What hurts more? Words or Actions
-Sunset Shimmer POV-
I arrived at school earlier than normal hopeing to catch Rainbow and check her arms to make sure she wasn't cutting still but I saw something I didn't expect.
She was by her locker cleaning off what looks like silly string and yellow sticky notes off of it. I ran forward, “Rainbow!”
She froze like a deer caught in headlights witch made me curious. “What happened?”
She didn't answer but I looked at the different sticky notes and was shocked at what was written on them.
Big Waste
I looked at her shocked. “Rainbow, surely you don't believe any of these things! They're all lies! Trust me. Trixie and her tiny group are the only ones that think this way. Everyone else thinks that you're a beautiful, athletic, incredible, and virtuous girl. You shouldn't let these words get to you!”
She continued to stare at the floor avoiding eye contact, “Trust me. They might be the only ones that voice it. But people's actions tell me the exact same things.”
Tears were in our eyes as I wrapped my arms around her, her sobs easily being heard as we sat went to the floor the graffiti in her hands falling all over the floor.
We like that for a while before we heard a small gasp behind me.
We looked to see Scootaloo holding some of the notes tears brimming her eyes. “Rainbow…” she said barely hearable. “Who did this?”
Before another word could be said, Rainbow super spead away no doubt still crying. Scootaloo looked at me. “What's going on?” She asked sounding heartbroken.
I sighed wiping tears. “Help me clean this up. I'll explain while we do.”
I began to explain everything. Her Suicidal Depression, how we found out, everything. It did take awhile, but we did finish getting the last of the sticky string out of the vent and hinges by the time I finished. Unfortunately by now Scootaloo also was silently crying a river. Couldn't exactly blame her.
“All of this was happening.” She said voice cracking, “And I never realized?”
I went down to her height and gave her a tight hug. “It's ok. I didn't know either. All we can do now is show how much we really do care for her. That she's not a waste of space or a burden like she thinks. She needs help Scootaloo. Crying about it won't do anything unless we're crying along side her." I let go and wiped her tears. “Will you be willing to help us?”
Scootaloo nodded before swallowing and saying, “Anything for her. She's practically my older sister. I can't lose her.
People started to fill the halls after a few more minutes so she went to class while I pulled out my phone to call Rainbow and make sure she's ok. But when I tried, it went to voicemail.
I tried again only to find the same result. I began to panic slightly. Did she… No she wouldn't. Right?
Not knowing what to think and getting even more scared I called Soarin. “Hello?” I heard after the 2nd ring.
“Soarin, it's Sunset. Do you know where Rainbow is? She disappeared after an incident this morning and isn't answering my calls!”
“Calm down. She's with me. A little… disheveled when I found her but alright.”
“Can you pass the phone over?”
There was a pause then I heard Rainbow's voice saying, “Hello?” And I resisted a sigh of relief.
“Rainbow I am so sorry for what happened earlier. Are you ok?”
“I'm fine Sunset. Don't worry to much. But, what did you tell Scootaloo after I left?”
I paused and sighed, “Everything. I knew that leaving her without an explanation after something like that would do more harm than good.” I heard a sigh on the other side. “Rainbow?”
“You don't get it do you?” She asked. I was about to respond but she wasn't done. “Scootaloo has always looked up to me. I don't know why, but she does. But she never new just how terrible it is to be me. I don't want her to end up as far deep in this constant torcher as me. But now that she knows she just might.”
The line went silent nether of us knowing what to say. After a couple minutes another sigh was heard. "Look don't worry as much about me. Class is gonna start soon. Bye.”
“Rainbow…” she hung up before I could respond.
If I was ponyd up, my ears would be plastered to my head for the rest of the day. Rainbow was avoiding us but assured us in text that she wouldn't kill herself today. The fact that she said today worried me.
But when I was about to go home I was by Flash. “Sunset! I know that we broke up about a year ago, but, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Fall Formal with me.”
My eyes went wide having not realized that it was so close and it gave me an idea. “Of course Falsh! I'd love to!” I said with a smile.
He smiled and we decided to work out details later. In the meantime I pulled out my phone and texted Soarin.
Me: hey Soarin! I have an idea of a way we can help RD
Soarin: im all ears!
Me: how would you feel about asking her to the fall formal?
*Walks in and sits down before sighing and looking up*
I have reasons!
I am so, so sorry that I haven't updated for a long, long time. Most people say that they were studying for finals or fixing up grades and while that did have a small part in why I haven't updated any of my public books, I have a better reason.
Since the incident last year I've been doing my best to look out for my mental, physical, and spiritual health along with the help of some friends and family. Including taking health and yoga classes at school. One of the things that comes with self care after how deep I dived is seeing a therapist.
And one thing I learned while there is that your thoughts play a big part on all parts of your health whither you notice or not. I still don't have the guts to tell any of my family or even my therapist about this book or how much time and energy I put into my fics including imagining every single scene in my head to make sure it's the best it can be. Then imagining it several more times to find the best way to describe it in word form.
So in short, I decided to take a break from this book and focus on some others that aren't on wattpad yet including a MLP and Sonic the Headgehog crossover.
Now that my mental health is more stable and now only need to see my therapist every other week rather than weekly, I figured that I should be able to handle writing in here again. I'm actually updating this on my schools orchestra and band tour to Seattle Whashington in USA.
The plot might be a bit more rushed until after I reach the main climax of the story but I was a bit stuck on where to go with this anyway so this might be a good thing.
I'm not making any promises on how this will end. I do have it all planned out, I just need to get it on paper. You should be seeing a lot more of this book especially after the main climax is over since I wont have any mental reasons to not write it anymore.
Once again, I'm sorry for not updating and I hope that those of you are are also struggling with and form of depression will find your 'why' sometime soon.
This is Rainbowdash120120. Stay Awesome and wear your seatbelts.
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