Dear Perseverant


Poet's Note: "Dear Perseverant" is another poem that was edited into official poetry, as it is one of the first letters I wrote. And just like "Dear Beautiful", I believe it addresses a problem that has slowly been growing in our world. You may start to notice as you read through more of these poems that while some are lighthearted and cheerier, others are a lot... deeper, I should say. These are real issues that many of us have faced, are facing, or will face at some point in this broken world, and it can be hard to read and even write about, but even though it was emotional for me, and hopefully will be for you, this letter gives imagery to how our struggles and fears make us stronger. This one in particular mentions 'me' and 'I' a lot more than most of the others, but I hope that those references can help you see how I am not just writing these words for show. I've LIVED this, guys. I understand it better than anyone. But friends, through that there is so much I have learned! And it comes from my heart to yours.


Dear Perseverant,

Too many nights to count, when the winds banging 'round,
And the tears drip across the bathroom floor;
When all the lights are out, and all you can hear is the sound,
Of the silence weighing upon your soul.

No one seems to care, like they don't even see you there,
Hurting till you can't feel anymore;
And you wrestle with yourself, back and forth on the ground,
Are you even worth a savior at all?

The number not computable, nor the scars marked up beneath it all,
Beneath this mask that you're living behind;
Because each hope that you carry, tear stained cries that you're shedding,
Only bury you deeper into the depression's raged night.

You've waited all your life, time upon time,
There must be a brighter day in the wake;
But what you fantasize, floods into the tears in your eyes,
Because you only awake to reality's heartbreak.

Every day it just grows harder, to get up and keep on walking,
To pretend you're as alive as the world's faulty notions;
Because you're a shell of yourself, a mere moving block of numbed cells,
Just going through each day in the motions.

And it hurts even more, because you know no one knows,
And if they did it wouldn't change a thing;
No one cares but yourself, no one hears your screams in the dark,
And there's only one option remaining over everything.

If it'd take a moment of pain, to end all the torture you face,
You would make that choice in less than a heartbeat;
You're a failure, you know it, and this world isn't for you,
Only a trial in which you've been unwillingly placed.

With every morning you're expected, to rise, get up, and keep going,
Never crying from the misery you hide;
And you plaster on smiles, lift your head, keep on riding,
But you're no longer the one in control inside.

All alone in the shadows, face pressed into the pillows,
The looming clouds burst into the downpour's rain;
Storm raging around you, tossing and turning,
Voices swirling in every inch of your veins.

And you can't shake it off, because every good moment is drowned out,
In the scarring memories swamping over your brain;
It pushes you under, deeper and deeper,
And with every hour you're fading away.

Perseverant, I lived this way, every day,
I lost myself with my heartstrings now broken;
Yet I kept on shoving it down, groping my way through the dark,
Fueling myself in lies, though I never quite bought them.

I thought that by letting it out, I would fail myself,
That I would admit I had no power to fight;
So I let the color keep draining, keep fading, keep breaking,
Living on a rollercoaster of a ride.

World crumbling to pieces, getting crushed in the midst of it,
Like shadows taking over in the broadest daylight;
Obvious that you're drowning, no one's hand to catch you from falling,
But you're too weak to raise another cry.

No one sees you, and no one would believe you,
They just don't understand the true realities you fight;
But Perseverant, look harder, we're all like you in our struggles,
Only some have learned to battle in right.

Perseverant, I'm by you, striving forward for survival,
Fighting my own battles each and every day;
And the people around you, through their own war they're combating,
Pressing harder despite their own kind of pain.

You are never alone, we're all beside you, and we've,
All wondered such a thing in the same;
Whether we're able for this strife, this raging warfare of life,
And if we have the energy to fight another day.

Perseverant, I fought, those swelling waves for way too long,
Refusing, pursuing, even though I was losing it all;
Afraid of the fear, afraid of being afraid,
But the first step to victory, is inviting yourself into the fray.

I was wrong in my ways,
In my foolish choice to neglect;
There's no shame in fear's coming,
Only in letting it take effect.

Controlling your fear,
Is the key to breakthrough;
Because fear only harms in submission,
If you let it control you.

You don't need to hide your pain,
You don't need to run from the storm;
You don't need to forget your fears,
Because those are only making you strong.

You have nothing to be ashamed,
To hide secrets from the light;
There is relief in admitting,
In accepting you're exhausted from the prolonged fight.

There'll be days your world's fading,
Dead ends at every turn;
But while the strong winds keep on billowing,
Recharge their strength to your endure.

Look straight into the storm,
Meet it eye to eye;
Don't give up, just keep on fighting,
You're stronger than fire tearing through the night.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming,
So dream on in fantasy;
Because dreams come to those who keep them,
Who don't give up when hopeless it all seems.

And there's nothing wrong with failure,
Because things come and they go;
But failure is truly impossible,
When your resilience is shining brighter in hope.

True power doesn't come from strength,
Not from a title or mighty name;
It comes from belief in what you're made of,
Even if it means that risk you've got to take.

That's true power in its likeness,
A fantasy brought into life;
Not selfish or manipulating,
But bravery to stand up for what is right.

Even when the mockery around you calls out,
That you'll never have a chance;
Lift your head, don't let them break you,
You're stronger than the lies inside of them.

There is no way to change the world,
If you let it change you;
Perseverant, I'm with you,
And we're going to make it through.

Embrace the winds, embrace the pain,
Embrace the fear in the worry afraid;
Because without that struggle, without that thunder,
You'll never reach the answer I'm trying to portray.

You can never grow, you can never learn,
Strength comes at the most unexpected times;
When the security around you is fading,
You're getting stronger in the fight we call life.

So Perseverant, no matter what life's hurling,
Keep on fighting for that fantasy of your dreams;
Waves surround, storm's a brewing,
But don't make the same mistake as me.

We will never be perfect,
We will never be unafraid;
But reality is not perfection,
Reality is being real in the peril you face.

Perseverant, you are real,
You're an undying fire on the rainiest day;
And even though the water's swelling up to overcome you,
You're more than ready to face the blinding hurt in your way.

You can't lose until you give up,
And Perseverant, it took me years to see it that way;
But while it took tears and pain to bring my inner light out,
You can give it less time to take.

Ignorance is not a blissful comfort,
You can't protect yourself from the human brain;
But when you accept your feelings as a source of empowerment,
You will never hurt in the same.

Admit that you're hurting, admit that you're in pain,
Admit that you're broken and in need of an escape;
Admit that you're struggling to just keep marching on,
And admit that you're wondering if life is worth what it costs.

But Perseverant, you are more than ready,
For what this battle will take;
You are wide-eyed in the moment,
More than ready to face the stakes.

And you know that you will feel,
Afraid and unsure;
But when you feel those feelings,
Remember these words.

Fear and courage don't counteract,
They fight as one force;
Without fear there's no courage,
No reason to endure.

No, no matter the pain,
No matter the hurt;
No matter the sleepless nights,
No matter the doubt rising up in your soul.

I promise you, Perseverant,
That you have what it takes;
I truly promise you,
That you can live to fight another day.

And I promise you,
That it's not over yet;
But Perseverant, don't you give up,
Because victory is outcome set.

Yes, the battle has just begun,
But blue skies are ahead;
Strong, brave, and powerful,
Life is worth living to the end.

Don't give up, don't give in,
No, Perseverant, that is not what to do;
Restful peace is yet awaiting,
But not in the way you believe is true.

The storm may blow to stronger,
The winds may whip and squeal;
But Perseverant, there's an answer,
To always overcoming it.

When life's bullets pounds,
When the hailing bombs burst into flame;
Throw your hands up, reach out stronger,
You are more mighty than that pain.

There is always another force,
Seemingly too strong for you;
But Perseverant, you need the mindset,
There's nothing stronger than you.

Oh, when opposition explodes now,
Just laugh into its face;
It may think that it can take you,
But you know the truth of its false state.

No lie can ever bring you,
Back to the floor;
Because Perseverant, you're warrior ready,
At the frontlines you're standing pure.

Whom it's choosing to oppose,
Is its most grave mistake;
Perseverant, it's you!
Whom it's not ready to face.

You're much braver, much stronger,
So much tougher than before;
Cause Perseverant-

It's you the world's not ready for.

From, Rea


Please tag anyone you think would benefit from reading this ~~>


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