Chapter 57
SooLin placed the last plate on the table before she took her seat next to her two children that have been staring at you from the moment they had seen you on their living room.
Truth was that you were feeling a bit awkward and unprepared as Jimin hadn't mentioned that his family would be in the house. He had just told you that Namjoon wanted to meet you at his house since it was the safest place possible and you had come over without thinking much about anything else but what Mr officer might want to talk to you about. However once you had stepped inside you had realised that Namjoon's words were not your only concern as you wanted to make a good first impression on these people, that have been very welcome with you till now.
"So,how is it working with my son? I hope he hasn't caused you any trouble." Mr Park told you and you gave him a bright smile before assuring him that Jimin was good at his job however you questioned yourself if your behavior was normal enough because Jimin had introduced you as a maid that works at the same house he does and a friend of his and that had made you a bit insecure as you had to act like one and you were brought up with certain behavior patterns that screamed class differency.
"Dad, of course Jimin would never bring problems, you know him."SooLin spoke , intenting to prevent you from creating any bad impressions for her brother as she had taken a liking towards you. You were the first girl that Jimin had ever brought home after all so it was normal for her to think that you must be special to him despite what his mouth was saying. She knew that Jimin never gets people involved with his family unless he has a strong trust in them or has a relationship with them that he knows that will last for long and she was more than excited that he seems to have developed something like that for a girl like you that seemed so well mannered and proper as well as considerate and kind.
The way you looked at her father instantly made her understand what kind of human you were, not that SooLin ever doubt Jimin's judgement but she could tell from the way that your first reaction was that you were a kind soul. You had greeted him with so much respect and when you talked to him not even once appeared in your eyes that glance of pity that she hated to see in most people that were to meet her father. Seeing him in the wheelchair was bound to bring some emotions to others but you seemed to not belittle or undergrade him in any way just because he was stuck on that chair. Your behavior showned nothing but respect and as Mr park had rambled a bit before the table got ready about his youth, you hadn't hesitated to speak out of his actions as admirable.
You were someone that was obviously hard to find around and she wasn't planning to let Jimin lose this chance for any reason.
"Oh please. All he ever brings are problems." Mr Park argued and you couldn't help but smile a bit as you found the interactions they had pleasant.
The atmosphere was so nice and natural between them and the love for each ther was evident despite the bickering and teasing that could occure. They felt like a family and you couldn't help but envy them at that moment because there was not a single moment that your house felt like this.
"Father please, don't embarrass me." Jimin replied to him with a smile before he threw his eyes at you and proceeded to stuff his mouth with some food.
"Uncle Jimin hits the door every morning he wakes up and swears at it."
"He trips over his own feet all the time." Yuna added at her brother's words making everyone laugh .
"He also stays watching himself on the mirror topless for hours after he works out. In search for muscles." SuJae added,both kids having intentions to embarrass their uncle further since he just said not to.
"Does he ever find them , i wonder?"
"Yah. Eat your food!"Jimin started stuffing their mouths with food and you couldn't help but look at them with adoration as they smiled cutely and looked at him with sparkly eyes. No wonder he loved kids so much. Having such eyes look at you with so much love in them every day, would win anyone's heart.
"So Y/N, you have any siblings?"SooLin asked you and you turned your attention on her before replying.
"Unfortunately i don't. The only thing close to a siblings love was my best friend." Your reply was not much thought as the atmosphere made you feel accepted for a moment and as thus gave you the impression that you could be more open but as soon as you said so, you noticed the extra information that was uneccesery to have exposed and you fell silent for a moment, reminding yourself to not forget who you really are.
You weren't a normal maid as they thought you were after all and it would be better to not let personal things slip out and get carried away in the warm atmosphere these people had created because you would never trully belong no matter how good it felt for the moment.
"Oh, it's okay at least you have her and you can have me too if you would like. I would love to get to know you more." SooLin's words got you off guard as no one had offered a friendship to you while looking at you with such a sincere and honest gaze as she was. It was just so obvious that they were people so different from the ones that you would meet in your circle and that made you a bit sad inside. Just why everything nice seemed to be out of your reach?
"Of course, you are welcomed in our home whenever you would like to come."Mr Park added and you bowed your head, letting a small 'thank you' escape from your lips before lifting your gaze at meeting Jimin's eyes whom was seating opposite you and then the lunch went on, them continuing making you feel the most welcomed you had ever been in any visit you had made to anyone in your life.
---Time skip---
Jimin was seating with his father and his sister on the living room as NamJoon and you had excused yourselves for some private talk in his room.
It was proven a bit more difficult than NamJoon and him had thought, bringing you here as for some reason, his father and his sister kept making questions to you that had as aim to get to know you better as it was the first time that Jimin had brought a female home that seemed to be aquinted with NamJoon as well and to his surprise that alone was a big deal.
They were really enthusiastic and polite however Jimin knew well that now that he was left alone , he was about to face some questions.
"Sooo, What's your relationship with Y/N?" SooLin couldn't help herself but ask as she had seen the glances you and him kept exchanging while eating lunch and the way that Jimin seemed to act protective every time they would ask you any questions.
"We are friends obviously. Nothing else." He calmly replied even though he felt nervous under their stares.
" You like her though, don't you?" She added and Jimin grew defensive on his response for no apparent reason.
"Of course not. I don't ."His stare that grew agressive and the tone of voice that rose, made SooLin lean back a bit, not expecting such a passionate denial.
"You should like her then. She seemed like a great young lady." His father cut in the conversation making Jimin exhaile as his head hung low, feeling a bit annoyed .
He was regretting at that moment to ever agreeing on NamJoon's request to bring you here . But he also regretted lying about your identity and saying that you were just an employee working as a maid in the same house as he was . You didn't seem to have minded of it as it was more beneficial to not appear at the house of some strangers that you had never met before as the wife of a politician.He had lied for your convenience but it still didn't felt good at all.
"She is great but she is not for me father. "Jimin responded and his father took a moment to think before he utter his conclusion loudly.
"Oh! She likes NamJoon? That explains why he wanted to talk with her alone huh. I see i see." The old man smiled ,his happiness for NamJoon moving on ,evident on his face however his words had caused unpleasant feelings to both Jimin and SooLin, whom looked towards the stairs, now thinking about her fathers words and the possibility that such a thing could be happening.
It was normal that NamJoon might one day find someone he would get interested in however for some reason that she couldn't depict for the moment, that fact made her feel somehow uneasy and even sad but of course she said nothing about it. It wasn't her place to talk about it but she couldn't deny that she would have liked it more, if you were intersted in Jimin instead. SooLin had taken a liking to you after all, and she couldn't deny that you had a really nice personality. Even your aura was not as ordinary as the life that jimin portraid as yours, was supposed to be and all that made you somehow unique .
"Hyung isn't her interest nor she is his interest. Stop jumping onto conclusions. They just have some business together and NamJoon hyung is helping her out." Jimin couldn't keep himself from explaining as for some reason, he didn't liked leaving that thought staying in anyones head then he stood up from the couch were he was sitting and excused himself, saying that he was going to check on SuJae.
---Change of set---
"You are asking me to find out about possible relationships that my husband had in the past?"You questioned Namjoon to clarify if you had understood well his request.
"Yes. Since he was able to hide his relationship with miss Choi , he could have possibly had more that the public never got to know of and i believe that an ex with a grudge can be more than a trouble maker." Namjoon subtly tried to make you understand that among those exs there might be the culprit he was looking for however he couldn't use such words because of the environment . You two were alone at Jimin's room but kids were around and he couldn't help but be very conscious of what words would leave his mouth.
"You really believe that such information could lead us somewhere officer?" You asked him with a serious gaze as you understood well how difficult his request was because it was quiet impossible of finding out. Only TaeYong would know whom he had dated with on the past and maybe his friend LeeGuk too but taking infromation out of any of them without being suspiscious was far from easy.
"We currently are missing clues. New information can always help one way or another. Do you believe you can find a way to reach to that information Mrs Lee?" He replied and then waited for you to take a decision as it was obvious that you were thinking of something.
"I will give it a try." You told him, having decided that maybe there was a way to get that information even though it ment that you had to get involved with LeeGuk whom was more than a difficult opponent to play against however he had a soft spot which you could use.
He used to have a crush on you.
---To be continued....
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