Overview and Foreshadowing
-Princess Twilight POV-
Me and all the girls were in the throne room trying to find ideas but just like before, none would seem to work. But then Fluttershy suggested, “Umm, girls? Maybe we can see what people that aren't us in that world are already doing to to help? Mabie then we can branch off of what they're doing.”
I stood up quickly smiling, “Fluttershy, You're a Genius!” I turned to Starlight, “Can you use the spell you did that let us see that song she sang a couple days ago to do that?”
“I'll try. But I'll need another of Rainbows mane hairs.”
“Just take one!” Rainbow shouted so Starlight quickly pulled a hair and cast the spell again but replaced the doctors spell that they use to see what happened, to one that lets them see what they are doing about it.
Some music played as the green writing came on the screen. “Many efforts were made to help Rainbow Dash recover from her Depression. Lots of witch are done by her best friends.”
We saw Sunset Shimmer about to talk to a teacher. “Excuse me, Miss. Clean, but I was wondering, what are you supposed to do if you find out that one of your friends are depressed?”
Miss Clean answered, “Well, the best thing that you can do if someone you love, or anyone for that matter, is depressed is to tell someone you trust. Someone that can do something about it. And if that friend gets mad and stops being your friend, know that it's for the best. After all, it's better to lose a friendship to a secret being told, that to lose a friend to suicide.”
She nodded. “Ok. Thanks.” and walked out of the room and the screen went to the band room where all the girls were looking shocked at Rainbow since her arms were uncovered and scars were showing. Rarity was holding her jacket. Sunset must have found a way to prove to the others that she was cutting herself.
Then it showed Rarity brushing Rainbows hair. “This is your time to shine darling. You’ll do amazing!”
Rainbow didn’t seem to believe her. “Sure. I just wish you wouldn’t waste your time on something this impossible.”
“Darling, you are one of the most beautiful woman I know. It doesn’t take too long to get you ready. Besides, you’re worth every moment.” Rainbow didn’t show any expression.
The green words then said, “But the one helping her the most is a boy named Sorin Skys. A model that used to be depressed himself. His efforts are the most effective. He helps her friends know what to do…”
It showed Sorin talking to Sunset, “Rainbow has been starving herself and I need you to make sure that she eats everything she's given. The diet of a model may be smaller than an average human, but it’s a lot more than she's having currently. You can use the model thing as an excuse to make sure she does it.”
She nodded then said. “Anything for her.”
The words said, “He won't let he be hurt.”
It showed his grabbing a sharp piece of wood before she could use it to cut herself. “Rainbow, don't. You don't deserve to be torchered like this.”
“And he isn’t afraid to show that he cares deeply.”
Rainbow was walking away from him and Soarin started to sing.
“You know I want you.”
She stopped walking immediately.
“It's not a secret I tried to hide.
know you want me.”
She turned to look at Soarin a pained expression on her face.
“So don't keep saying your hands are tied.”
She looked away and kept walking but he followed her seeming determined.
“You claim it's not in the cards
That fate is pulling us miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me of I decided
That you're my destiny.”
She picked up her pace but so did he.
"What if we rewrite the stars
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing can keep us apart
Cause you are the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
Why don't we rewrite the stars
Say that the world can be ours
The words appeared again saying, “But even with his efforts, nothing seems to be able to help as she now lost all access to emotion. Including happiness and comfort.”
“You think it's easy.
You think I don't want to run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
I know you're wondering why
Because we're able to be just you and me
When we're alone
But when you see your fans you're gonna wake up and see that
I was hopeless after all
No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you
It's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars
Say that the world can be ours
“She tried to seem happy later in the song to make him stop ‘wasting his time’ on her but even though he believed that she was happy, he would never give up on her so she left. But if she would listen to him, she might be able to go back to normal. Unfortunately, not much can be done to prevent the fate she put upon herself.”
The spell ended and silence fell on us. The thing that broke the silence was a soft whimper. We looked over and saw Rainbow crying softly. This was the first time we’ve seen her cry since she had to say goodbye to tank for the winter. In fact, this was the only time we’ve seen her cry outside of that time. We automatically galloped over and gave her hugs of comfort.
“What’s wrong Rainbow?” I asked. But I’m pretty sure I already know the answer.
She continued to cry as she clung to Starlight, “I… I can’t… leave you girls. But it doesn’t seem to be my decision anymore! She’s gonna do it!!!” She said between sobs.
All we could do was hug her and whisper words of comfort. But then a voice spoke scaring us all. “Wow. You guys really need to chillax.”
We looked in the direction of the voice and to our surprise saw a very young looking Rainbow Dash in her human form. She looked around 13. “Who are you!” I demand to know.
She just rolled her eyes and leaned contently against the wall eyes closed. “Relex Princess. I'm surprised you don't know what I am. Your students been trying to contact me and my sisters for days.”
Starlight reacted in a scared way, “Wha… what are you talking about!?”
The Rainbow Dash looking girl looked straight at us smirking, “So you haven't guessed yet? Let me introduce myself. I'm the spirit of Rainbow Dash’s past.”
We all gasped and looked at her surprised and she burst out laughing holding her stomach. “You guys should see the looks on your faces!”
I shook myself out of my trance and went over to her cautiously. “Why are you here?”
She shrugged and came closer to our group, “Figured you'd want to know what me and my sisters are planning. Well technically they're still working out the kincs so I'm here for now.” You’ll meet them later.”
Rainbow stood up and walked over to the ghost still keeping a distance. “What are you planing? Will it help her?”
“Well we sure hope it’ll help her!”
All I could think about that was ‘She didn’t say yes.’
She continued, “As for what we’re planning, I can only tell you my part since I have no clue what my sisters are doing. Basically what I’m doing is showing times in her past that she was happy and showing the support that they gave and that they’re still willing to give if she’ll only accept it. I’m guessing Present will do a little speal about how they are trying to help her at that moment, and Feature will most likely scare her with what’ll happen if she does it. Works every time.”
We all looked at each other unsure about what she said but then Applejack stepped up, “ We thank ya kindly that you’re willing to do all this for her. Is there anything we can do ta help in the meantime?”
She nodded, “I’d suggest eminding her friends to always show support to her. Make sure they never miss a game, help her even if she doesn’t want it if they know she needs it, and just shoot her a text every once in a while when no one can be with her. It’s little things like that that’ll add up and help. You don’t need to do something big and grand all at once, little things can help a lot as long as you do them often enough. (A/N I wish that poeple I knew in real life knew this)
We nodded in understanding then she continued. “And for the first thing you said AJ, we are desperate when doing this. Cause once she disappears, so will we. One by one. Present will go once all the Rainbow Dash’s in all world die. Me once people stop talking about her. And Feature, when all the people living forget her completely.”
We all fell into silence after a while, it began to get uncomfortable so I broke it, “What do you mean, all Rainbow’s in all worlds?”
“She rolled her eyes. That other world and this one aren’t the only worlds out there. I never bothered to count but I know that there's more than ten. Me and my sisters are incharge of all Rainbow’s counter parts and will do our best to keep them all safe and happy.” She looked at the Rainbow Dash in the room, “Including you.”
They smiled at each other then the ghost flickered slightly and she got a surprised look on her face before she shook it off. “I need to go. We can only be in the different worlds for so long. I’ll make sure I get more time when I bring my sisters along. See you around!”
We all said goodbye and I immediately wrote to Sunset what she told me. Let’s hope that this all will work.
I know what you're thinking. 'IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU UPDATED!!!'
I wanted to tell you guys that I absolutely loved all the comments on my last chapter. Each one of them touched my heart and a few made me cry. I didn't reply to all if them but I did read them and I'm so thankful for you guys showing your appreciation.
I hope you liked the chapter and just so you know, my MLP in Hogwarts book is out and could use some love. Not sure if you saw the last time I told you. You don't need to read it but it's my favorite right behind this one.
So, what do you think the next chapter will be about? (I have writers block and need help) I'll take all suggestions into consideration. Might not be in the next chapter but mabie in a feauture one? Keep in mind not all will be used but I will try to find a way to fit them all in.
Now stay safe and always wear your seat belt.
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