


Lagos, Nigeria.

Tranquil and Quest Rehabilitation Center.

My third day in the rehab center was when I first saw Laura.

She looked just like everyone else-dull, detached, and has given up on life.

I don't know how to feel honestly. Being around all these people who are in every manner like me, it made something in me spark. It reignited the feeling that there are some people that understand what I'm going through. I have no doubt in my mind that our stories are different, but somehow, the pain and need to depend on drugs is something we all have in common.

For the first two days I wasn't allowed to attend any sessions other than breakfast, lunch and dinner. That was something we're all forced to have at the same time. In between you can have other snacks in between alone, or in group, whichever you prefer. But, those three is a general task.

I wasn't allowed out of my room for the first two days because apparently, my parents label my current condition as 'dangerous'. I know I wasn't exactly in the most appropriate sense of mind when I arrived at the rehab center but I wasn't exactly dangerous either. Well, unless someone crosses my path I am good.

I hate the rehab center. I'm pretty sure my inmates in this prison feels the same way too. I'd tried to escape, but in between being locked in a room with one window-which is made up of unbreakable glass by the way and no sharp object in the room and the bathroom, I was rendered armed-less.

It also didn't help that I had zero access to drugs three days now. It's making me more agitated than normal. I've never been away from drugs for three days straight. The closest thing I've had to that is when my family tried to get every drug away from me but even then I managed to get some to take in a day no matter how small it is because I know my house in and out.

This case is different. I don't know this place and I won't get to know it if I'm cooped in my room for three days straight.

It was horrible. It's been so long since I've been away from drugs for that long. Yesterday, I was heaving and sweating profusely on the floor when one of the workers saw me and quickly took me to their clinic. There, I got the 'medical' shot that somehow eased the pain but if it was up to me, I'd take three more of that shot. Then, I'd be alright.

I don't know what changed their minds to finally let me start attending sessions today but they did anyways. After breakfast, I was asked to join the others in the main hall for group therapy. We are about fifty or more in number so we were divided into groups. The group I'm in consisted of six people, I being the seventh.

Three of them are males while the other three are females. Each of them either looks like the 'stay away from me if you know what's good for you' type or the 'I don't care about anything' type.

Laura belongs to the second group.

I remember clearly when I first saw her. She was sitting opposite me as our instructor made us form a circle so we could talk, though none of us plan on 'talking'.

I don't know why but something about her felt familiar. Instead of focusing on whatever nonsense the instructor was saying, I watched her up close trying to put the pieces in together to remember how is it that I know her.

She looked up, her scrutinizing gaze met mine. She kept her facial expression neutral, but still didn't look away. I don't think she plans on looking away and neither do I.

"Ummu Kulsum" that made me look away from her to the person that called my name-the instructor.

At least this time, my family had the decency to sign me in the rehab center with my real name. however, I know how my family works. They probably only did that provided the information about my family stays confidential. The good thing about rehab in their eyes is that they don't use your last name to address you.

"You're new here" the instructor said looking at me with a wide smile on his face, the man looked so creepy with that smile etched on his face, "Do you mind introducing yourself to everyone?" he asked making my eyes dart from him to the others.

More than half of them looked like they are lost in their own thoughts. The only people paying attention to what he said is one girl and a guy, then Laura. Though all three of them looked bored? I couldn't really tell, they had an impassive look on their face.

I turned to look at the instructor, my lips set into a tight line and my gaze on him. I hope my face shows him that I'm the least interested in what he's doing because I don't plan on saying a word to him.

Awkward silence followed afterwards as he waited for me to say something which I did not.

Eventually, he looked away, "Seems like you're a bit shy. Don't worry, you'll get used to us here and soon you'll be able to open up" he said, offering me a small grin-why I ignored by the way.

He turned to one of the two people that actually seemed to be paying attention, the girl, "Hayra. You're also new here. Do you mind sharing your story with us?" he asked, offering her the same kind of smile he offered me. It is somehow supposed to be encouraging.

The girl, or Hayra, as he called her looked around us and when her eyes met mine, I saw something I haven't seen in anyone's eyes around here, fear. "I don't know where to begin?" She said in a small voice that I'm sure if you weren't paying attention you wouldn't have heard it.

"How about you start by telling us whatever it is you're comfortable with. Maybe you can tell you what you plan to do or something you want to achieve once you leave here?" he said encouragingly. I may not be an expert in this department but I highly doubt this is how group session work. However, who am I to judge? "Or maybe, how old you are?"

She looked like she is lost in her thoughts as she looked down fidgeting with her fingers, "I'm eighteen" she replied in the same tone as earlier.

Eighteen? That's about the same age as Zayn.

I may be messed up but no one is supposed to end up in a place like this at her age.

"And what do you like to do Hayra? What are your hobbies"

"Uhm...I-I like to s-sketch and...."

"And what?"

"Drink alcohol"

Oh wow. That is a weird hobby for anyone.

Yet again, who am I to judge?

"Do you feel the need to drink alcohol or do you just do it for fun?" he asked, the smile on his face faltering a bit.

She kept shut. As if a switch has been flicked off in her she refuses to say a word more after that. She didn't say anything or respond to the numerous questions he asked her till he eventually gave up.

None of us spoke or say anything to him as he threw questions at us. In the end, he ended up advising us and whatnot before the sessions ended.

None of us waited and wasted a minute more as we all stood up and headed our various ways. From now till lunch we're free to do whatever it is we want to do. Most people around here just go off to do whatever is their hobby except me. I don't have a hobby. I mean I did have one before but not anymore.

Right now, I'm not interested in anything at all in my leisure time.

I tucked my hands in the pocket of our 'uniform'. They don't exactly call it that but it is what it is since we're all made to wear it. The color isn't exactly my type and when I complained, one of their workers said this is not my father's house. Apparently, what they said goes.

It's safe to say the worker that said that is now somewhere in the clinic nursing his black eye. How he replied back to me when I asked a question isn't right based on the rehab's ethics, and even if it is, I'm not one he can speak to like that.

Speaking of which, now that I think about it that must be why they agreed to my parent's theory about me being violent and why I was put on a three days' timeout to begin with.

I sighed as I made my way over to the vast lawn that other inmates are just lounging. I know addressing them as inmates made it sound like we're in prison but to me that's what it feels like.

I found a tree and sat underneath it lucky to have the shade shield me from the scorching sun. I rested my back on the bark of the tree and closed my eyes.

My time here is going to be longer than I thought.


So...I have nothing to say...

Oh yeah...I'm glad some of y'all like this book. I said this before but the support I'm getting is what I didn't expect honestly. I'll leave this rant for the last chapter.

Also, with the day I'm updating, we'll finish this book in a week or two...

I'm suppose to say this at the end of the book but if you know anyone that suffering from dug abuse or alcoholism, or if you're going through it...go get help please. It's not easy, and it probably won't be but do try.


Love, Jannah.

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