Ch.7 Geryon and Percy

A/N. Excuse the chapter title, I really didn't know what else to call it. The chapter name I had it before sucked so I tried to simplify it. Also just a little note, when I get to where I stopped writing my story before, the writing style of this story will probably change to hopefully something better. That's all. Enjoy, guys! -Anna

~Lia's POV~

Comforting warmth surrounded me when I woke up, which was strange since I've never felt that before when sleeping in the streets. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see a mop of black hair, and I pulled my head back to see the hair belonging to Nico. My knees were pulled into my chest as Nico held me close to him with an arm wrapped securely around my waist. I always seemed to wake up before him, and for some reason we'd end up in close positions.

This time I didn't freak out, but I blushed and gently shook Nico's arm. He just continued to snore softly. I rolled my eyes. This kid was not a morning person.

"Nico," I said. I shook his arm again this time harder.

The said boy's eyes fluttered open, and then widened when he saw the arrangement we were in.

"Um, do you think you can let me go?" I asked. My face burned still, and I hoped the cave was dark enough so he couldn't see.

"Uh, y-yeah," Nico said. His arm unwrapped from my waist and I sat up.

"Thanks," I muttered, looking down shyly. My skin tingled from being so close to another person.

"Yeah, of course." Nico looked at me with furrowed brows. "Are you okay? You know, from last night...?"

I froze. My mind flashing back to my mother's words. I closed my eyes to force myself not to cry again. I did not need to breakdown again so soon.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. "I finally got to talk to her, right?"

Nico looked like he didn't believe me, but he didn't push the matter any more.

"So, what's next?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Let me ask Minos," Nico said.

He pulled out a cheeseburger and Coke from my bag, and put them in the pit we made earlier. As he began to chant, I stood behind him and frowned. Relying on Minos's advice was about as helpful as making a satyr cook hot dogs. Ghosts have their own desires they want to accomplish and they are never good. Minos was no different, especially with his past. Now I just needed to figure out what he wanted from Nico.

Minos appeared by the pit, and drank the concoction. When he stood, I could almost see him clearly but he still flickered like an old movie.

"Minos, where can we find the soul for the exchange?" Nico asked the ghost.

"There is a man by the name of Geryon who can guide you to the soul you need, Daedalus's," Minos explained. "His ranch is just through this tunnel." He gestured his hand toward a tunnel at the back of the cave with a light at the end of it, which I hadn't noticed it before. It must've appeared while we were sleeping.

I raised a confused eyebrow. "Isn't Daedalus dead, though? He would be by now."

"Daedalus has been keeping himself alive for thousands of years," Minos said, his voice filled with malice, "escaping death each time. Which makes him the perfect soul for the exchange."

"You won't be able to come with us in the daylight, will you?" I asked, though it sounded like more like a statement.

"No. You two will be on your own. I won't be visible, but I will be around watching," Minos said.

Nico and I headed into the tunnel after Minos disappeared. Secretly, I was happy the ghost wasn't coming with directly. I did not need him to be trying to get back to life through me. Plus, the guy creeped me out a lot.

At the end of the tunnel was a dead end, but above our heads was a set of bars with light streaming through the gaps. When I squinted, I could see the blue sky through the light.

"How are we going to get up there?" Nico wondered out loud.

I thought for a minute and then I got an idea. "Stand back."

Nico retreated back a couple of steps. My wings came out from my back, and I stretched them wide. It felt good to have them out after being confined for so long. I pressed my rings together to summon my daggers. With the help of my wings, I shot up toward the grate with my daggers crossed in front of me. The speed and force of my wings paired with my daggers made it possible for me to push the grate up into the open, and land on the grass on the surface. I landed on the grass and pressed the onyx gems to transform my daggers back into rings.

I leaned over the hole that led into the Labyrinth and reached my hand out to Nico. "Come on. You'll be safe."

After a second of hesitation, Nico jumped and grabbed my hand. I pulled him up with all of my strength onto the grass.

Nico flopped on the grass once he was up and grunted. "Thanks"

"No problem," I said.

I looked at the surrounding area. Rolling hills stretched to the horizon, dotted with oak trees and cactuses and boulders. A barbed wire fence ran from the gate in either direction. Cherry colored cows roamed around, grazing on clumps of grass.

Nico noticed the cows and raised an eyebrow. "What the...?"

"Red cattle. The cattle of the sun. They're sacred to Apollo," I said. "Although I'm not sure why they're here."

"What kind of a ranch-?"

Faint barking in the distance cut Nico off. A two headed dog came bounding out of the woods. It looked like a greyhound, long and snaky and sleek brown, but its neck V'd into two heads, both of them snapping and snarling at Nico and me.

We stepped back from the dog and it kept its beady eyes on us.

"Whoa there, boy," Nico said, putting his hands up to show he wasn't a threat.

The dog just growled at him.

"Nice doggo," I cautiously said. The dog's teeth bared at me, and I could see they were razor sharp. 

Then the dog's owner, I guessed, lumbered out of the woods. He was huge with stark white hair, a straw cowboy hat, and a braided white beard. He was wearing jeans, a DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS T-shirt, and a denim jacket with the sleeves ripped off to show his muscles. On his right bicep was a crossed-swords tattoo. He held a wooden club about the size of a nuclear warhead, with six-inch spikes bristling at the business end.

"Heel, Orthus," he told the dog.

The dog growled at us once more and circled back to his master's feet. The man looked at us up and down, keeping his club ready.

"Half-bloods?" the man asked.

We didn't need to ask him how he knew. My wings were proof enough.

"Yes. I'm Nico di Angelo, son of Hades," Nico introduced.

"Lia Callahan. Thanatos," I said a bit reluctantly. I wasn't sure if it was smart to let this guy know who we were. I didn't trust him. "Who are you?"

The man raised an eyebrow. "Hades and Thanatos? Well then. I'm Eurytion, the cowherd for this here ranch. Son of Ares."

"Do you work for Geryon?" Nico asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes I do," Eurytion said though he didn't sound too happy about it. "Why?"

"We have some business to do with him," Nico said.

"Our guide told us he knows something that'll help us find what we need," I added.

Eurytion grunted. "Alright then. Follow me. I'll take you to the boss."

Nico and I walked down on a dirt path that seemed to go on forever with Eurytion and his dog walking alongside us. Heat shimmered off the ground. Insects buzzed in the trees. Before we'd gone very far, I was sweating like crazy. Flies swarmed us. I tried to use my wings to fan myself, but they couldn't do much against the blazing sun. Every so often we'd see a pen full of red cows or even stranger animals. Once we passed a corral where the fence was covered in asbestos. Inside, a herd of fire-breathing horses milled around. The hay in their feeding trough was on fire. The ground smoked around their feet, but the horses seemed tame enough. One big stallion looked at me and whinnied, columns of red flame billowing out of his nostrils. I wondered if they could set things on fire accidentally by sneezing.

Finally we came out of the woods. Perched on a hill above us was a big ranch house- all white stone and wood and big windows.

"Don't break the rules," Eurytion warned us as we walked up the steps to the front porch. "No fighting. No drawing weapons. And don't make any comments about the boss's appearance."

Before Nico and I could say anything, a new voice said, "Welcome to the Triple G Ranch."

The face of the man on the porch was weathered and brown from years in the sun. He had slick black hair and a black pencil moustache like villains have in old movies. He smiled at us, but the smile wasn't friendly, but more amused.

Then I noticed his body...or bodies. He had three of them. His neck connected to the middle of the chest like normal, but he had two more chests, one to either side, connected at the shoulders with a few inches in between. His left arm grew out of his left chest, and the same on his right. The chests all connected into one enormous torso, with two regular but very beefy legs, and he wore the most oversized pair of Levis I'd ever seen. His chests each wore a different color Western shirt- green, yellow, red, like a spotlight. I wondered how he dressed the middle chest, since it had no arms.

The cowherd nudged Nico. "Say hello to Mr. Geryon."

"Uh, hello, Mr. Geryon," Nico said.

"Hello," I said meekly. I had faced all different kinds of monsters before, but this was a whole new level of weird. The man was also very intimidating, and was looking at Nico and me like he just won the lottery.

Geryon chuckled. "No need to be so shy, Miss Callahan. Glad to see you and Mr. di Angelo have arrived."

I frowned. "How do you-?"

"Now then!" Geryon interrupted, clapping his hands together. "I assume you're here for business, so why don't we head on inside. Eurytion, leave us and wait for our other guests."

"Other guests?" Nico questioned, but Eurytion walked back the way we came with the two-headed dog at his feet. Geryon ushered (more like pushed) us into the ranch house. He led Nico and me into the living room. The walls were decorated with a bunch of gruesome hunting trophies- stuffed deer and dragon heads, a gun case, a sword display, and a bow with a quiver. The rest looked normal with two leather couches, a recliner chair, coffee table, and a TV hung on the wall in front of the couches. Geryon gestured for Nico and me to sit on one of the couches. I shifted my wings into my back, and we complied.

"So what can I do y'all for?" Geryon asked.

Nico sat up straight. "Our ghost, Minos, told us you could help us find the soul we need to do a soul exchange- Daedalus's."

"Mmhm. But what will I get in return if I do?" Geryon asked.

"Minos can deal with that part," Nico said. I could tell he was getting frustrated with the rancher. "Now, can you help us or not?"

Geryon wagged his finger at him. "Now just hang on a minute, Mr. di Angelo. I'd like you and Miss Callahan to meet my other guests first before we can seal anything. Just wait here while I go greet them."

Geryon didn't wait for a response as he walked back out to the front porch.

I huffed, crossing my arms, and sat back into the surprisingly comfortable couch. "Do you honestly believe he can help us?" I asked Nico.

"Minos said he could. He's gotten me this far," Nico replied.

I frowned. "Nico, can you really trust Minos? I mean, he is a ghost and ghosts aren't always the best advice seekers."

"Minos hasn't let me down yet. We have to trust him. He's all I have for help for finding a way to bring my sister back. He's not like you." Once he said those words, I could tell Nico instantly regretted them. "I-I'm sorry, Lia, I didn't mean-"

"It's fine," I said. "Like you said, you didn't mean it." 

The words still did hurt, but they were appropriately given. I knew I failed Nico in helping him bring his sister back myself. I hated myself for not making the one thing he wanted in the entire world into a reality. Now I just hoped supporting him with Minos's plan would make up for that. Even though I didn't like Minos, if he could help Nico, then I would go along with his plan. 

Nico looked like he wanted to say something more about the matter, but he said something else instead.

"I won't hurt or betray you intentionally, you know that, Lia?" he said.

I smiled a little. "Well, now I do. And neither will I. Why would I? You're my friend, and you're pretty awesome."

Nico smiled. "Thanks, Lia."

"No problem, Nico."

We sat in comfortable silence for a little longer, until Nico frowned.

"Geryon and his guests are taking a long time. We should go get him so we can move on," he said.

I nodded and we came out of the house to the front porch.

"Geryon, I won't wait for-" Nico started, but froze once he saw the people on the porch.

A teenage boy with black hair and sea green eyes, along with a teenage blonde haired girl with grey eyes. A satyr wearing a Rasta cap, and a big calf-brown eyed Cyclops was there also, along with Eurytion and Orthus. Without hesitation, Nico stepped in front of me and drew his sword.

~Nico's POV~

I wasn't about to Percy kill another person I cared about, so I stepped in front of Lia and drew my sword.

Geryon snarled when he saw it. "Put that away, Mr di Angelo. I ain't gonna have my guests killin' each other."

"But that's-"

"Percy Jackson," Geryon supplied. "Annabeth Chase. And a couple of their monster friends. Yes, I know."

"Monster friends?" the satyr- Grover, I remembered- said indignantly.

"That man is wearing three shirts," the Cyclops said, like he was just realizing this.

"Wait, this is Percy Jackson?" Lia asked, pointing to the said boy.

"Yes! And they let my sister die!" My voice trembled with rage. I couldn't help it. "They're here to kill me!"

"Nico, we're not here to kill you." Percy raised his hands. "What happened to Bianca-"

"Don't speak her name! You're not worthy to even talk about her!"

"Wait a minute." Annabeth pointed at Geryon. "How do you know our names?"

"Yeah, how do you?" Lia asked, looking at Geryon with an irritated look.

The three-bodied man winked. "I make it my business to keep informed, darlings. Everybody pops into the ranch from time to time. Everyone needs something from the ole Geryon. Now, Mr. di Angelo, put that ugly sword away before I have Eurytion take it from you."

Eurytion sighed, but he hefted his spiked club. At his feet, Orthus growled.

I hesitated. I wanted to be prepared for anything Percy might try, but Geryon probably wouldn't do business if I didn't cooperate.

Reluctantly, I sheathed my sword. "If you come near me or Lia, Percy, I'll summon help. You don't want to meet my helpers, I promise."

"I believe you," Percy said.

Geryon patted my shoulder. "There, we've all made nice. Now come along, folks. I want to give you a tour of the ranch."

Geryon had a trolley thing- like one of those kiddie trains that take you around zoos. It was painted black and white in a cowhide pattern. The driver's car had a set of longhorns stuck to the hood, and the horn sounded like a cowbell. I was just glad I wasn't the only one having to ride in it.

Lia and I sat in the very back, mostly so I could keep an eye on the others. Eurytion crawled in the cart next to us with his spiked club and pulled his cowboy hat over his eyes like he was going to take a nap. Orthus jumped in the front sea next to Geryon and began barking happily in a two-part harmony.

Annabeth, the Cyclops, Grover, and Percy took the middle two cars.

"We have a huge operation!" Geryon boasted as the train lurched forward. "Horses and cattle mostly, but all sorts of exotic varieties, too."

We came over a hill, and Annabeth gasped. "Hippalektryons? I thought they were extinct!"


At the bottom of the hill was a fenced-in pasture with a dozen of the weirdest animals I'd ever seen. Each had the front half of a horse and the back half of a rooster. Their rear feet were huge yellow claws. They had feathery tails and red wings. As I watched, two of them got in a fight over a pile of seed. They reared up on their back legs and whinnied and flapped their wings at each other until the smaller one galloped away, its rear bird legs putting a little hop in its step.

"Rooster ponies," the Cyclops said in amazement. "Do they lay eggs?"

"Once a year!" Geryon grinned in the rearview mirror. "Very much in demand for omelettes!"

"Seriously?" Lia frowned.

"That's horrible!" Annabeth said. "They must be an endangered species!"

Geryon waved his hand. "Gold is gold, darling. And you haven't tasted the omelettes."

"That's not right," Grover murmured, but Geryon just kept narrating the tour.

"Now, over here," he said, "we have our fire-breathing horses, which you may have seen on your way in. They're bred for war, naturally."

"What war?" Percy asked.

Geryon grinned slyly. "Oh, whatever one comes along. And over yonder, of course, are our prized red cows."

Sure enough, hundreds of the cherry-colored cows were grazing the side of a hill.

"So many," Grover said.

"Yes, well, Apollo is too buy to see them," Geryon explained, "so he subcontracts to us. We breed them vigorously because there's such a demand."

"For what?" Percy asked.

Geryon raised an eyebrow. "Meat, of course! Armies have to eat."

I could see Lia frown in the corner of my eye.

"You kill the sacred cows of the sun god for hamburger meat?" Grover said. "That's against the ancient laws!"

"Oh, don't get so worked up, satyr. They're just animals."

"Just animals!"

"Yes, and if Apollo cared, I'm sure he would tell us."

"If he actually knew what you were doing," Lia muttered.

I sat forward. "I don't care about any of this, Geryon. We had business to discuss, and this wasn't it!"

"All in good time, Mr. di Angelo. Look over here; some of my exotic game."

The next field was ringed in barbed wire. The whole area was crawling with giant scorpions.

"Triple G Ranch," Percy said, as if he was suddenly remembering something. "Your mark was on the crates at camp. Quintus got his scorpions from you."

"Quintus..." Geryon mused. "Short gray hair, muscular, swordsman?"


"Never heard of him," Geryon said. "Now, over here are my prize stables. You must see them."

I didn't need to see them, because as soon as we got within three hundred yards I started to smell them. Near the banks of a green river was a horse corral the size of a football field. Stables lined one side of it. About a hundred horses were milling around in the muck- horse poop. It was the most disgusting thing I'd ever seen, like a poop blizzard had come through and dumped four feet of that stuff overnight. The horses were really gross from wading through it, and the stables were just as bad. It reeked like I couldn't believe.

I gagged. "What is that?"

"My stables!" Geryon said. "Well, actually they belong to Aegeas, but we watch over them for a small monthly fee. Aren't they lovely?"

"They're disgusting!" Annabeth said.

"Oh, gods," Lia gagged. "Now I wish I hadn't seen them."

"Lots of poop," the Cyclops observed.

"How can you keep animals like that?" Grover cried.

"That cannot be sanitary," Lia added.

"Y'all are gettin' on my nerves," Geryon said. "These are flesh-eating horses, see? They like these conditions."

"They do?" Lia said incredulously.

"Plus, you're too cheap to have them cleaned," Eurytion mumbled from under his hat.

"Quiet!" Geryon snapped. "All right, perhaps the stables are a bit challenging to clean. Perhaps they do make me nauseous when the wind blows the wrong way. But so what? My clients pay me well."

"What clients?" Percy demanded.

"Oh, you'd be surprised how many people will pay for a flesh-eating horse. They make great garbage disposals. Wonderful way to terrify your enemies. Great at birthday parties! We rent them out all the time."

"Hate to be at that party," Lia mumbled.

"You're a monster," Annabeth decided.

Geryon stopped the train and turned to look at her. "What gave it away? Was it the three bodies?"

"You have to let these animals go," Grover said. "It's not right!"

"And the clients you keep talking about," Annabeth said. "You work for Kronos, don't you? You're supplying his army with horses, food, whatever they need."

I wasn't sure what Annabeth was talking about. Geryon shrugged, which was very weird since he had three sets of shoulders. "I work for anyone with gold, young lady. I'm a businessman. And I sell them anything I have to offer."

He climbed out of the train and strolled toward the stables as if enjoying the fresh air. It would have been a view, with the river and the trees and all, except for the quagmire of horse muck.

I didn't want to get closer to those stables any more than I had to, but I needed to get Geryon to finally help me. I got out of the back car and stormed over to Geryon with Lia following. "I came here for business, Geryon," I said. "And you haven't answered me."

"Mmm." Geryon examined a cactus. His left arm reached over and scratched his middle chest. "Yes, you'll get a deal, all right."

"My ghost told me you could help. He said you could guide us to the soul we need."

"Wait a second," Percy said. "I thought I was the soul you wanted."

I looked at him. He was completely crazy to think his soul could be enough to bring Bianca back. "You? Why would I want you? Bianca's soul is worth a thousand of yours!"

Lia sighed. "Can you help, Geryon, or not?"

"Oh, I imagine I could," the rancher said. "Your ghost friend, by the way, where is he?"

I probably looked uneasy. Lia's words were starting to get to me about Geryon. "He can't form in broad daylight. It's hard for him. But he's around somewhere."

Geryon smiled. "I'm sure. Minos likes to disappear when things get...difficult."

"Minos?" Percy said. "You mean that evil king? That's the ghost who's been giving you advice?"

"Wish not," I could just hear Lia say under her breath.

"It's none of your business, Percy!" I turned back to Geryon. "And what do you mean about things getting difficult?"

The three-bodied man sighed. "Well you see, Nico- can I call you Nico?"


"You see, Nico, Luke Castellan is offering very good money for half-bloods. Especially powerful half-bloods. And I'm sure when he learns yours and Miss Callahan's little secrets, who you two really are, he'll pay very, very well indeed."

I didn't know who Geryon was talking about, but knew I did not like the idea of Lia or me being sold to someone like cattle. Apparently Lia had the same idea. I drew my sword as Lia pressed her rings together. Before I could charge at Geryon, one of Eurytion's huge arms wrapped around Lia's stomach, pinning her arms to her sides which made her drop her daggers in surprise. I hadn't even noticed he moved behind us.

"Lia!" I cried.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Orthus pounce on Percy's chest and growl, his face an inch away from his.

"I would stay in the car, all of you," Geryon warned. "Or Orthus will tear Mr. Jackson's throat out. Now, Mr. di Angelo, if you would be so kind to put away your sword, or Eurytion will have to give Miss Callahan a little hug." To make Geryon's point, Eurytion's arm grew tighter around Lia, and she yelped in pain. I looked at her with worry and sheathed my sword.

"Pick up the daggers, Eurytion," Geryon said with distaste. "There's nothing I hate worse than Stygian iron."

Eurytion picked up Lia's daggers, careful not to touch the blades.

"Now," Geryon said cheerfully, "we've had the tour. Let's go back to the lodge, have some lunch, and send an Iris-message to our friends in the Titan army."

"You fiend!" Annbeth cried.

Geryon smiled at her. "Don't worry, my dear. Once I've delivered Mr. di Angelo and Miss Callahan, you and your party can go. I don't interfere with quests. Besides, I've been paid well to give you safe passage, which does not, I'm afraid, include Mr. di Angelo and Miss Callahan."

"Paid by whom?" Annbeth said. "What do you mean?"

"Never you mind, darlin'. Let's be off, shall we?"

"Wait," Percy said, and Orthus growled. He stayed perfectly still so he wouldn't tear his throat out. "Geryon, you said you're a businessman. Make me a deal."

Geryon narrowed his eyes. "What sort of deal? Do you have gold?"

"I've got something better. Barter."

"But Mr. Jackson, you've got nothing."

"You could have him clean the stables," Eurytion suggested innocently.

"I'll do it!" Percy said. "If I fail, you get all of us. Trade us all to Luke for gold."

"Assuming the horses don't eat you," Geryon observed.

"Either way, you get my friends," Percy said. "But if I succeed, you've got to let all of us go, including Nico and Lia."

My blood boiled. How dare he. The last time I got his help was when I asked him to protect my sister. He failed and she ended up dying. I could figure out something for Lia and myself alone.

"No!" I screamed. "Don't do me any favors, Percy. I don't want your help!"

"Seriously, Nico?" Lia said, her voice strained with Eurytion's arm still around her. "Now's not the time to be stubborn."

I looked at her. My body was tense, just waiting for Eurytion to squeeze her guts out. She was right. There was no way I could take them all on by myself. I didn't even know how to kill Geryon. I closed my mouth, and tried to calm myself down.

Geryon chuckled. "Percy Jackson, those stables haven't been cleaned in a thousand years...though it's true I might be able to sell more stable space if all that poop was cleared away."

"So what have you got to lose?"

The rancher hesitated. "All right, I'll accept your offer, but you have to get it done by sunset. If you fail, your friends get sold, and I get rich."


He nodded. "I'm going to take your friends with me, back to the lodge. We'll wait for you there."

Eurytion gave Percy a look, and then whistled. The dog jumped off of him and onto Annabeth's lap. She yelped.

Percy got out of the car and locked eyes with her.

"I hope you know what you're doing," she said quietly.

"I hope so, too."

Geryon got behind the driver's wheel. Eurytion hauled Lia into the backseat and I followed.

Lia looked at me with pained eyes. "Can we trust him?"

I knew she was referring to Percy and his task to save us. "I don't know," I responded honestly.

"Sunset," Geryon reminded Percy. "No later."

He laughed at Percy once more, sounded his cowbell horn, and the train rumbled off down the trail.

A/N. Ok, this chapter I was really excited to write and show you guys so I hope you enjoyed it! I tried my best to put in some of Nico's thoughts for his portion of the chapter, so I hoped it was a lot more in character and better than last chapter ha ha...Next chapter will be out soon. Hope you all enjoyed! Let me know what you all think. Comment and vote -Anna

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