Maybe Its Time
As they got closer to the house the blue lights grew. Dee tighten her grip on Chuck's hand. "Baby stay calm for me your mother is alright." She nodded as he pulled over across the street. Dee spotted her mother and ran over to her. "MOM!" Camila jump at the sound of her daughter's voice, "Baby I'm so happy to see you."
They held on to each other as if their life depends on it. "Hey Mrs. Long," Sharesse said sweetly hugging her. "Hey sweetie." Chuck didnt even speak he just pulled her into a big hug. He whispered in her ear, "Its ok Mrs. Long we are here now, and I promise to handle whoever did this." Camila pulled away to stare into his eyes and she smiled.
"I cant believe you would do that for me." Chuck shook his head, "No Mrs. Long I'm doing this for your family, especially now that you are the grandmother of my child." Camila caress his cheek, "Even though you do bad things you still have a big heart, and this is your family just as much as it is mine now."
Dee stood there and she was crying, but it was only tears of joy. She actually loved the sight of her mother and the father of her unborn child getting along. Camila step back and took in the look of Chuck. He was dark skin with some long thick braids. His body was built, but she seen better. He had a good height on him, and he had a handsome face.
She smiled at him. She then thought of Charles, and instantly she remember that it was him that she wanted for her daughter. Here it was both men that was good for her daughter, but one is who she really wanted and the other one is her baby's father. She look back over to where Dee was standing, but she didn't see her.
"What's wrong Mrs. Long," She look back at Chuck, "Where did Dee go." "Oh she said she was going to go look at the house with Sharesse." Camila nodded but she then started shaking at the incident that just happen. Chuck saw how scared she was and pulled her into a nice, warm, and tight hug.
"Its ok Mrs. Long, I will be getting to the bottom of this." Camila pulled back, "As good as that sound, I really don't need you to do that." Chuck face was now holding a stern look, "Why." She shook her head thinking of what all could happen if he added more fuel to the fire.
"We don't want more trouble." Dee and Sharesse was coming back out the house. "Mrs. Long no disrespect, but I don't give a damn about that, I want to help you and your family before someone is hurt." "And that's exactly why I say don't do anything Chuck." Chuck didn't say nothing because he knew he was going to go pay Taye a visit real soon.
"Mom that man over there wanna speak to you." Dee said pointing. Camila smack her hand down and look at her hard, "What I tell you about pointing." Dee rolled her eyes as she sighed, "Dee I'm already pissed off make me slap the piss out of you in front of these folks." Dee didn't bulge and Camila turn around and walk over to the man.
Chuck held his laughter in till Camila was on the other side of the yard. Dee punch him in his chest, "Oh so its funny huh, lets see how funny it will be when my daddy see you." She crossed her arms and stared back at him with a smirk.
He laugh a little, "Yo pops gon like me you will never know." "Boy please, my dad don't like you at all especially since he hear only bad things about you, and know what you be doing." she whispered to him. They heard a car coming down the road and it look like Sebastian's. It stop in front of the house.
Kevin got out with a stoic look on his face. He search for everyone and Dee held her hand up and waited for Kevin. He spotted her and ran over to them, "Yo man what happen." Dee hug him tightly, "Someone trash our house Kevin."
His face turn red as he look over at Chuck, "Who did this Chuck." "That nigga I been telling yall about in the meeting." Kevin shook his head as he walk over to his mom. Dee quickly turn around, "Chuck you gon have to go now."
He look at her like she was crazy, "Nawl I aint going no where." Dee rolled her eyes, "Yo Dee what I told you about rolling them damn eyes of yours, you been doing that shit a lot lately." "Please Chuck my dad gon be home soon please go." He then was shock at how scared she was of letting her dad see him, but she jump for the chance of him meeting Charles.
"Oh so if I was Charles-" "I will still tell you to go, now stop and leave for now." He couldn't believe her. Here it is her family is in trouble and he is tryna help, but she is refusing it because she too scared to tell her dad the truth. Camila walk over to them with a faint smile.
"Mom please tell him he have to go before dad comes." Camila sighed heavily and shook her head, "Dee stop being selfish and at least let your father see Chuck in person." Chuck was mugging Dee and she kinda felt bad. "Ok," She said quietly. Chuck wave her off, "Its aight, I aint good enough she needs pretty boy here."
Dee wanted to say something but stop her self. Chuck walk back over to his car, "Dee I don't know whats going through that big head of yours, but cant you see you hurt his feelings." Dee nodded and rub her hands together. She look over at Chuck and he was already getting in the car.
She power walk all the way over there just in time. She knock on his window and he ignored her. She kept hitting his window till he look over at her and glared. "I'm sorry Chuck." His eyes was red as ever and he was tightening his grip on the wheel as he stared at her.
She hurriedly walk over to his side and open his door, "Chuck-" "Shut up." She didn't want to fight it so she was quiet. Chuck was getting more irritated till he started beating the steering wheel. Dee was startled a little and move back.
His eyes was glossy and so was hers, "Why you don't love me anymore Dee." "Chuck I really did like you honestly, but you was the one who kept pushing me away and ignoring me. I cant help that you lost interest in me and another man gain it." He shook his head, "I never lost interest in you, hell ever day I was falling deeper in love with you. Now you the mother of my child and you haven't even spoke about us and the baby to your dad, but for some reason you can introduce another man to him."
"Chuck I thought you wasn't into me anymore. Charles wanted me and he is friends with the family and I'm friends with his family. I didn't know I would be pregnant if I did I would've stay with you and kept trying to make us work." Chuck held his head in his hands, "Do you like him more than me." "Actually I don't."
He look back over at her and saw she was serious, "Why? Did he do anything to you." Dee shook her head, "At first I like him more than I ever did with you, but when we start getting back close, he would try and be romantic, but I realized that I don't feel the same with you." Chuck laugh a little, "Baby I'm Chuck, the one and only, can't no one be like me."
Dee laugh with him as he got back out. He pulled her close and kissed her cheek, "Dee I'm sorry for making you feel so abandon, but Dee I swear on my grandma I love you and I wasn't planning on letting you go and I still feel that way." She look up at him and he gave her a smile.
She felt so happy at that moment, and didn't care what no one said about it. She leaned forward and gave him a long passionate kiss. Camila stood off looking at them smiling. She knew Dee had to make a hard choice, but at this point she just wanted Dee to be happy and its clear that Chuck makes her happier.
She look over and saw Dennis pulling up in his truck. He jumped out walking over to her. He hug and squeeze her, "Baby I'm sorry I couldn't get here faster." Camila nodded, "Its ok baby the fact that you are here is enough." He pulled back and look over her, "Did they hurt you."
"No Dennis I'm fine." He nodded, "Good where are the kids." She pointed over to where Chuck car was. "They over there with their friends." A scowl appeared on his face instantly, "They ass over there with friends when they should be over her keeping you comfortable." Camila had to hurry up and cool him down especially since he finna meet Chuck.
"No Dennis they did already, and I told them to go over there while I talk with the police and detective." Dennis calm down and he look more closely at who Dee was hugging. He couldn't see the face just the side. "Excuse me."
They both look back at the detective. "Yes." He cleared his throat as he began to tell them about what him and the police concluded. While they talk they didn't notice that Taye and his boys was a block down staring at them.
Dee grab Chuck hand, "Well I guess I'll go introduce you to my dad." "You sure Dee," "Well its now or later." She said rubbing her stomach. You couldn't really see since she had one of her favorite baggy shirts on.
"Now Dee you my girl and all, but I dont know about this." Sharesse said looking at her with a concern look. "He gon find out anyway so I might as well tell him now." "What exactly is you going to say." Chuck look at her and frown at how she was in deep thought, "Damn Dee just go over there and tell him wassup. You acting like you finna take a test."
Dee inhaled and exhaled and mentally motivated herself. "Your right Chuck lets go." Kevin knew once Dee tell their father he might as well step up and tell his secret too. "Dee," She look back over her shoulder at Kevin, "Huh."
"When you tell him, ima tell him what I been doing these past couple of months." Dee smiled and gave him a tight hug. They all grab hands and walk over to them. As they was walking over there the police was getting in their cars leaving.
Dennis held Camila close whispering in her ear. "Dad," Dee and Kevin said at the same time. He look up and smiled. He motion for them to come over and have a family hug. Dee slowly walk over to them. Camila was smiling a little because she was ready for Dee to tell him.
Once they hug which seem like forever they all step back. Dennis smile was wide as he look at his small family, "God I love you all." They all laugh and smiled. Dennis smile was soon fading once he look into the eyes of Chuck Williams.
He furrowed his eyes as he stared him up and down. Chuck just stood there with his head held up high. "May I help you son." Chuck chuckled a little to his self, "Dad I need to tell you something." His heart beat begin to quicken a little as he waited on what Dee had to say, but not once did his eyes leave Chuck.
"Me and Chuck use to be in a relationship together." Dennis and Chuck turn their heads looking at her like she was crazy. "And I was happy with him, but I knew you and mom wouldn't approve so I never told anyone, not even Kevin or Sharesse." Dennis bawled his fist up and let his head hang low.
"Dee I thought you was into that man Charles." She step up to him with her hands on his chest, "Yes I do because I'm not in a relationship and he likes me too." Chuck cleared his voice. "Dee out of all the men you could be with you choose this motherfucker." He said pointing at Chuck
Chuck was offended and it didn't take much to get him angry so he tried to let that slip. "Dad I know you upset a little-" "A LITTLE." She then step back knowing how crazy he can get. Camila then step in, "Listen to her now she has something important to say."
Dennis shook his head, "Oh so you ok with her going with this criminal. Someone who gon beat her every day and pimp her to his friends. Someone who would put all of us in danger and wouldn't give two shits about it. You want her with someone who doesn't have respect for his damn self." Chuck soon was on edge, "Aye man-" "Don't you aye man me, in fact don't say shit too me."
"Dad just let me finish talking to you." He look back at her, "Dee why you like disappointing me." Dee stood there motionless as her eyes watered. "Daddy I never disappointed you." "YES YOU DO. YOU ALWAYS DO." She stood there staring at him as tears poured down her cheeks.
"Dennis don't say that, now you apologized." "For what. She the one bringing a thug up in my house." Chuck walk over and brought Dee into a hug as she cried in his arms, "WHY THE HELL YOU ALWAYS OVEREACT. WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND LIKE ME AND NEVER JUDGE. I NEVER JUDGE YOU."
Kevin stood there taking it all in. "Well since Dee disappoint you so bad I know where I stand." Dennis didn't say nothing as he watch his son. "Since Dee told you half her story I'm just gonna keep it real with you." Everyone got quiet before he spoke up again. "For the past few months I've been selling drugs and going over to the trap house with Chuck."
Dennis was then huffing and puffing as he walk over to Chuck. "Listen I don't want no problems. I'm just here to comfort my baby and her family." Dennis walk away from everyone and back close to the driveway. "Where did I go wrong with you two." He look over at Camila, "And why didn't you tell me."
Camila gave him a stern look, "Because they are old enough to tell you their damn selves, plus when things don't go your way this happens." she glare at him as she pointed over to Dee who was now crying on her knees in Chuck arms. "WOMAN I DONT CARE, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL GOES ON AROUND HERE." Camila walk back and chuckled. "Watch who you talking to because its easy to loose everything in one minute."
He look back over at Chuck, "So I guess ima be seeing more of you huh?" Chuck help Dee up as her cries subsided. "Ironically yes, especially these next 18 years." Dennis stood there speechless, "What does that suppose to mean." "You should know since your ass know everything." Camila said.
"DEE!!" He yelled over to her but she ignored him, "Take me into the house." Chuck nodded as he held her arm. "Pops one day you-" "I don't wanna hear that shit. Since you know more than me then get your things and leave. Now I said Dee." She look back over at him, "WHAT!!"
"Is you pregnant by this fool." "In fact yes, yes I am and if you don't like it oh well. Its time I stop caring about how you feel anyway and focus more on how me and my baby feel." She lifted her shirt up rubbing her baby bump showing her dad. Tears filled his eyes, "So you lied to me."
"No if you never ran off then you would've found out like the rest of us did." "Oh so its my fault that you sleeping around and got pregnant." Those words cut Dee deep as she went ballistic. Kevin was now in his Dennis face, "What you wanna-" he was cut off by Kevin punch.
Sharesse and Chuck was trying to keep Dee calm while Camila try to get Kevin off Dennis. So much was going on that no one notice Taye drive by with his boys.
Sorry for mistakes. Anyway I just wanted to say right quick everyone please go check out my other book Baby Girl Knows Best. Also how do you guys feel about this book and this chapter. Do you guys think Dennis have a temper problem.
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