Sisters and Mothers

Dee look around the fridge for something to eat when she heard her phone ringing. She walk over to the table rubbing her little baby bump. "Hello." "Hey girl wanna go out somewhere." Dee look around the empty house and thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to go out.

"Yea where." "Ion know maybe to club Kax, a nigga need some hot wings." Dee chuckled. Its times like this where she loved Sharesse like a sister. "Ok come get me in a hour." Dee hung up and went to go find something comfortable.

She decide to wear a poke a dot sundress with some black sandals. She stared at herself in the mirror, "Shiid, who I'm trying to impress. The only person I wanna look good for is Chuck" Dee gasp and covered her mouth. She stared at her self and couldn't believe she said that.

"Am I falling for Chuck again," She thought to herself. She then felt guilty because she wanted Charles not Chuck. Her phone vibrated two times. She look at it and her heart drop.

Chuck-How my babies doing

Charles-Hey baby I miss you so much. I will be calling you later

Dee didn't know what to do. Both men that she felt some type of way with was falling for her so hard. She didn't want to play them but she couldn't say no to both of them. Chuck is her baby's father, but Charles is who she wanted to be with for years.

Her phone vibrated again and she look to see another text from Chuck.

Chuck-Baby you good right?


Chuck-What wrong ma

Dee-Me and the baby is ok but I told you about calling me baby

Chuck-Dee stop with all that shit I told you that you are my girl forever....fuck that nigga Charles

Dee-Bye Chuck

Chuck-What you finna do

Dee-Clubing with my friend


Dee-Nigga chill we going out to listen to music and eat. Damn why would I drink while pregnant

Chuck-Who is your friend Dee

Dee-Sharesse, you should know her since yall was talking and shit that day we was at the clinic

Dee waited on a text back but didn't get it. She was starting to get irritated and wanted to know why they got each other number. She text him again, but still no reply. She heard a car horn outside and she sighed.

She grab her bag and left out her room heading to the front. She turn all the lights off and went out the door locking it. "Guh hurry up hell I'm hungry." Dee shook her head as she rounded the car and got in.

"You should be the one pregnant hell." Sharesse quickly laugh and shook her head, "Guh you so funny you love playing." Sharesse started riding down the road when her phone ring.

"Hello." Dee look over at her and look right into her face. Sharesse quickly turn her head towards the road. Dee furrowed her eyebrows and tried to listen to the other person talk. She couldn't hear that good but she could hear a male voice saying her name. Her eyes widened as she look back at Sharesse.

Who is really ignoring her now. "Uh well sorry about that but look people in that condition need fun too,they cant just stay lock up looking up a wall." She tried to listen but gave up starting to get pissed.

"If that nigga is fooling with my girl we gon have a problem." she said to herself. Dee soon turned the radio up on purpose making Sharesse tell the caller she will call them later. "Who was that."

Sharesse shook her head as she dance in her seat to Jimmy Choo. Dee didn't even push it she just rap along with Fetty. It took another forty minutes and they was there. The line wasn't even long so they got out and headed over there.

"Son is you ready to go now." Floyd ask Dennis as they sat at the table eating diner. "Yea ima be leaving soon." Floyd nodded as they ate their chicken and rice in peace. Etha finish before them and she went to go sit her dishes in the sink.

She went back over and sat down, but this town she was position where her and Dennis was face to face. He was eating with his head down, but then he look up to grab his soda and saw her. "Mom what is it now." Floyd shot him a look, "Sorry, I mean are you ok." 

She nodded, "Yea baby I'm good. How is my grandbabies you have been calling and checking in right." Dennis drop his head again eating. Etha shook her head as she got up. "I'll be in the living room." "Ok sweetheart." Floyd said as he kissed her cheek.

He then grab his dishes and Dennis and put them in the sink. "Why you haven't call Dennis." "Because I'm coming back soon and I wanted to surprise them." Floyd shook his head and sat down, "No, even though it might be nice to see how happy they is to see you, you need to still call." Dennis got up and walk out the kitchen.

He went up stairs and to his room and closed the door. He would've slammed it but he don't want to get slaughtered by his parents. He knew he was leaving soon because each day that wet by made him feel worse.

He couldn't wait to be home in the same bed with his wife,and in the kitchen eating with his kids. Just being home with his family he made will make him feel complete. He wanted to call but wouldn't it be more fun to surprise them.

He decided to call but now he was afraid to. He called Camila and it went straight to voicemail. He thought she might've been  sleeping. Then he called Kevin, it ring a few times then it went to voicemail. He then prepared his self for Dee. He dial her number and pressed call.

"Hello.." Dennis felt a lump in his throat. "Umm... Hey baby girl." It was a long pause then he realized it was music playing in the back ground. "Helloooo," "Baby girl its me where are you." Dee hung up the phone. Dennis look down at his phone puzzled.

He call again about two more times, and it went straight to voicemail. He rub his face feeling irritated. "What's wrong now son." He didnt say nothing he just walk over to the closet getting his suit case out. "Son what are you doing." 

He sighed putting his cloths in, "Pops Camila and Kevin wont answer and Dee pick up, but I guess she couldn't hear me over that loud ass music cause she hung up. Then when I call back it went to voicemail." Floyd nodded, "So what you trying to do."

"Hell I'm going home. I leave for a week or two and they already doing God knows what." Floyd smiled drop at his son. He thought his son was going for the right reason but he thought wrong.

"Damn Dennis can you just think straight for once." Dennis look at him like he was crazy. "My wife and son is not answering, and my daughter is out with loud music playing doing-" "Shut up Dennis, Please shut the hell up. Your daughter could be out with that Shay girl, and as for your wife and son they could be spending time together and don't wanna be bothered."

Dennis stood there lost for words. He chuckled a little, "Yea, yea, yea your right. My bad." "Son forget about your bad, you need to go get some help with that temper of yours." Floyd pulled a chair out and sat down, "Look at me." Dennis look over to his father and saw how concern he was. He saw the sympathetic look he gave him.

"You need to calm down with that temper of yours. You can kill your self like that. Don't work your self up like that because as a parent you suppose to see me leave first not the other way around." Dennis wave him off, "Dad I don't wanna talk about death because that's waaaayyy ahead of us."

Floyd snap his head up, "Nonsense, anyone could die at any moment. I don't know what they telling you down there in Arizona but you need to listen to your old man." Dennis shook his head not really caring. He knew he was in good shape and healthy, so death aint gon happen to him.


You used to call me on my

You used to, you used to


You used to call me on my cell phone

Late night when you need my love

Call me on my cell phone

Late night when you need my love

And I know when that hotline bling

That can only mean one thing

I know when that hotline bling

That can only mean one thing

"Guh, this the song." Dee was on the floor rolling looking at Sharesse dance like drake. "Hell nawl I'll rather watch him." Sharesse was on the dance floor getting her groove on. "LATE NIGHT WHEN YOU NEED MY LOVE!!" Dee had tears falling, "Guh come sit yo ass down."

Sharesse walk back to the table laughing. "I'm glad you relaxing Dee you actually do need this." Dee calm her self down, "Thanks and you really is right." Soon Planes by Jeremih came on and Sharesse was dancing in her seat. "Mane Dot need to be here."

"Oh shut up, I don't wanna talk about men." Sharesse took a sip of her pink lemonade. "Why not we always do." "Yea well not tonight, Chuck is annoying, Charles always busy, and my dad just got through playing on the phone so I turned it off." "What you mean playing."

"Well hell I answered, but he didn't say nothing he probably just calling trying to see what im doing." Sharesse shook her head, "Well no more about men lets just eat." "Damn girl we ate two hours ago." Sharesse pointed to the dance floor, "You see that right there.....that will have a nigga hungry after they bust one move."

She called a waiter over and ask for a cheeseburger. The lady ask Dee did she wanted anything and she ask for a Philly Steak and Cheese on the go. As the waiter walk off Dee look over at Sharesse. She was eating the chips and salsa like it wasn't nothing. "Yo ass acting like I was when I didn't know I was pregnant."

Sharesse eyes widen and she chuckled nervously, "Guh no, not me." Dee shook her head, "I don't care what you say you better go take a test and see. I was the same way and look at my ass." Things got silent at the table and the waiter brought their food to the table.

Once she left Sharesse thought she should gon head and tell Dee. "Dee." She look up a her pinching off her sandwich, "What." "I don't think I'm pregnant I know I am." Dee slowly nodded. She look away then back at her friend, "I know we best friends and all but how did we both end up in this position."

Sharesse shrug her shoulders, "Dot wanted a baby." "So he could've waited for you to finish college and everything." "Yea but I don't think it would be bad. He moving closer to the college so I can stay with him." Dee heart then drop, "Your mom still gonna let you go."

"Well she don't know and I might tell her when I make it there." "No girl tell her now, do you really want to go through all that bull shit about not telling her." She sighed not she was telling the truth.

"Dee yea but if I tell her my dad gon make me get an abortion, and Dot as gon be pissed." Dee gasp, "Do you really think he will kill your baby." "Hell yea then he gon be my ass." Dee eyes watered up and look down at her hands folded in her lap.

"Dee its ok I'm just gonna do it like me and Dot plan, I guess we will be sisters and mothers." Dee wipe her tears away and they laugh together hugging each other. "Come on lets go."

The ride back was silent except for the radio playing The Worst. Dee let the song sink into her as she thought about Chuck and her relationship. She closed her eyes letting it take over her body.

And though

I don't need you [x4]

I still want you

I don't mean to [x4]

But I, but I love you

I don't need you [x4]

But I want you

I don't mean to [x4]

But I love you

She open her eyes again as it went off. She look up to see they was four blocks away from her eyes. "Dee, I cant believe we going to be mothers." Dee smiled a little, "Yea we was in school a few weeks ago." Soon they was pulling up in front of the house.

Before Dee could get out Sharesse grab her arm, "Why you haven't told Charles." Dee was caught off guard with the question, "What you talking about." "Why you haven't told Charles about the baby with Chuck."

Dee rolled her eyes, "Didn't I say we not gonna talk about men tonight." "Yes, but Charles should know." "OK girl dang I got it." Sharesse put her hands up in defense, "Ok my bad I'm just saying he should, I know you really like him."

Dee rolled her eyes and got out the car before she could close the doo Sharesse said something that caught her attention. "Dee you and Chuck should be together I heard he really is in love with you, and this baby really did it for him."

Dee laughed, "I want Charles, and me and Chuck gon be friends for the baby." With that Dee closed the door and went into the house. Kevin was watching tv with Camila. "Hey big head."

"Sup baby mama." He started laughing as Dee punch him in the arm. "Hey momma." She leaned over and kissed her cheek, "Hey baby did you have fun." Dee wanted to say Sharesse was pregnant but she decided not to. "Good, oh and dad call but he didn't say nothing so I turn my phone off."

Camila nodded, "Yeah he called us too but I'll just call back tomorrow morning." Dee flop down on the couch and started rubbing her belly. "Kevin gon head and go get in the bed me and Dee have to talk."

Kevin groaned getting up and left. Dee continued watching tv until Camila turn it off. "Yes mother." She sat from across Dee and stared at her. "So I know you going to be going to that hair school downtown, and every thing is good with you and Chuck." Dee nodded wondering where is her mother trying to get at.

"Well how does Charles feel about it." Dee snap back up, "What you mean? Did you say something? What did he say?" Camila look at her like she was crazy, "You mean to tell me that that man don't know the girl he really do care about is pregnant by another man!!"

"Mom I know its bad but I just don't know how to tell him with out him leaving me." Camila got up and paced the floor. Every once in a while she would stop and just shake her head at Dee.

She eventually stop and went to go sit beside Dee, "Listen, this man is into to you and he really wants you, the least you could do is inform him about it. Cause if you don't, your plate is gonna be a full motherfucker." Dee laugh and then Camila, "I know Sharesse just got through telling me."

"Good now you know how important this is. Now I gotta go get in the bed for tomorrow." They both went off to their room. Dee check her phone seeing that she had missed calls and text messages. She was happy until she look to see that it was all from Chuck.

She felt so gloomy and wanted Charles attention. Though the only person who could give her the attention she wanted was Chuck. She soon fell asleep on her side holding her phone.

Sorry for mistakes.

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