Painful Words
"OH MY GOD DEE!!" Camila was in tears as she walk over to her daughter who was laying in a puddle of blood. "DEE BABY DEEEEEEEE!!!" Camila was screaming to the top of her lungs. Soon neighbors was coming out.
"DEE PLEASE STAY WITH ME!!" Sharesse said through tears. Kevin was soon off Dennis and was running over to Dee. He cursed under his breath as he held his sister body in his arms. She was going in out, "DENNIS DONT JUST STAND YOUR ASS THERE. CALL THE POLICE." Dennis struggle to get his phone out, but he soon was on the phone.
"CHUCK!!" Everyone soon was looking over at Chuck who seem unconscious. "AYE MAN CHUCK." Chuck didn't reply. "FUCK!" Kevin was now pissed the fuck off. He got on his phone and called all the boys and let them know whats up. Everyone was getting strap ready to go find Taye. Angry wasn't even the word to describe how everyone felt.
Soon police lights and the ambulance was there. Rushing out they all went over to where Dee was since there was chance of her living. "Ma'am." Dee couldn't say anything she just stared at the man. Once they got her in another ambulance was pulling up.
They was all surrounding Chuck as Dee was going to the hospital with Camila inside and Dennis following. Kevin then felt tears fall from his eyes. He prayed that his sister and her baby was ok, and his new friend Chuck was too. "He is still breathing, but we are leaving now so he can make it."
Kevin nodded as Sebastian and them pulled up, "Yo follow them they said Chuck still breathing." They all nodded as Tez sped down the rode right behind the ambulance.
Mom-Dee full awake and they taking her into surgery. My baby was shot twice.
Kev-Mom stay cool we are on our way.
Mom-We all sitting in the lobby because we couldn't go back there
Kevin sighed he wasn't the one to do the fighting and killing, but now he thinks he have to go make a point out here on these streets. They made it to the hospital and was right behind them until they told him he have to wait until they was done with surgery. He didn't even fight it he just went to the front of the building looking for everyone
He look up and down and all around but still nothing. "Fuck man," he wasn't gon search for no one, so he decided to call. "Is everything ok why haven't you showed up." "Mom I am here I'm in the lobby looking for you." Camila frowned and shook her head. "Baby its just us and three other people in this lobby now."
Kevin look around and the lobby he was in was pack. "Mom where I'm at its pack." "Well where the hell you at because where I'm at its barely somebody in here." Kevin sighed feeling very frustrated. He held her on the phone and ask the lady where Diamond Long family is at. The woman was confused and told him there was no Diamond Long brought in.
"Are you sure ma because my folks says there here." The nursed nodded smiling like a damn fool. He walk back over to the front of the building and look out the window. He look over at the big sign that said "Thornberry Hospital." "Mom is you at Thornberry Hospital." "No we at Rolandell Hospital." "Damn mom."
Camila was tired of playing the guessing game, "Would you please tell me what the hell is going on and why I don't see you." "Mom we at Thornberry." "WHAT!!" He walk back over to Tez and ask him did they hear anything. "Nawl dawg," he nodded and was back on the phone with Camila, "Well what all they told you mom."
"Nothing but when I was in the back of the ambulance they told me she look like she been shot twice. When we made it here they quickly took her away." "Well they didn't tell us nothing either except he was breathing." Camila nodded as if he could see her. "Well I got to go, I have to let Charles know what happen." "No mom not at this time, at least wait." "Ok."
2 hours has passed and Camila and them was now approached bye a nice older looking woman. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Kingston is you the family of Diamond Long." Camila said hey and introduce everyone else to her. The nurse was flipping through some papers before talking. "Diamond Long is doing ok right now, but she is sleep and she should be up later on. Now she will be in a lot of pain for a while, but she should be better. "
"How bad was it." Dennis managed to say through his raspy voice. "Well she was shot through her left shoulder and side." Dennis shook his head and slouched back down in his chair. He knew he messed up big time, but he was thankful that his baby girl was ok. His family would be the death of him, but he didn't care because he loved them and would do anything for them.
"I can't believe she got shot." Sharesse said hugging her self. Camila walk over to her and pulled her into a loving hug. Sharesse silently cried as Camila rock her and held her head in her neck. "Shhh baby, Dee is ok now. God took care of everything. He said he wasn't ready for her yet so he let her stay." Sharesse cried harder as she nodded.
Dennis couldn't take this and them crying was making it very unbearable. He excused his self and went to a bathroom and stared at his self in the mirror. His face was red and had scratches. He had a long cut on his forehead and his eye began to swell up. His hands and all over his body was hurting, but nothing hurted worse then his heart.
It takes so much for you to see your child almost die in front of you. It hurts even worse if your last words was harsh to them. He started to tear up soon coughing like he was choking. "Dennis," he look towards the door. "Come out." He smiled at the sound of Camila voice, but that all change when the bathroom door swung up and there stood Floyd.
If looks could kill he would be one dead motherfucker. "I TOLD YOU, I COULDVE SWORN I TOLD YO ASS." Dennis swallowed hard at the sight of his now upset father. "I-I-m sorry-" "SORRY CAN'T FIX THIS." Dennis wiped the rest of his tears away pacing the floor. "All you had to do was listen to her, but instead you call her a hoe and beat your son. I never raised you to be that type of person."
Floyd look so hurt by the news he had of his granddaughter shot almost to death. He shook his head and walk out the door. "I need some air." Etha look at her son and she saw the scratches and bruises from the fight he had with Kevin.
"This is not your fault so I'm not gonna take my anger out on you, but what you said to Dee wasn't even called for. Your daughter will make mistakes and she will learn from it, but as a father you are not to leave her standing she is still learning and need a male figure in her life. I'm glad my baby is ok because if she didn't I can't even imagine how things would be."
He broke the stare he had with his mom and started to tear up again. "Mom I know I messed up and I was working on my anger, but at that moment when she told she was pregnant and by that sorry motherfucker-" "Dennis just be quiet how about that." He look at his mom confused, "What I say." She look at him with pity and step away from the door.
Kevin and them finally was greeted by this creepy looking doctor. "Hi I'm Mark and you must be the family of Chuck Williams." "Nawl we friends," The doctor nodded, "Well I just wanted to say surgery went great, but after surgery he went into a coma. Now I don't know when he is waking up, but you can go in and talk to him. The only thing we could do now is hope that he wakes up." Everyone sighed and nodded.
Kevin took his phone out and called Camila, "Mom how is Dee." "She is out of surgery and is doing better they said she should be up later, and how is Chuck." He shook his head thinking this is all so surreal, "Mom he is in a coma." The line went quiet before she told him everything will be ok. They talk for awhile until Camila said that the doctor wanted to speak to her.
Once he got off the phone he went towards Chuck room. He took a deep breathe slowly making his way in. Once he was all the way in he look towards the bed. His eyes watered at the sight of Chuck sitting with his neck cask on. He took a seat and sat by the bed staring at Chuck.
"Yo man I don't know if you can hear me, but I just want to say I will and I am going to be paying Taye a visit. I don't even like to see you in this position mane, and Dee. She made it out of surgery and she is ok. She was shot twice." Kevin started to cry as he speak to Chuck, "Mane I hate to face the fact that she was shot, and she pregnant. Don't worry man ima make sure this is taking care of. You Dee and my little nephew gon be ok." He then stood from the bed and made his way out the room.
Dee eyes slowly open and she soon flew up instantly regretting it. "OOOWWWW!!!" "DEE LAY BACK DOWN, OK." Dee did as told trying to see who that was. Once she was situated she saw Sharesse standing there. She smiled at her and Dee tried to smiled back, but couldn't because she was aching from pain.
"Dee please don't raise up like that no more. The doctor said you gon be in pain for awhile." Dee nodded and thought about what all happen. She look down at where the pain was more at and bandages and a cast on her arm. "H-h-how m-many t-times." She tried to say without crying from pain. "Two," Dee look at her in disbelief and closed her eyes crying softly.
She started to rub her belly since it became an habit to her. She then grab her belly, "MY BABY, SHARESSE WHERES MY BABY!!" Sharesse started to shush her, but it didn't do nothing. Soon everyone and the doctor came in. Sharesse look up and saw a pissed off and concern Charles.
"Ms. Long what is wrong." Everyone got quiet waiting on her to say something. "My baby where is my baby." Charles step up, "I'm here Dee calm down." Even though this was a sad moment Sharesse almost laugh so she turned her back.
Dee stared into Charles face and smiled, he still look as handsome as ever. "Charles," He smiled at her reaching for her hand. "Its ok baby I'm here." Dennis started to cleared his throat but was soon slap by Etha. She glared at him and look back at Dee. "Ms. Long your baby is ok." Charles look at her funny and started laughing.
Dee didn't say nothing she just stared at him. "OK thank you doctor." "NO!" Everyone look at Camila, "Dee you need to tell Charles before I tell him or Mrs. Kingston do." Charles look back at Dee. She lick her lips and sighed, "I'm pregnant."
Charles eyes grew at the sound of pregnant and he then shook his head looking over at Dennis. "No she not, she lying I didn't get her pregnant. Dee quit playing." At that moment Sharesse couldn't hold it any longer, and started chuckling. Camila gave him a sly smile, "We know you didn't but someone else did."
"Charles I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I just didn't want to you to stop talking to me." Charles shook his head, "Yo you cant be pregnant Dee." "I am Charles I'm almost 5 months." She pulled the sheets back with her free arm and rubbed her baby bump. "I'm so sorry Charles."
Charles stared at her stomach as she rub it. "So you been pregnant this whole time and didn't tell me." Dee eyes watered up again as she nodded. He didn't say anything else to her. He kissed her cheek and left out the room. After that Dee was now in tears, "Dee I told you to tell him a long time ago." Camila said sitting beside her bed.
"I still want him, it just that with me being pregnant with the baby Chuck hasn't been-" she then stop midsentence. She look around the room and back at her mom, "Where's Chuck." Camila tighten her grip on Dee hand, "He um..... at Thornberry Hospital." "Well where am I."
Camila shook her head, "Rolandell, for some reason when you guys was pick up by the ambulance they separated both of you. Kevin went with him and we all went with you, and he thought we was going to the same place but we didn't." Dee felt even more sad, "How bad was it for him."
"He was shot once I don't know where, but when he left surgery he went into a coma." Dee mouth fell open and her heart started aching. "He what," she said through in a low whisper. "He is in a coma baby,"
Dee laid back down and turned her head little. The pain she was getting from her side and shoulder was even compared to heart. "I wanna see him," Etha step over to her. "Baby the condition you are in right now, you gon have to wait that request out for awhile ok." Dee nodded, "Its ok as long as I see him." Everyone agreed with her soon Dee fell dozing off on them.
Dennis walk over and kissed her cheek and rub her hand with his thumb. He whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry baby girl for what I said, but please don't believe anything I said. That was just anger talking, I love you too much and you never ever disappointed me." Dee smiled a little and instantly went to sleep.
Sorry for mistakes. Not sure what I should do next but its coming. I hope you all is enjoying Dee, and please go check out my other book Baby Girl Knows Best.
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