Summertime Sun-hi

" sunkissed- sun-hi "
"Summertime - sun-hi "

Choi Sun-Hi
Choi: the family name , which means ' Best, Top, or 'Most-Pinnacle'
Sun-Hi : this was a name bestowed upon her by her mother as a blessing , that means goodness and joy . She wished for her daughter to always radiate the Lord's goodness and for her to remain forever joyful even during harder times - to have an infectious delightful personality that brings nothing but smiles .
Choi Elina-Rose
Elina rose was her father's contribution - a two way blessing .
Elina means purity . he wished for her to be innocent and pure , untarnished by the hardships of the world , with a heart that's always centered on good and pure things .
Rose , while a basic middle name , it was not placed there for the long-lasting beauty of the crimson flower - nor for how it's scent is always sweet . He put rose in her name - for the thorns - because he wished for her to be strong and smart. He wanted her to be beautiful- but to also be wise enough to protect that beauty- to not be shaken by hardships . The way the thorns protect and able the rose to endure the elements- he wished for her to in turn be strong enough to withstand all the worlds storms / troubles . To not be someone beautiful who is easily pushed around .
She goes by a lot and isn't too picky.
She will respond to both and any variants .
However if you say
" Choi Elina rose or Elina Sun-Hi - she'll think she's in trouble .
Sunny: if you try hard enough- Sun-hi kinda sounds like sunny, so that became a nickname . It's also a play on ' sun' in her name - and to explain her cheery demeanor . It might be her stage name
El, Eli, Lina' : all versions of her English name that she will reply to.
Just turned 22
December 17th 2000
London England
Seoul , South Korea
Asian: South Korean
(Both her parents are Korean )


sun- hi is a shorter girl with a lean slender well toned physique , she has semi wavy fluffy dark hair - usually cut with curtain bangs . She sometimes chooses to straighten it - other times she doesn't . Her hair is a natural dark brown , however - she's featured peach ,strawberry blond , and rust red colors for a while - and currently that ( peach ) is the color she's sporting because it seemed to go along with the name she's made for herself .
She has large dark double lidded eyes , small but very sculpted / defined / full lips , smooth skin, high cheekbones , and beauty marks scattered randomly all over . One on her Forhead , one under her eye , one on her nose , one on her chin, etc . Very faint and hard to see unless shes close .
FACECLAIM: Yuqi from g(idle) ( subject to change if I find someone better )

Sun-hi is in very good shape - with nice distinguished definition along her biceps , abdomen , and thighs . ( she has good tone along her  thighs and rear- giving her more of an hourglass figure - but that's more credit to her years of stunting )
She was a cheerleader and a stunter in high school - ontop of that she's an excellent dancer and is extremely active . She works out often and does a lot to maintain her figure strength and flexibility wise .

what she thinks : , her baby face , maybe her beauty marks , her voice
What others think: her dark eyes , her accent ,her curly hair
English : TBA
Korean : TBA
117 lbs

MBTI: between ESFP and ENFP
Sunny is a very warm , fun , expressive individual who loves goofing around and making those she cares about laugh. She's good natured and kind , however she's almost never serious and is known to make either playful , playfully mean , or sarcastic comments that serve as comedic relief . Since she grew up in England - she fronts that modest elegant demeanor at first meeting - but don't let that fool you- she's an absolute wild child that is always down for a good time . If you need someone to talk to, she's the first to make an appearance , and can match your mood. If you wanna cry- she'll cry with you. If you wanna vent and yell- she'll bring plates for you to smash, etc .
She's very protective over her friends and family- especially those younger then her , and pours her heart and soul into everything she does .
Everything with her is deep and about loving life /being alive . Adoring the little things - really enjoying places and people .
She feels deeply,  she cries if fans are extra sweet, she's very expressive in face - this can be comedic because if she doesn't like something
/ you know / . She's the kind to ' make facial expressions outloud ' , it gets her in trouble sometimes because if she's disgusted or frustrated - once again, you / know /

Being Alone suddenly without explanation
Disappointing others to the point of being shunned
Losing those she cares about either in death or intentional distancing
Writing/ putting together choreography
-she loves to dance and she's good at coming up with intricate moves for songs
- she's a good writer in English
- She has good stamina
- she's good at fast paced fluid motions
- She can keep a beat,
- she can think on her feet and improvise when it's needed -
- she learns choreography on a dime
- her voice is husky and powerful . She can keep notes and hold them without it breaking. She can riff and add vibratos , and can alter when she has a gravel to her voice and when she doesn't
- she can belt and hold louder notes
Street smarts
She's very competent when it comes to being out and about - she knows how to avoid creeps , etc
Working a crowd
OOh she knows how to work a crowd. Since she's expressive , she can entice the audience with her eyes , she makes them laugh she makes them swoon- between her sultry deeper/smooth voice and the way she dances - she instantly wins an audiences heart. She knows how to bring personality into everything- even at a comedic level
Interacting in New environments/ high stress environments
She works great under pressure in unfamiliar environments because she's quick to learn and has the energy to make mistakes .
She doesn't break under high stress environments and knows how to press on and push on
Writing :
Writing songs in Korean . She knows how to rhyme in English - but she gets mixed up with what rhymes in Korean - especially when it comes time to adding English into Korean songs . She doesn't know how to make some of these words rhyme . All the rapping makes her head hurt
- sitting still / being patient .
Since she's hyper - the world moves too fast for her - so when she actually has to wait or sit still- it's definitely hard . This usually leads to her fiddling with something or bouncing her leg
Knowing her own limit
Sun-hi wants to work till she drops . She doesn't always recognize her bodies limit and tends to overwork herself a lot . She doesn't drink enough water and makes herself dizzy, she tends to get way too into what she's doing so she forgets her basic needs . She hasn't fainted but she's definitely gotten dizzy and she's almost gotten hurt at the gym because she wasn't paying attention . She feels like her worth comes from how well she does - so she pushes herself a little far sometimes
Remembering lines / lyrics 
She's a great singer but it takes abit for her to get lines down / there isn't any explanation- she just wasn't a memorization kid so it takes a little bit .
But once she gets it - she'll be humming the song for the next 10 years lmao
She's loud and isn't aware of personal space
Since she's expressive - she can sometimes overdo it which makes people uncomfortable.
Sometimes without realizing it she can come off talking too loud and needs to be told to shush. She also likes to cuddle .. and she sometimes / sometimes / will forget to ask if it's ok
( if she's told no- she will respect it )

She isn't the best at reading people so she might come off too strong- and if she doesn't like you from the start she isn't someone who changes their mind about someone easily- even if she disliked you for the wrong reason initially - it will be a while before she grows to like you- if at all.

Loud thunder storms/ heavy rain
Candy / drinks that turn her tongue different colors
Sweets . Specifically Italian desserts .
The color sage green
Coloring her hair fun colors
Spending time with her friends
Dancing / incorporating stunts into her choreography
Math games . She's horrible but she likes them
Card games .
Making her friends laugh/ hearing laughter / her friends laughs
Going to the beach / ocean water / the smell of the beach
Fresh smelling candles
The stillness of the morning right before the sun rises
Spicy and sour food
All kinds of coffee except black . She thinks it's flavorless .
Watercolor paint
Classical music
Art museums
British comedies
Working / challenging herself with vocal range
Late night talks
Rude people
Intentionally cold people
Messing up
When her body gets tired
Needing breaks
When she doesn't understand something in Korean
When she forgets lines and messes up
The smell of cut grass
Bees / roaches and spiders
When metal water bottles make loud sounds on the floor
When she isn't given alone time
When she can't get her eyeliner the first time
Nasally voices
When her heels aren't high enough
People who are toxically dependent on others
Those who disrespect art
Most kinds of  cheese
Group chats
Phone calls without texting first
When her pants snag on doorknobs
When people don't get her jokes
Passive aggression
Intrusive interviewers
People who she doesn't like being affectionate with her or people she loves
Feeling powerless in a situation
Laughing when she's nervous
Making jokes when she's scared
Crying when she's angry
Waking up at 5:30 every morning to enjoy the quiet
Daily devotionals
Working out in a specific way
( abs one day, legs another , upper body another , etc . She has it written out )
Trail walks / bike rides / nature hikes
Photography / collecting polaroids
Stunting to keep flexible
Art / painting . Watercolor usually
Making latte art
Decorating her room all aesthetic
Maintaining an aesthetic in general
Making really pretty drinks ( alcoholic and none)

Her mother
Choi sue yeon - a soloist from Korea who came to England to study the arts - where she fell In love with an eccentric British producer
Her Father

Choi Tae-hyung
An animated British producer who fell head over heels for a high up Korean soloist who came to him wanting to go big in England

Felix and Jisung
Lee Yongbok / Lee Felix (his duality I can't )

Uh? Just look at him-  Jk Jk
He's such a bubble of warmth and affection and so is Sun-hi . Both were probably oblivious to eachothers feelings for a while - she admires his talent and finds him / beautiful/ .
Han Jisung

Lmao it would be funny - Jk Jk
He's funny and so is she - their humor and gremlin attitudes are pretty much the same -
I love him so very much lol


- her career depends on the story- but she had a part time job as a barista for a while ( that's where the latte art comes from ) and she writes choreography for different songs . She has a YouTube channel that she maintains - however it's just for dance covers/ redoing choreography for various songs , etc . She likes to teach as well so usually her videos have tutorials .
- she's good at hitting beats exactly ( popping on beat, etc )
- she watched a lot of street dancing movies as a kid  and it inspired her to learn - which is why some of her movements are non traditional .
- Her mother became a music teacher in England after she retired from the industry - so she's had help with singing for most of her life . 
- she's double jointed and likes to freak the members out with it
- she laughs at everything ... no seriously- a piece of bread can fall over and she will laugh at it
- she has a dry sense of humor and often makes dark or sarcastic jokes
- she can come off as rude with her humor and not realize it
- she has a very high spice tolerance and can't always tell when things are spicy so don't trust her when she says something  isn't spicy .
- she's repulsed by strawberries and tomatoes . She picks them out with no shame .
- she's a texture girl - so when it comes to food If she doesn't like the texture she will refuse it
- one of her favorite colors is sage green
- she doesn't have a ' deep ' voice but she has a stronger voice for a woman - (think her FC or Christina Aguilera SPECIFICALLY in her role in Burlesque, song : tough lover . she can hold notes and riff pretty well- her voice has a faint gravel to it if she tries . She has a soft appearance so the intense voice isn't expected .
- she can make latte art however it was ugly as sin when she first started out 
- she can't Cook please don't let her in a kitchen she's ruined cereal and boxed pudding before
- she will steal your clothes and lie about it .. while wearing it .
' is that mine '
' no?'
- she has her nose pierced , her left ear is pierced twice , her right ear is pierced once on the lobe and once in the cartilage
- she has her bellybutton pierced but that was more of an act of rebellion
She always has her piercings in .
Her first piercing was her cartilage. It was done in the bathroom when she was a junior
- she wants tattoos but nobody will get them with her
- she has her drivers license ( lord save us)
- she was a cheerleader , within that she was the flyer and main stunter . This is where her flexibility and acrobatics come from. It also explains why she likes to be in the air . - she has the ' how hard can it be gene ' it gets her in trouble because whatever she's attempting is always harder then it seemed
- she watched Rocky and learned how to do that crunch sit up thing from a pull-up bar. She likes binging American classics . Rocky, jaws , the sandlot , etc
- for  someone who doesn't drink much- she makes great hangover food . It's the only thing she can Cook
- she has a giant bed
- she has a lot of energy this is known .. so when she / does / eventually / crash/ shes
G o n e . Homegirl is dead  to world
- she can sleep anywhere however she prefers to be buried under blankets . If you see a mound on the couch pls check before you sit
- she's very animated and expressive
- she likes action movies . Think Godzilla, marvel, etc. she has a bunch of tiny funkopops
- she likes exercising .. after the fact  during it - she hates it and will make sure the world knows she's not having a good time .
- she isn't easily frightened . In haunted houses usually she's the one you cling too ... because she'll just bark at the scary people .
- she likes giving her jacket to her friends and she loves to build them up verbally . She also bullies them verbally just as much she will / clown you/
- she tends to sometimes not think before she speaks ... ( she's called herself a snack before with an unpleasant audience ) she embarrasses herself a lot
- she has a smooth deeper voice in general ( she has the same voice as her FC)
Her English accent is  dominant and silky 
- she likes early mornings. Like getting up before anyone  and sitting outside before the sun is even up to just enjoy the stillness .
- she can play piano and guitar   however this is just because her parents were music buffs . Unless it's needed for a song- she doesn't do this often . She's forgotten most of her skills since they were done in like middle school .
- gosh she has such a low alcohol tolerance - she makes eye contact with one cup of wine and she's drunk 😭


Sunny can go ginger

She can go 🍑peach 🍑

And she can slay in her natural color

" I'm Sun-hi but my friends call me Sunny .. and since I really hope we will be friends , you can call me that too! "

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