Going Home
Edd and Matt left the their old friend and his oldest son in the private medical room. They were too stubborn to listen to them at the moment after the huge revealing news to them about Tika.
Tord looks at his son softly. A habit that has grown on him ever since Torm and Tomi started making a big impact on him and Tom. "Yes Torm?"
"Am I going to end up blind like Mother?" Torm asks with his hands laid on top each other on his lap.
The man sighs as he runs his hand through his hair. "I hope not... Time will only tell after I try to fix your eyes when we get back home. Speaking about going home, I still need to ask if there is a wheelchair we can roll you out to the plane with." He pulls his radio to call for Paul.
Torm stays quiet after his father answered the question while Tord tries to get in touch with his soldier out front with the plane. To be truthful, he wouldn't mind being blind. Then he would have something in common with his mother like Tomi does with a Tord. The common trait shared between the father and youngest son happens to be the color of the hair. The reason Tomi has a light dark shade of brown comes from their father caramel brown hair.
'Hm?' Just thinking about Tomi makes him wonder where he went. Usually he would stay and try to chat up a storm with him. The devil teen had yet to noticed he scared his brother off earlier with his angry remark and growl.
"Yes Paul. If you see Edd or Matt just ask them if they could see if they have one available." Tord nods to himself, "Thank you." He puts his radio away and goes back to focusing on his son. "Paul's looking for your uncles now to ask for the wheelchair."
"Thank you."
Silence settles upon them once again. Like father like son, they both share the quiet side to them, they would rather listen to their favored person speak to them. They weren't the most conversational people so to speak.
"So what are you thoughts Torm? What do you think of your newfound sister?" Tord asks seeing as there was nothing else to talk about besides the elephant in the room.
Torm crosses his arms, "I still don't acknowledge her." True to his words, he felt anger towards the girl. Nothing else but that. He didn't like her.
"Are you sure Torm?" The leader questions once more.
The devil teen nods firmly. "I hate her."
Tord hums in thought as he doesn't know what he's going to do. Now that he knows Tika is his and Tom's child, he couldn't exactly let her go. If anything he wants to bring her back to the Red Army base to get her situated to live there with them from now on. Although he highly doubts Tom told the girl about her origins yet.
Thinking back, it seems Tomi has already accepted the girl, but his older brother certainly does not after what he said to him.
'How am I going to handle this?' He wonders to himself.
~Small Time Skip~
As promised, Torm was given a wheel chair to use so he could be move around. Edd came into the room with the folded device and opens it for him. Tord held his son's hand so he could help him take a seat when the wheelchair was set next to the cot.
"This should be good for the trip back to your base. Feel free to keep it too, we've got plenty in the storage room."
"Thank Edd. Torm might need to use this for awhile anyways." Tord thanks his green wearing friend.
Once Torm settled himself on the wheelchair, Tord pushed the wheelchair for him so they could head out of the room. Edd walks next to them in silence before he pulls them into a conversation.
"So what do you plan to do? You know, now that you know Tika is your daughter." Edd asks curious of the man's train of thought on her.
"It's pretty obvious I have plans to take her with us to the Red Army base."
Torm didn't say anything when his father said those words. He knew it was going to happen knowing his parents's thought process to a slight degree. His father and mother were more child orientated when it comes to people close to them.
"And if I said Tom wants her to continue living here?"
Tord stops, making the wheelchair he's pushing make a light jerk forward to pause. "Tom doesn't get a say in this. He's kept her a secret from me and the boys for too long. I will not allow her to miss anymore time with us as a whole." His good eyes looks at Edd sternly. He pushes the wheelchair again as they make their way out of the base.
Edd doesn't say anything more seeing as the father of his goddaughter clearly wants to be a part of her life.
+Outside The Base: With Tom+
After Tom had gotten treated for his slapped cheek, added the split lip, they had gone out to the front yard of the base. He got Reggie and Paul to relax for awhile until they take off again for home. Over hearing Paul, given orders from Tord earlier to request a wheelchair for Torm, means they would be going back soon.
Tom looks to his right where Tomi is making little braids in Tika's long hair. Happily placing some flowers in between to the monster teen's delight. Seth is by the plane stairs laid down as he watch the two younger siblings get along too.
"I wish I brought some flowers from back home. I have a pretty one back in my room that would suit you. It has a name, but it's kinda hard to say because it's in Dad's native language." His mom had told him before it's an orchid type of flower.
"Really? What color is it?" Tika asks curiously while Tomi continues making braids with her hair.
Tomi hums, "It's a light purple, like lavender, and I think it suits you a lot. Mom told me it's meaning associates with royalty, lavender represents beauty and femininity. In nature lighter lavender shades have a sacred place in nature you know. Such as orchid, lilac, and violet flowers which are considered delicate and precious." Tika turns to face him when she feels he's done braiding her hair. He giggles as he gently pulls back a loose strand to tuck behind her ear when he's done.
"The color lavender also suggests uniqueness and specialness with the deep mystery of the color purple." Tomi looks in his mother's direction with a smile. "Right Mom?"
Tom nods in agreement as he walks over to them. "Yes Tomi, everything you said is true." He looks at Tika blushing out of embarrassment for the compliments. "Truly you are beautiful Tika, your Mother must be so proud." Which really is true coming from the person who gave birth to her.
"T-Thank you Mister Tom." She lightly scratches her pink tinted cheeks.
On schedule, Red Leader, Torm, and Edd arrive outside.
Matt comes over to them with a friendly smile. "Tom and Tomi are already by the plane talking with Tika. He already assumed you'd want to take the kids back to the base with you today."
"Good," Tord said as he pushes the wheelchair with his son to Matt. "Can you wheel Torm near his siblings while I have a chat with Tom really quick?" The ginger nods, Edd comes with him to call Tom for him.
"Sure Tord." Matt takes control of the wheelchair to rolls it over to the aircraft.
Tom sees the two walking their towards them and comes over to check on Torm. Sure he's still hurt about his oldest not accepting Tika, but that doesn't mean he cannot ignore Torm's physical injures.
"Hey Torm, you okay?" He has to bend down so he's face to face with the teen sitting on the wheelchair. Tom holds his son's hands in comforting way, making Torm show him a soft smile.
"I'm fine Mother. My eyes don't hurt as much anymore." The devil teen squeezes his hands to assure him. He feels his mother run his fingers through his hair calmingly.
Edd breaks away from his boyfriend so he could get to Tom. "Hey Torm, you don't mind if I pull Tom away for a moment do you?"
"Great! Be back in a bit!" Edd says quickly in a forced cheerful tone as he pulls his blue wearing friend towards the building.
"Really Edd?"
"Sorry Tom, but it's important."
Tom just lets himself get dragged along by his friend's pull knowing it has to do with Tord. "This is about Tika, isn't it Edd." It didn't really sound like a question to either of them.
"Your boyfriend wants her to be part of your lives now." The brunet's tone serious. "He doesn't want to miss anymore moments with her."
Tom sighs tiredly, "Let's get this conversation over with already."
Edd lets go of Tom's sleeve to let him walk on his own. They look at each other for a moment and nod once to each other in understanding. The two of them go over to Tord, his arms crossed and his expression neutral.
"Edd," Tord said, his eye not staying from Tom. "I need to talk with him alone."
"Right..." He looks to the side where Matt is and chuckles nervously. "I'll just be over there..." Shifting away from the two men with caution.
When Edd is out of hearing range, Tord finally spoke to Tom again. "We are bring her home."
"She is home." The Leader in Blue doesn't back down. All the letters Edd and Matt have been sending him have given him a portioned view of her life here. She's made friends, worked hard in her studies, and has especially grown to love her uncles like second parents. Tika's been a gift to them in her own special way. "We can't just take her away."
"Then you need to tell her now, or I will. You know me well enough to know I won't let this chance slip by. I missed 16 years of our daughter's life Tom." His hands balled up into fists at his sides when he lets his arms uncross. A child actually born from Tom, the person he loves so dearly. "I fucking missed her birth all because you didn't want me knowing about her. I never got to hold her in my arms as a newborn." To think he's missed out on so much.
Tom clenched his teeth together as he tries to will himself to calm down. Fighting wasn't going to do them any good in this situation. "Did you really think I wanted to keep her away from you, Tord? Have you even considered my feelings in all of this?" Tears welled up in the corner of his eyes behind his goggles.
Memories of holding her arms, Tord not by his side with the kids that day... God it hurt him so much.
Tord's angered expression fades off his face seeing as Tom's screen become blank. His body shaking lightly as he tried to not explode from the overwhelming emotion of sadness and regret.
"I wanted so badly to take her home with me that day. You don't know how much it haunts me, everyday seems like it only happen just yesterday."
Tom groan as he comes to from his sleep. He blinks blindly for a moment before keeping them closed.
"Tom, you awake!" He hears Edd exclaim in relief. The man could faintly hear a sigh next to the Edd. So assumes the person beside him is Matt.
He bring his hand up to his forehead, "What happened?" Tom couldn't remember anything after he fell asleep on the plane.
Matt came over to his bedside and places Tom's googles in his hands. The blue leader puts them over his closed eyes gently, strapping it close tightly behind his head. He clicks them on so he could regain his lost sight again.
The colors of the world around him appears on his screen much to his relief. He looks around expecting to see his daughter with one of them. "Where is she?"
"Lizzie and Grace are taking care of her right now. They'll be coming later after getting her cleaned and having her papers sorted out. Nothing to worry about Blue." Darwin answers him truthfully. He and Erin were with Grace earlier to help her out while she did measurements on the baby girl for her health info.
Tom hums in acknowledgement. "Edd."
"Yeah Tom?"
"I just want to say I sorry for asking you to do this."
Edd shakes his head with a kind smile. "Don't worry Tom, I promise she will be in good hands."
This time it's Tom's turn to shake his head, hands clenching on top of his blanket. Digital eyes turning blue in the meaning of sadness. "I really mean it. I wish I could just take her back to the Red Army Base with me. I wish I could show her to the kids with all my heart..."
"Tom..." Matt pats his back comfortingly while his friend is on the verge of crying.
He holds either side of his head, "I'm so sorry- I- I- just-" Tom couldn't form complete sentences now that he was choking up on his sobs.
"Whoa, Blue calm down!" Erin comes over to the bed to help the purple leader calm him down.
It takes a couple of minutes for them to get him to go back to catching his breaths. Tom's heart ached, not psychically but emotionally.
"I really wished Tord was here... to hold her, know about her..."
The four men look at the Blue Leader with pity in their eyes.
"Cheer up Blue." Darwin says gently to him. He wanted his leader and friend to cheer up with hope he'll see her again. "You'll see her again one day."
Erin pulls off the best grin he could muster as support for him too. "Plus you could write letters to her when she's able to read. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you."
Tom looks at his two soldiers with a soft smile slowly pulling at his lips. His hands clutching onto the blanket over his lap loosen their grip.
"I suppose you're right."
Then the door was knocked.
~End Of Flashback~
"You have no idea how much I cried over the fact you weren't there. I wanted so badly for you to be there Tord. "
Tord had to pull Tom inside the building when their whispers were returning to normal volume. He rather keep prying ears from the noobies away from them while Tom is in this state.
"I know you want to be a part of her life Tord. I do too... "
Tord stops when they step aside from the doorway. He pulls Tom close to his body gently to look at him, his heart only going soft for his beloved. So he gave an in between solution for the both of them. "Then lets have her decided Tom." He leans down to kiss Tom's cheek, his left hand caressing the other. Pulling back a little he looks at his love gently, "Let's not keep her in the dark any longer."
Tom buried his face against Tord's chest knowing he's right. "You idiot."
A smile comes to the Red Leader's face as he embraces Tom in a hug. He kisses the man he loves on the top of his head lovingly.
The moment was lovely and all until the pair heard a scream coming from outside.
"Tika!" Tom says instantly recognizing the owner of the scream. He pulls himself away from Tord and the both of them rush outside to find her on the ground bent forward.
One of her hands is over her left eye, face scrunched up in pain. "Ow..."
"Tika! Are you okay?!" Tomi had just been next to her pointing to a few trees in the distance until his sister fell to her knees unexpectedly.
"Sorry Tomi, my left eye started to hurt all of a sudden." Tomi helps her stand up steadily back on her feet.
The demon teen looks at her face with worry. "Come on, let me see if something got caught in your eye." He says in a caring tone.
Tika removes her hand from over her eye hesitantly. Her eye opens slowly to reveal the damage, once open fully did Tomi let out a gasp. "Mom!"
Tom, along with Tord, comes over to them wondering what's going on. They stop by Torm's wheelchair, Tika look their way making them express surprise at her left eye.
"Oh my-! Tor- I mean Red Leader she-"
Tord puts a hand on Tom's shoulder, "I can see Thomas."
"What happened? Is my eye okay?" She asks unsure of what happened to it. Tika already felt the pain fading away quickly, her vision returning back to normal after uncover her eye.
"M-Mirror!" Tomi says loudly looking to the crowd. "Does anyone have a mirror?"
On cue, Matt comes over with his handy dandy mirror for on the go. By now everyone can see her eye, either looking at in in pure surprise or realization.
Tika accepts the mirror from her Uncle Matt quickly and brings it up to her face. "W-What?" She couldn't believe it herself.
Her left eye had complete gone black, no white or silver in sight for anyone to see unlike her right eye. She brings the mirror down to look at the group before her unsure of what to think. It was unusual, she could still see fine like she had both of her eyes working.
"Thomas, I suggest you tell her now. Her gaining an eye like that is extremely rare you know." Tord whispers to his boyfriend.
"I know." Tom simply answers back. The light haired brunet walks to Tika until he standing at arms length across from her. He holds her hands in his, smiling with a soft expression. "Tika, I need you to calm down."
"Mister Tom, what's going on? W-What happened to my eye?" She's panicking, Tika had so many questions running through her mind.
"Tika, listen to me, okay? You're fine, just keep your eyes on me, focus on my voice." He realizes his daughter is hyperventilating at the shocking change between her eyes. Anyone would be if it suddenly happened like this. "Breath with me, okay?"
Tika nods the best she could and listened to him, focusing his attention on only him. She breaths in and then releases when Tom tells her to.
"You're doing good Tika. Keep listening to me, okay?"
It's like their surroundings are washed away and it's only the two of them now. She didn't focus on the whispers coming from the soldiers, how the trees were rustling, or how the wind blew against her body.
Don't worry little bird
You'll be okay,
Just listen to my voice~
I know thing are scary now
But you'll be safe
'Huh?' Tika stares at the man in front of her. He's singing a familiar tune she's always heard in her dreams. She could feel herself calming down to his soothing voice.
Hush... Hush now my dear
You'll come home one day
I'll be here waiting
Thinking of you so I don't forget~
Unknown to Tom or Tika, Edd had actually been playing a recorded version of Tom sing his lullaby to her when she sleeps. He stumbled upon his friend singing to her as a baby and thought the lullaby could be of used later on in the future.
So when Tika grew up as a toddler, she used to wake up crying about her nightmares. Edd then used his small tape recorder with the recorded lullaby to play the song while she was a sleep.
It always help her sleep at night. Edd would be there in the morning to grab the tape recorder before she woke up.
Tika had always asked him about a song with certain lyrics of which she could remeber. No doubt telling the girl it's her mother's lullaby to her.
Just you wait and see,
Now hush and close your eyes~
Always remember you are loved~
Just you wait and see,
Now hush and close your eyes~
I'll be here waiting...
By now, Tika is back to being calm. "That song..."
Tom shows her a closed eyed smile. "Hello Tika, it's been sixteen years. You've grown so much since I held you last in my arms." He opens his green eyes and brings his hand up to caress the side of her face lovingly. His voice soft and gentle with her.
Tears welled up in the corner of her eyes as shaken words leaving her mouth. "Mom?" She questions, testing the word on her tongue at the use of the title for Tom.
His smile widens as he nods coming closer to envelope her in a tight hug. "I'm here Tika. I have always been here for you."
She hugs Tom back tightly, not wanting to let go of him. Afraid all of this would possibly be all a dream to wake up to find no one hugging her to tell her the truth. Tears slip down her cheeks just like her mother.
"You've really grown up." Tom holds her dearly in his arms as sense of familiarity washes over him. He had waited so long for this precious moment. Jehovah did he feel like an idiot for letting her go.
The soldiers who've been with her since she was a baby cheered and showed proud grins. Edd and Matt gave each other a high five, both glad Tika is okay to accepting Tom as her 'mom'.
Tomi grins and joins the hug with glee, arms around his mother and little sister.
When Tom felt the hug was enough for now, he tried to pull back, but his daughter was still holding him tightly. "Wait Tika, I still need to talk to you about something." He laughs lightly see her not wanting to let him go.
"Then tell me I'm not dreaming." Tika wanted to make sure this was no way a dream.
"I swear this isn't a dream Tika." Tom looks over to Tomi who knows what to do.
The demon teen gave his sister a little pinch which she lets go of her mom to rub at. "Okay, one, ow. Two, thank goodness." Tika breatha a sigh of relief.
"So Tika, your Father and I," Gesturing to Tord and himself, "Have been talking... We want to know if you would like to come with us back to the Red Army Base."
"You mean like a visit? I mean I don't mind, I'm sure Uncle Edd and Matt would let me." Tika tells him, for some reason unphased by the knowledge that the Red Leader and Blue Leader are her parents. Tika's been taking this whole situation very well surprisingly. She was actually more curious about where her family has been living at for years.
Tord and Tom give each other a moments glance. "Tika, we mean to come live us," The Leader in Red tells his daughter. "You won't be able to come back here unless it's an emergency."
Tika turns back to look at her uncles and their soldiers who she's become close with over the years. "I can't see them again if I chose to go with you?"
"Maybe on official business, but not on freely visits." Tom said with a sorry tone. He didn't want to force her decision.
Like what the two agreed on, they would let her choose what she wanted to do.
Tika looks between her parents and her Uncles as she tries to decide. She's been longing to meet her family, yet her uncles and their soldiers have been doing so much for her since she was a kid. Not to mention the both love her equally.
She takes a deep breath and heads over to her Uncles.
Tom looks down to the grassy floor seeing her walk towards them as a chosen choice. He should have known this would have happen. Hope was a fickle thing after all. Tord tries to cheer him up by holding his hand.
"Uncle Edd, Uncle Matt," Tika said when she stand in front of them. A bright smile on her face for them and their soldiers to see. "Thank you so much for caring and watching over me. I had the best sixteen years of my life with you and the people I've become friends with here."
Tomi giggles when his parents look to her in surprise. "She wasn't done. This is her choice."
"However, I think it's time for me to go home with my family." Tika was answered with a strong group hug by her Uncles.
Matt laughs, "You're always welcome to come over whenever you need us Tika."
They let go of her, Edd giving her a soft knowing expression. "Tom's been waiting for you for a long time." He nudges her forward to her waiting family.
Tika grins as she turns back around, going over to her family in happy spirits.
Tom and Tord are standing next to each other looking content. Torm who heard everything had his arms crossed over his chest with a huff. Tomi is standing in front of them grinning and waving for her to come over to them.
She's finally going home.
~+Plane: Heading to Red Army Base+~
Tord and Tom talked things out with their friends about Tika's stuff. The Rebellion leaders would would send her personal belonging over to them in a few days. Until then, the uniform department back at the Red Army would have a fun time designing some clothes for her. Especially since she's the only female daughter of the two leaders.
At the moment, Tord is sitting by himself to talk with Patryk about the surprising news. Making arrangements to make a room for her in the Leader section of the base. He also added beforehand to ready the private lab and a couple of scientist and doctors for Torm. The leader would need to start working with his oldest son's injury as soon as they get there.
Tika and Tomi sat next to each other to chat about their likes and dislikes. Seth laid by their feet resting in content for his mistress's mood at the moment. Tomi did his parents a favor to explain how the Red Army Base works and which places they are restricted from entering. Doing so by borrowing his father's holographic map. He would be giving his sister a tour of the base later if it wasn't late in the day yet.
Off to the back, Tom sat across from Torm to tend to his needs. While Torm is blind, Tom would be the one to guide him as well as teach him how to find his way without his sight.
"Hopefully this won't be permanent for you Torm. I'm sure your father can get those eyes of yours fixed up good as new." The brunet is pretty hopeful his eldest son won't be blind for long. Being blind is hard after all.
Torm hums not minding if he turned out blind in the end if his father couldn't heal them. "I'm okay with whatever results come out. I am just glad it wasn't Tomi."
Tom pulls the first aid kit onto his lap and opens it. He takes the wrapping bandages and ointment to redo the Devil teen's bandages. "At least have some hope you'll get better Torm." Tom stands from his seat after placing the kit on the chair next to him. Setting aside the supplies he pulled out on his seat. "You know I don't like it when you get hurt."
"You don't like it when any of us get hurt Mother." He corrects back as his mother starts unraveling the bandages around his head.
The damage around his eye area are red, the rim parts pinkish. Torm's eyes are kept closed since he needed to follow the doctor's orders. If he opened them they could possibly get damaged more.
Caring hands hold either side of his face with lingering sorrow.
Tom didn't respond as he looks at him with pity. He leans down to kiss his son's forehead.
Torm didn't say a thing as soft lips are pressed above the crown of his head. A wave of love, care, and compassion washing over him.
The brunet pulls back from the kiss and returns to removing Torm's old bandages. He replaces them with the new ones after gently applying the medicine over the wound.
"Thank you."
Tom smiles as he sits back down in his seat. "It's no problem... Now get some sleep. We still have a long way to go until we reach home." He watches the teen nod and lays his head back against the head rest of his seat.
Once he's sure Torm's asleep, Tom gets out of his seat with stealth to go to Tord. He greets his boyfriend with a kiss on the cheek while he's still talking on the phone.
Tord looks as him and smiles. Keeping the phone on his ear but covering the mic he whispers, "I'm almost done. Give me a moment."
"It's fine, take all the time you need." Tom whispers back in understanding. He kisses Tord's cheek, in return receiving a quick peck on the lips.
Tom half listened to Tord go back to his conversation with who assumes is Patryk. Mostly about getting a room ready for her and getting some furniture to fill her room with a bed most importantly.
He hugs his boyfriend's arm and snuggles himself next to him so he could catch some sleep too. The brunet is going to need a lot of energy to deal with the lot of soldier back at the base.
It's been known for awhile now about their relationship. Besides the blue soldiers, the red soldiers had a real shocker in finding out their leaders's relationship. It was 8 years ago, Tord was feeling handsy with Tom one day. He didn't mind much since the day had been really slow. The kids were out in the patrol department too so it wasn't a problem to them at all.
Although the incident came when Tord's two trusted soldier, Paul and Patryk, came into the room without a word of warning. Let's just say they caught their son and his secretary in a very compromising position.
Tord punishing the two of them on the spot with undertones of embarrassment. Tom had covered his face at the time to wallow in his own embarrassment.
As if that wasn't bad enough, Patryk had won the bet between him and Paul after getting some information out of the Blue Leader. Eventually going into his own little gossip mother mode to embarrass his adopted son further to the other soldiers.
Tom just hopes that when they get home, the soldiers won't do anything over the top now that the Red soldiers find about their daughter.
~Time Skip~
When the plane starting it's descent, Tom woke up with a jolt. He blinks for a moment and lets go of Tord's arm. 'Looks like Tord's still sleeping...' Tom thinks to himself as he looks at boyfriend.
He nudges Tord gently to wake him up. "Hey, Tord. Wake up."
The Norwegian man groans as he opens his one good eye open. "What is it Witness?" He whispers tiredly.
"We're starting to land, so I suggest you get your shit together." Tom says while getting up from his seat. He turns around to place a sweet kiss on his partner's lips. "Alright?"
"Of course Thomas." Tord replies now in a pretty good mood.
Tom nods and leaves to check on the kids. He goes over to Tomi and Tika first who seem to have fallen asleep on each other. Tika's head is laid on her brother's shoulder with a content look on her face. The demon teen looks absolutely happy dreaming of something while his head rests on top of his sister's head.
"Isn't that adorable." Tom pulls out his phone and snaps a quick photo of the two of them. He slips his phone away when he's done so he could wake them up. "Tomi, Tika... It's time to wake up."
Tika eyes flutter open, looking drowsily over to her mother. "Mr. Tom?"
"I'm here Tika." A soft smile tugs at his lips. "Could you do me a favor by waking up your brother? I need to wake Torm up too."
Tika gives a a small yawn, "Okay."
Tom pats her head before walking over to where Torm's sitting. He carefully nudges the teen's shoulder to wake him up. "Torm... Torm wake up."
"Not now... sleepy..." Torm replies brushing his Mother off to sleep more.
"Come on Torm, we're landing soon. You need to wake up so you can go with your father to the lab once we hit ground."
Torm groans as he stretches his arms up above him. A large yawn escaping his mouth too. "I understand."
The family of five all got themselves waken up in a mellow mood. Tom moved Torm to sit next to Tord while he went back to Tika and Tomi to see how they were holding up.
He took a seat across from them with a sigh. "I almost forgot." Tom said remembering something. His hand goes to inside the pocket of his vest and pulls out a blue envelope.
The exact same kind he's been sending Tika for the past 16 years.
Tom hands it to Tika, "I was gonna leave it with Edd and Matt to give to you after our quick visit, but now it seems like the plans have changed."
Tika accepts the letter from her mother in awe. The letter he handed her was just more proof Tom is her family.
"Oh so that's what those blue envelopes were for..." Tomi says in understanding. He used to see some of the blue soldiers carrying some around the base thinking they were for orders or nation leaders. "So they were letter for Tikky."
Tika looks at her brother with a raised brow. "I meant to ask about that. Why did you start calling me Tikky?" He heard it before but couldn't ask until now since Tomi had been so busy explaining a few thing to her earlier.
"I think it's cute. Haven't you noticed I call my brother Tormy?" The girl nods completely noticing her brother call their older brother by that a lot. "You don't mind do you?" Tomi asks with tears pricking at the corner of his black eyes.
"Of course not Tomi. I don't mind you calling me Tikky at all so don't worry." She slightly panics when she sees him about to cry. Tika mentally promises herself to take notes about her family and what type of people they are. She doesn't want to make one wrong move.
Especially when Torm's around.
Her hands clutch at the skirt part of her red dress. Guilt kept a tight grip on her for hurting their older brother. She wished she could take it all back.
She snaps out of her thoughts and looks between her mother and brother. "Sorry I was thinking about something." Tika tells them as she tries to put up a smile to relieves their suspicions. Thankfully it works.
Moments later the plane makes touch down, coming down to a full stop. Tika watches as the two pilots from the cockpit come out with tired smiles. Both deserved a much needed rest after driving the plane around for practically the whole day.
Her mother gets up and checks up on the both of them. "I'm sorry you two had to drive so much in one day."
"Don't worry about it Blue. We're just glad to be home early." Reggie responds happily like he's not tired at all.
"It's not like we haven't done this before." Paul tells him with small smile.
The two pilots open the exit door to head out of the plane. Both standing next to each other and walking out like protocol.
Tom looks to Tord, "Walk down with Torm, I can handle taking Tomi and Tika."
The taller leader nods and leads his blind son out of the plane with him. Taking one step at a time with caution for Torm's sake.
Once they're through the door, Tom looks to last two of his kids on the plane. "Tomi, would you be a gentleman this time and walk Tika down the stairs?"
Reason why Tom put his question that way is because his youngest son was so used to having his brother walk him down. The demon teen would usually cling to Torm's arm while they walk down the plane stairs together.
"No problem!" Tomi takes Tika's hand and takes her over to the exit door of the aircraft. He has his sister hook her arm with his in a comforting way. Seth follows behind them without a sound.
Tom stands behind them, "When you're ready Tomi."
Taking a breath, Tomi takes their first step outside.
Tika is blinded by the light at first but comes to adjust once she blinks a couple of times. The first thing she notices is the crowd of soldiers in Red Army Uniforms. Some of the soldiers in a similar uniform like Tom. All eyes are on her which she shyly looks away from. Promptly enough all of them salute to them.
Tomi looks at his sister with the warmest smile ever.
"Welcome to the Red Army Base."
Yes! Finally got this chapter all out today!
Hey everyone, hoped you enjoyed this chapter. To me it seems all over the place but oh well. Anyways Tika's finally going home with her family! Sorry if it seems rushed too, I just have so many plans for this story ^^'
So what we have now is a bad relationship going on with the siblings. Tom and Tord trying to work on even grounds with her. Also Tika trying to figure out how to manage her new life now.
Edd and Matt are sad to see her go but are happy she's with her true parents again. Giving her permission to come to them when ever she needs help for anything. They're only onc call away after all.
Finally, I wanted to ask you guys on your opinion on something.
You see my graduation is coming close this May. My parents are getting me a gift of my choice. I was thinking of either a Wacom tablet or Surface Pro for drawing and future use for college. What do you guys think? Should I get a Surface Pro or Wacom?
You're opinion would really help me decide. Thanks if you comment to help me decide.
Now for the hall of beautiful Fanart!!!
Thanks to @SmolFanGurl40 It's so cute lol ^^
By @Wolfdoganimations32 ! Thanks so much for this fanart of Tika!
By pineapple__kid on instagram! Thanks so much again!
Fanart of Tom By @PhoenixFire10 , Thanks to them for this scene from the last chapter!
By laurenn_mitsukoooooooo on instagram! Thanks so much again for another piece of art, it's adorable!
As you can see there is tension going on between the Lawson siblings ^^' Thanks to @OofPaul for the fanart of all three of them!
Fanart of Tom again by anonymous! Thanks so much! He looks amazing! ^^
Fanart from CartoonPonyDrawing on Deviantart! Thanks to them for drawing Torm and Tika's first meeting ^^
Beautifully done artwork of Tomi hugging Tika by mamaduckling27 again, through Instagram this time ^^ Thank you so much again!
And my own little artwork for all of you. So now you can see the actual mix similarities Tika has from her parents.
Thanks a lot everyone! You're all beautiful!
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