He felt as though his body was betraying him, the pain was pulsing through his veins as he lay helpless on the ground. The only reason he was still alive was the fact that Neville wasn't very sneaky.
He felt arms grab onto him and pull him over to a wall, his body resting against it as he was sitting up. His vision was blurring, but when he finally could make out what figures were what, he realized Ron and Hermione had taken him there. They stood over him with worried faces.
"You alright?" Ron asked, noticing the way Percy was gazing at them.
"I've been better.." Percy sighed, looking over at the commotion. "What're we gonna do?"
Harry and Neville were fighting against Voldemort and Nagini, and it wasn't looking good.
"I don't know." Hermione sighed, her voice shaky. Her grip on her wand was tight, like at any moment she'd break it. "I.. don't know.."
"It'll be fine Hermione, we need to go help."
"I know, but we can't just leave Percy here!" She whisper-yelled, causing Ron to frown.
"I know, but he can handle himself just fine. If we don't step in, they'll die."
"Just go." Percy finally said, not wanting them to argue anymore. "I'm starting to feel better, so it'll be fine if you choose to help."
Hermione looked at Percy nervously before looking at Ron, "Fine, let's go."
Ron gave Percy a half-smile before running into the action with Hermione.
He sat helpless, wanting desperately to help. A broken piece of glass was on the ground, he looked at himself in it. He looked like a mess, dirt all over him and bags clear under his eyes. He wanted to sleep, but he knew that wasn't an option. He had to help.
He put his hands on the ground and began to stand up, his arms and legs were shaking but he ignored it and continued.
He tried not to think about how Voldemort had used an unforgivable curse on him; he'd only remember the many times he'd use them on innocent people as a kid. He realized then how much he'd changed, how much those three teenagers affected him.
He couldn't just sit there feeling bad for himself. He stood himself up, relying on the wall to keep him from falling.
It was four against one, he thought that they'd be winning, but somehow that wasn't the case. Hermione and Ron were trying to help Neville, who was being targeted by Nagini. Voldemort was battling Harry still, but Percy noticed how Harry's movements were getting slower and slower. He was exhausted, his muscles were no doubt in pain.
Percy let go of the wall, steadying himself on the ground. He had no other choice, helping Harry was his only option. One foot in front of the other, steady speed, he couldn't afford to fall again. Eventually, the pain was gone and he felt fine again.
But Harry was disarmed by Voldemort, and the snake-of-a-man took his opportunity, raising his wand and prepared to say the curse that he loved so much.
Percy found himself in a rush of adrenaline, he began running over to Harry. He didn't even glance at the three that were fighting Nagini. He was sure they'd noticed what happened, they had to have.
"The child born with the eyes of the sea will be destined to fight the child born as the seventh month dies."
"You see Harry, I always win." Voldemort began to laugh, and started to cast the spell at Harry.
"One will die by the other ones hand or by fault."
Time began to slow, Percy rapidly approaching the scene. Harry finally noticed Percy, his eyes going wide and he started to shout for Percy to stop. Neville still focused on fighting Nagini, but Hermione and Ron has noticed the situation, and their faces paled.
Percy looked over at Harry and smiled, he stopped running, seeing as he was in front of the boy. "You know, this was fun."
Harry shouted, but all Percy heard was the final word.
Neville has beheaded Nagini at that moment, causing Percy to smile.
"I'm sorry, Harry." He closed his eyes.
"The child with the eyes of the sea will mark who is to be."
He opened his eyes again, but now all he saw was the color green that was quickly becoming a blank black color. He started to fall the the ground as the feeling in his body was leaving him.
And then, it was quiet and dark. He felt absolutely nothing, he couldn't even feel the sensation of the ground against his skin. It felt as if he were floating, lost in a dark void.
Images popped into his vision, him as a child being raised by his actual parents, getting his hogwarts acceptance letter and actually going to hogwarts in his first year. He'd get a black cat and name it Blackjack, he'd meet this Hufflepuff named Grover and quickly befriend him. Then he'd meet a Ravenclaw named Annabeth and fall in love with her. They'd begin dating in their fourth year after he'd ask her to the Yule ball. They'd talk about the trouble Harry Potter and his friends had caused.
They'd meet the Diangelo siblings, but Bianca would die when she was snooping around and discovered Professor Moody was a fake. Then he'd meet Thalia Grace, a Slytherin. She'd be a good friend to him, even introducing him to another great friend; her brother, Jason, a Gryffindor. He'd meet Jason's girlfriend, Piper, a Slytherin, and they'd become close friends.
That would lead to them all meeting Leo, a master of potions and prankster. He was a hat stall, but ultimately got Ravenclaw due to his creativity, cleverness, and knowledge.
Percy would have a happy life, never casting any unforgivable curse in his life. He'd grow up to study aquatic creatures, documenting the different kinds. He'd become the first wizard to document each sea creature and even discover new ones.
He and Annabeth would get married and have two kids who would live their own adventures. Then he'd grow old and die a natural death, having lived a great life.
He could've lived happily with his family,
He would've been a great wizard.
He and his friends were going to be happy.
His friends are going to be happy.
His friends will live a better life.
They would,
They could,
They will.
But he,
He can't.
The false memories disappeared, and he saw himself standing in a bright room. Two people looked at him, smiling warmly.
"It's not your fault." The man said, a sad look in his eyes. "You didn't choose to be a death eater, it was me who did."
Then he realized he recognized them; they were his parents.
"I'm dead, aren't I?"
"You mean you don't know?" Sally asked.
"It happened so fast, I didn't really process the situation until now.." he sighed, "Why am I here? Why are you here?"
"You're getting reborn, you're getting your second chance." Poseidon said proudly.
"You don't seem too thrilled." Sally chuckled.
"I guess I never really prepared myself for how death would be. I just figured by existence would be wiped from the world and I'd no longer live. My soul would be gone."
Sally looked to the ground, "it's hard to prepare for. Look, we're proud of you, for realizing what kind of wizard Voldemort is."
"We don't have much time, so we'll be quick." His father sighed, "We love you."
"And we're sorry."
He opened his mouth to question it, but the only worlds that he could muster were, "I forgive you."
They smiled and his vision faded again. This time, no more images appeared, it was a steady darkness, warm and calming.
It was...
"Percy!" Harry shouted, watching as his friend fell to the ground. Voldemort frowned, seeming annoyed that he didn't kill Harry.
Harry quickly grabbed his wand and shot the killing curse at a stunned Voldemort. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"
All the horcruxes were destroyed, Voldemort could die. And he did.
Harry dropped his wand and ran over to Percy's body. "Damit, damn it all!" He pounded his fist into the ground next to Percy. He felt hot tears stream down his face as his three friends ran over to him.
"What're we going to do now.. everyone thinks he's bad.." Ron spoke, his voice and body shaking.
"He died a hero, it doesn't matter what he did before, it's what he does in the end that matters." Hermione mumbled, trying her best to maintain her calm and resist the tears streaming down her pale face.
Harry stumbled up, grabbing the Elder wand from the ground where Voldemort died. "I thought I'd be fine since I was the true owner of this wand, but then Voldemort disarmed me. He could actually kill me, and when I realized I could die, he ran in the way.."
"So the prophecies really did come true.. Harry killed Voldemort but... Percy died." Ron frowned, refusing to look at their deceased friend.
"But it said we were supposed to fight! a-and we.. we didn't.." Harry realized.
"You fought together, not eachother. You both fought Voldemort, maybe it was trying to mislead you." Hermione suggested. "I believe the decision he made that decided his fate was saving you."
"Or maybe it was choosing good." Neville suggested.
"Maybe, I suppose we'll never really know." Harry sighed, standing up and breaking the Elder wand.
"Harry! Why would you do that!" Hermione and Ron yelled.
"It's caused more trouble than it's worth anyway. It's best if we get rid of it completely then try and leave it in a position where this..." He glanced at Percy's body- "..can happen again."
They just nodded, no one could bring themselves to speak. No words could really fit that moment.
It was a somber moment, many lives were lost but the war was over. Harry stared out at the sea, the waves were slow. A small but pained smile slipped from his lips.
"Let's go find the others." Harry finally said, breaking the melancholy silence.
They nodded, and Harry picked a flower from the ground and released it into the wind, watching as it flew off into the air. Maybe it'd land in the water, or maybe it'd fly in the air for as long as it could.
He walked away with his friends before he could find out.
On August 18th, 1998, Perseus Jackson was born to Sally Jackson in New York. His father would be the Greek god Poseidon.
The heroes of the war,
Annabeth Chase,
Percy Jackson,
Jason Grace,
Leo Valdez,
Piper Mclean,
Frank Zhang,
May they Rest In Peace.
Just like Jk Rowling did, I'll do one.
This chapter was especially difficult for me to write, I rewrote it five times trying to find the best way for me to do this. I always planned for Percy to die how he did, it even says it in the prophecy. It took me a long time to really decide how he'd die, but one day I decided he'd save Harry. It just fits with how he is. He's a loyal person, and he'd give his life up for his friends.
So hate me all you want, but I warned you in the prophecy. You all were probably hoping I'd do some loop around it BUT NO. I'm a bitch.
Anyways, I'll probably get that epilogue out within the next few days, and I'll include a better, more sappy authors note in that. My friend is being snoopy and watching me type this so this authors note is shitty and rushed Ha ha. But she helped edit this a bit so whatever.
(Btw I have two different fics planned for after I finish this so stay tuned I guess)
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