I held on to Carter's hand. I didn't know why I did. I should have just let go. But I was so confused on the situation, and what was going to happen. He looked calm, but I could tell that on the inside he felt the same way.
We followed the ambulance as it reached the hospital. A few nurses and paramedics rushed both Carter's body and my body into the hospital.
As I watched my body being rushed into the ER, I began to feel sick. My wounds...they looked so awful.
"You know," Carter said, breaking the silence, "My arms look terrible. They look so bloody, so lifeless."
He stopped for a moment, before continuing. "I may never be able to play my guitar the same way again, maybe not at all."
Carter's guitar.... He loves that guitar. He probably loved it just as much as he loved me when we dated, maybe even a bit more. Carter was dedicated to playing his guitar.
I remember our first date. It was so....amazing.
Riley heard the doorbell ring. She quickly fixed her hair in the hallway mirror, before bolting down the stairs. She paused nervously at the door for a moment, before slowly opening it up. In the doorway stood Carter. He smiled at her. Riley could feel her legs turn to jello. His smile made her heart literally melt.
"Are you ready?" He asked, holding out his hand.
Riley smiled back at him. "Of course I am." She took his hand, quite cautiously, and shr stepped out of the house, and locked the door behind her. Her dad wasn't home, which was probably good. Riley didn't want him to embarrass her or him on the first date with anyway.
The two walked along the sidewalk, holding each other's hands. Riley had her head on his shoulder, thinking about what Carter planned to do for their first date. Riley was too shy to start a conversation, but eventually curiosity took over "Wh-what are we going to do?"
He just smiled. "You will see. And I think your going to love it."
After walking a bit more, the two arrived at our school. Riley was a bit confused. Riley didn't really want to spend my first date with him at a school...It's not very romantic. But then Riley realized why they were there. He opened the back gate that connected the parking lot with the fields where all of the sports were held. Carter brought the two to the center, where there was a lacrosse set lying on the ground. Riley got a bit excited.
"I. LOVE. LACROSSE." Riley said happily, almost to happily. She nearly shrank down in embarrassment.
He chuckled. "I know you do. That's one of the first things you told me about yourself."
"And you remember?" Riley was quite surprised.
Usually people didn't remember that I played lacrosse, no matter how much I talked about it.
Carter nodded. "I would never forget anything that is important to you. C'mon, let's play!"
Riley picked up one of the lacrosse sticks and smirked playfully. "You are going down."
Carter smiled. "I probably will. But it's worth a shot!"
The two played a mean game, but of course Riley won! Carter wasn't bad, though. He wasn't.
"You played quite well." Riley teased softly, grinning sheepishly. Carter gave a scoff, scrunching his face in a playful bout of distaste. "You obviously cheated." He barked playfully, joking about.
Damn. He was fucking...he was just...Ugh. I can't find any word that fits him.
Anyway, they put all of the lacrosse sticks and supplies back into the school's shed, before making their way back into the streets. It was getting a bit late, and Riley was expecting Carter to take get back home. But he didn't. Instead, he pulled Riley towards the center of town. This was always the nicer part of town. There were tons of restaurants and bakeries, as well as a couple ice cream parlors. But Riley's personal favorite part was the huge park that was at the very center of the park. The park had a beautiful walkway, dozens of benches, a small playground for the little kids (and sometimes the teenagers...), and a beautiful flower mosaic that laid in the center of the park. It was all too beautiful.
He had Riley sit down on one of the benches, while he went to get us something to eat. Riley tried to tell him she had eaten when I was home...But he insisted on getting something something anyways. Another thing about guys. So insistent. He returned about five minutes later with quite a surprise. He happened to know Riley's favorite ice cream flavor.
All Riley could do was smile like an idiot, "T-Thanks, Carter." She answered quite shyly, grinning.
Carter just smiled at Riley. "Anything for you." He said, as he began to eat his favorite flavor: Neapolitan.
Oh..that charming smile. I remember it like yesterday.
The two finished eating, the meal settling pleasantly in Riley's stomach. Carter went to go throw out the cups. But he didn't return immediately. Riley sat there, waiting as patiently as one could on a date. Did he just ditch her? No, he is way to nice to do that. But where could he have gone?
Riley began to hear the sounds of someone strumming a guitar. She slowly turned towards the direction of where the sound was coming from. It was Carter, strumming away at his guitar.
"And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me - I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am
So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are"
It was Carter. He was singing one of my favorite songs...
People began to gather around Carter and Riley.
I started to feel a little shy again; my face turning red once more. I remember wanting to tell Carter to stop, but at the same time...he was being so romantic. I decided to let it be.
When he finished the song, everyone clapped, then began to do what they were doing before. Riley sprung to her feet nearly tackling the handsome beau before her. She hugged Carter, almost to tightly to be honest. "Thank you...just...I can't thank you enough for this wonderful night."
Carter smiled back. "No need to thank me, Riley. I'm doing it because I love a you."
After they reached Riley's house, Carter turned around to face the female standing at his side.
"Your eyes glow so much brighter at night. It's way better than watching the stars. I bet the stars wish they glowed like your eyes." Riley laughed a little, feeling a blush creep along her cheeks.
Carter patted her head playfully, chuckling quietly. Then silence fell.
"I love you, Riley. Don't forget that."
"I won't."
Then we kissed. I felt this feeling when we did. A feeling that I cannot describe in just words alone. It was probably the best thing that happened that night. Maybe it was the best feeling that I've ever felt.
I remember wanting to give him my all; But, knowing me? Yeah..That didn't happen. I just remember that perfect moment, and that's how it will stay in my head.
It will remain perfect.
I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until Carter gently nudged me awake.
"We got out of surgery." He started quietly, hesitantly. He started at the ground.
I immediately knew he was hiding something. He was sometimes one sly motherfucker.
But I guess I still love him. Gosh.
"Tell me." I inquired, my eyes squinting at him, in the way I would look at him to get him to agree with me.
That was all I heard; I was to shocked to say anything. I couldn't even breathe out a syllable.
I felt Carter's hand resting reassuringly on my shoulder, not able to find the strength to pull myself away. Maybe his comfort was needed.
"Riley." He mumbled softly, "They said only we have the power to stay."
Author's Note: Written by Sam, edited by Ticci. ^_^ Ticci added some things.
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