The Enemy is Returning

Charles pace the bedroom floor. "She really want me to bust her in her shit!!" He yelled out with anger. He couldn't believe that she would let his father come. He haven't seen his so called father since he did what he did.

Charles couldn't take it and punch the wall. "AAHH!!" He felt his hand go numb as it swell up. He held his hand as he went down stairs for something strong to drink. He stomp around with his shoulders slouching.

"Why me." He thought. He sat on the couch and stared at the picture of him and his father. He felt tears come in the back of his eyes. He shook his head, "Yo ass ain't a father you a bitch ass nigga, that so happen to help me come into this world."

His phone started vibrating. He look at it and saw his mother name. "Hello.....Yea that's what she said.....Mom no.....why ......that man aint coming no where near my son..... I don't care if he wanna see him send his ass some pictures..... wait wait why the hell you taking up for him mom.... no I'm not watching my tone...... how about this when he comes if he so happen say any slick shit its over.... mom I hope you aint tryna get back in good terms with him.... ok then I'm just checking.... yea mom I'm sorry about that but I meant what I said." He shook his head.

"Lord why......I know I'm not suppose to question you but I'm really confused to why I deserve this." He said aloud with his head down. He drunk from the bottle throwing his dad picture at the wall. The glass picture frame shattered into bits and pieces. He got up and went to try and get some sleep.

He couldn't sleep at all last night, and he was hoping he could now. Glinda ass was all he could think about. Once she sent that text she haven't call him or answer his calls. He knew she was up to something.

He slowly got back in the bed taking two Aleve's. He instantly went into a deep slumber already having a dream about him, his father, Glinda, and Jr.


Dee walk around the trap looking at everybody. Chuck suppose to be coming with her to go to the movies. It really isn't a date it just two people hanging. Is it? She turn into a room and saw Kevin, Chuck, and some more boys playing spades.

"Mane Kevin yo ass gotta teach me." One dude said as the laugh. Chuck look up still laughing as he stared into Dee eyes. They lock each others gaze until Dee move her eyes.

"Kevin I didn't know you could play." Kevin swung his head around, "Mane Dee what you doing here go home before someone put bullets in yo ass." Dee started laughing," Anyone crazy enough to do some shit like that must not be from around here."

"You damn right everyone know the business you mess with Dee you mess with me." Chcuk stared at her on that last part still smiling showing off his four gold teeth. "Well what you doing here Dee I don't want-"" Mane Kev sit down and chill I got her she use to this."

Kevin look at both of them and sat down. He love his big sister but he would kill too if anyone mess with her or his parents. "Bae you ready." Dee rolled her eyes hard," Aight that's gon be yo ass having criss cross looking eyes." He said chuckling.

Dee punch him in the arm waving goodbye to everyone. "Why you keep calling me bae."" Because you is, and forever will be. I don't give a damn about that nigga you crushing on. Im the man you want and need, and I'm also your baby daddy." Dee started smiling but she caught her self making her self have a stoic look.

They left the trap and walk a block until the reach the car. As they got closer they saw it had words all over it. Chuck pace quicken. They made it to the car together reading it. "Nigga I'm coming for you and your girl, and I know she pregnant better hope her ass and that bastard make it when I'm through with her."

Dee gasped at the words snapping Chuck out of his daze. The only person that could be bothering them is Taye. Taye and Chuck been bumping heads every since they met. Chuck started turning red," Fuck man." He started pacing the ground.

Dee held her stomach as the tears started falling. Chuck turn and pulled her into a tight hug," Baby I will let them take me before you and the baby." Dee look up scared at what he said." No I dont wanna loose you, who would do this to me and how do they know about the baby."

Dee held her chest trying to calm down,"Bae please calm down atleast for the babies you dont wanna hurt them. Dont worry I got that nigga-"" Who is it." Chuck didnt know if he should tell her. "Dont worry-" "No tell me so I can know what to do." Chuck didnt know if he should so he changed the subject.

"Lets just take you home Dee and I dont want you stressing. You could hurt the baby." Tears slowly traced down her cheeks. Her eyes was getting red as she nodded. "Get in the car I got to make a phone call." Dee slowly got in the car looking left and right for anything to happen.

Chuck call Damion to tell everyone there is a meeting in a hour and to make sure that everyone is there. Chuck look up and sighed," On god if this nigga fuck with my baby and girl his family gon regret it." He look back at the car and saw Dee head resting on the window. 

He got in the car and grab her hand. He kissed her hand,"Dee I'm sorry but trust me when I say that nigga gon get whats lets take you home so you can rest." Dee couldn't even respond she was too frightened.


Glinda walk up to the house holding Jr hand. "Mom we going to see dad." Glinda turn around and yank him by his shirt.

"That man aint your daddy, and I better not hear you calling him that again. Charles your dad" she turned around and rang the door bell."But mom he said call him that, or he will be mad."" Look boy I don't give a damn if he mad don't call him that, his name is granddad." Jr nodded.

The door swung open as Michael smiled appeared," Hey Jr. how you been doing." Jr jumped in his arms, "Good." Michael carried him on in the house as Glinda close the door.

Jr sat on Michael knee," What you got me for my birthday." Michael started laughing," Just wait ima give it to you on your birthday." He glared at Glinda on that last part. "Can I play with my horse in my room." "Sure I'll be up there in a minute." Jr. took off to the room.

Michael turn back towards Glinda they stayed quiet as the look at each other. "I don't know why I ever met you." Michael started smiling and laughing. Glinda stared at him in disgust," Nothing funny, you mess up everything for me." He then stop and got serious.

"First off it takes two to have sex and make a baby, second you didn't like him at first." Glinda was now up and pissed," Yea but he taught me how to love and I learn, and your stupid ass mess that up for me." Michael stood so they can be eye to eye," I honestly don't give a damn about you and who you love, you was just for fun. Also that love shit you tryna sell I aint buying it because you was with me first not Charles." With that he walk out the room and up stairs to his son.

Glinda started crying she hated this man with all her heart, but what could she do. Her phone started ringing and she answered it without looking.

"Hello....Charles please calm down...... just listen to me............I'm sorry I told him no but he wanted to see his grandson.....I know I know please just stay cool for our son......You will....ok and I promise I would-" She look at the phone and saw that he hung up. Glinda rub her eyes relieved that Charles would let him come as long as no funny business was going on.

"Mommy come play with us." Glinda look up to Jr. smiling holding his truck. "Ok baby here I come." They ran up the stairs getting all the trucks out.


Dennis sat at the table wondering should he call. He shook his head as he threw the phone on the table and rub his face. "Still being stubborn." He look to his mom standing in the door way with her hands on her hips. "Mom you got another lecture now."

"Careful boy I might be old but that don't mean shit to me." Dennis chuckle at that. His mother was crazy but she loved hard. "Why!! Why Dennis!! Dee is growing up and its hard I know because I didn't want you to go, but that don't mean when it gets hard you stop. You are not being a man right now because a man would have stayed and handled his business."

Dennis held his hand up, "What boy."" I know mom I just need some time to think, and Dee I just cant believe she keeping things away from me. Then Camila right behind her like I just don't have no say. That man Charles I've heard a lot about him and I've seen him around, but I never thought he would be with my baby girl and then get her knock up."

Etha rub her temples, "Please Dennis stop saying that or it will happen, and if she is well talk to her. You acting like yall struggling and she out all day everyday on the corner. She make good grades, friends to the community, hard worker, and a leader. What more do you want, if she messes up she is gonna learn from it."

Dennis nodded as he listen to his mother, "Mom I'm so happy to have you and dad." She came over and hug him. She kissed his forehead as he held on to her," Baby maybe you need to think about going to anger management." He look up at her like she crazy," No I don't need nobody to tell me how I need to do things I'm my own person." Etha shook her head "Lord he so stubborn but he is going to learn one day," she thought to her self.


Camila sat on the couch watching Tyler Perry The Have and Have Nots. This was her favorite show and she couldn't wait for the new episode tonight. "Dee its almost time." Dee came from the back stretching. "Ok I'm here." She grab the carton of ice cream from her mom. It went on commercial an Camila took this as her chance to talk. "Baby did you finally agree on staying close and just go to that hair school down town."

Dee cringed at the thought, "Yea mom I guess you right." She let her head hang low. Camila grab her chin and lift her face to hers as she look her into her eyes. "Baby I know you wanted to go to Duplair, but you made a choice so now you have to do what's best for the baby." Dee nodded.

They turned back in time to see the tv show coming back on. "Aight now baby you know I would sit here and talk to you and help you, but I gotta see what's gonna happen to Candace and Jeffery." Dee laugh as they continued to watch tv.

Kevin came back ten minutes later, and he saw them watching tv already knowing not to disturb. He kept on to the back calling this girl at school. Her name is Miya and she was light skinned. She had short hair and a thin frame. She was very tall and shy, and she was the cheerleader co captain.

It rang a few times before she answered, "I didn't think you was gonna call early Kev." He started smiling to his self as used his deep voice. "Yea bae I had to make sure that you was mine and mine only." She giggled in the phone. They talk on the phone for what seem like forever.

He had to close the door because Dee and his mom was killing him with all that yelling. "Why they yelling like that," she ask laughing into the phone. "Mane they talking about the police at Candace house." She laugh harder," See that's why I don't watch it because it is to serious for me."

"I'm surprised you aint watching it, you a girl you should be the main one." Miya stop laughing, "Uh uh boys watch it too they be the main ones, in fact my stupid ass cousin watching it now." Kevin started laughing," Mane I'm not really down for watching tv like that I just play games." They kept talking for like a hour. "Taye leave me alone damn."

"Who Taye." "My stupid cousin." He heard of that name before but he just brushed it off. Dee came knocking at the door, "We going out to eat in thirty minutes." He nodded as he ended the phone call with Miya. "Aight bae I'll talk to you later." "Ok bye Kev." They hung up and Kevin started putting some cloths on.

Sorry for mistakes.

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