Ch.11 Old Friends and Old Ghosts

~Lia's POV~

Once I exited the shadows, I fell to my knees on the ranch house porch. My vision blurred. I tried my best to focus and keep myself from passing out. I did not want to black out again so soon. Nico was so close. I needed to see him and make sure he was okay.

After a few deep breaths, I managed to gather myself enough to be able to stand back up. I entered the lodge and looked around. Nico wasn't on the couch, and the house sounded silent. I saw the two headed dog emerge from the top of the stairs. When his eyes locked onto me, he bounded down the stairs and started barking at me.

I held up my hands. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm just here for Nico."

The dog just growled and kept barking at me.

Eurytion appeared at the top of the stairs, and his eyes widened a bit when he saw me. "Orthus, heel."

Orthus immediately stopped and trotted back to Eurytion's side.

I let out a breath. "Thanks, Eurytion." I frowned when I didn't see Nico show up. He had to have heard us. "Where's Nico?"

Eurytion was quiet for a second before he sighed. "Your friend Nico left the ranch."

My eyes widened. "What? I was gone for like a day! When? Where did he go?"

"Last night while I was asleep. I'm not exactly sure why he left. Orthus tracked his scent as far as the cattle guard." Eurytion's face turned red, and he looked down at his cowboy boots. "I'm so sorry, miss."

"It's not your fault, Eurytion." I swore under my breath. "Now I have to go find him. He just had to make this harder for me."

I ran to Geryon's room and sighed in relief when I saw my backpack was still there. I grabbed it and ran back to Eurytion.

"Do you mind if I take some food for the road?" I asked.

 Eurytion shook his head. "Not at all. Take what you need."

"You're not going to stop me?"

"I don't think I could. I'm no oracle, but I think you and that boy are connected."

I smiled. I hoped so. The man had really changed since Geryon died. I went to the kitchen and took a couple water bottles and some random snacks. Once I got everything I needed, I said goodbye to Eurytion and was even able to give Orthus some goodbye pets. I ran to the cattle guard Nico and I crawled out of the first time we arrived at the ranch. I didn't particularly like the idea of going into a mysterious and dangerous maze by myself, but I had to find Nico. I took a deep breath and fell down into the Labyrinth.

Once I entered the Labyrinth, I summoned my daggers and gripped them tightly in my hands. When Nico and I went into the maze together, we had Minos guide us for the most part. This time I was alone. I had no idea where I was going, but I followed my instincts as I traipsed forward. I hoped I would find Nico before something happened to him.

No monsters appeared. I couldn't tell if it was because of me, or because they didn't want to venture into the maze. The place was creepy and completely erratic. One minute I could be in a room with a vaulted ceiling, and then the next I would be in a hallway made completely out of dirt. With no other life forms in the maze, it just made the place a lot more eerie.

Eventually I got tired from wandering around for so long. I didn't know exactly how long I had been walking through the Labyrinth for, but I knew I needed a break. I sat down in a random corridor made up of different kinds of rock. With my hands still around the hilts of my daggers, I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I wasn't sure how long I slept for, but when I woke up I heard hissing from farther down the corridor.

I jumped to my feet and crossed my daggers in front of me. The sound came closer. I braced myself as two dracaena slithered into my line of sight. They spotted me as well, and they hissed violently as they charged at me with their claws raised. I slashed at the throat of the one closest to me, and she turned into golden dust. The other dracaena hissed and backed away. I noticed she was wearing a bronze helmet. Where she got it, I had no idea.

The dracaena rushed forward claws first, and I had to step back to avoid her. The monster made a hissing sound that sounded like a laugh before lunging toward me. Swiftly, I stepped to the side and stabbed her in the back. Her essence got sucked up into my blade.

Footsteps sounded from where the two dracaena came from. A teenage boy dressed in armor appeared in the corridor. Once he spotted me, he yelled, "It's a half-blood! Come and help me!"

I groaned. I didn't have time for this.

Three other teens came to the first one's side. Four against one. Not good odds.

"I just want to get through. I'm not looking for any trouble," I told them.

"Well you found it," one of the demigods said.

He charged at me with his sword. I side stepped and slammed one of my dagger hilts against the back of his head. The boy crumpled. Two of the other teens ran at me at the same time with their swords. With two against me at the same time, it was a lot harder. I parried and blocked as best I could, but I didn't find an opportunity to attack. I could only focus on not getting sliced by their blades. In the corner of my eye, I could see the last half-blood creeping up to join. I needed to stop one of the ones fighting me before she could.

One of the demigods managed to knock my dagger out of my right hand and he laughed gleefully. His sword swung down at my face. Without thinking, I reached my free hand toward him and grabbed his wrist. My brain told me it was wrong, but my instincts screamed at me to survive. The boy gasped and fell to the ground completely limp. His eyes blankly stared open at the top of the corridor. I gasped and quickly stepped away from the boy. The last two demigods and I stared at the body in horror.

I didn't mean to. I didn't want to use my powers at all on any of them. I actually tried to keep my them from working, but in that moment, my fight response activated. I hated how natural it felt for me to reach my hand out and kill the boy without a second thought.

The other two demigods recovered faster than I did. One of them grinned delightedly. "She will be perfect for his army."

Before I could act, the one closest to me kicked me in my stomach. The blow made me crumple to my knees and knocked the breath out of me. Then the two demigods grabbed my arms and forced them behind my back. 

"Let's bring her to the camp," one demigod said. She pushed the blade of her sword under my neck. "Try anything, and we'll end you, no matter how powerful you might be."

I glared at her, but I did what she said. She carried my daggers as the other demigod walked behind me with his sword pointed at my back. We didn't walk for long because we soon entered a cavern the size of a classroom. Other demigods were scattered around as well as monsters of all different kinds. They were all dressed in armor with various weapons. I had a feeling this was the army Annabeth had talked about, and that this wasn't all of it.

Some of the demigods and monsters looked at me as I entered but most of them were too occupied with their own conversations. The two demigods tied my hand behind my back and sat me in a corner like I was a child who misbehaved.

"Stay," one of the demigods commanded.

I growled. "Once I get out, you'll be sorry."

The guy glared at me and hit me in the stomach again. "We'll be Iris-messaging Luke about you. He'll want to see you for himself."

I groaned in pain. That would leave a bruise for sure. The guy left me alone to go get the two left in the corridor. The girl demigod had put my daggers near her on a table. I wish they could return to my fingers as rings but unfortunately they couldn't. I struggled with the bindings around my wrist. Either I was lucky or they were lousy knot makers, but I could still twist my writs around in the ropes. If I could reach the strings that made the knot...


I froze.

It couldn't be. Why would he be here? Now of all times I find him again?

I lifted my head. My eyes widened when I set my eyes on him. "Cameron?"

The son of Hermes that left me so many months ago was now standing right in front of me. He had the same bronze brown crew cut, and he still had his signature grin on his face. He was also dressed in armor like the other demigods and held a celestial bronze sword. The only difference was that his cerulean blue eyes held a different kind of light in them. Something I couldn't identify, but I knew it made me uneasy.

Cameron's eyes darted to my bound hands. "What are you doing here?"

I scoffed. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

I glared at him. All the anger and resentment I had about him leaving me rose up into my mind. Where had he been all this time? Did he leave me for a stupid army?

Cameron's eyes didn't meet mine, and instead they darted around the room. He spotted my daggers on the table and my backpack still on my back. I think the demigods that captured me didn't take it off because I couldn't reach it with my hands tied up.

"You kept my stuff?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah, because it's all I had to remember you by when you left me," I said, not bothering to hide the hostility in my voice.

For once, Cameron looked agitated. "Look, I'm sorry I left. I really am. But I had to. When I went out to get supplies alone, this guy- Luke Castellen -told me about his idea. He told me he plans to take down the gods. He has the power of the Titan Kronos on his side to do it."

My eyes widened. "Are you serious? Do you know how insane you sound? Why?"

Cameron's face hardened. "Why not? It's about time they get taken down. What have the gods done for us? What has your father done for you?"

I closed my mouth into a thin line.

Cameron's lips pulled into a grin, but it wasn't cheery. "See? You know I'm right. You know how our own fathers don't care for either of us."

"That doesn't mean I want to shake the entirety of the universe to end my problems with Thanatos."

"That's the problem. It isn't just you and me. So many kids are left wondering who their godly parents are, and the ones who do know barely receive any love or any more acknowledgement. I was left alone in a broken system, and when I got myself out to the streets, my father did nothing to help me. Not a single guide or item to help me survive. I had to do everything myself even though I had an all powerful god as a father."

I stayed silent.

Cameron's frustration was understandable. He had spilled his life story to me just like I did to him with mine. His mother didn't want to be a mom, so she gave him up to an adoption center once he was born. He only found out who his father was because a monster smelled the blood of Hermes on him when we were traveling together. He didn't get a personal dream visit from his father like I did. He spent thirteen years in the center alone and not a single family wanted him. Cameron was sure the adoption center didn't even want him. Once he turned thirteen, he knew he had no chance of getting adopted, so he ran away. He was on the run for about a year before he and I met.

With him as a son of Hermes, it made it easy for us to steal supplies. The two of us bonded over our shared resentment toward our fathers. We were the perfect pair. Cameron became the supplier while I became the protector. When Cameron was with me, he became the first friend I ever had. He was the first person I confided my biggest secret to, and the first person I touched since my mom. I thought we would always stick together to survive, but I guess I was the only one who thought that.

Cameron's face softened. His eyes peered into mine. "You know exactly how every demigod in this army feels, Lia. The only time you ever saw your father was so he could announce you were going to die before you can even drive. He's done nothing for you. Being a child of Thanatos just promises an adverse life from the start. Would you want more kids from Thanatos to even be born?"

Cameron knew me too well. He remembered so much even after all these months apart. He knew I hated Thanatos. Why even have children if they're destined to kill everything they touch?

"That's why you joined? For revenge?" I said. I didn't want to let him know he was right.

Cameron's nostrils flared. "No. To show the gods they can't keep ignoring us. They can't keep using us for their own demands and nothing more. If they won't acknowledge their own children, then they don't deserve to be on their thrones."

I couldn't believe this is what he left me for. He sounded so spiteful. All his humor and cheerfulness had left him. I couldn't believe this was Cameron I was even talking to.

I tried to blink back my tears. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving? You left me all alone and scared. I spent so many nights wondering where you were, and I agonized over the day I would feel you die."

A tear escaped my eye and slid down my cheek. I couldn't help it. So much new and startling information at once. It was all too much. I sucked in a breath when Cameron put his hand on my cheek. A lump formed in my throat. I didn't let out a single sound as his thumb wiped the tear streak on my cheek. 

Cameron frowned. "Lia, I am really sorry-"

I turned my head away from him and swallowed the lump. "No! You can't just apologize and expect me to forgive you! You left me! The only person I had in the world!"

Cameron's hands clenched into fists. "I didn't tell you because I wanted you to make the decision to join on your own. I knew you would find the army eventually. You had to be drawn to its cause. You would have joined me in the army no matter what if I told you I was leaving."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, yes. Thank you so much for not dragging me into a futile army."

Cameron's eyes flared, and he took a deep breath. He turned away from me. When no one was looking, Cameron took my daggers from the table they were on and came back to me. Reluctantly, I let him cut the bindings around my wrists. I took my daggers and turned them back into rings on my fingers.

I glanced at Cameron suspiciously. "That's it? You're just going to let me go like that?"

Cameron sighed. "Look, how about this? I'll let you go to let you think about joining the army. If Luke sees you, he's not going to want to let you go. Just think about it. We could be together again. We won't have to be separated ever. You could get back at your father."

My eyes narrowed. "In your dreams."

In my mind, I couldn't lie to myself. It sounded so tempting. I suddenly remembered Nico. Could I leave him just to be able to be with Cameron again? Would I join an army just to get back at Thanatos? Surely I would be on the front lines with my powers. Did I want myself to become a weapon for an army?

I didn't look back as I ran away from the cavern. I had slipped away quietly, but honestly none of the demigods were watching me very well. I think they thought I wouldn't try anything with so many monsters and demigods there. Plus, I don't think the demigods that captured me told the others about me.

I didn't hear any footsteps coming after me, but I still sprinted away as fast as I could. The more I kept running through the Labyrinth, the more it shifted around. I still needed to find Nico. Think about Cameron later. Find Nico now.

I kept running. I turned a corner, and I stopped in my tracks when I saw I had came across a room the size of a gym. Old marble columns held up the roof. My eyes widened when I saw Annabeth in the room, along with a red haired girl and Percy. The latter two were sleeping on the floor. A fire was lit in the middle.

"Lia?" Annabeth looked at me in shock.

"Uh, hi," I said as I panted. "What are you guys-"

Suddenly, the room started to shake. I almost fell to the ground, but I quickly steadied myself.

Annabeth acted fast and shook Percy's shoulder. "Percy, wake up!"

"Tyson-Tyson's in trouble!" Percy said immediately after he woke up. "We have to help him!"

"First things first," Annabeth said. "Earthquake!"

The room rumbled again.

"Rachel!" Percy yelled.

The redhead's eyes opened immediately. She grabbed her pack and started to run.

"Lia, come on!" Annabeth shouted.

I didn't really have a choice, so I ran with them. We were almost to the far tunnel when a column next to us groaned and buckled. We kept going as a hundred tons of marble crashed down behind us.

We made it to the corridor and turned just in time to see the other columns toppling. A cloud of white dust billowed over us, and we kept running.

"You know what?" Annabeth said. "I like this way after all."

"Lia, how did you find us?" Percy asked.

"Long story, and honestly I have no idea," I responded. "Thank the maze. Glad to see you're okay, Percy. Why are you guys even back here?"

"Longer story," Percy said. "Just keep following Rachel."

It wasn't long before we saw a light up ahead- like regular electrical lighting. It was weird to see it in such an old structure.

"There," the redhead girl- Rachel- said.

We followed her into a stainless steel hallway. Fluorescent lights glowed from the ceiling. The floor was a metal grate.

I was so used to being in the darkness that I had to squint. Annabeth, Rachel, and Percy looked pale in the harsh illumination.

"This way," Rachel said, beginning to run. "We're close!"

"This is so wrong!" Annabeth said. "The workshop should be in the oldest section of the maze. This can't-"

She faltered, because we'd arrived at a set of metal double doors. Inscribe in the steel, at eye level, was a large blue Greek Delta.

"We're here," Rachel announced. "Daedalus's workshop."

~Nico's POV~

I saw Lia disappear with Annabeth into the shadows of the ranch porch. Once she did, I immediately wished she hadn't. Now I was alone with only my thoughts. I didn't know how long Lia would be gone for, but I hoped she would come back soon. I was glad Lia let me have the past few days to myself, but I did really appreciate the little check ins she did. They kept me from spiraling into the dark parts of my mind.

I didn't sleep that night. When I was sure Eurytion was asleep, I snuck out to the septic pit from when we did Bianca's summoning. The pit still had traces of the root beer and barbecue left in it. I came here almost every night since the summoning, hoping I would see Bianca again. But inside I knew I wouldn't see her again if she didn't want to be seen.

I sat on the edge of the pit. The moon glowed down on me, and there were a few stars in the sky. Lia's story about the stars popped into my head. I tried to do the same thing she and her mother did with the stars, and it strangely calmed me down.

Suddenly, fog crawled onto the ground. All the critters in the area went silent. I stood up and drew my sword. The warm summer night seemed to become colder in seconds. A single shadowy silhouette drifted into the area. Once it got near the pit, it changed into the form of a familiar bearded man.

My eyes narrowed. "Minos. What are you doing? I didn't summon you."

Minos frowned, but it didn't look like it was because he was sad about my words. He was almost solid. "You and I have been meeting for the past few nights. Why not tonight?"

I clenched my fists. "We have to stop. Thank you for helping me with my powers and finding a way to get Bianca back, but I'm fine now. I don't want to bring her back anymore. Bianca wouldn't want that. Lia helped me realize that. I'm okay now."

Minos sighed. "I see. Well then, I shall not disturb you anymore on that matter. But I should tell you one thing- your friend, Lia, is in trouble."

My grip on my sword loosened. "What?"

"She is trapped in the Labyrinth."

My eyes widened. "How do you know this?"

"I had been wandering around the Labyrinth when I saw it with my own eyes. Monsters have trapped her inside the maze."

"Can you take me to her?"

Minos's eyes flashed, but I didn't know why. "Of course, master. You can count on me."

I didn't see the malicious look in his eyes. All I saw was my old mentor wanting to help me out again. Lia was in danger, and I needed to find her. I didn't even question why she was back in the Labyrinth. I just knew I had to help her.

Luckily, Eurytion and his dog didn't wake up and find me sneaking away from the house to the cattle guard. I was so nervous to go back into the maze, but with Minos I knew I would be safe. He had guided me through it before. He could do it again. I needed him more than ever.

The two of us moved swiftly through the Labyrinth. I had a tight grip on my sword the entire time. Nothing came after us. As we continued to move through the maze, my anxiety grew. Every second I didn't see Lia was a second where she could be hurt or worse. I didn't want to think about it.

Eventually we came across a stone chamber. Inside were two eight-foot-tall giants with pointed yellow teeth and tattooed arms. A girl in a purple-and-white cheerleader uniform stood between them with blond hair and icy blue eyes. Her name was stitched in cursive on her uniform, but I couldn't make it out with my dyslexia. She obviously wasn't a mortal girl.

I turned to Minos furiously. "What is this? Where is Lia?"

The cheerleader laughed. "Aww, someone is concerned about their little girlfriend. Sorry, kid. You're not here for her."

Faster than I could blink, she clamped chains onto my wrists. I almost fell to the ground out of shock.

Minos laughed. "You're a fool, boy. Too gullible. You have just been a pawn for my plan." He looked at the girl. "Kelli, do you know where Daedalus's workshop is? He has guarded it against my sight."

The girl hissed. "Of course. You give us this powerful demigod-" She ran a finger down the side of my face "-and you get Daedalus's head on a stick."

Kelli started to pull me toward her, but Minos let out a low growl. "No," he said. "You do not get him until I get to see Daedalus for myself."

Kelli sighed. "Fine. Follow us."

Against my will, I followed the giants, girl, and ghost through the Labyrinth. I was pushed to the front with the giants following closely behind me. Kelli and Minos flanked my sides. I was as quiet as the dead, too scared to try to escape. I knew I was outnumbered. Shadow traveling wasn't an option. The chains had some kind of a spell or enchantment on it that prevented me from using my powers. I was helpless.

Eventually we saw light up ahead. I was surprised to see it was electrical instead of flames or sunlight. The hallway soon turned into stainless steel. Florescent lights glowed from the ceiling. The floor was a metal grate. A set of double doors rested at the end of the hallway. Inscribe in the steel, at eye level, was a large blue Greek Delta.

Kelli shoved the doors open. Without warning, she pushed me inside first. Then Kelli and two giants, followed by Minos. My eyes immediately spotted Lia. Percy, Annabeth, a redhead girl, a hellhound, and a man with short grey hair were also with her. I looked straight at Lia. She looked surprised to see me, but she didn't look hurt. Inwardly, I let out a relieved sigh.

The ghost fixed his gaze on the grey haired man. "There you are, my old friend."

The grey haired man's jaw clenched. He looked at Kelli. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Luke sends his compliments," Kelli said. "He thought you might like to see his old employer Minos."

"This was not part of our agreement," the man said. I realized then he must be Daedalus. Who else would be Minos's old employer?

"No indeed," Kelli said. "But we already have what we want from you, and we have other agreements to honor. Minos required something else from us, in order to turn over this fine demigod." She ran a finger under my chin. I could see Lia's hands clench into fists. "He'll be quite useful. And all Minos asked in return was your head, old man."

Daedalus paled. "Treachery."

"Get used to it," Kelli said.

"Nico," Lia said, strangely calm. "Are you okay?"

I nodded morosely. "I-I'm so sorry, Lia. Minos told me you were in danger. He convinced me to go back into the maze."

"You went back into the maze for me?" Lia blinked.

"I was tricked," I said. "He tricked all of us."

Percy glared at Kelli. "Where's Luke? Why isn't he here?"

The cheerleader smiled like she and him were sharing a private joke. "Luke is...busy. He is preparing for the assault. But don't worry. We have more friends on the way. And in the meantime, I think I'll have a wonderful snack!" Her hands changed to claws. Her eyes turned red and fangs came out of her mouth. Her hair burst into flames and her legs turned to their true form- one donkey leg, one bronze.

And with that, all Hades broke loose. Annabeth and Percy charged at Kelli. The giants came right at Daedalus, but the hellhound leaped to his defense. I got pushed to the ground and struggled with my chains while the spirit of Minos wailed, "Kill the inventor! Kill him!"

Lia rushed to my side. She pressed her rings together and her daggers appeared in her hands. With a single slash, the chains fell off my wrists. Before I could do anything, Lia unexpectedly brought me into a hug in the middle of the fight.

"Thank the gods you're okay," she breathed.

I managed to let out a chuckle. "I'm the son of Hades. Of course I'm okay."

Lia let go and turned at the sound of one of the giants wailing in pain. He had the hellhound clamped down hard onto his arm, and he shook her around to try to get her off. Daedalus grabbed for his sword, but the second giant smashed a workbench with his fist, and the sword went flying. A clay jar of green oil broke on the floor and began to burn, green flames spreading quickly.

"To me!" Minos cried. "Spirits of the dead!" He raised his ghostly hands and the air began to hum.

"No!" I cried. I was on my feet now. I had to stop him.

"You do no control me, young fool." Minos sneered. "All this time, I have been controlling you! Since you won't let the girl bring me back, I'll do it myself! A soul for a soul, yes. But it is not your sister who will return for the dead. It is I, as soon as I slay the inventor!"

Spirits began to appear around Minos- shimmering forms that slowly multiplied, solidifying into Cretan soldiers. Lia's feet shifted in place, but she stood tall and strong.

"I am the son of Hades," I insisted. "Be gone!"

Minos laughed. "You have no power over me. I am the lord of spirits! The ghost king!"

"No." I drew my sword. "I am."

I stabbed my black blade into the floor, and it cleaved through stone like butter.

"Never!" Minos's form rippled. "I will not-"

The ground rumbled. The windows cracked and shattered to pieces, letting in a blast of fresh air. For the first time, I felt confident in my abilities without Minos's help. A fissure opened in the stone floor of the workshop, and Minos and all his spirits were sucked into the void with a horrible wail. Minos was gone.

"Lia, over here!" the red haired girl called out.

The girl was by some metal wings that were hanging on the wall, and she already had a pair strapped onto her back. Lia and I swiftly went over to her while doing our best to avoid the chaos.

"Nico, Rachel. Rachel, Nico," Lia quickly introduced as she put away her daggers.

The redhead- Rachel- gave me a pair of the wings. "Here."

She went to give Lia a pair, but Lia quickly put her hands up. "I'm good." In a second, Lia's wings sprouted out of her back.

Rachel's mouth gaped open. "Whoa. Cool."

In the corner of my eye, I could see Daedalus and the hellhound were still locked in combat with the giants, and I could hear shouting in the tunnel. More monsters were coming toward the workshop.

"We have to help Daedalus!" Percy said.

"No time," Rachel said. "Too many coming!"

She quickly stopped staring at Lia and helped me put the wings on. I felt tired and sweaty from my struggle with Minos, but I did my best to comply with her instructions. The wings grafted instantly to my back and arms.

"Now you!" she told Percy.

In seconds, Annabeth, Rachel, Percy, and I had fitted ourselves with coppery wings. Already I could feel myself being lifted by the wind coming through the window. Green fire was burning the tables and furniture, spreading up the circular stairs.

"Daedalus!" Percy yelled. "Come on!"

The inventor was cut in a hundred places- but he was bleeding golden oil instead of blood. He'd found his sword and was using a part of a smashed table as a shield against the giants. "I won't leave Mrs. O'Leary!" he said. "Go!"

There was no time to argue. Except, I wasn't particularly excited to use makeshift wings I didn't know how to use.

"None of us know how to fly except for Lia!" I protested.

"Great time for some lessons," Percy said. And together, the five of us jumped out the window into the open sky.

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