Is This Love Meant To Be

"So both of you are pregnant, and your not happy about it", Karrington stated as they walk through the mall. "No we didn't say we are not happy about the baby, its just that its bad timing." Karrington nodded as they walk to the food court.

They been shopping for two hours and they decided that they was gon eat at the food court then go home. Dee had three bags, Sharesse had four, and Karrington had two. Sharesse went to the other line for pizza while Dee and Karrington stayed in line for a burger. 

"So how your folks feel about it," Karrington ask as they went up in the line. "Well long story short. My dad always said I was plus I was seeing this dude and he was my first, but we broke up weeks ago. Then I started seeing this man I like when I was 15 comes to find out he like me to. My mom and brother like him but my dad never knew. I found out I was pregnant a while ago, but my dad was gon so everyone know but him and the man I with now. My ex wants me back, but I still want the other man. Also my dad doesn't like the man I go with because he too old for me and plus he is my baby, and when he finds out he was right he is going to go crazy because he gon think its his which it is not."

By the time Dee was finish they was at the front. They place their order and went to wait on Sharesse. "Well I guess drama is all you can see in your future." Karrington said laughing. Dee slightly smiled, "Yea, but I gotta tell my dad I'm surprise he hasn't notice how big I've gotten." Karrington nodded as she look at Dee stomach.

They decided to walk over to Sharesse line. As they was walking Dee was scrolling on her Instagram looking at all the likes she got with her friends. She then got a text from Chuck checking in on her, but before she could respond she bumped into someone.

"Damn I didn't know I was invisible." Dee look at her trying to find her words. "Um..I.I..I'm sorry I really didn't see you there." The girl mug her longer, "Stay off the phone and maybe yo ass can see hell."

Karrington was then pissed. "She said sorry what more do yo ass want." The girl turned around with an amused look on her face. Her friend tried to tell her to go. "You need to listen to your friend." "Mane fuck you and your ugly ass friend, you don't want to fuck with me so bounce."

The girl friend was now pulling her, "Gurl stop lets go." "Maya shut the hell up." She said snatching her arm from Maya grip. Dee was now ready to go, "Come on guh." Karrington nodded even though she wanted to beat this girl.

They walk back over to Sharesse who was confused, "Ok what happen." Karrington told her what happen leaving Sharesse pissed. "Lets go find this chick." Dee push them back keeping them from going any further.

"No, she was wrong for calling me ugly, but we don't need to be doing anything you must forgot we are pregnant." Sharesse got quiet then nodded, "Fine Dee your right I almost lost sight of that." "Hell fuck that I'm not pregnant, I'll go handled this right quick." Before Dee could stop her Karrington was already three stores down from them.

Sharesse tried to keep up with Karrington while Dee tried to keep up with both of them. They then saw Karrington stop walking in front of a store. Once they caught up to her they both ask her what is she looking at. All she could do was point.

Dee followed her direction and there go the girl from earlier. Stealing. Karrington then started smiling but it wasn't a genuine one it was more devious. "What ever you do don't say nothing." Dee explained, but Karrington didn't hear a thing she said as she walk off to the nearest police officer.

The other girl was then on the phone and was leaving out the store, but she didn't see Dee and Sharesse standing there. It seem as if she was talking to her boyfriend from how she was giggling and blushing.

"Yeah right there officer." Dee look back up and saw Karrington pointing to the girl as she snuck something else in her purse. Dee look at Sharesse and she shrug it off like it wasn't nothing. The officer thank her as two more came up behind them.

Karrington skip back over to a now furious Dee, "Yo ass so stupid why would you do that." Karrington was a little taken back by how mad she was. "Dee that girl talk to us like she was crazy and I can be crazier so that's what she get." 

Before Dee could say something there was screaming. The girl was yelling at the officer trying to get out their grip. Her friend was now walking back looking right at Dee and them and then her friend. She gasp and ran right over to them.

They didn't say too much as they push her out the way pulling the girl out the store. Dee didn't want to stay longer so she grab Karrington and Sharesse arms and pulled them with her. Once they mad it outside she spun around to Karrington, "Look I don't know where yo ass from but here there's this thing that say snitches gets stiches."

Karrington started laughing, "Guh I heard of that, but hell I don't care that heifa started with me." Dee shook her head as they walk back to the car. They ate silently riding around. Dee then got a text from and unknown number.


Don't get too comfortable tell yo little boyfriend that ima take away the two most precious things in his life so we can be even.

Dee was now scared and pissed. She hurried up and text Chuck the number and what the text said. Minutes later he was calling her. She look at the front at Sharesse and Karrington and it seem like they was having a deep conversation. Dee answered before it hung up.

"Hello." "Aye where you at." "Riding with Sharesse and our new friend." "Who." Dee glance up at them and they was still talking. "Her name Karrington." "Dee come straight to my house ok." "But its girls-" "DEE I DONT CARE NOW COME ON QUIT PLAYING WITH ME!" "Ok  I get this is serious but we is three hours from your house." "WHY YOU SO DAMN FAR DEE I TOLD YOU DONT GO TO FAR OUT." "STOP WITH ALL THAT DAMN YELLING CHUCK I'M NOT YOUR CHILD!." Soon Karrington and Sharesse stop talking looking back at Dee.

"JUST COME ON DAMN." She hung feeling irritated. She knew not to come all the way over here because there might be trouble. "Dee baby you alright." She look up to see Karrington and Sharesse looking at her confused and concern. "Yea um when we make it close to home take me over there on Johnson St." Karrington nodded and was now focused on the road.

Sharesse knew something must be up for Dee to be going over to Chuck house. She was right when Chuck text her phone telling her what Dee just told him. She was mad but scared for Dee. She look back over at her and saw Dee was staring her down.

Sharesse smiled at her while Dee held a stoic look. Sharesse took the hint and turned back around. She sighed wishing she could tell Dee the truth because it ain't like she was gon tell.


"Just one minute Charles please." Charles closed the back door reaching for the front. "I'm sorry and you have every right to be mad at me." Charles stood there looking at her. She still look beautiful, "Did you ever love me." She stop shock at his words, "Yes, well not at first, but I eventually did."

Charles eyes watered but he didn't dare let them fall. "You hurt me in a way that no man or woman should be hurted." Glinda then felt guilty all over. She did love him she did want him, but she cant especially when she tell him that Jr. is not his.

"I know and I'm sorry I really didn't want to hurt you." Charles turned his back to her trying his best not to tear up in front of her. Glinda started rambling on about how wrong she was. "Charles don't you wanna give us a try again." Charles then thought of Dee and her smile.

Before he could turn around good enough she was already in his face kissing him. What shock the both of them was that Charles didn't pull away. He then felt weird and pulled away, but Glinda didn't want to. "Why you stop Charles." He shook his head stepping back. "You might not have move on and found someone worth your time but I did."

Glinda look at him with disgust but then started laughing at him bitterly. "That little ass girl aint gon do shit but take your money and use you." It was then Charles turn to laugh, "Well hell we both should know how that feel." Glinda was stunned by his words, "And another thing that little ass girl have more sense and respect from men than you do."

He reach for the car door but then stop, "If yo ass kiss me again I will put my sisters on your ass betta yet I'll just go get my little ass girl to do it." He laugh to his self as he climb on in. He didn't even look back at her as he pulled off.

"I really need to start spending time with Dee." He thought to his self, "Dad I want McDonald's chicken nuggets." Charles sighed then started laughing, "Ok Jr." He pulled on to the highway heading towards McDonalds. He made a mental note to call Dee later on and schedule a date.


"Bye yall." "Bye boo boo." "Bye Dee." Dee grab her bags and walk over to Chuck who was standing in the door way. He waved to Karrington and Sharesse as he grab Dee bags for her. They walk into the house silently. Dee didn't even feel like talking. She was already on edge with this man who is threatening to kill her and her baby. Now she have to deal with Chuck and Charles.

"You ok." Dee nodded and walkover to the couch. Chuck did the same and pulled her onto his lap. "I understand you scared Dee I really do, but just know I got this." Dee didn't say none as she broke down into tears. Her body began to shake as she tried to breathe.

"Dee calm down please." Dee kept on going but not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't help it. "Dee please stay calm ima protect you I promise." "Chuck I'm trying just give me a minute." Chuck nodded but held her close rubbing her back.

After a while she was ok, and Chuck was still holding her close not wanting her to move. She look up at him and he place a kiss on her forehead. He wiped her tears away with his thumb, "Dee baby, I want what's best for both of you." Dee nodded her head, "I know I never showed it, but Dee I love you." Dee jump from his grip and stood in front of him, "Dee please sit down with me."

"N-n-no Chuck we cant be together you cant love me." Chuck drop his head and sighed, "Dee you cant control love because if you could I would make sure you stay in love with me." Dee walk over to her bags, "Chuck lets talk about something else."

He nodded, "You right, lets talk about babies name." Even though she didn't want to she knew he was right. "Ok you go first." He leaned back and tap his chin, "If its a girl Zorri Tynish and if its a boy Chuck." he laugh as he look over at Dee.

Dee laugh with him shaking her head, "I actually like the girl name, but nooo the world is not ready for another one." They sat there laughing for a minute then it got quiet, "Ok your turn." Dee already knew what to say,  "Yelena Merri and the boy will be Darnell Roman." Chuck face frown up, "DARNELL ROMAN!" Dee tried not too laugh at his loudness, "Mane we aint naming him that shit it gon be Chuck and only Chuck."

Dee shook her head at his silliness, "Ok whatever." They both was quiet and it was like Dee was forced to think about the threats. She guess Chuck notice because he was coming over towards her. "Like I said Dee if you just stay inside and don't be out a lot everything will be ok."

Dee then started to sniffle, "But my mom and dad." "I will take care of your mom and your dad is still gone so I still got time to get this nigga before he return." "No Chuck my dad came back two days ago and he don't even know about me, u and the baby. Hell he don't even know about Kevin working with you."

Chuck held his finger up, "One that nigga don't work with me he work for me, and two how come your dad doesn't know." Dee started telling him about her dad assumptions and the whole Charles thing. Chuck didn't say nothing for a while. Dee felt bad because she knew he was mad that she introduce Charles to her family before him.

"Look Chuck you know it was hard for me to introduce you to them." "Mane Dee how come I love you, but you love another nigga." "Chuck please don't start with the love shit now I don told you." He got frustrated and rubbed his face. "Dee I love you why cant you see that. I want you hell I need you especially now that we are gonna be a family."

Dee head sprung up, "Family?" He nodded and Dee look at him like he was crazy, "Chuck we aint a family I'm just your baby mama and your my  baby d-" "MANE DEE SHUT THAT SHIT UP I'M YOUR MAN YOUR MY WOMAN AND THIS IS OUR BABY!!" Chuck screamed at her grabbing her arms feeling irritated.

"CHUCK STOP YELLING AT ME AND LET ME GO!!" Dee was now in tears moving from his grip. She wasn't really crying from the yelling and him grabbing her, it was those hormones that had her some type of way. Chuck instantly lighten his grip pulling her close, "Yo Dee I'm sorry please don't be mad at me I don't know why I did that but please know I'm sorry." Through her cries she tried to talk, "Let me go Chuck please I wanna go home."

"No Dee I want you here with me." Dee move away from him and before he could say anything the doorbell ring. He walk over to it peeking out the blinds. He then grew even more frustrated now that he see Sharesse. He slightly open the door, "What the hell you want." Sharesse smack her lips, "Nigga move I need to see Dee."

He look back at Dee and she was starting to calm down at the sound of Sharesse voice. He huffed then open the door, "Make this shit quick." Sharesse walk in and went from confused, worried, then pissed. "Why she look like she been crying Chuck." He wave her off, "We had a little argument and that hormone shit took over her." Sharesse nodded walking over to Dee.

"Hey boo boo, don't let that punk make you cry." She heard him kissed his teeth behind her which made her turned to him. She glared at him and he act as if he wasn't worried. Dee stared at both of them still trying to figure out how they know each other.

"I didn't know you guys knew each other like that." they both paused for a minute then look back at Dee. "Look Dee-" "Save it, you can be with him,I want Charles anyway." A scowl appeared on Chuck face as he started huffing and puffing, "Dee stop saying that nigga name around me." Sharesse was standing there with a smirk on her face.

Dee saw it and got even more pissed. Her phone started ringing making her turn to go retrieve it, leaving Sharesse and Chuck together. She saw that it was her mom calling.

"Hello." "DEE!" Dee tensed up at her mom breathless scream, "Mom what's wrong are you ok," "DEE COME HOME QUICK OUR HOUSE BEEN TRASHED." Sharesse and Chuck walk in seeing the scared look on her face. "Baby is it that nigga again." "Mom I'm on my way where is dad." "I just called him he should be here soon have you seen Kevin." "No mom ima call him ok." "Ok baby please hurry."

Dee hung up the phone grabbing her bags feeling the water come up in her eyes, "LETS GO!!" Sharesse reach for her arm but Dee move from her, "What's wrong baby." "That nigga that been threatening us trash my house and my mom is over there scared to death." Chuck didn't even say a word as he went to the back to get his gun.

He tuck it in his pants and pulled his shirt over it. He came back out and saw Dee on the phone. "Charles as good as that sound I cant......I'm sorry and I will make it up later bye." As much as that hurted him he had business to take care of, so that had to wait.

They made it back outside and Sharesse told Karrington to leave and she went back to Chuck's car. The ride to Dee place was quiet not just any quiet, an awkward quiet. Every now and then everyone would glance at each other but go back to something else. 

Sorry for mistakes. Hey how do you guys like this so far is it getting good or do it need a little more work.  

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