His Siblings
+Leader Section: With Tom+
Tom went to his daughter's room with running thoughts going through his mind. First being how Tika is feeling right now? Second, is what's going on with Tomi that's making him mad at his brother? Third finally being why Torm is being mean to Tika?
He goes up to his daughter's door, pressing his ear to the door to try and hear if she's there. Blurred voices are heard which signals him to knock.
"Tika? It's me."
He waited for a moment to see if he would get a response. The answer coming with the door being unlocked.
Tom opens the door to find Tika cuddled up on the canopy bed with her brother hugging her from behind while she's sitting on his lap. The boy giving her gentle licks along the nape of her neck for comfort by his monster instincts.
Tika didn't seem to mind as her eyes are rimmed red from all the crying she had been doing. Seth laid across the foot of her bed looking between him and then to the pair of siblings.
"Hey Tomi, Tika... Do you mind if I come in?"
The Tomi stops licking the nape of his sister's neck to rest his head on her shoulder. He purrs a bit when Tika pats his head.
"You can come in mom..." Her voice quiet like a whisper.
Tom steps into the room and closes the door shut behind him. Then he comes to the bed and takes a seat on the side of the bed.
Silence is all that their is in the room besides the sound of Tomi returning to lick the nape of her neck again.
"Are you here to ask about what happened?" Tika brings the first question up since their mom came into the room.
Tom shakes his head, "You're Father is doing that now as we speak with Torm. I'm here to listen to anything you want to talk to me about."
"Anything?" Tika repeats looking up at her mother's green eyes.
"Of course, I won't pry on what you don't want me to know. Wether it be a decision or a certain topic you want to catch up on, I'm all ears." The brunet wasn't going to force anything out of his kids unless they made him really, really angry. Besides, brutal prying is reserved for interrogation of spies and assassins.
Tika looks thoughtful for a moment. Thinking of what to do because of the event that happened earlier today. "Mom, can I..." She looks hesitant to ask, her gaze shifting to look away from her mother's eyes.
"Yes Tika?"
She pressed her lips together then continued. "Do you think I can go back to living with Uncle Edd and Matt?"
Tomi instantly stopped his licking, his hug around her waist tightening more. Seth brought his head up to look at his distressed mistress.
Tom looks disheartened for awhile when she said those words, yet he continued to talk for her.
"Tika... Do you really want to stay with them?"
"I mean I love being with you, Tomi, Torm, and Dad too... but I don't think my brothers are ready to have me come into the family picture yet." Tika sniffs and wipes away some fresh tears as she talks. "I know you and dad are okay with having me here but my brothers are fighting because of me."
"Tikky..." Tomi whispers in a comforting voice. Her sobs breaking his heart in every way. He only wants her to be happy yet his fight with their brother isn't making things better for her.
Tom scoots closer to the pair so he could lift her head up by the chin. "Tika... If you really want to go back to your uncles, then I'll talk to your father about it. Just tell me your answer now."
The girl sniffs again, nodding. Teary eyes look straight back at her mother's eyes. "I want to go back to them."
The Blue Leader leans over and kisses his daughter's forehead. "If that is what you wish, then I shall provide." He pulls back and wipes away her tears with the back of his forefinger. Then does Tom kiss his son's temple lovingly before exiting from the room without another word. The door shutting behind him silently.
"Tikky, don't go, please." Tomi said to her as he tried to convince her not to leave.
"It won't be forever, I promise... I just don't think you and Torm are okay with me being around at the moment. The both of you are fighting and I don't want that." She's turns around in Tomi's lap so they're both facing each other. Her brother hugs her close to his chest while pressing his face against the crook of her neck.
"I'll come home another time."
+Tord's office: With Tord and Torm+
Said teen looks away from his father with a frown.
Tord sighs seeing as he's not gonna get his son to apologize any time soon. Torm was good enough to explained what happened truthfully but his cooperation is wearing thin.
"You know, if your mother found out you said that to her, you'd be in deep trouble."
The mention of Tom got a jerk out of Torm. If Tord knew anything about his son, it would be that he hates making his mother upset.
"It's not my fault she butted into our life." Torm still didn't understand what everyone saw in her. Sure she's the youngest out of all of them and found 16 years after being kept a secret by their mother. Although it showing mean he'll go easy on her after what she did or who she is.
Tord tried bargaining to get his son to get along with his sister. "Can't you just not talk badly of her. Possibly tolerate her to not make your brother and sister upset?"
"My hate for her burns with a passion Father. It's useless for me to try and tolerate her presence." Torm almost said with an emotionless tone.
Leaning back in his chair, Tord sighs once more. This was going to be harder than he thought.
Knock knock
"Come in."
The door opens to reveal Tom looking sad which worries him. "Red Leader, may I speak with you in private please."
Tord gets up from his seat to go over to Tom. "Don't move Torm, we'll finish talking when I come back."
"Yes Father."
Tom closes the door to the office when his boyfriend comes out into the red hallway. Tord turning to look back at him curious. "What's this about Tom?"
Silent, Tom takes his hands and holds Tord's for comfort. "We need to bring Tika back to the Rebellion Base." He whispers to him.
"For what?" Tord questions with a small idea of what Tom might be implying. He didn't want to believe his assumptions.
"She needs to live with Edd and Matt again."
"Tom we talked about this."
Tom shakes his head, "Our daughter is upset because of her brothers. She probably wants to stay away until Torm and Tomi are sorted out to being their usual selves again."
Tord couldn't says anything in return since his lover is right. Torm and Tomi are the proof because they had been fighting outside moments ago. "I don't want her to leave."
"I know Tord, I don't want her to go either." He feels Tord give him a kiss on the cheek and press his forehead against his own. "She came home, but she's leaving so soon."
Unknown to them, Torm had gotten out of his seat to listen to them through the door. 'She's leaving...'
"Then if that's her decision for now, then we'll let her go. Torm isn't willing to cooperate with me to apologize or at least getting to know her at this time." Tord looks down at his lover before finally saying words he never thought he'd say for her. "Have a plane prepared for take off to the Rebellion Base. Escorting Tika back safely is top priority."
"Yes, sir..." Tom pulls his holopad from his side bag at his belt. Writing in Tord's orders and sending it to the hangers of the base. Over the years, Tord upgraded his device to connect directly to all screens around the base to send messages back and forth for the soldiers to see. He hit send and a green check mark appeared. "Excuse me, I have to radio the Rebellion Base about her return. Then I'll go have Tika get ready for her departure."
Torm quickly went back to his seat and acted like he didn't move at all. His father came back into his room looking sadden by Tom's news.
"Torm, your sister will be heading back to your Uncles's Base later today."
"I don't care." He responds as he crosses his arms.
Tord not in the mood for his son's attitude goes over to him with an angered expression. He brings the teen to his feet, grabbing him by the front of his black shirt, looks straight into his eyes. "Storm, you are officially grounded."
Torm could only look at his father with a wide eyed expression as he continues to talk. "Before Tika gets on that plane, I expect you to apologize to her. Then you are to go straight to your room. Am I clear?"
"Am I clear?" Tord repeats sternly.
Torm looks down to his shoes, "Yes, sir."
Tord drops his son back on his feet and marches out of the room in frustration.
Leaving Torm in his office to himself. His arms slowly coming to hug himself while he shakes. He made his father mad, on top of it his mother sad.
It's not something he's proud of at all.
An hour or so later, Tika and Seth were brought to the hangers by Paul and Patryk. She though about calling them her uncles too because Tomi once mentioned to her these two men cared for her father when he was younger. Although she put it on a side note for another time.
When they got to the hanger she found her family there with the soldiers who worked in the hangers. The blue soldiers expressed their sadness to see her go as red soldiers looked unsure if she should leave.
They come up to the plane where her family is waiting for her. Tomi being the first to rush up to her and give her a tight hug. Other than her mother, Tomi was the one to give her so much love as a sibling. Tika hugs her back tightly with a smile.
"Thank you Tomi, I promise I'll come home when things are better." She whisper to him.
Her brother eventually lets her go and guides her over to her parents who by the stairs of the plane. Seth sits himself down by the end of the stairs to wait for her to say goodbye to her family for now.
Tom had a wrapped package in his hands for her. "This is a gift from Neva and Opal in the Uniform's department." He hands it to her and she accepts it with caring hands. "You're free to open it on the plane if you feel bored later."
"Tell them I said thank you mom." Tom nods, giving her a hug and kiss on cheek. "I'll see you again."
"Eventually, my dear daughter." Tom whispers into her ear.
Tord bends down and holds his closed robot hand out to her when Tom lets her go. Tika watches as her father opens his hand to reveal a black twined bracelet with his army symbol as the charm hanging from it. "A gift from me to you min datter. So you never forget this is your home." He unhooks the bracelet and clips it around her left wrist.
Tika looks at the bracket resting against her wrist, a beautiful red standing out from the black. She looks at Tord with a grateful smile, "Thank you dad."
"You're welcome, Tika." Tord kiss her cheek and pats her head.
The person who came up to her next was someone she didn't expect. She turns to her left to see her older brother, Torm, looking at her with a grumpy expression. His posture was that of relaxed yet didn't care. Torm's hands are stuffed in his front pockets as he his gaze is to the floor.
"Torm, what do you say." Tord said to his son with warning.
Torm sighs, "Okay... I'm s-" The older brother couldn't finish his simple apology since his sister stopped him with a surprisingly strong hug after dropping her gift. "Huh?"
Tika makes her brother walk backwards by pushing him back and away from their family who is looking at the two with confusion. She didn't stop until they were out of hearing range of their family.
"What are you doing?" Torm asks when his sister finally stops making him walk backwards while hugging him.
"I don't want you to apologize to me."
"But I have to..." Torm is once again silenced by her when he looks down at her. He looks into her different eyes she has obtained from their parents
Tika shakes her head as she continues to hug her brother while enjoying his warmth. "I should be the one who's sorry Torm. I caused you so much pain from the start."
Tika look up from her brother's chest at him. Her sadden expression pulling at something inside him.
"I really want you to know that I feel guilty for having to be the cause of losing your sight." Her arms tighten around his torso. "I'm so sorry Torm. I am sorry I cause you so much pain."
Her brother couldn't form the words to say anything back to her. His mind unable to make something up to her.
Tika lets go of him and backs away with her hands held behind her back. "You don't need to apologize to me Torm. After all, you told me before, 'If your going to apologize to me, at least do it right', right?" A forced smile displayed on her face as she held back tears.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be the little sister you wanted, Torm."
There was no chance for Torm to say anything to her anymore. She had hit the nail on the head for him, leaving him to watch her run back to the stairs of the plane.
Tika picks up her gift from the floor where she had dropped it. She looks to her parents smiling, "I'm ready."
Joanna and Mary would be driving her back to the Rebellion base. The two of the already in the cockpit as Tika and Seth walked up the steps to enter the aircraft.
Inside did she take a seat in one of the many vacant chairs. Seth takes up the two seats across from her as he rests his head on his paws. She looks out of the window to see her parents next to each other, arms hooked together. Tomi waving at her with tears in his eyes.
The plane stared moving after getting the door closed.
As the plane came out, Tika could finally see her older brother still where she had left him. Her different eyes meeting with his for a moment.
She smiles and says something he could not hear.
I'm sorry, but no matter what I still love you big brother
'Dear Mother,
I can't wait to meet my older brother! I wanna tell him much I love him even if I don't know too much about him! You can't see it mom, but I'm giggling while I write this.
P.S. Give him a kiss for me! Mwah!'
~+With Tika+~
After hours on the plane, Tika ate the food given to her during the trip and slept for some time. Seth getting some doggy treats from his mistress to snack on. Eventually, she decided to open her present when she got the announcement they were near the Rebellion base.
She picks up her wrapped gift and places it in her lap. Her hands unwrap the gift to find a beautiful outfit. Her new dress shirts has a lovely shade of blue like her mother's uniform, and a few red sweaters that reminded her of her father. Also to her amusement, she found two buttons on one of the sweaters. One of them is a small purple monster in with one black eye and horns. While the button had the image of a small, cute devil monster with black horns and tail.
She moves them aside and picks up her new black cotton pants. "Wow, I have to thank Ms. Neva and Ms. Opal for these when I see them again. They're sense of style for me is amazing."
Tika gets up from her seat so she could go to the bathroom to change into them. She pulls her usual clothes off and puts on the new outfit made for her. Once done, she comes out and uses the full body mirror hanging in the back.
She giggles as she spins a round to get a good look at herself. The sweater looks a little baggy on her but it still looks good either way.
"Miss Tika, we're about to descend into the Rebellion Territory. Please return to your seat for landing." One of the pilots say through the speaker.
The teenager goes back to her seat and puts all the trash together, so she could throw them away after she gets out. She takes a deep breath and lets it out as she look out the window to see a familiar building.
"I'm back..."
Torm sat in his room alone. His father explained to his partner of what Torm earned for himself. He heard his mom try to get him out of his punishment, but his father was set firm on the decision.
Sadly enough, his brother won't even talk to him. He locked himself away in Tika's room and won't come out unless it's their parents who coax him out of there.
'Torm. I'm sorry I couldn't be the little sister you wanted.'
His sister's words always rang through his mind after she left. The guilt ate at him because she's right.
In the beginning, when Torm first saw Tika, he immediately saw the resemblance. The two of them look similar after all before the both had their optics change. Silver colored eyes, almost same colored hair, not to mention she has her own horns in her hair style, just swept to the side as bangs. There was no denying her scent either, she is indeed their parents's daughter.
Torm had expect someone different, so he denied her.
He thought his little sister would be like them. An experiment made by their father hands. One with monstrous features like he and Tomi. The devil teen shakes his head. Instead their sister turned out human and was actually born from their mother.
With one blinded him from accepting her properly. Was it the pain he received from her? For taking away his sight? Or was it the fact she is their sister, a human, not an experiment like he thought they would receive.
Torm shook his head and fell flat on his back on his bed.
"I hate this..."
~Time Skip a few weeks~
The older brother thought and thought about their situation. When he was allowed outside of his shared room, it was either with his Mother or Father always accompanying him.
The first time Torm saw his brother again after awhile, he tried to make conversation with him.
Yet Tomi only glared at him with a growl. He was taken aback by the action as he could only watch his little brother walk away from him angrily.
It pulled something inside him like Tika did before she left.
Family meals were always hard on the brothers too. It was always silence between the two. Tomi would never say a word directly at him or make his usual conversation happily with him. It was always towards their parents who seem surprise that Tomi took to talking to them more because of their fight.
If Tomi were to ever say something to Torm it would only be one word like 'yes' or 'no' and then silence.
Torm walked back to his room one time after his classes were over with the scientists. His heightened hearing catching cries and sniffs from just down the hall.
They were coming from Tika's room.
He goes over and gently presses his ear against the door. No doubt that it's his brother crying his eyes out. Quietly mumbling things he could not hear.
It just broke his heart to hear him crying.
Torm slowly came to a realization he really needed to fix what he broke.
He bit at his bottom lip as he tried to think of how fix everything he had done. The first place to start would be Tomi. His words and actions have done nothing but hurt his brother a lot since Tika left.
'I hate you!'
Boy did Torm hates those words with a passion coming from his brother. He wishes he would never hear those words again coming from the younger monster.
He looks down the hall and listens to see if his parents are back yet. Nothing... It's simply quiet.
Pausing in front of the lavender colored door, he takes a breath.
'Here goes nothing,' Torm thinks, then knock on the door.
No answer.
He tries again is still met with no answer.
"Tomi... It's me, Torm." The monster teen says to inform him of his arrival.
"Away." Tomi finally replies with a choked up voice from crying.
Torm presses his forehead against the door, "Tomi, I just want to talk things out with you." He closes his eyes and hopes his brother will let him in.
"Don't wanna."
~Next Day~
Torm tried again the next day to get his brother to let him in.
Silence again before he answers back. "I'm not opening the door Torm." His voice sounding a little better than yesterday when he was crying.
"I want to tell you I'm sorry."
"It's too late for sorry, you made Tikky go away." Tomi sat on his sister's canopy bed, hugging one of her pillows close to his chest. He laid on his side curled up to it.
"I really want to see you Tomi." Torm said as his forehead rests against the door. "I want to talk to you again."
"Go away."
With those words, Torm left to retreat to their room.
~After a few more weeks~
It was the same routine for the pass few weeks. Torm would come out when he could and try to talk to his brother into letting him inside the room. Tomi would always say a few things before telling him to go away.
Tom and Tord saw this happen once and more times after seeing it. Slowly becoming clear to them that Torm is trying to make amends for his actions.
"What is it Thomas?"
The lovers were sitting in the lobby doing their paper work while having a clear view of the hallway. Torm coming out of his room to try and get his brother to let him in again.
"I think you should give our son a hand to get Tomi to let him into Tika's room."
Tord side glances at Tom with a raised brow. "Why me?"
"You're the one who grounded Torm. So you're taking responsibility in helping him make amends with his brother." Tom picks up a pile of papers and straightens them out into a neat pile. "Now shoo with you. I can deal most of them while you're helping him."
"And if I say no?"
Tom turns his head to look at him with a simple smile. "Then you won't be receiving anything from me tonight." A playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
Tord, not wasting a second, gets up from his seat to go help Torm like his lover advised. He went straight over to Torm and grabbed his wrist before he could even knock on the door.
Tord raises a metal finger to tell him to be quiet. Torm shuts his mouth and backs away from the door. When he does this, Tord raises his own hand to the door and knocks.
"Tomi, can you open the door for me. I have something to speak with you about."
Light footstep are heard on the other side of the door. It unlocks and Tomi opens the door expecting only to see his dad. To his trouble he finds not only his dad but his brother right behind him.
"Yes Dad?" Tomi focusing his attention on him and not on his older brother.
"I would like it if you would talk with your brother. The two of you have barley spoken to each other for almost a month now." Tord is right, the brothers haven't making any conversation since Tika left the base. Not to mention their get togethers to eat as a family we're quite and had tension written all over it.
"Dad, please, I don't wanna talk to him."
A jab to the heart when Tomi wouldn't even use Torm's name.
"Give him a chance Tomi, you never know what he's going to say. Right Torm?"
Torm looks up, "Uh yeah...," he responds while rubbing his arm.
Tomi furrow his brows and reluctantly steps aside to let his brother into the room. "Fine." Tord messed with both of their hair before leaving the two alone to their private conversation to go back to Tom and their paperwork. Torm stood in front of the door, his little brother not giving him a glance until saying, "Are you just gonna stand there or come in?"
The older brother responds by taking a step into the room of their little sister. Unlike their shared room, Tika's room is pretty empty aside from the furniture and the covers on the beds. Tomi goes to his sister's bed and takes a seat, hugging his legs up to his chest.
"Tomi," Torm says as he comes to stand at the foot of the bed, "I want to say sorry for real."
"Sorry? That's a joke coming from you..." The brunet looks ways from his brother. Torm wasn't they type of person to say sorry unless their mother makes him.
Torm tries coming closer to his brother. "I mean what I said." He takes a seat on the bed across from him. Torm wanted to tell his brother how much he missed him and how sorry he is for all his denial towards him and their sister. "I've been thinking about our fight and Tika since Father grounded me. I was wrong and you were right about Tika. She's our little sister."
"Then why couldn't you have noticed sooner!" Tomi exclaims, his brother's voice just irritates him since he's still not over what he did. "You made her go back the day after she came home! Into our lives!" Fat tears welled up in the corner of his eyes, escaping their corners when it was too much to hold. "You made her feel unwelcome here!"
"I was mad Tomi, I was blinded by my denial and anger!"
"Denial of what Torm!? What could you possibly be in denial of, huh?!" Tomi question madly as he stands on the bed staring down at his brother. "She's the little sister we've always dreamed of having!"
"To me she wasn't!"
Tomi drops his anger expression to confusion . "What?"
Torm looks at the lavender blanket of the bed they're sitting on. "My denial was her being our little sister. Tika wasn't the little sister I pictured her to be when I asked Father as a kid." He clutched the fabric of the blanket. "I always imagined our little sister to be like us... Created scientifically, grow up with us... be some type of monster like us."
"Torm..." Tomi wondered if Torm wanted similarity for their sister of their hardship before finally coming into the family. Torm and he never had it easy in the beginning either. They were made for war, not love like they have now, not for family purposes. They were weapons turned into loving children for their parents.
"When I first saw her I knew, I knew she was our sister. The resemblance between us was uncanny." Torm broke down in front of his brother's, piece by piece.
"Because of me, I caused a distance between the three of us. Jehovah, I even caused our parents sadness because she had to leave us after being found out. Being mean to Tika in the process I lost my favorite little brother." He felt tears slide down his cheeks.
"I hate it."
To be honest, Tomi hated fighting with his brother too, he just can't help it because of what happened. He really wanted to be with his brother all the time and tell him sorry like he usually does, yet he can't bring himself to do it like he usually does.
"I'm sorry Tomi, I really am. I never want to fight with you like this again. I don't want to lose you. I just can't." The devil teen could feel himself shaking. "I'm so sorry..." Torm looks up at a Tomi with a tear stained cheeks and blue eyes. "Please forgive me."
Tomi couldn't handle his emotions anymore. He jumps at his brother and hugs him tightly, added his monstrous strength that Torm was so used to and missed so dearly. "Tormy don't cry! I'm sorry too!" He cries into the crook of his brother's neck.
The two of them missed their close presence to one another. They just cry in each other's arms, holding each other tightly, and let their emotions run free which feels so good to get every problem off their chest. Both nuzzling each other to fix the lost affection they lost from each other during the long period their fight was going on.
Tomi sniffs as he rubs his face against his brother's neck. "I'm sorry *hic*, Tormy I'm sorry."
"I should be the one saying that," Torm chuckles lightly as nuzzles Tomi's head against his.
They both fall back on the mattress, not for a moment letting go of each other. Torm laying on his back while Tomi lays onto of him. Tomi arms wrapped around his brother's torso while Torm has his at Tomi's waist.
Tomi pulls his head away from Torm's neck to kiss his brother's cheek. "I love you Tormy." He says.
"I love you too, Tomi." Torm places a kiss on his brother's forehead. "I always will."
~Time Skip a week: Rebellion Base~
Tika stood on a circular platform while some of the soldiers, working for the uniform department, make sure her dress for today is all perfect for her.
Today happens to be when all nation leaders would come on common ground for a peace party. No one is allowed to bring any type of weapon or it would mean an act of hostility to everyone else. People coming to the party will be able to talk or negotiate peace with others if they would like to form one.
Her family would be one of those guests attending the party and she couldn't wait to see them.
Tika looks at herself with the full body mirror. Dressing in a high neck lavender dress, added to the skirt part are blue and red rose designs which she requested personally to Nina, the head of the purple uniform department. The design was simple and cute to the soldiers enjoyment. It's too bad she couldn't wear her bracelet from her dad because of the his army symbol, but the necklace from her mom can do just fine.
"How much time until the party?"
"Well the guest have already started to fill in the ballroom Tika. You have 10 more minutes, so we're simply getting you dressed to go out there before Sam and Jayden start MCing the party. They're going to annonce Purple and Green coming in and you'll be walking in with them." Claire answers her as she finishes checking for any problem on her dress.
They let her go when they are fully sure she's dressed properly. Letting her leave quickly with Claire as her escort.
A few minutes later the reach the doors leading into the ballroom. Edd and Matt see them and calls Tika to get to them quickly.
"Just in time Tika! We're about to be called out." Matt extends his hand out to which she takes so she could be lead to stand in between them.
Edd pats her back softly, "Ready?"
Tika giggles, "Yes Uncle Edd."
The three of them face the door, coming through when they hear their names being introduced.
Everyone in the ballroom faces the large staircase as the two green soldiers introduce their host for the evening.
"Everyone, please welcome you hosts for this Peace Ball this evening." Sam says as Jayden continues for her.
"Green Leader, Edd Gold and Purple Leader, Matt Harvest! Along with their goddaughter, Tika!" Hayden was reminded earlier not to say her full name because of family reasons, plus the nation and army leaders quick thinking for plans if they knew who she is.
The two Rebellion leaders step up with their goddaughter between them. All of them holding welcoming smiles.
Edd raise his voice so everyone can hear him. "Welcome everyone to the Peace Party for all nation and army leaders. This Ball will symbolize history's one day of peace where we don't fight. So please, let's enjoy this wonderful evening, a lot of preparation has been done for this event."
Matt raised both of his arms up, "Let the evening begin!"
People went around mingling and talking to one another without a problem so far. Allies talked about different issues or enemies talking talking to each other just to hear how they're doing.
Meanwhile, Tika overlooks the crowd to try and seek out her family. She has yet to see any familiar color or features that relates to her parents or brothers.
Matt sees his goddaughter's downed look when she couldn't find them. "What's wrong Tika?"
"I can't find my parents or brothers..."
Her uncle hums as he tries to see if his friends came to the party already. "Maybe they're running a little late sweetie. I'm sure they'll be here soon."
"I guess..."
Edd nudges her gently to walk down the steps. "Go on and enjoy the party Tika. Try dancing with the other kids who came with their parents. I'm sure your family will arrive soon."
Torm, Tomi, and Tika won't be the only children who attend the party. The other leaders brought their kids for the sake of having them see what would happen while they mingle around with the other children or leaders.
"I'll try." She says and starts going down to the main floor of where everyone is crowding. Tika avoids the dance floor and goes to the table filled with food.
"Hey isn't this party great?"
"It's a little boring since it's an formal event."
"This party is for adults. We were brought along to mingle."
Tika looks to the groups of teens and kids crowding one another as they talk. She carefully avoids them so she can get a drink from the refreshment table.
"So what's the power play right now? I hear the Red Army is still in first place." A red headed teen asks on of his group friends with brown hair.
"Yeah, after them is the Rebellion. They're still working on trying to stop them, so I've heard from my parents." Another boy inputs, average height for a guy with wheat blond hair.
A young girl with long blond hair, around Tika's age, huffs. She sports flawless pale skin with a lovely shade of blue eyes like a doll. "I hope the Red Army's terror ends quickly. I hate how they're trying to take over the world. The leader has my dad stressed!"
"The Leader can go fuck around elsewhere. Nobody wants him here at the Peace party anyways. Everyone here hates him anyways." A boy, from Tika's view, probably a year younger than Torm says. Hens tall with fair skin and black hair.
Tika bit her bottom lip at how these kids could just talk so freely of their hate for her father. She grabs a cup of punch and walks over to them.
"Hey!" The group of teens she heads over to turns, looking at her. "This is a Peace event, I will not stand anyone talking badly of anyone else here." She adds into her mind, 'especially my dad.'
The teenage boy who was talking about her dad raises a brow at her. "Well, if isn't the goddaughter of the Rebellion Leaders."
Tika gives them a hard stare, as she hums with crossed arms.
"Aren't you too young to be questioning me about how I should speak about others?"
"Aren't you suppose to act your age?" Tika counters back.
The teen looks amused and takes a few steps towards her until he stops. His hand extended to her, "The name's Asher Woods. My father's the Leader of the Black Army." He points to the people behind him. "My group of friends behind me are Molly, Austin, Easton, and Bryon."
Tika shakes his hand politely, "Tika, goddaughter if the Rebellion leaders as you already know."
"Hm?" Molly hums when she hears her first name only. "You didn't say your last name."
"My family likes me to keep my surname to myself. People always see others differently when they know who their family is." Tika tells them and takes a sip of her drink.
"You're family can't be that bad if you're the goddaughter of the Rebellion leaders." Asher says as he starts to gain interest in the girl before him.
"You say that now, but later it will be different." Tika challenges him with confidence.
The group wanted to question her more until another teen came up to Tika from behind. Dressed in the finest tux of all black with the different color of his tie, silk red.
Tika felt a tap on her shoulder and turns around to find someone who she never thought would come up to her on his own accord.
"Hello Tika."
Yes I know I posted another chapter when I should be studying for my senior finals on Thursday and Friday. T~T
I have a hard time focusing on things ^^'
Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Let's see notes...
+Tomi and Torm forgive each other
-So much drama am I right?
+Really strong sibling bond
-The other reason Torm didn't like Tika was because she wasn't an experiment like Tomi and himself
+Tika's catching a group's attention
Oh yeah Tika got new clothes too! I'll be posting a drawn out outfit I gave her on my Instagram later, so if you wanna see stay tuned to my account. ^^
Now to the lovely gallery's we have today! With an added bonus of something besides Fanart ^^
Fanart from beebumbees_witness from Instagram! ^^ Thank you again for more these!
All Fanart from Instagram rightfully belongs to their credited owners whose names are at the top of their art! Thanks so much again for taking the time to do this!!! ^^
Fanart by @OofPaul , Tord flipping the bird at Seth ^^'
Fanart isn't the only thing you guys can do! A poem is nice too, like this one made by smolncuteghost on instagram! Thanks so much^^ I really thought the poem was really well thought out!
And this is what Tika's dress looks like, just lavender with a small blue and purple rose design on the skirt.
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