharesse gon be there aint it." He said getting off the dresser. "Yea she ask me a while ago so that's a yes." Kevin nodded as he went into his closet.
Dee excused herself as she walk out the room and up to the front. She heard a beautiful soft song playing, she walk in already expecting to see her dad playing his beloved piano.
"Dad did you cook anything." Dennis look from the piano "Yea baby, its some taco salad from lunch." Dee ran to the kitchen and open the fridge. She look and pushed everything away she started to become irritated until she spotted it, and went made her a plate.
"Baby you ain't sick is you," Dennis said walking over to her. "No why," He reach for her head and he didn't feel nothing and he stared at her for a while until his face turn into a scowl.
"You pregnant." Dee was caught off guard and felt like she was hit in the stomach she quickly shook her head not knowing what to say." You better not Dee, I would truly be disappointed." He turn around and went back to the piano.
"Where's mom," she manage to say. "Store, she'll be back in a while." Dee took her food in her room while she look for some cloths.
Two hour later Dee was finish eating and bath already. She look through the closet and found her favorite pair of sandals. They was black and criss cross up her leg to her knee. She grab those and put them to the side. She went over to wear she kept some of her swimsuits.
After eliminating some of them she was left with her sexy one piece. It made her chest sit up and her waist look gorgeous. It was pink and blue with strips.
She went and fix her fro so it would like fabulous just like her. She heard her mom voice from the front. She quickly put her cloths on along with her sandals and walk out the room.
Camila and Dennis was sitting at the piano now singing and smiling. This was the song Dennis made for her for their wedding, and she loved every word he said. "Hey mom."
Dee said sitting her bag on the couch walking over to them. Camila turn to see her beautiful daughter in the swimsuit she bought her a month ago," You finally putting it to use," she said smiling at her daughter.
"Yea I think it looks very cute mom." Dee walk up to hug her." I think its a ticket to your dad going to jail for murder." Dee shook her head as her mother laugh out loud. "Dad thanks for your answer even though it didn't help much." He nodded his head as he continued playing the piano.
"Baby why you slept in so late," Dee shook her head and look at her mother, "I don't know I guess I was tired, if it wasn't for Sharesse I'll be still sleep."
Dee thought about what could be keeping her so tired but couldn't think of nothing." I told her she better not be pregnant." Dennis said to Camila. Her eyes widened to the sound of pregnant.
"Baby I hope not this early I don't wont you dealing with a baby and you don't even know what you want to do for life." Camila was now worried. Dee saw it and quickly assured her mom she wasn't.
"Ok baby girl now what beach you going to," "Thornberry," she said going back to the couch to retrieve her things, "Ok baby be careful."
Dee was on her way out the door, and surprisingly on time to see Sharesse pulling up. Sharesse blew her horn even though she saw Dee coming. Dee shook her head. She open the car door getting in. "Why the hell you blow the horn and saw me."
Sharesse rolled her eyes and drove off. "Girl why you always gotta yell at me I'm the oldest." "Two months aint nun to me." Sharesse sped down the road ignoring her. "So who else coming." "David, Meagan, Tori, Sebastian, and Miles," Dee nodded at the names she was cool with all of them.
Kevin was walking out his room when he heard a car horn. "Mom who is that." Camila turned around, "Boy if you was going with Dee to the beach you good as left." Kevin ran to the door and open it. Time he step out Sharesse was too far down the road.
Kevin took his iPhone 6 out and call Sebastian little brother Cortez. "Sup"," You going to Thornberry beach with Dee and them." "Yea you need a ride." Kevin nodded his head as if Tez could see him." Yea."
They was on the right track until Sharesse turned left. "Where you going," "McDonalds I'm hungry." Dee shook her head "Girl no, that's all the way cross town you crazy." "I'm hungry and I'm gonna eat me something."
They was coming up close to Charles and she saw his car and look like someone was in there. "Just go to Charles then." Sharesse notice him in the car and shook her head as she laugh.
"Guh, I see what you doing, and you better be lucky I wanna see my man too." Sharesse pulled into the parking lot and found and closer one to the door." Ok I'll be back," Dee nodded as she eyed Charles car.
He was indeed in there but it look as if he was arguing with someone. He look her way and she quickly look else where. Dee knew it couldn't be no one else but Glinda. After three minutes he got out.
Charles shook his head at Glinda as she beg him to watch Jr tonight. "No, you have him on the weekends, you should be happy to be with your son."
Charles couldn't figure out for the life of him why she come to his house claiming she wants to see Jr but when its her turn she don't want to see him no more. "Charles please, I really made a promise to Mindy and I don't break promises."
Charles was heated now, "Yo ass broke the promise you made to me on our weeding day, did yo stupid ass forget what you did." She didn't speak so he continue, "I don't give a damn who you made a promise too, because you felt the same way when you was with my dad."
He hung up and turned his phone off. He turned and saw Dee staring she turned as if she didn't. Charles laugh as he started getting everything he needs.After three minutes he got out and slammed the door. He walk by the car and smile at her. She smiled and wave he stop walking and turn towards the car.
She felt her heart jump and her stomach roll. She let down the window when he came up. "What's up Dee you aint hot sitting in this heat." Dee smiled, "No not yet, I'm waiting on my girl." Charles laugh,"Oh I didn't know you was in a relationship."
Dee got out the car and he ran a good distance from her. They stood their looking at each other as Charles held his stomach crying to his self. Dee stood with her hands planted on her hip.
"Charles don't play we gon have some serious issues, I'm not into girls only men, and nothing will change that." she turned around to walk back to the car. Charles admire her body and smiled. "What a beautiful young lady she became." he thought to his self
They walk back to the car. "I know you like only men because that would explain me and you." He said giving her that smile that drove her crazy. He blew a kiss at her and walk away. As he was walking in Sharesse was coming out.
"Boy I saw you and Dee out there playing tag." Dot laugh as they smack hands. "You know I got to entertain the ladies." They stop and peek into the kitchen to see if everything, and they kept on down the hall until they reach Charles office.
His furniture and walls was black and blue with a little yellow. He had a couch to the right as you walk in, and a bookcase to the left. On up is to leather chairs that sits in front of his desk. There was plants on the table behind the desk that grew every where. He had a mini fridge beside his desk for his snacks.
"You talking about me, I seen Sharesse fine self walking out of here smiling." Dot chuckle, "Yea you saw bae smiling I told her I was thinking about taking her somewhere." Charles open the fridge and pulled his coke out.
"But anyway when those inspection people coming." Charles shook his head as he turned his computer on, "I forgot all about them, but they should be coming some time next week."
"Ok so you want me to go hide the rats." Charles gave him a serious look from the corner of his eye. Charles will play a little, but when it came to his business and family he was all ears with you. "Shut up fool."
Sharesse got in the car cheesing from ear to ear. "Girl I saw you and your man." Dee couldn't help but laugh. "Girl you didn't see no-","Then what the hell was that, you chasing him and he smiling and shit, girl ya'll might as well get together." Dee shook her head," I honestly don't know what that was, anyway how was you and your man in there."
Sharesse pulled out the parking lot and kept on towards the beach." We was ok,girl I really hope he just gon head and just say we officially together I'm tired playing." Dee nodded in agreement "I know right but since we're the younger ones they probably think we like that."
Sharesse shot her a look, "Girl please young but mature, and Dot knows too." Dee laugh at her friend she believe it to. Sharesse lost her virginity to him two years ago. The only people who knew was her and Charles.
The rest of the way Dee told her about searching for an apartment with Charles. Sharesse was rolling with the jokes about what they would be doing when Dee have her own place.
They made it to the beach and everyone was there playing volleyball. They got out and join them. Before they can get close Kevin appeared. "Yo ass just gon invite me to some shit and leave me with out a ride what's up with that."
Dee suddenly remember and felt bad ,"Boy my bad but atleast you here." She said rubbing his back. He smack her hand away "Barely," Dee giggled as he walk over to Sharesse already flirting. Sharesse rolled her eyes laughing at his crazy self.
They all made it back home at 12:16. Camila was already in bad but as for Dennis he was waiting patiently for them. As they let their selves in he sat in the dark on the chair. They turned the lights on and nearly jumped out of their skin.
"Pops what's up with you, you cant be doing that to your kids." Kevin said walking around his dad to avoid him and his glare."No you be quiet, instead of worrying about me, you need to be worried about your selves." he said looking at both of them.
He slowly got up out the chair. Dee and Kevin look at each other confused and back at him." What happen," Dennis look at Dee as if she was crazy.
"Both of you came in her late as if this is your house and not mine." Dennis said sternly. Dee look down and shook her head." Dad-" he cut her off." You grown you can do whatever the hell you want to, but not up in my house and Kevin you aint gon keep coming up in her late as hell like you run this."
Camila woke up to use the bathroom and walk slowly down the hall only to hear her husband craziness. "Now tomorrow both of you should stay here, your not gonna keep running in and out this house to god knows where." "But dad I have business to take care tomorrow." Dennis walk over to his daughter and look down at her, "Not anymore."
"Dennis take yo ass to bed and stop all this fussing,and for what reason, you must like running your blood pressure up don't you." Dennis turned towards Camila, "Woman these kids cant be out and about this late and coming back up in here like it aint a thang."
She shook her head," Kids? What kids? Dee is now a young lady who will be leaving soon, and Kevin is not too far behind, now I understand where you coming from but you are overreacting.
Dennis soften a little," Yall may now leave your father and I have to talk and Dee you can leave tomorrow to go do that thang ok." she said with a wink. Dee mouth thank you and trailed Kevin to the back.
Do you guys feel that Dennis over reacted or he did a good thing to let his kids know what's up?
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