Vastatosaurus Rex VS Indominus Rex: Indomitable Kings

(Wiz and Boomstick - Death Battle Official Theme Song)

Adam: Vastatosaurus Rex, Skull Island's Ravager Lizard King.

Shadow: And Indominus Rex, the Untamable King of Jurassic World.

Randy: Tyrannosaurus Rex, the most famous extinct animal and is proudly known as the king of the fucking dinosaurs. And today we have two fuckers that are the descendants. Evolution meets Genetics! Nature vs Science!

Adam: For this bout, we're using the movies and any closely tied media. So that means the 2005 King Kong game and Netflix series Camp Cretaceous will be used. Also, we'll be only analyzing the subadult Indominus into account as analyzing a fully grown I-Rex takes a lot of speculations and workarounds.

Shadow: He's Adam, that's Randy and I'm Shadow.

Adam: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win... a DEATH BATTLE.

Vastatosaurus Rex ravages DEATH BATTLE

(The T-Rex Cometh - King Kong Official Game of the Movie)

Shadow: Skull Island is filled with dangerous predators that have been either thought to be extinct or have survived and evolved into even more vicious beasts. Among the carnivores to exist is the Vastatosaurus Rex, meaning the Ravager Lizard King!

Randy: Ann Darrow, a survivor, accidentally met one when a Foetodon trying to eat her got caught and eaten instead. Kong managed to save her as he faced three V-Rexes and beat all of them, possibly due to plot armor.

Adam: Which seems pretty BS when official sources confirmed they're capable of killing Kong's species as a whole.

Shadow: Before we get to the analysis, we'd like you to know there's at least three different V-Rexes shown: a male, a female and the juvenile. So we'll be using the male V-Rex for this fight as it is capable of doing whatever the other two can.

Vastatosaurus Rex

Physical strength

High durability and endurance

Seemingly limitless stamina


Combat skills

Sharp teeth

Armored skin

Bone-crushing jaw

Speed and agility



Thrashing tail

Powerful legs

Large head used for headbutting

Adam: V-Rex stood 19 feet tall, over 49 feet long and weighs in 12 tons. As a hyper-evolved version of an already dangerous T-Rex, Vastatosaurus possess many abilities of his predecessor, but doubled that. For example, A T-Rex's bite force is around 12,800 pounds. Doubling that means the V-Rex has a bite force of 25,600 pounds per square inch.

Randy: It has enhanced sense of smell and binocular vision and is very tough, capable of taking blows from Kong himself. It's tail can also be used as a weapon and despite their immense size, V-Rexes are capable of running up to 25 miles per hour!

Shadow: Impressive considering T-Rex can sprint at only 20 mph. It has an armored skin that deflects bullets from machine guns and can use its head as a battering ram. And while not very smart, the V-Rex has limited intelligence where it deducts problems via instinct.


Held it's own against King Kong

Lived it's life on Skull Island

Can survive falls from great heights

Endured being pummeled by Kong

Can shatter bones with it's tail

Capable of hunting tougher prey like Ferrucutus, Pinnatono, and Brontosaurus

Killed a Foetodon, a Venatosaurus (2005 game), a Brontosaurus (2005 game), Lumpy (2005 game) and Ben Hayes (2005 game)

It's stomach acid could process even the most rancid rotting meat

Adam: V-Rex is without a doubt one of the scariest predators Skull Island had and is one of the very few beasts that can kill Kong's species. It can shrug off being hit by bullets, rocks, trees, flaming spears and even blows from Kong himself.

Shadow: And as of the most ferocious predators of Skull Island, Vastatosaurus Rex has a lot of combat experience fighting other monsters for survival.

Randy: Pretty insane considering you're talking about an island inhabited by giant raptors, monsters bugs, shark-like piranhas and even Kong himself!


Ultimately inferior to Kong in stats

Small arms

Went extinct when Skull Island sank in 1948

Defeated by Kong even when there 3 V-Rexes

Killed by Kong

First got its head crushed by a huge boulder

Second got his head smashed against the side of a cliff

Third had its jaw literally broken

Randy: Of course, it's a stretch to say it's unstoppable. Like their ancestors, V-Rex possess tiny arms which are useless in combat and relies more in instinct than intellect.

Adam: And while it's tough, its durability has limits and is weaker than Kong in many ways. Even 3 V-Rexes are no match for Kong with each one being taken out. And ultimately, the Vastatosaurus Rexes became extinct when Skull Islands sank into the ocean, never to be seen again.

Shadow: But despite the flaws and ultimate extinction, the Vastatosaurus are a force of nature to be taken. You know you're an absolute monster when you're species is capable of wiping out most of Kong's.


Indominus Rex camouflages for a DEATH BATTLE

(Indominus Wrecks - Michael Giacchino)

Shadow: In the year 2005, John Hammond's dream was finally realized. A theme park, by the name of Jurassic World, was made to teach the children of the world about the wonders of dinosaurs, albeit not very accurately. During 2012, however, the public was growing tired of dinosaurs. Seeing a T-Rex was like seeing a lion in a zoo, the same thing everyday.

Adam: So the marketing team at Jurassic World wanted something bigger, better, something with more teeth. They enlisted expert geneticist, Henry Wu, to create the Indominus Rex.

Randy: And you can bet your ass he went crazy with what he wanted to add to the I-Rex. With the DNA of every known dinosaur and animal, Wu knew what to do.

Indominus Rex



Teeth & Claws

Thermal vision

Cross-species communication

Adjustable Body Temperature


Roar (140-160 DB's)

Sense of Smell

Opposable thumbs

While its genetic template is of a Tyrannosaurus, its DNA is made up of multiple creatures including Velociraptors, Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops, Giganotosaurus, Therizinosaurus, tropical frogs, cuttlefishs, and snakes

Adam: Being a genetically made dinosaur means Indominus possess the traits of many dinosaurs and more, but its base design is that of a T-Rex. Possessing traits to the dinosaur king, but amplified by the genes of other creatures.

Randy: The DNA of Therizinosaurus and Giganotosaurus makes her possess large arms with deadly claws. Raptor DNA makes her extremely smart, snake DNA grants thermal vision, it can camouflage with cuttlefish DNA. Oh, and she can alter her body temperature with tree fog DNA.


Survived a T-Rex Bite which was 6-7 tonnes of pressure and proceeded to overpower it

Convinced Blue and her sisters to turn on Owen and the rest of the InGen mercenaries

Survived the blast of an RPG-Round (It wasn't a direct hit, and she still fell to the ground)

Dispatched the APC, which were made up of highly trained soldiers meant to contain highly dangerous dinosaurs, with relative ease

Shrugged off shotgun blasts to the face multiple times

Claws pierced and even bit through the bullet proof glass of a gyrosphere

Survived being clawed by multiple Velociraptors

Smashes through glass, brick and steel

Scares away the hyper aggressive Pteranodons from their enclosures

Can throw 2-3 ton vehicles and flip a 4 ton dinosaur off the ground

Killed her sister

Killed raptors Echo and Delta

Nearly killed a T-Rex

Is smart enough to remove her own tracking device

Killed Apatosaurus, Ankylosaurus and other dinosaurs with relative ease (Shrugged off a hit by the clubbed tail of an Ankylosaur, which paleontologist theorize is powerful enough to smash the legs of a T. Rex)

Is an expert at confusing her victims

Took a beating from a T. Rex and Raptor that sent her into several buildings and even had a metal pole speared into her at one point and she got right back up ready to fight

Shadow: The Indominus i is considered among the dinosaurs in Jurassic World. It's capable of slaying sauropods like Apatosaurus, tanked an RPG at close range and and take a direct hit to the face by an Ankylosaurus and keep fighting. That's no laughing matter since the tail of an Ankylosaurus can crush bone with a single swing.

Randy: She tricked Claire and Owen into thinking she escaped when in reality she only camouflaged and lower her body heat into making them open the gates. She nearly destroyed an entire team capable of handling dangerous dinosaurs and killed the velociraptors Echo and Delta. And before that she convinced the Raptors to turn on Owen and the others thanks to being part raptor herself.

Speaking of T-Rex, Indominus was able to overpower and nearly kill Rexy, an old Tyrannosaurus. T-Rex has one of the strongest bite force of any dinosaur weighing at around 6-7 tons. And she can take several of Rexy's bite no problem.


She's still just a dinosaur

Her dominance over the raptors didn't last long, as Owen regained their trust turning them against her

Didn't kill Owen despite having thermal vision, meaning being covered in oil to cover his scent would be redundant

Was ultimately killed by the Mosasaur

Her size can make her an easy target

A huge sadist and psychopath

Attacks anything, even something that would most likely kill her

Took months of prep time to escape and claw out her tracking device, even though she had plenty of opportunities

Although she can camouflages herself, she cannot hide her scent against other dinosaurs or opponents with a keen sense of smell

Randy: But you'd be very wrong to think it's the most perfect hybrid. She's still a dinosaur and her durability has limits. Indominus is also a psychopath due to being isolated all her life which has resulted in her being doubled teamed by Rexy and Blue who were able to deal damage to her.

Shadow: She also doesn't seem to think some of her actions through. Such as when she bit through the Gyrosphere which can withstand 50-calibur bullet but failed to notice another exit that Zack and Gray were able to escape from. And despite having thermal vision, the Indominus SOMEHOW couldn't detect Own when he covered himself in oil when she had thermal vision.

Randy: Talk about plot induce stupidity.

Adam: Ultimately Indominus was killed during her fight with Rexy and Blue, the fences from the Lagoon broke which allowed the Mosasaur to drag her to her inevitable death. But one thing remains, Indominus is one of the most dangerous dinosaur hybrids ever created by Dr. Wu.



Adam: All right, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Adam, Shadow and Randy: It's time... For a DEATH BATTLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Skull Island

(Kings of the Continent - Brandon Yates)

In the vast open plains, herbivorous dinosaurs roam the grassy fields. A herd of Apatosaurus are eating the leaves of the tall trees. Two Ankylosaurus are seen drinking water from a lake alongside a female Styracosaurus. Several Parasaurolophus ate grass from the fields below them.

But the peaceful time is broken by a unearthly roar as a huge predator busts out from the trees, revealing its bluish armored body to the world. This is one of the apex predators of Skull Island, Vastatosaurus Rex. It opens its jaw to reveal its sharp teeth as he bellows.


The rest of the dinosaurs flee in terror the the giant hyper-evolved T-Rex begins its hunt, looking for an easy prey to devour. Eventually it sets it sights on a old Apatosaurus falling behind and clamps his jaws on its hind legs. The Apatosuaurs roars in agony as it was held down by the V-Rex and flipped on its side, rendering it immobile. The Vastatosaurus then grabs the sauropod by the head and breaks its neck, killing it and its body went limp.

The Vastatosaurus let out a growl as he tore open the dead Apatosaurus' side to get to the delicious nutritions inside. But just as he was about to take a huge bite, he stops as he hears an unfamiliar roar echoing from the forest. It was nothing he had had ever heard before. Eye narrowed, the Vastatosaurus witness tall grass and trees swaying and being brushed aside as the unknown creatures came out of the forest, revealing to be the Indominus Rex. It's scaly white and gray body reflecting the sun's ray.


She let out a hiss as she eyed the dead Apatosaurus corpse, jaws dripping with saliva. The Vastatosaurus knew instinctively what the I-Rex wants and growled as he isn't about to let his hard won prize be taken by this dinosaur. He begin charging at the I-Rex with a challenging roar



The Indominus lunges toward Vastatosaurus wit her jaws open, but the V-Rex sidesteps the attack and whacks the hybrid with his tail, sending the Indominus on the floor. The I-Rex gets up and turns to swipe the V-Rex in the face, but her claws failed to penetrate his armor.

The Vastatosaurus opens his jaws and bites the Indominus by the neck, shaking his head in order to deliver more damage. The Indominus roars in pain as she is getting ragdolled by the V-Rex and uses her longer arms to scratch his face. He's forced to let go in order to avoid the claws as he roars.

The Indominus hisses back as she and the V-Rex circle each other, trying to intimidate the other. Growls and snarls erupting from their jaws as they analyzed their opponent for weak spots.



The Vastatosaurus charges in for a bite, instinct overpowering intellect. Indominus ducks under the V-Rex at the last moment and returns the favor before by biting under the throat of the V-Rex, raising her head up just enough so the Vastatosaurus' belly is exposed and uses her claws to attack.

The V-Rex roars in agony as the Indominus claws at its vulnerable spot and uses his superior size to wriggle his way out. The I-Rex tries to hold on but fails as her opponent breaks free from her death grip. The V-Rex is now angry as he uses his head to ram the Indominus full force, knocking her down to the ground. He opens his jaws and bites down on the area he's bitten her before, blood now coming out from the puncture wounds.


She roars in pain as the V-Rex bits down on her neck hard before using all of his power to throw her several feet away into the forest behind them, uprooting several of them as she falls. The Vastatosaurus shakes its head trying to recover from the injuries inflicted by the Indominus. This distraction gave her enough time to camouflage and sneak away to come up with a plan.

When the V-Rex turns to finish the I-Rex off, his adversary was nowhere to be found. Growling, the V-Rex looks around sniffing for the Indominus, unaware that she is stalking towards him ready to pounce. She is just 20 feet away when the wind blew in her direction, her scent being immediately picked on by the V-Rex as he turns in her direction. But it was too late as the Indominus jumps forward and slashes his left eye with her claw, permanently blinding him.


He bellows in pain as he lost vision from his left side. This left him exposed as the Indominus grapples the Vastatosaurus to the ground and proceeds to bite his throat for the kill. She bite down hard. The Vastatosaurus roars in agony as he felt his windpipe getting crushed by the Indominus' jaws.

Without warning he uses his foot flaws to attack the I-Rex, surprising her as her position left herexposed to those talons. Eventually the V-Rex scored a deep gash on the side of the I-Rex, causing a deep wound and blood to pour out.


The Indominus roars in pain as she's force to let go. This gave the V-Rex the opportunity to headbutt the Indominus away, staggering her back as he quickly gets back up to his feet. He then spins and smacks the I-Rex with his tail, knocking her down once again and even some of her teeth.

The Vastatosaurus opens his jaws as big as he could and clamps down on the Indominus' neck once more, but this time, he plants his foot on the center of his body to prevent her from escaping. The Indominus screeches as she's getting crushed by the V-Rex jaw sand struggles to escape, flailing her arms and tail.

But the V-Rex did not relent and continues to apply more force into his jaws, eliciting more roars from the I-Rex until a sickening crunch pop went off and the Indominus went limp in his jaws, presumably killed having her neck snapped. The Vastatosaurus drops the hybrid's corpse on the ground. With his opponent dead, the V-Rex rears his head back unleashes a victorious roar.



* The Vastatosaurus Rex is seen eating the Apatosaurus with no more disturbance

* The Indominus Rex corpse is seen being scavenged a pack of Venatosaurus


(Kings of the Continent again)

Randy: Goddamn son!

Adam: This is a close one than you might think as both tyrannosaurs held their own advantages: Vastatosaurus is physically stronger but Indominus is smarter and had the longer arms. The Indominus can camouflage, but the Vastatosaurus' enhanced senses could counter that. Both had the same levels of durability, Vastatosaurus can take hits from Kong's punches whereas Indominus took an Ankylosaurus tail club to the face.

Shadow: But Vastatosaurus held one distinct advantage over the Indominus, and that is experience. Throughout her entire life Indominus had never interact let alone fought with other dinosaurs before her escape whereas the V-Rex species had survived millions of years in the isolated Skull Island, fighting vicious predators to earn themselves at top of the food chain.

Adam: Here's where V-Rex trumps I-Rex in bite force. Remember the Mosaurusus that killed the Indominus in the Jurassic World movie? The bite force of that is 13,000 psi, that's 200 more than the bite force of a T-Rex which the I-Rex is based on.

Randy: Why bring this up you ask? Well the Vastatosaurus is said to surpass the T-Rex's bite force at a staggering 25,600 psi. Double the bite force of a T-Rex and more than enough to kill Indominus with a single bite.

Shadow: Despite the Indominus' cunning intelligence and plethora of abilities, the Vastatosaurus' bite force and millions of combat prowess ultimately handed it the win.

Randy: In the end, the Vastatosaurus proved to be Indominable in this dinosaur fight.

Adam: The winner is the Vastatosaurus Rex.

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