I'm not Ready

Its been four days and Dennis still hasn't talk to Dee yet. Camila would tell her he will turn around sooner or later, but Dee wasn't convince. Dennis would just sit and stare into space in his bedroom. The only time he came out was for work. He don't even look at Camila the same.

He couldn't believe no one told him about Dee and that grown ass man Charles. He started wondering was she pregnant by him and how long they been together. He gets angry every time his mind goes that far.

"Is it wrong to be angry at the man that takes your baby girl away from you, not only is she in denial but the rest of the family is. That man don't want her I'm a man and a man don't want no little girl balled up under him at the age, he must be at least in his twenties." Dennis thought to his self.

Charles came by to talk face to face with Dennis. He didn't appreciate his choice of words at his place of business. He also didn't like the fact he punch his customer in the face trying to hit him. It took a lot of convincing not being sued for both of them.

He shook his thoughts away and got out the car. He made his way to the door and knock. He patiently waited and Kevin open the door. Kevin turn around and look back at Charles," Mane my pops still not in his right state of mine you sure you wanna be here."

"Mane I'm just trying to get yall dad to be eye to eye with me." Kevin look at Charles like he spoke a foreign language. "Aight Ima go get mom and Dee first since you don't wanna hear shit I'm saying." Kevin went back to Dee room where her mom was speaking to her.

"Mom... Dee... Charles here to see dad." Dee sprung up when she heard that. She took off from the back and up to the front. When she saw Charles she almost fainted," Charles what are you doing here." Charles chuckled a little," You aint happy to see me."

Dee smiled a little," Of course I am I thought you didn't want to have anything to do with me." Charles pulled her into a tight hug. Camila smiled she hope and prayed to God that this be her daughter future husband.

"What the fuck you doing in my house." Everyone look towards the back and saw Dennis standing there with a evil look in his eyes. He stared at Dee wrapped in Charles arms. "Let her go."

Dee look at her mom and up at Charles. He didn't let her go he held her closer and stared back at Dennis. Camila walk over to Dennis," Baby why do this makes you so mad, I thought you love to see Dee happy."

"Dad I really want this and I hope you-" "DEE SHUT THE HELL UP!!" Everyone got quiet and look at Dennis and Charles. "Now what do you want from my daughter." Charles was confused at the question," Sir I don't want anything from her but love and if you would just pleas-"" THATS BULLSHIT NOW EITHER YOU TELL THE TRUTH OR YOU CAN GET OUT."

"Dennis have you lost your mind I am a shame to see my husband be such an ass to a man that wants our daughter. Now since you wont let no one talk how about this either you listen or leave." Camila was heartbroken that she had to take it that far, but she know Dennis wasn't leaving.

Dennis stood there while all eyes was on him. He then stared at his daughter," When he do you wrong call me, and I'll drop everything and come tell you its gonna be ok although ima be disappointed." Dee mouth fell open. Dennis then look at Kevin and his wife," I'm leaving for some days and I will be back before you know it."

He went to the back to get his suitcases that he pack. He came back and Camila was holding Dee while they both was in tears. Kevin held his in and shook his head at his dad," I always look up to you but how can I now... when I see you run from your family and problems just because it cant go like you want it to be." Kevin grab his coat and stormed out the house.

Dennis look back at the Camila and Dee," I love you all but I see we need to think especially me tell Kevin the same." He look at Charles and glared at him and brush right pass him. He put his this in his truck and took off towards the highway. 

Dee look back up and Charles," I'm sorry about everything this all-" before she finish she felt the urge to throw up. She ran to the back and into the bathroom just in time. She threw up everything she at from early this morning. Camila was just standing in the doorway looking at her daughter.

"You pregnant and I wanna know by who." Dee eyes widen in fear she never told no one about her and Chuck except Charles." Mom I'm not-"" Hush that nonsense, I see you Dee you still sleep longer than usual, your always hungry, and you gain some weight." Dee didn't know what to say she just let her head rest on the tub trying to find words.

"Wh-where's Charles mom," Camila went back to the front for a minute and was back in the bathroom. "I just told him I'm sorry and he have to go, now Dee who is you pregnant by."

Dee told her mom about everything from when she first met Chuck till what happen a couple of days ago in the mall. Camila was calm but she was sad to see her daughter pregnant at a young age.

"Dee I'm not mad at you but I am so disappointed in you, why you didn't use protection." Dee was cry shaking her head." I don't know but mom I don't think I'm pregnant." Camila knew she was and then she remembered how Dennis was always talking about Dee being pregnant. She sighed and pulled Dee into a tight hug.

"You have to tell Charles that there is a possibility Dee and Chuck." She slowly nodded her head in her mom neck.


"Chuck mane I understand you lost you girl but you really need to stop lacking and come help you niggas out with this money." Chuck ignored Damion and shook his head. Everything seem like a blur to him. Money wasn't really what he cared about right now.

He had money and everything with his queen. Now that she gon it proved to him that money don't mean nothing. He loved Dee the only person that knew how bad he loved her was his mom. She knew that Dee was his first love and his first.

Every one thought Chuck slept with all his past girls, but he didn't because time he made up his mind to do it with them they always end up doing some dumb shit. Dee was the one for him he thought but maybe she wasn't. He took a strong pull from his blunt and let his mind relax.

His phone started ringing. He reach over forward and almost jumped for happiness when he saw Dee name.

"Hello", there was long pause before Dee spoke," I know you don't wanna hear from me but-"," Dee I am happy to hear from you I thought you cut me off all the way but i'm glad to see that you didn't." He then heard her sniffling into the phone.

He got pissed off quick," Yo Dee is you crying?" Dee could barely talk but her mom rubbed her back and got the phone," Hello Chuck this is Mrs. Long Dee mother." Chuck rose to his feet he look down at what he smoking to see did he smoke to much. "What happen Mrs. Long is Dee crying."" Yes she is darling and I think you should come by here real quick please."

Chuck didn't know what was going on but if her mom knew what was up and Dee is crying it must had to be something. He agreed and rush out the door leaving an angry Damion.

He was speeding down the road trying to reach his baby. All he could think about is why and who the fuck messing with Dee. He got to her house in no time. He bang on the door waiting for an answer.

Mrs. Long came out looking at him like he was crazy," Nigga don't bang on my door like that you see this damn door bell.... use it." Chuck attitude soften a little and he laugh," I'm so sorry its just I wanna know why Dee crying I honestly don't play when it comes to her. You probably don't believe me because I'm a thug but trust I will her someone for my baby Dee." He had a stern look and she could tell he wasn't playing.

"I'm glad you feel that way come on in." Chuck came in and automatically saw Dee sitting on the sofa she was quiet and look like something was bothering her deeply. He sat on the couch beside her and pulled her into his arms." Dee baby what's wrong? Who did something to you? Please tell me and you wont have to worry no more." 

Camila smiled she never saw Chuck before but she heard he was no good, but this Chuck in her house is showing Dee love and compassion. "Chuck don't be mad at me I cant take no more pain as it is." Chuck look at her and back at Mrs. Long.

"Dee whats up you got a nigga scared." He pulled her back to look at her face. "Chuck I think I might be pr-pregnant." Chuck didn't know what to say put for some reason he was smiling. He had tears in the corners of his eyes. "Dee.....Dee," she didn't look up at him.

"Mr. Williams are you crying." Dee look up at Chuck. He didn't know what to say he just continued to let it run down his cheeks. Dee slowly got up and wiped his tears away. "Chuck this the second time I seen you cry and I don't know why you all of a sudden doing that."

Chuck didn't say nun as he pulled her in to a tight hug. "Lets go to the clinic Dee before you have a nigga making it look like Niagara falls up in here."


"I can't believe you would be so stupid and do something like this. I will not stand here and let you leave your family hurting." Etha was so hurt to hear the sad story her son just shared. "My grandbabies..... Oh my grandbabies." She couldn't stop crying as Floyd held her.

"Son what made you do that. Don't you know your family is down there hurting?" Floyd was beyond mad." Dad they don't care about how I feel hell they been keeping secrets from me for the longest." Floyd look at Dennis trying to see what happen to upset him so bad.

"Son you always over reacted about stuff so what did the man do to make you explode." Dennis almost jumped on his dad." She is pregnant.... I know she is.... I feel it and I see how she been acting." "Boy do you hear your self. All that feel and shit has to go the thing is do you know that she pregnant and is it even by him."

Dennis rub his temples trying to keep calm. "Do you hear your self my little girl is pregnant by a man who don't want her." "Do you think that man would knock her up just for the fun of it." Dennis almost laugh at that, "Dad these days a man will knock ten different women up, have a disease, and wouldn't care."

"Son that's not what I ask.... I ask do you think that man will hurt my grandbaby for fun." Dennis then thought about it and once again he was mad. He couldn't believe he let his self go and explode like that all for no reason. "Dad I don't know I honestly don't."

"Son I raise you to be a man, a provider, and protector. What happen?" Dennis couldn't answer his dad question he just stared at him. "I don't know dad its just I don't want Dee to leave me and be with a man that can make her forget me, I'm not ready."

Etha grab her son face and look him into his eyes," Baby I felt the same way when you brought Camila home when she was pregnant with Dee. I understand its hard letting a child grow up and just leave but its apart of life." Dennis just shook his head listening to his mom words.

"You got two weeks if your not gone by then I'm calling you wife so she wont be worried sick." Dennis ignored his dad and walk up to his old bedroom with his shoulders and head down. He was known to overreact about stuff, just small things will give him a heart attack.

He thought about when Camila told him she was pregnant with Dee. He was running around screaming for joy. He went and bought all boys cloths and toys. He painted and decorated the room for a boy. Everything all together was like 20,000$. He was mad as hell when they went to go see the gender and it was a girl. He couldn't believe he spent that much it was then when he found out it was too late. When Dee came he couldn't hide his excitement he knew she was gonna be a daddy's girl. He laugh, "They know I'm one crazy man but I hope they know I love them."


We was at the clinic waiting on the results while mom held my hand as Chuck pace the floor with Kevin. "Mane I cant believe you and my sister might have a baby." Kevin look Chuck straight in his face for once he can actually look right at him and not be scared of whats next. "Yo you mad at or sum." Chuck look him up and down waiting for an answer.

"No its just I never knew you and her was together and now there could possibly be a baby involve." Chuck smiled and patted his shoulder," Kev there is a lot you don't know about me, instead of you hiding down there at Gregs house you could've been hanging with me."

"Who is Greg." I look up at mom as she stared at Chuck with confusion. I guess Chuck didn't notice it," Oh he one of my boys that yo boy Kev work at for me." Kevin glared at him as he clench his teeth, "Nigga who told you to tell her that shit man." Camila look at Kevin like he grown two heads.

"Boy watch your damn mouth when your with me you aint too old to get your ass beat. Now when he say work I hope its not what I think it is." Kevin put his head down and nodded. Mom gasp and shook her head, and look at Chuck." I see you took interest in both of my kids."

Chuck was lost for words at that comment he tried to speak, but mom put her hand up and went to go calm her nerves. I laugh as Chuck phone ring. He look at it like he was trying to see who's calling. He answer it before it went to voicemail.

"Yo who this is with my numba." His face soften by the familiar girl voice. I listen closely because I swear I know who she is but I just cant get the face. "Mane Sharesse why you calling me on another nigga phone I told you about that shit." My mouth fell open how does he know Sharesse and how come she never talk about him.

"Nawl she ok we at the hospital," he look over at me and smiled. "If you want to know call her," he hung up and before I could speak the nurse came back. She had a stoic look on her face so I couldn't tell. "Well Ms. Long you are indeed pregnant, and you are two months at that going on into three, congratulations." I was shock I look at my mom she seem calm but I know I messed up big time.

I look at Kevin he was staring into space trying to keep calm. I know he was only being nice for me. Then I look at Chuck he was grinning ear to ear." Dee you carrying my babies." He walk over and put his hands on my stomach. I look down and a tear hit his hand. "Dee you aint happy."

"Yes.... yes... I don't know but Chuck this is too much." Chuck hug me," I know but Dee I got you." I shook my head," No, I'm not ready."

Sorry for mistakes and it being too long. Do you guys think Chuck and Dee will get back together? What about her and Charles? Do you think her dad needs to chill and hear her out about Charles?

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