Darth Vader VS Omni-Man: A Father's Darkness
(Wiz and Boomstick - Official Death Battle Theme Song)
Vanessa: Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith.
Sara: And Omni-Man, The Azure Avenger.
Vanessa: There two ruthless fathers have shown their loyalty to their empires and will stop at nothing to conquer worlds in their names, even if it meant killing their own children!
Sara: And yet, it wait was was through their very sons that they find redemption and their legacies carried on by them.
Popup: For this fight, I'm giving both combatants their canon and secondary medias. Vader will have the movies, Disney and Legends materials, whereas Omni-Man has both the cartoon and comics, as well as his crossover with Supreme being considered canon due it the events of Invincible #12 being referenced in Supreme (2012) #67.
Sara: She's Vanessa and I'm Sara.
Vanessa: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win..... a DEATH BATTLE.
Darth Vader is Most Impressive on DEATH BATTLE
(The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme - Star Wars)
Vanessa: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the Galactic Empire, led by the evil mastermind Darth Sidious, ruled over everything when Sidious orchestrated major events that led to the Jedi's demise and the fall of the Galactic Republic. And one of those responsible for killing hundreds of Jedis was Palpatine's apprentice, Darth Vader.
Sara: But before he became the Dark Lord of the Sith, Vader was simply known as Anakin Skywalker, a slave from the planet Tatooine who longs for his freedom and his fellow slaves. Then one day, everything changed when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn arrived and was discovered that Anakin is the Chosen One, a person destined to bring balance to the Force.
Vanessa: Buuut after Qui-Gon's death at the hands Darth Maul, his other student, Obi-Wan Kenobi, took the the mantle to train Anakin in the ways of the Jedi. Despite them having a rocky start, since Anakin preferred Qui-Gon over Obi, the two got along very well and led many battles together. However, when Anakin was denied the rank of Jedi Master because he wasn't properly trained, coupled with some anger issues, he would soon stray from the path.
Sara: Apparently becoming a Jedi means forsaking everyone they had loved, which Anakin didn't liked. After losing his mother just after reuniting with her, Ahsoka being expelled from the Jeid Order after being framed for a crime she didn't commit and receiving a vision that Padme would die giving birth to their children, Anakin succumbs to the Dark Side of the Force and turns to Chancellor Palpatine, who is actually the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.
Vanessa: After becoming a Sith, Anakin would lead a battalion to kill the Jedis in the temple after Sidious initiates Order 66. However, after confronting Padme and Obi-Wan in Mustafar, the two former friends would battle it out, with Obi-Wan leaving Anakin to burn in lava with three limbs separated. However, Sidious would rescue his apprentice and took him back where he was rebuilt and remade into the more famous and deadly Sith we know today, Darth Vader.
Darth Vader
Jedi and Sith training
Dual-phased red Lightsaber (Can change length, as well as being powered by anger and pain)
Form III (Soresu) (Emphasizes defense & deflection)
Form IV (Ataru) (Emphasizes offense & speed)
Form V (Shien & Djem So) (Emphasizes counterattacks & strength)
Force abilities
Enhanced senses
Mental probing
Mind control
Sith alchemy
Matter Control
Dark Armor
Force Choke
Force Scream
Force Crush
Force Kill
Force Deflection
Force Healing
Vanessa: Vader received both training from both Jedi and Sith which makes his all rounded and skilled. He wield a dual-phased lightsaber which can change its length to however he want and specializes in the Form V of lightsaber combat, Shien & Djem So. Form V allows the user to parry blocks from blasters and other lightsabers before counterattacking in exchange. And while his armor does cause a lot of problems, mainly due to Sidious fearing Vader turning against him, it is durable to withstand even other lightsabers.
Sara: But Vader's most powerful weapon is the Force, an energy spanning across entire universe. Both Jedi and Sith have used it to move things with their minds, mind control people, predict certain futures and block mental attacks. But whereas the Jedi considers the Force as an ally, the Sith only saw it as a weapon and uses negative emotions such as anger and fear to fuel their powers. And in Vader's case, he can use it to choke people with his Force Choke.
Vanessa: He can block blaster shots with his hands via Tutaminus and use Force Scream that sends a shockwave that ripples throughout the Force, breaking physical and mental defenses. And while he can't use Force Lightning compared to other Sith, he can use an similar technique called Kinetite, in which Vader can condense a ball of kinetic energy and hurls it at his foes.
Known as the most fearsome killer in the galaxy
Caught a freighter with the Force
First person to kill a Sando Aqua Monster
Simultaneously controlled the Son and the Daughter
Survived a planet exploding while on it
Defeated Obi-Wan, Luke, Ventress, Reva, Count Dooku, Grand Inquisitor
Before being encased inside his armor, he survived being burned alive on Mustafar, after losing ALL of his natural limbs, withstanding third and fourth-degree burns, possibly worse and SOMEHOW still retained his eyebrows
Bested many surviving Jedi after Order 66
Took on five Jedi Masters, two Jedi Knights and a Padawan on Kessel with the assistance of a squad of Stormtroopers. He had his arm cut off... and he telekinetically threw the hand with Lightsaber to impale another Jedi mid-battle
Defeated Jedi Master Roan Shryne, who was able to match Vader in Lightsaber combat
Defeated his former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and his son
Killed his old master Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Telekinetic and Telepathic range allows his Force Abilities to reach from across a room to across planets by telepathy
Bested Han Solo's quick draw with his foresight and Tutaminis
Fought Obi-Wan to a standstill, and kept up with him in their fight
Tanked a point-blank grenade explosion
Can move at comparable speeds to Mace Windu when he was about to take down Sidious
Creates Force Barrier (calc) that deflects (and he also dodges a flurry of lasers) torpedoes
Survived in the vacuum of space
Took down multiple cyborgs created by Doctor Cylo specifically made to replace him
Force Crushes an AT-AT
Destroyed a Lucrehulk Class Droid Carrier at 9 years old
Single-handedly destroyed an entire rebel army
Killed Darth Sidious, presumably the most powerful Sith Lord of all time
Survives being torched by two flamethrowers
Kills a cybernetically enhanced Rancor
In recent comics, he has been able in to easily defeat Darth Sidious in combat within a Force vision
He moves so fast, an opponent hits his friend rather than him. He is moving so fast, he appears to teleport.
Almost disarms Galen Marek
Darth Vader is one of the most powerful Sith Lords ever. A Sith Lord (Plagueis) of near comparable strength was able to alter the climate of an entire planet just by being there. His DC and Durability should scale to Multi-Continent, and as per Word of God, had around 20% of Darth Sidious' strength. Sidious being a person who is stated to be strongest Sith Lord ever multiple times, in addition to having ravaged planet surfaces and whole fleets.
Once slew multiple Jedi in the blink of an eye
Surpassed his previous peak in strength vastly
Killed Ender, a giant creature that was responsible for destroying an entire civilization
Was able to withstand the violent and agonizing Force Lighting blows and Force Maelstroms of his apprentice Galen Marek and his clone, Starkiller, which severely damaged his cybernetics and breathing apparatus
Takes Lightsaber blows
Manages to bifurcate missiles in flight
Manages to handily overpower Celeste Morne, a Jedi Master
Can easily resist the influence of the Muur Talisman, which can turn most people, even force users, into zombie-like monsters called "Rakghouls"
Darth Vader blocks then dodges a large charged blaster beam
Withstood a storm of Force Lightning from Sidious, who, at his peak, was able to lay waste to the surfaces of entire planets and ravage whole starfleets, and slaughter Jedi with unparalleled speed, before finally dying from his wounds
Vanessa: Vader has shown on why he's considered one of the most powerful Force users in both Jedi and Sith history. He had been able keep up and match more experienced Force users like Count Dooku, Celeste Morne and even his old mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi. He survived a planet exploding while still on it and caught a laser with his hands.
Sara: And back as Anakin he was able to control both the Son and the Daughter simultaneously, Force-wielders who are the embodiments the dark and light sides of the Force respectively. Vader is also superior to other Dark Force users like Nightsister Charal who has overpowered the Sunstar, which had the power to shift moons, a feat requiring 14 Yottatons of TNT.
Popup: Kyp Duron, who Obi-Wan and Yoda have been directly compared to, is capable of moving a black hole, which required 14 Petatons of TNT.
Vanessa: He even went toe-to-toe with his secret apprentice Galen Marek aka Starkiller who is capable of bringing down an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, which weighs a staggering 40 million tons. He also defeated a Darth Maul clone by impaling himself and bested Luke Skywalker in the majority of their duels, both in Canon and in Legends.
Sara: For reference, an inexperienced Luke is capable of matching Guri, a droid assassin who's brain model can process data in 6.1 picoseconds. To be able to keep up with her means Luke could react to 28.4 times FTL. And in the Legends timeline, Luke was even capable of moving an even bigger black hole which requires 3,385 Yottatons of TNT.
Dependent on Breathing Apparatus (Because his lungs are damaged)
Dark Armor is intentionally faulty (by Palpatine to prevent Vader from rebelling against him)
Random beeping at his chest
Mismatched parts
Synthetic skin itches
Heavy weight, reducing his speed
Breathing keeps him awake even in bouts of exhaustion
Can underestimate his opponents
Weakness to lightning or strong electrical discharges, as it could short circuit his armor. (He was eventually killed by Sidious' force lightning)
Can be overpowered by Jar'Kai users (such as Galen Marek and his clone)
His armor is heavy. Although he can still use Force Speed, he is relatively slower and less agile than the average Jedi
Continues serving his master despite knowing that he manipulated his entire life and is continuously looking to replace Vader
His Injuries stopped him from reaching his full potential with the Force, though he is still very much a powerful Force user
Is in constant pain; although this does benefit his connection with the Dark Side
The Emperor intentionally made Vader's armor faulty so that Vader would never be able to surpass him.
Contrary to popular belief; Lightsabers can't cut through everything
Vanessa: But even Vader has weaknesses. Most notably his Dark Armor which causing him a lot of breathing difficulties and weighs him down heavily, making him slower than most and requires the Force Speed to keep up. Though it was intended by Palpatine to prevent Vader from turning against him.
Sara: It's not help by the fact the injuries he sustained in Mustafar also prevented Vader from using his full potential with the Force. Plus despite his intelligence, Vader can still underestimate his opponents and is prone to anger, though that can be a plus from using the Dark Side.
Vanessa: And remember when we said Vader can't channel Force Lightning from his hands? That's because he has mechanical limbs and metal obviously conducts electricity, but also because it would damage his life support in the armor which keeps him alive.
Sara: But after hearing Luke crying for his father after being viciously assaulted by Sidious' Force Lightning, Vader became Anakin Skywalker once again and throws his former master down the reactor, killing him as the cost of his own life. Yet this mattered little to Vader who gets to see his son for the final time and redeeming himself, for the Chosen One has brought balance to the Force.
Vanessa: But make no mistake, Vader is one of the deadliest Force users in the entire Star Wars universe. If you get in his way, you better pray it will be quick.
Darth Vader makes a pinching motion with his fingers to a disrespectful commander who begins clawing at his throat as everyone else looks on with different reactions. Vader then make his displeasure known.
Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Omni-Man is feeling Viltru-mighty for DEATH BATTLE
(Tom Tom - Holy Fuck)
Sara: Nowl-Ahn was a Viltrumite from the peaceful planet Viltrum, arriving on Earth with the intend of protecting the inhabitants and spreading his culture. Here, he became the superhero Omni-Man and joined the Guardians of the Globe, under the alias Nolan Grayson. Sometime later he would meet and marry a human female named Deborah Grayson and had a son name Mark.
Vanessa: Things were going great for Mark, until he discovered his Viltrumite powers and trained with Nolan. Suddenly, the Guardians of the Globe were unexpectedly murdered with only Omni-Man as the sole survivor. Turns out, it was Omni-Man who did the crime and decided to tell the whole truth to Mark. Turns out, Viltrum is anything but a peaceful planet and is actually an empire where only the strongest survive. And those that did were sent to other planets in order to prepare them for an invasion
Sara: Naturally, Mark did not like it one bit and rose to challenge his father to protect Earth.....
Vanessa: Of course, we all know how that shit went down.
(Invincible is seen getting demolished by Omni-Man)
Vanessa: Hey, I mean he gets E for Effort, right?
Sara: And yet, even after brutally beating Mark to near death and calling his mother a pet, when Omni-Man questioned what will he have after everyone is gone, Mark replied he'd still have his him. That proved a breaking point for Omni-Man who, after being conflicted between Mark's love for him and his duty to serve the Viltrumite Empire, fled Earth with tears in his eyes.
Superhuman Strength: As a Viltrumite he is able to easily bench press 400 Tons and is strong enough to carry cruise ships which can weigh well over 100,000 tons.
Superhuman Speed: Omni-Man can easily fly at speeds as fast as lightning as well as near the speed of light. He is also capable of crossing interstellar distances at Massively FTL+ speeds.
Superhuman Durability: Omni-Man has near-invulnerability allowing him to shrug off gunshots and even planetary explosions
Inexhaustible Stamina: Able to cross interstellar distances in a single breath and can continue fighting with minimal rest and heavy injuries
Longevity: Stated that the older Viltrumites get, the slower they'll age. Nolan himself is more than 1,000 years old.
Telepathy: Has alien technology in his ear that allows him to hear and transmit other people's thoughts
Experienced Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Has spent more than a thousand years conquering planets as well as fighting aliens with diverse techniques, powers and abilities
Air Manipulation: Omni-Man is capable of creating shockwaves with a clap of his hands
Regeneration: Viltrumites are able to heal from deep and life threatening injuries
Reactive Evolution: Viltrumite DNA can aggressively repair itself for several different situations, such as reproduction with other species or long term survival)
Resistance to Extreme Temperatures: Viltrumites have Smart Atoms that release energy that allows survival in extreme conditions; such as space and even the surface of the sun
Resistance to Cosmic Radiation: Can travel for weeks through space without suffering any ill effects
Resistance to Earthly Diseases: Viltrumite cells are completely immune to Earth illnesses
Vanessa: Viltrumites are basically what my dad is: a Kryptonian/Saiyan hybrid. Though to be more specific, they possess a Kryptonian's brute strength with a Saiyan's desire for conquest and battle added in. For simple terms we'll them "Smart Atoms". These allow Viltrumites to survive the vacuum of space, withstand zero-degree temperatures, fly and grants them insane durability and healing factor.
Sara: He can creates shockwaves with his punches and much like Saiyans, Viltrumites can get stronger with every battle won. And since Omni-Man is over a 1,000 years old, he has a lot of experience from conquering worlds in the name of the Viltrumite Empire and knows hand-to-hand combat. And since Viltrumites aren't technically from Earth, they're have resistances to Earth-born viruses, diseases and radiation.
Single handedly killed The Guardians Of The Globe
Effortlessly killed The Immortal Twice
Stated to be the strongest hero on the planet
Can throw a baseball hard enough for it to travel around the world in 20 seconds
Can crush skulls and tear people apart with relative ease
Diverted an asteroid the size of Texas
Can hold his breath for two weeks
Comparable to Null who lifted the city of Deerfield, Kansas
Survived and escaped being trapped in an alternate dimension for 8 months
Hurled an alien tank with ease
Tanked an alien heavy weapon that destroyed his clothes
Almost eradicated the Flaxan civilization
Fought Allen the Alien several times over the course of 15 years
Comparable if not superior to Allen the Alien who moved a starship out of a sun's orbit
Comparable to Allen and Invincible who can fly to the moon in seconds and Mars in just an hour
Was completely unfazed by a Satellite Laser
Split a cruise ship in half
Caused a massive avalanche that buried an alpine village
Beat Invincible to near-death
Flew from Earth to the Virgo Supercluster (which is 65 million light years away) in less than a week
Survived having his spine broken
Broke out of and destroyed a Maximum Security Prison alongside Allen
Destroyed planet Viltrum alongside Invincible and Thadeus
Comparable to Supreme and Suprema, who can knock stars around like a kickball
Able to somewhat hold his own against Thragg and Conquest
Like his son Mark, Nolan possesses immunity to the Scourge Virus due to his royal bloodline
Became Emperor of the Viltrumites
Beat Invincible in an arm wrestling contest (Though this was because Mark lost concentration at the last second)
Held his own against a huge hoard of Thragg's Viltrumites
Barely survived being ripped in half by Thragg
Sara: Omni-Man has easily defeated many characters in the Invincible universe. He bested Invincible himself in their first fight and decimated the Guardians of the Globe while getting enough injuries onto himself to make it look like he was the sole survivor of an ambush. Though it was somewhat different in the comics.
Popup: In the comics, Omni-Man killed the Guardians of the Globe so fast before they could even see him.
Vanessa: He once flew from Earth to another planet in a week. The distance between them is around 4.24 lightyears away, so Omni-Man could reach speeds surpassing 221 times FTL. And he survived fatal injures that would kill most people, such as being punched through their chest or having their guts ripped out. Omni-Man even decimated most of the Flaxan populace, destroying most of their civilization.
Sara: And with Allen and Invincible, all three of them punched through the planet Viltrum which destroyed it. Since Viltrum has x1.25 more gravity than Earth's and it took three people to do the busting, we can distribute it and calculated that each person can deliver 27.884 Zettatons of TNT.
Popup: It is important to note that Viltrum was already destabilized thanks to Space Racer's laser earlier. But even then Omni-Man scales to Invincible who moved the moon alongside The Tick, a feat worth 2.15 Yottatons of TNT.
Vanessa: Think that's crazy? Well Omni-Man went toe-to-toe with Supreme. His sister Suprema claims she can kickball stars and cross entire qalaxies in minutes, and she considers Supreme to be far stronger than her. Yet Omni-Man was able to stalemate Supreme.
Very conflicted between his loyalty to Viltrum and the love for his family
His Smart Atoms have limits to the temperatures they can withstand
Weak to high frequency sounds that can cause him intense pain and even death
Even higher precision waves can cause hallucinations or a coma
His powers can be "dampened" with some alien technology
Being a Viltrumite he is naturally vulnerable to the Scourge Virus, an artificial illness that negates Viltrumites of their powers which can result in coma and/or death
Plant Klaxus can hurt and poison him
Vanessa: But like every Superman, Omni-Man has his own Kryptonites. Even though they have high resistance to heat, prolonged exposure will eventually kill them and Omni-Man is no different. And their sensitive ears are extremely vulnerable to sonic attacks even prevents them from flying.
Sara: And while Viltrumites have a powerful healing factor, too much damage to the brain or heart will overtax it. Omni-Man actually barely survived getting ripped in half by Thragg, but inevitably succumbs to his injuries. But before he died, he named Mark as his successor.
Vanessa: Mark would ultimately kill Thragg to avenge Nolan, becoming the Viltrumite Emperor and carrying his legacy. Though thanks the reboot, Nolan is alive. But make no mistake, this is one Viltrumite you'd better steer clear of.
Omni-Man looks back at the portal that lands on in the Flaxans' homeworld before it disappears. He turns to face the entire army and their leader, declaring only one thing.
Omni-Man: You don't seem to understand. Earth isn't yours to conquer.
Vanessa: All right, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.
Vanessa and Sara: It's time..... For a DEATH BATTLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
New York City, Earth
([inHuman] - Brandon Yates, Omega Sparx and SWATS)
The smell of smoke and burning flesh were emitted in the air as the city is once again under attack. But this time, huge battleships hovered in space while thousands of Stormtroopers converged on the city, with dozens of AT-STs and AT-AT Walkers assisting the invasion.
The Guardian of the Globe were send out to deal with them. The Stormtroopers were surprisingly easy to deal with given they have horrible aim, with Rex Splode even mocking them for their accuracy and managed to repel or slaughter them without much difficulty.
That is, until a black figure with a black helmet and red energy sword came into the scene; Darth Vader had arrived. In an ironic twist, Vader was able to manhandle all of the Guardians with ease, with Rex Splode fittingly being the first casualty as his bisected body lay across the street, away from the other unconscious and beaten Guardians.
Vader currently has Invincible by the throat as he slowly crushes his esophagus. The half-Viltrumite desperately gasping for air as his life slowly flashes before his eyes as his the invader begins to suffocate him. Suddenly Vader's Force-enhanced senses kicks in and throws his other hand to block an incoming white blur which knocks him back and releases Invincible. When Vader stands up, he sees a red and white figure floating above him with his arms crossed and a glare fixated on the Sith as Invincible gasps for air.
Omni-Man: I believe this is a fight between you and me. Mark, get the others out of here, I will deal with him.
Invincible nodded weakly before flying away. Vader remains silent but grabs his lightsaber and stares at the Viltrumite.
Darth Vader: It would be wise to surrender quietly. Your powers will serve my master and the Galactic Empire well.
Omni-Man's eyes narrowed as he uncrossed his arms and clenched his fists.
Omni-Man: I'm afraid that's not an option I'll take. Get ready for a beat you'll never forget.
Darth Vader: Then so be it. You will know the power of the Dark Side of the Force.
Omni-Man: Take this!
Omni-Man flies straight towards Darth Vader at full speed and throws a punch. But the Sith creates with a forcefield to block it, creating a huge shockwave, sending debris everywhere. Vader counterattacks by pulling the debris via the Force and launches them at the Viltrumite as projectiles.
Omni-Man backs out and begins punching them one by one, but this distraction costs him as Vader pushes him back with Force Push and into a wall. He then holds Omni-Man before throwing him around with the Force. Omni-Man grunted as he was used as a toy before grabbing a nearby debris next to him and hurls it at the Sith.
Darth Vader, seeing this, is forced to release his hold on Omni-Man and cuts the the incoming projectile. But now it was his turn as Omni-Man rushes forward and grabs Vader by the throat. The Dark Lord of the Sith drops his lightsaber and made choking noises as he was lifted off the ground by the Viltrumite.
Omni-Man: Any last words before I kill you?
Rather than respond verbally, Darth Vader's right hand clutched into a fist and now Omni-Man's also gasping for air as he was in a Force Choke, which prompts him to crush Vader's own throat in response. Both started to choke each other as they began to grew weaker. Unable to hold it, anymore, Omni-Man broke the stalemate by releasing his grip on his opponent's throat, with Vader doing the same with the Force Choke.
Both of them gasped for air as they regained their senses. But Vader recovered faster and grabbed his lightsaber, getting angry by his resistance.
Darth Vader: Do not mistake that as mercy.
Omni-Man gets back on his feet and scowls at the Sith.
Omni-Man: I wouldn't recognize mercy in the first place!
Vader pulls up more debris and uses Kinetite to summon condensed kinetic balls before he hurls them at Omni-Man, but Omni-Man claps his hands to create a shockwave that pulverized the rocky projectiles but screams in pain as he was hit by the electric balls instead. Vader jumps and slashes at omni-Man several times, creating cuts that caused tears in his suits before flying away to get some distance.
Seeing a down AT-ST nearby, Omni-Man lifts it up and throws it at Vader. The Sith blocks with with telekinesis before throwing it right back at Omni-Man who ducks under it. The Viltrumite then flies full speed and appears in front of a surprised Vader before he throws an uppercut that knocks him into the sky.
Omni-Man then grabs Vader by the ankle and ragdolls him through several buildings before throwing the Sith to the ground. Vader lays there bleeding as he sees Omni-Man flying towards him with both fists forward, ready to end him. Feeling his anger flaring out, the Sith unleashes a powerful Force Scream.
Darth Vader: NOOO!!!
The shockwave rippled through the Viltrumite's ears, making him scream and cover his ears in pain as his equilibrium was disrupted, making crash down to the ground a few feet from Darth Vader. The Sith gets back up and retrieves his lightsaber before jumping over to the Viltrumite with his lighstaber raised into the air.
Omni-Man sees this and throws a punch to block it. But would be a big mistake as Vader swerves his body sideways and swings his lightsaber down to the incoming limb, cutting his arm off. Omni-Man screams in pain as he fell to his knees, weakened by the attack. Vade then uses Force Choke to lift Omni-Man up.
Darth Vader: It is pointless to resist.
With no remorse, Vader decapitates the Viltrumite with one swing of his lightsaber, ending the fight. Omni-Man's headless corpse falls to the ground as Vader stood as the winner of the fight.
* A space shuttle lands behind Darth Vader as he turns and board the ship.
* The wounded Guardians of the Globe were eventually rounded up and captured by the Stormtroopers.
([inHuman] again)
Vanessa: Well seems like your right Omni-Man. Earth isn't yours to conquer, it's Vader's and the Galactic Empire's.
Sara: *Smacks her head* Show some tact Vanessa.
Vanessa: Ow! Yeesh, tough crowd in here. Anyways, Omni-Man certainly held his own, but Darth Vader pulled off enough advantages to win over the Viltrumite.
Sara: Vader already has a significant power and durability advantage. Omni-Man punching through Viltrum with Mark and Allen puts his power at 27.884 Zettatons of TNT. But Vader outright survived a planet getting destroyed and being superior to Nightsister Charal who overpowered the Sunstar, placing his power at 12 Yottatons of TNT. Meaning Vader was 430354.3 times stronger.
Vanessa: Even scaling Omni-Man to Suprema, Supreme and Mark weren't enough to close the gap. Sure Suprema's claims to kickballing star puts her power at and Supreme was far stronger than her. Not mention Invincible and The Tick moving the moon generates 2.15 Yottatons of TNT.
Sara: However, Darth Vader was still 5.6 times stronger even with those scalings. Plus Vader has defeated Luke who moved a black hole which generates an output of 3,385 Yottatons of TNT, over 1574 times more powerful than Invincible.
Vanessa: But wait Sara. Comparing their speed feats with Vader scaling to Luke matching Guri and Omni-Man travelling from Earth to another planet in a week, Omni-Man was 7.8 times faster. So Vader's power advantage wouldn't be much use if his opponent's too fast for him to hit and considering Vader is physically weaker without the Force, Omni-Man would be able to speedblitz Vader and win right?
Popup: While the Dark Side helped many Force users withstand extreme conditions, Viltrumites' healings factors can heal injuries far quicker as long as the brain or heart aren't heavily damaged.
Sara: Well that's where the Force becomes Vader's greatest advantage: it can give Vader a lot of abilities that to use against Omni-Man that he has never seen or even encountered before. Vader can literally crush Omni-Man's organs, use mind control, manipulate his matter and use Shatterpoint to detect Omni-Man's weaknesses.
Popup: Omni-Man was technically more experienced than Vader, but this advantage is useless when Omni-Man couldn't overcome Vader's Force abilities and Vader has defeated experienced opponents before.
Vanessa: Plus Vader can neutralize Omni-Man's flight with Force Scream. His precognition and Force Speed also make up for the slower speed and though Viltrumites can resist extreme temperatures, Vader's lightsaber can easily cut through Omni-Man it's plasma. Just so you know, , over 250,000 hotter than the surface of the sun which is the absolute limit of a Viltrumite's healing factor as shown with Mark's final fight with Thragg.
Sara: Omni-Man had the speed and physicality to kill Darth Vader up close if given the chance. But with his superior power, a lightsaber that can bypass durability, and a wider skillset, the fallen Chosen One was able to take the victory over the Azure Avenger.
Vanessa: Though Omni-Man tried his best, Darth Vader was a Force to be reckoned be and shows how he was truly Invincible.
Sara: Ugh, that was terrible. The winner is Darth Vader.
Darth Vader
+ More powerful
+ Force abilities grants a wide array of abilities that Omni-Man can't counter
+ Precognition and Force Speed make up for slower speed
+ Lightsaber can cut Omni-Man
- Physically weaker
- Slower
- Less experienced
- Lacks a healing factor
+ Physically stronger
+ Faster
+ For experienced
+ Has a healing factor.....
- Less powerful
- Cannot counter most, if not all, of Vader's Force abilities
- Force Scream neutralized Omni-Man's flight
- ..... but Vader's lightsaber can cut him regardless
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