Ignorance is bliss....
The now crimson field was empty, the three figures walking away with the amputated heads being carried in summoning scrolls as they left. The smallest figure walked a pace behind, eyes glancing behind him at the field of blood that lay abandoned, his eyes memorizing every detail as his fingers brushed the bottles in his pouch that had mulitiplied to two. His smile twitched slightly, comfort drawn from the reassurance of their presence as he shadowed them, his expression still. Itachi glanced behind him at the trailing figure of Shou, taking note of the blood that caked his body like a second skin. He seemed comfortable with it, not displaying discomfort at being covered in a dead mans insides.
And that was fine. But he attracted attention like that. So they would have to stop at the nearest village for him to clean off the blood and get clean clothing. But would it delay them? He mused silently over this, before concluding that that would be best for they could also turn in the bounties there. So he said:
"We're stopping at the next village."
Kisame looked at the Uchiha whilst Shou simply hummed in response, before he looked away nodding silently in agreement. They both agreed.
Shou, on the other hand, could not care less.
Itachi went to turn in the bounties whilst Kisame and Shou went to find an inn for the blood soaked boy to shower in. Shou entered the bathroom, clicking his tongue slightly in annoyance at the complete and utter waste it would be to wash off this precious blood. But, they did have a point, no matter how flawed and useless it was.
Still, that didn't mean he had to like it. He reluctantly stepped into the spray of warm water, eyes narrowing slightly as the water washed away the blood like it was never there in the first place- a mere illusion. A memory. His eyes closed, the rinnegan dissapearing beneath pale eyelids as he felt his mind turn to a memory,. His hand clenched hard, nails digging into his skin like knives, pressing harder and harder until they broke through, blood pouring from the incisions in his flesh causing his eyes to slide open at the slight pain, smile reforming on his face as he stared at the red renewed on his flesh. He stroked it, spreading the red across his arm and watching as it was washed away, until he finally said, his voice soft and thoughtful:
"Say... why were you being mean?"
He stood, his head cocked as he waited for a reply, which he seemed to recieve when his smile grew sinister undertones as he muttered:
When the boy finally padded from the bathroom completely clean, Itachi was back in the room waiting with Kisame, bounties collected. And they began to walk again, a comfortable silence between them with no trace of the previous tension.
They walked and walked until they reached the base.
They walked until they were finished..
The three figures stood in front of Pein, the money placed on his desk as they waited to be dismissed or recieve further orders. He studied them for a few moments, before eventually saying:
"Itachi, Kisame, you may leave."
The two he adressed nodded before exiting the room silently, eyes glancing at the boy for a fraction of a second before the door shut behind them, leaving the two rinnegan users alone. The two figures stared at each other for a few moments before Pein spoke, voice questioning:
"The moon?"
Shou simply stared back, eyes carefully guarded beneath the mocking amusement and happiness that filled them as his crazed rinnegan bore into the older maled, before his voice spoke slowly and tauntingly:
"...it would be prettier covered in blood."
Several moments passed before he sighed unnoticabely, dismissing the boy as he mused over the ever cryptic words.
An enigma...
Shou left with his smile a fraction harder than it usually was, his footsteps soft as he toured the base in order to get to his bedroom. It was fun. It was really fun. He was enjoying this so far.
And it would only get better. Yes, everything would get better.
He looked up as he passed through the living room, eyes lighting up at the sight of the tanned figure sitting in a corner with a silver haired male nearby talking loudly in a constant stream of curse words and complaints to the uninterested male. He let out a slight giggle and walked towards the tanned person he remembered as Kakuzu, who's head turned slightly at the sound. Both figures focused on him as he drew to a halt in front of the taller of the two, holding out a bunch of money with a smile and proclemation of:
"Pein said to give this to you~!"
Kakuzu nodded with a grunt, taking the money and turning away to add into his counting, slightly surprised at the appearence of the boy who was still as strange as ever, disturbing smile and all. Shou began to walk away at the misers silent dismissal, only to be stopped by the loud exclamation of:
"Huh? That's the fucking brat?"
He turned to stare at the swearing male questioningly, only to sniff the air slightly, eyes lightening as he caught the scent of blood and death and fear. It was heavenly. He studied the male with interest, eyes showing excitement that bewildered the Jashinist as he watched the strange boy in front of him, who suddenly laughed, head tilting to the side as he said:
"You smell like blood."
Hidan, completely surprised and confused by that remark, blinked before exclaiming:
"What the hell?"
Shou merely smiled wider, unnoticed amusement in his eyes as he turned and walked away, humming quietly to hiself as he left behind two confused figures. He laughed silently laughed at them as they were left confused.
For they didn't understand. They didn't understand anything.
And it was hilarious.
...until it comes back and kills you.
Chapter Fourteen~ Tigzy435 said she would like to see Hidan or Sasori meet Shou, so this is for her~!
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