
"Aw look its little blue girl! Why don't you enchant us with your Unicorn magic Blue!" coaxed Sam and his gang once again, this time embarrassing her in front of there whole entire school.


Blaire held back a tear as she tried to stay strong and hide her face from embarrassment. Several kids around her snickered and laughed, others scoffing and returning to whatever it was they were doing.

"Aw come one Blue! You can do it, speak up" Makaila pouted, putting her hands on her knees to see Blaire's face which was now covered with her hair

But she remained silently still, her lips quivering and a small tear that she couldn't hold back slipping down her face. She blinked which sent the tear flying down off her cheek and onto her boots, in reaction, she brought her arm up and wiped her face with her sleeve.

"Aww the babys crying! Come on, lets go so we can let her play with her dolls" Sam snickered before walking down the hall, his small crew of 2 following behind him like Rainbow follows Blaire when she has a cracker.

But Blaire wasn't the only kid bullied. A boy with messy brown hair and chocolate eyes seemed to catch Sam and his crews attention, maybe it was the way he was so quiet and socially impaired to everyone around him. Either way, as Sam and his group walked away, they purposely slammed the boy into a locker which caused him to drop his books, which included a leather covered book, tied in a neat knot by a string that seemed to be breaking.

"Guys look its his diary" Gordon pointed out which caused everyone except Blaire to rise in an uproar of laugher as he scurried to pick up his books

And as if nothing happened, everyone dispersed to there own lives, not bothering to help him up from off the floor. Blaire thought he looked cute, she also enjoyed the mystery that seemed to wrap around him like a cloak. But she didn't have any time to pay attention to boys. After all, if no one is EVER going to pay attention to her, why would she pay attention to others.

So like everything else, she pushed her feelings aside and slammed her locker door shut and proceeding to exit the school just as the dismissal bell rang. What she didn't know is that the boy she seemed to be pushing away her feelings from was doing the same with her.

Little did she know he constantly thought about "The Blue Girl". The girl who seemed to always be blue, wearing blue, and called blue. And like Blare, he was insecure, so he pushed away any attraction to anyone who came close. But now as Blare opened her mailbox, her heart skipped several beats. A while envelope with a stamp on it had come through the mail, the address being the P.O box to Paper Positive in the top left corner.

As she entered the house, Blue didn't pay attention to Leah and Suki as the scampered at her feet, or Cookie who was loudly meowing for attention as she went up the stairs, observing the letter. Once in her room she tossed her backpack in a corner and lept onto her bed where she crossed her legs and curiously flipped the envelope over.

"Ooo Mail!" Rainbow squawked loudly, flying over to the bed where she once again used the bed post as a perch

"Shut up and let me read!" Blaire snapped, not looking up from the letter she tried to start

Dear Blaire,

Thank you for joining Penpalmatch.com! Due to security reason we don't reveal the sender and receivers address, which comes to the conclusion of sending it to us! Congratulations on your first letter as you have been matched up with a 16 year old boy! Attached to this is his first letter to you! Please Respond with this address

(Insert P.O. box address here)

Blaire held her breath as she separated the note from the company from the letter her new penpal had sent her. For a boy his handwriting was clear and impressive, and here is how it read

Dear Penpal,

First off I think I would LOVE to know your name, that way I wont have to start every letter off with "Dear Penpal". My names Shawn, and Im 16! How old are you? Well, now I feel like a kindergartener trying to make friends... Is this your first time using the website? And just out of curiosity why did you join? I mean, I would tell you my reason but its just plain silly. But I guess these starting letters could be a bit more of introductions... Technically Kindergarten all over again! For some odd reason I think we'll get along really well... Or is that just me and my hopes? I don't know... But I cant wait for a response, I enjoy receiving mail if that makes any sense at all... Anyways, write to you later then!

~ Shawn M.

A smile curved onto Blaire's chapped lips as she read the letter, laughing at her new penpal sense of humor. Shawn seemed to be a nice name, and she loved how he was also her age. And inside, she was equally excited to begin to talk with him! Quickly she lept out of bed and dashed to her desk, rolling in her desk chair as she grabbed a piece of paper and begin to write back\

Dear Shawn,

Well hi Shawn! Im Blaire and Im also 16 and should probably be put in kindergarten... Join me? And actually it is my first time using this penpal website thingy... And I guess my reason is a bit silly also. Lets just say I was a bit lonely. If these starter letters are going to be how we get to know each other, let me just say Im extremely awkward, am a bit crazy, and have 5 animals.... And Im actually pretty excited for your response too! I guess trying new things brings along excitement huh? Well, I would make this letter longer but I feel like there's not much to say on my end and one of my parents just got home... Cant wait to hear from you!

~ Blaire or Blue, whichever you chose!

With that, not growing distracted by the squawks Rainbow released and the way both dogs scampered out of the room to see who was at the door, Blaire put the letter in an envelope and sealed it shut with a wax seal she had made out of boredom that was melted in a heated container. She searched her room for a stamp until she found one and plastered it on the right corner of the envelope, hastily writing her address and the sending address on it.

Tomorrow she would send it before going to school, and hope for a response soon. Hoping that she may have just met a new friend with many talks later, Blaire grabbed a binder and put the piece of college ruled paper inside, closing it carefully and spending the rest of the evening decorating the cover before quitting to do her homework.

Only if she knew this was the beginning.

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