Chapter 1 Merc with a Mouth! It's me!

In the world of this parallel world, there are lot of protectors in the different kind of multiverses. Each of their protector they had filled with courage, bravery, wisdom filled with strong justice in their hearts. They are known as (Y/N) (L/N). Each of the different version of (Y/N) living in their worlds to protectors their loves one and protect of their homes. They are all version of (Y/N) with the heart of justice but.... There is the one will be the first one be here..... Also he is the immature and idiotic.....

Heeeeeyyy Yeah!

I wanna shoop, baby!

At Unknown place

There is the young man started to be drawing on his picture, revealing the person the young girl attempted to get rape by her uncle get his ass to be kicked out and then the second the young man version of himself as drawing killing of ninja's ex boyfriend turned into demon under control by the bitch ninja with wolverine claw.

There is the young man look like to be the teenager seems to be age of 17 years old, wearing of his school uniform wearing the red and black handkerchief wrapped on his lower face to cover of his identify include the goggle. (And also..... That's me yeah!)

While he kept drawing of himself to beating up some ugly fatass and then drawing himself taunting making the bitch vampire woman to be anger while listening of his iphone before he turns toward notice at the readers watching him.

(Y/N): Oh hello there! I KNOW right?! Whose in the hell of balls do I have to get my VERY OWN STORY? Tell you what? This is the first story written by Author sama in the world of Hentai and my story that I am first Marvel Character to be here!

He started to laugh in sarcastic.

(Y/N): And also.... Question is.... Am I same Wade Wilson aka known as Deadpool living in this world of universe? Absolutely not! First of all, my name is (Y/N) (L/N) of this story. I am trained my by awesome mentor known as Wade Wilson aka known AS DEADPOOL!!! In the movie version! Also.... I AM THE NEW DEADPOOL!!! And also..... I lived with my beautiful youthful aunt who is my adopted mother and my younger adopted sister who is my little cousin I swore, I wanted to her innocent mind. In fact.... My face didn't look avocado have sex with older avocado without loves. Plus Freddy Kruger. I am in fact a normal human being having a normal life.....


Until he started to be laugh in out loud, as he accidentally hitting on the rail. Ouch! Gosh that really hurt.

???: There is no such that you having and living in the normal life.

???: Yeah! We all crazy as mother fucker!

Oh yeah! I forget to mention to you for that! I have two of the voices inside my head when I was a kid! Just like in the Marvel Comic expect..... In the movie. The one of the voice who is crazy is the original Wade Wilson! And..... The one who is bold one is tribute who is the famous actor appears in Dark Knight Trilogy, Bruce Almighty as God, Dolphin Tail known as THE IMMORTAL MORGAN FREEMAN!!!

(Y/N): Ahahahahahahahaha! Normal you say! Well you see looks at the pictures of my besties with all others (Y/N).

Showing the other pictures of all (Y/N) (L/N) looking annoyed toward at (Y/N) (Deadpool) smiling like maniacally alongside with (Y/N) (L/N) (Deade) smiling too. 

(Y/N): Such a memory.... Also (Y/N) (L/N) aka known as Kamen rider Decade who is my best friend! And.... ONORE NARUTAKI AND DARK DECADE!!! Also.... Look at the picture of my bro Wally Stone who is another successor of Deadpool!

Showing the picture of (Y/N) and Wally are smiling and having the party with the hot babes in the other world!

(Y/N): Good time......  Also by the way..... Normal is what my friends would say But I am more Normal than.....

Until he spotted of the more cars are coming arriving from his below before he was interrupted.

(Y/N): That my cue! Better go fight some bad guys who is her uncle's friend before going to rape her. MAXIMUM EFFORT!!!

At inside of the house

???: Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Look like you not going to be goes out, you going be mine Chii-CHan!

He grinned in sadistic and sinister toward holding of the young girl helplessly unable to escape exposed on her full body on her chest with tears on her eyes.

Chisato: Un-Uncle please let me go!

Chisato's uncle: No, Chii-Chan. I won't let you go because you wanted to married me when you were and I wanted you and you going be mine.

As he sinister grin before opens wide to holding of her thigh as he exposed to showing of her panties as he attempted to her panty to pull down but....

*Knocking! Knocking! Knocking!*

???: Penny.

*Knocking! Knocking! Knocking!*

???: Penny!

*Knocking! Knocking! Knocking!*

???: Penny~.

Chisato's uncle: Who the fuck is Penny?!

Thug: Sir! There is the person outside of the house!

Chisato's uncle: Tell them! Leave us!

Thug: Okay!

As Chisato's uncle forms sinsister grin again around his face to be disgusting as Chiasto open widened in fear with tears on her face.

At (Y/N)

As he waiting for the door to be open before he turns toward at the reader.

(Y/N): Huh, look like they going to be pretend nothing to be happened but.... We going to be load of shit on it.

He forming of the crazy smirk on his face holding the explosion device known as C-4. As he typing with the beep sound as he place it but suddenly he place the several C-4 around the door!

Inside of the living room, the thug attempted reaching going to door suddenly it cause the sound of boom and the door went explosion! Causing the thug scream like this....


Send him flying in air before landed towarding on the stairs causing his head landed smashing on the stairs.

Meanwhile inside of the room of Chisato causing Chisato's uncle screamed in reaction before turning toward at the door.

Chisato's uncle: What the hell is that?!

Giving the chance of Chisato kicking on her uncle back causing him to be fall down to be floor. As she quickly get up escaped attempted to reach the door but, Chisato's leg causing her to be fall down hit on the ground.

As he grabbed her collar with anger look on his face dragging her as he violently pushed her on her bed.

Chisato's uncle: You bitch! Think you can run away?! Everyone killed those son of bitch for interrupting my time with my niece!

He shouted in order before holding of the walkie talkie.

At (Y/N)

As he walking inside of the living room with the smoking covering it around the area before he sniffing with a smirk under his mask.

(Y/N): Ahhhhhh~ Will you look at this. This is the smell of explosion, craziness and..... love. OHhhhhhh~ I always love the explosion!

Wade: Me too, (Y/N)!

Morgan: *Sigh* Why am I surrounded by two idiots love of the explosion?

(Y/N): Don't worried, Morgan..... We will be fi...

???: Freeze!

Making him turns toward facing on the army of the thugs are aimed train holding of their guns pointing toward at (Y/N).

(Y/N): Oh no.... That's not good.

Morgan: Yep, agreed.

Wade: Fuck!

Thug: Put your hand down!

As he shout out. As (Y/N) slowly move down before placing goes behind of his back before he take out of his twin pistols pointing toward at them.

Making them to be quickly reacted in time as they tried to shoot at him but he goes leap back using his right foot while (Y/N) flew back in the air begins shooting at them before he pulls the trigger.

As few of them got shot by (Y/N) as they quickly takes cover while firing at (Y/N) as he kept dodging before landed on the floor, as he rolling to dodge behind of the couch.

(Y/N) place back his pistols on his holsters before he drew out of his twin katana. As he move up to expose himeself unguard from the couch.

While the thugs shooting rapidly charging toward at him as he quickly swinging his sword to deflecting them all the bullets. As he get close to them as he swing his sword slash on his chest before, he swiftly turns using his reversal katana to cutting the head of the ugly bastard before kick the head flying in the air toward at the few meter thug, before he caught it as he looks at the lifeless head causing him to be scream in fear.

Until he got headshot from (Y/N) holding his pistol as he twirling around.

(Y/N): There, there, there, don't be a scaredy cat.

Wade: Or cried like a baby!

Causing them to be laughing expect on Morgan being in the serious situation.

Morgan: Guys incoming! 10 o'clock!

Making him turns toward glancing facing against on 3 thugs are coming. Pointing their guns at him but..... (Y/N) form a smirk. As they begins to shooting, but (Y/N) quickly to flip up in the midair look down.....



As he landed rolling on the ground for the bit before he landed on the floor with a one knee on the floor.

(Y/N): Now then..... Time to go see of the shit head.....

At Chisato

Chisato's uncle: Dammit! Did you guys killed him?! Talk to me! Dammit what the hell is going on?!

Inner Chisato: A hero has come to save me!

Her eyes filled with hope waiting for the person going to save her. As Chisato's uncle started to be growled in frustration.

Chisato's uncle: Dammit! What the hell is going on?! Who....

Until suddenly there is the blade appear to stab to pierce through the door as Chisato's uncle started to be scream in fear.

(Y/N): Here...... Pooly!

As the door started to be fall down revealing is (Y/N) (L/N) holding his katana place it on his shoulders to rested.

As he walking toward facing against on Chisato's uncle as he trembling him fear walking backward. As he attempted to grab Chisato but (Y/N) throw out of his throwing knife strike on his palm, causing him scream in pain.

While Chisato open widened in horrified and little with hope on her eyes as she think going to be get killed but.... (Y/N) place his jacket to cover her.

(Y/N): There, there, there, you be fine.

As he smiling petting on Chisato's head to ruffle causing her to be blush in madly and darker before (Y/N) remove his hand, walking toward to glare at her uncle.

As (Y/N) started to throw the punch make the first contact on his fist, as he multiple punching in time beating his shit out kicking kicking and knee. As her uncle to be looks bruise on his face with blood and missing few teeth.

(Y/N): Now then..... Is this the Drug you got it from Edwin Black's men?

He holding the drug in his hand while Chisato's uncle trembling in fear stuttering words before spoke out in his mouth.

Chisato's uncle: Ye-Ye-Yeah.....

(Y/N): Now then..... Tell me where it is!

Chisato's uncle I... I don't know!

(Y/N): Wrong answer!

(Y/N) tried the punch again to smack on his cheek causing his mouth, to be spitting out of the blood. As (Y/N) grabbed his shirt.

(Y/N): What kind of an sick uncle tried to rape of his niece, you bastard!

As (Y/N) throw the headbutt contact on his head causing her uncle to be stunned in pain and (Y/N) stunned in the bit.

(Y/N): God, that really hurt, and also.... Is the mask muffling of my voice?

As her uncle slowly nodded. As (Y/N) letting out of the sigh, he use his one to grab pulling out of his mask revealing his handsome looks with (H/C),(H/L) and (E/E). ((Y/N): actually..... I'm 17 years old)

As (Y/N) turns toward focusing on Chisato as she opens wide begins to be blushing madly around on her face. Is she sick?! That motherfucker! I kill them!

Wade: Man! You so fucking dense, (Y/N)!

Morgan: Yare, yare, daze (Y/N).

Inner (Y/N): What you mean dense, Wade? And..... Morgan did you do JoJo style on me?!

(Y/N): Does it matter now.... WHERE IS HE?!

Chisato's uncle: I... I do-don't know!


He did the Batman impressionment.

Chisato's uncle: I don't know!

(Y/N): Oh.... Okay.....

As he let go of Chisato's uncle making him to be landed on his butt, as he crawled backand whimpering in fear. As he begging to pee around his pant!

Causing (Y/N) to be burst out of laughing with uncontrollable unable to stop, seeing Chisato's uncle has pissed himself.

(Y/N): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh..... Oh my god! He... He truly pissed himself wearing the brown pant! Bwahahahaahahahahahaha!!!!

Wade: I know right! He shouldn't wear his yellow pant that no one couldn't see of his own pissed! Hahahaaha!

As they kept laughing before (Y/N) taking out of his pistol as he pull down the hammer before pointing toward at Chisato's uncle making him shrieked in fear.

Chisato's uncle: Wait, wait, wait! Wh-Who are you?!

Making (Y/N) form the smirked around his face.


He smirk before shot at his...... crotch!

Causing Chisato's uncle to be screamed in pain seeing loss of his family jewel is bleeding, while Chisato trembling in fear and seeing what he deserve.

Until (Y/N) walk toward at Chisato before grab her in bridal style causing her blush again on her face.

(Y/N): So.... My lady...... Shall we go?

As they walking out to exit the room while Chisato's uncle screaming in pain and misfortune while bleeding of his crotch.


And so the police siren has arriving they were dumbfounded and awestruck seeing the house has been too damage seeing alot of dead bodies and founded Chisato's uncle inside her room bleeding it.

And so they arrested him and taken him to the hospital to be treated to the loss of his...... ball.

And so Chisato spotted of her parent has been arrive from their Reunion as they quickly exited of their car.

Chisato's mother: Chisato!

Chisato's father: Where are you sweetie?!

Chisato: Mom, dad!

As they quickly rushed each others before they hugging each others before letting out crying at each others.

While (Y/N) is sniffling tried to hold back his tear but unable to stop it for failing because there is the tears on his eyes crying.

(Y/N): Damn! I promise myself I won't cried! To this heartwarming moment! *Sniff*

Wade: (Y/N) crying like a baby!

(Y/N): Shut up, Wade! Anyway let go home!

Wade: Yeahhhhhhh!!!

Morgan: Agreed.

As (Y/N) turning around preparing to leave until Chisato notices he is leaving. As he let go of her parents before shout out to him.

Chisato: Um..... Are you leaving?

(Y/N): Yes, is something wrong my beautiful lady?

Chisato: I see.....

As (Y/N) started to notice the expression on Chisato with frown and depression looking down on the ground. As (Y/N) smirk having the idea before taking out his phone from his pocket.

(Y/N): I tell you what... How about exchange our phone number?

Chisato: Really?!

She forms a happy smiles on her face.

(Y/N): Yeah.

As they started to exchange of their phone numbers on their phones. Chisato squealed in happiness and hugging of her phone having the young handsome man who have save her. Until she realize it before her smiles faded away.

Chisato: Um.... What is your name?! My name is Chisato.

As (Y/N) turns toward with a smirk on his face while he kept doing the backward, before he let out the words on his mouth.

(Y/N): Well, my dear Chisato. My real name is..... Gahhhhhh!

Suddenly he was interrupted. You really wanted to know what has happened? Well...... Look down.











Causing them to be reacted in opens widened. They started to be horrified on their face and Chisato started to be crying seeing the loss of her savior is dead started to be hugging of her parents.

As they looked at the teenager who is the high schooler who is dead with the broken bones, slumped down on the ground like the dead corpses and there is the...... thumb up?

(Y/N): I'm okay....... ow......

Causing them to be open widened in anime comical style with shock eyes. Looking toward at (Y/N) get up being alive!

His injury and broken bones is quickly to be healed up while everyone to be looking terrified on their face how is that possible is the young man to be regeneration, on his body while Chisato smiling on her eyes with star on it.

As (Y/N) having his body to be regenerated. As he turns toward at the reader with a smiles on his face.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, I forget to tell you. Those you don't know. I have the special known as.....

Morgan: His special power is the regeneration. It can allowed him to be heal up on his body also...  it the same power like his mentor. 

(Y/N): Yeah, what he said!

He grinned with a tooth.

As he turns toward at everyone looking terrified expect for Chisato smiling toward in amaze at her savior.

Doctor: Kid.... What the hell are you?!

(Y/N): Watashi......KAMI DA!!!!! Just kidding I'm not. Also my name is (Y/N) (L/N), see you later!

As he quickly sprinted to be leaving the area. While everyone started to sweatsdrop at the strange young man and there is tumbleweed appear?!

Chisato's father: Wh-What a strange man......

Chisato's mother: Ye-Yeah.....

Chisato: *Giggle* (Y/N) huh? He is sexy man alive....

She giggle with the love hearts appear on her eyes thinking about the young mercenary known as Deadpool. 

Timeskip brought you by Chibi Chisato is all naked masturbate thinking about (Y/N).

The next day

(Y/N) (L/N) has woken up in the morning. He is currently going toward at the night bar name Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Children.

(Y/N): Sup, Weasel!

Weasel: Sup, (Y/N)!

As (Y/N) turns toward at the reader with a smiles on him that the whole background has been froze in time.

(Y/N): Those you don't know him. You probably seen him in my mentor's movie, his name is Weasel, he the owner of the shop and the intel and best friend of my mentor, he like an uncle to me in fact.... He still virgin and loner. Hahahahahahaha! 

As time resume and (Y/N) turns focus returning toward at Weasel kept a smirk on his face.

Weasel: So.... How you did you do (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hmmm..... Not bad. I did well but also... I beat up and killed those ugly bastard and the thugs about 86 times! Ha! Eat that Kane!

Weasel: Actually you still have to beat him about...... 123 times....

(Y/N): Damn it!

He cursed with anger before clenching his fist into ball threw to  at the table making the glass shake for the bit.

Weasel: Also.... Didn't you had time for go to school?

(Y/N): Oh, you right. Later Weasel!

He departed away to sprint to exited out of the shop.

Weasel: Later (Y/N)!

And so our young hero is go....

(Y/N): Anti-Hero!

(Doct:........ Anti Hero. *Annoyed tone*)

(Y/N): That better! Back to the story!

And so our anti-hero walking toward going to school until he spotted on his best friend. He form a grin.

(Y/N): Izuku!

Izuku: (Y/N)!

Izuku Midoriya aka his Best Friend! They had been best friend for long time ago he is the only one know that (Y/N) is Deadpool and Mercenary, he still support him.

Wade: In fact we all gay for him!

(Y/N): Shut up Wade! This is Harem story not yaoi story!

As he turns toward at Izuku with a smiles

(Y/N): How you doing bro?

Izuku: I'm good!

(Y/N): So.... Shall we go?

As he moving backward until he felt a bump on his making him turns toward at.....

Murasaki: Hi... (Y/N)...

She started to be blush and shy toward at (Y/N) with stuttering of the words. She take cover a book to hide her blush.

(Y/N) forms the smiles before turning toward at the reader.

(Y/N): Those you don't know her, this is Murasaki Yatsu. In the class she looks serious and mature but.... when she come to see me, I think she had a crush on me when she shy....

Murasaki: Who you talking to (Y/N)?

She getting worried for (Y/N)'s mental problem.

(Y/N): Nothing and also.... Ignore the axe on the picture.

???: Hey, (Y/N)! Murasaki!

Making them to be turns toward at they spotted on Murasaki's friend in school name.....

Sakura Igawa!

(Y/N): What sup! Sakura! How you doing sexy blond hair girl~

He smirk to flirted at her, as it cause her to be blushing in heavily before she smiles turn her blush into small.

Sakura: Wassap, (Y/N)! How you doing?

Wade: Those you don't know her. This is Sakura Igawa she is the little sister teacher of this! She has the big tit! Also.... She in secret agen....

Inner (Y/N): Dude! Don't tell the readers about that! Spoilers!

Morgan: Agreed.

(Y/N): Also.... Where is your awesome big tits sexy of your big sister?

He form a smiles.

???: You talking about me, (Y/N)?

As the cold tone talking to (Y/N) appear behind on his back. As he slowly turns toward with a smiles on his face, revealing it....

Asagi Igawa!

(Y/N): Hey! Miss tit teach! How you doing?!

Asagi: Seriously, (Y/N).... Don't call me that.....  💢

She gains the tick marked glaring at her student in dagger with a annoyed expression.

(Y/N): Sure, Miss tit teach!

Asagi: Dammit, (Y/N)! 💢💢

Causing her to be shout at (Y/N) in anger. Before she release the big sigh in annoyance. Turn toward at others.

Asagi: Why do I have the annoying student in my class?

(Y/N): Or Handsome student~

Asagi: Be quiet, Mr (L/N). Also today is class time. Let go other wise you going to spending your life in the detention.

(Y/N): Okay! Aye, aye captain!

He mockingly with a toothy grin to salute causing two girls to be letting out of the giggle, while Izuku laugh nervous scratching behind his back head.

Timeskip brought you by chibi (Y/N) pretending to read but cover to reading on porn magazine.

And so, the school rang it was the time for finish school and all the students exited out of the building are going home. (Y/N) releasing a yawn.

(Y/N): Man! Finally out! Wonder what going to do no....

Until he spotted his teacher exited out of the building until he spotted her boyfriend waiting for her outside.

Kyousuke Sawaki!

Asagi: Kyousuke, is that for me? Thank you!

She started to smile before grabbing the flower for her as Kyousuke smiles back before he let out of the chuckles.

Kyousuke: *Chuckle* No problem, Asagi1 Are you ready for ou....

(Y/N): Hey, Kyousuke!

Kyousuke: Hey, (Y/N)! What up!

As they smiles and high five at each other before Asagi grows annoyed that she doesn't like her student friend with her boyfriend.

He looks at the reader.

(Y/N): Those you don't know him, his name is Kyousuke Sawaki he been my older brother figure and childhood for long time ago me and his little bro are bro but..... Why do I had to kill him?! From the wolverine bitch! *crying*

Kyousuke: Ar-Are you okay, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I fine, Actually!

He looks at Kyousuke with a toothy grin.

Asagi: (Y/N)...... Can you leave me and Kyousuke alone? Because...... We having a private to talk. 💢.

She shut her eyes with irritated tone hidden, and annoyed expression on her face with small tick marked appear.

(Y/N): Sure, Miss Tit teach!

Asagi: GODAMMIT (Y/N)!!! IT ASAGI SENSEI!!! 💢💢💢💢

(Y/N): Okay! Bye, bye, bye Boobs sensei! 😂

As he began to laugh before he started to run away while Asagi growled in annoyed and frustration.

Asagi: I have one worst Student ever........ 

At (Y/N)

(Y/N) drinking of his own lemonade. He looking at the different all kind of Hentai infamous with rape on it.

(Y/N): Man.... There going to be a lot of shit on it. Hmm, what this?

He pick up his phone from.... the Author.

(Doct: Hey, idiot you got work to do. Also I place all the Chimichangas in your fridge to exhchange for our deal) 

(Y/N): Well, well, well we got work to do.

He forms the smirk on his face.

And now! (Y/N) (L/N) is getting out of his own suit it is the Batman outfit? Kamen rider Kuuga outfit? Akibaranger Red? Sp*der-M!an? Look the picture in..... DOWN HERE!

(Y/N) (L/N) become Deadpool!

(Y/N): Hell, yeah I am! Let see.... "Spider-Man eyes...."


Deadpool: Snake Eyes' weapons?


Deadpool: Original DP power?

Absolutely Fucking Check course!

Deadpool: Hello Kitty bag full of weapons?

Wade: Oh we couldn't forget that!

Deadpool: Good! Unicorn Plushy?

Wade: Y....

Morgan: Guys, let go. Your teacher is going to be get attacked and rape.

Deadpool: You right! To the Deadpool mobile!

At Asagi

And so Asagi having the date with her boyfriend Kyousuke and he ask her to married her, she agreed. But suddenly Asagi encounter meeting her arch rival Oboro.

As she attempted to fight her but causing her body to be paralyze unable to move until she realize it was the ring cause her to be unable to move her body.

Oboro: Now then..... Kyousuke bring her.

Kyousuke: Yes, mistress....

As he walking toward at Asagi with a fear on her face. As he walking nearly toward at her suddenly they heard a truck sound.

Causing them to be turns toward and spotted on..... Deadpool truck arriving in the alleyway has arrive!

Until someone kicking the back door before revealing himself known as Deadpool! Causing them to be flabbergasted and surprised while Oboro gritted her teeth in anger.

(Y/N): Hello, everyone! What do we had here? Is that everyone having the stripped and sex party! I'm not invited?! I'm sad!

He pretend to crying and sad.

Oboro: Who are you?!

Causing Deadpool to be stopped crying with a smirk under his mask.

Deadpool: That the good question, fake Wolverine bitch! But.... Ore Sanjou..... Look down on the gif guys.

Oboro: You bastard I meant your name! Stop calling me Fake Wolverine bitch!

Deadpool: Okay! My name is Deadpool and.... Bring it on Fake Wolverine Bitch!

Oboro: Why you! I kill you! Kyousuke, kill this bastard!

She shouted in anger to order him.

Kyousuke: Yes, my mistresses.

As Kyousuke begins to glaring at Deadpool before he started to transforming as the Demon, begins to charging at Deadpool as he taking out his pistols.

Deadpool: Bring it!

As Deadpool pointing toward while Demon Kyousuke charging toward at him before Deadpool to shooting at Demon Kyousuke to using his forearm to blocking all the bullets from Deadpool.

Deadpool: Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

As he keep shooting rapidly at Demon Kyousuke as he get close swing his arm attempted to punch him but Deadpool dodge flip in the air begins to shooting on his back as he screamed in pain.

As Demon Kyousuke swiftly turns toward facing on Deadpool before he swing his leg to roundkick on his face as he groan in pain.

Deadpool landed return on the ground as he smirk under his mask but Demon Kyosuke grabs on (Y/N)'s leg and spin in the air like a lasso. As our young protagonist goes dizzy and then Demon Kyousuke proceed smashes him through the ground in repeatedly!


Deadpool: THIS


Deadpool: IS


Deadpool: LIKE!


Deadpool: CARTOON!




Deadpool: MY SPLEEN!


Deadpool: OWW-OH a yen! Lucky!


Deadpool: Ow! Okay! That's it, you ask for it buddy!

Deadpool proceed to taking out of the Flashbang revealing to him before he opens wide in shock before he could react but too late. Deadpool pull out the pin causing it exploded and stunned them.

Kyousuke: Gah!

He blindly and places his hands to cover on his eyes unable to see moving around. Until Deadpool goes behind on Kyousuke holding the Grenades!

Deadpool: Eat this, fucker!

He pull out the pin before placing on his mouth causing him to be gagged before he could spit it out but Deadpool placing tape around his mouth, as Demon quickly get off.

Deadpool: Bye, bye.....  🖕🖕😀

Causing Kyousuke to be opens wide in fear he tried to remove the tapes off his mouth. But..... It too late....


As Deadpool started to pray for him.

Deadpool: May you rest in peace...... Or not! Hahahahahahahaha!

While Asagi looks unamused toward at him before she started to pray back of her dead lover while her Oboro looks furious that her plan has been ruined by him.

Oboro: You! You ruined everything! I I kill you! 

Deadpool: Bring it on, Fake Wolverine bitch!

Oboro: Stop calling me that!

She shouted in anger before she activate of her wolverine claw.

As she charging toward at him before Deadpool taking out of his twin katana before swinging their bladed weapons at each others. As they attempted to slash at each others but they kept several dodging to evading the blades but Deadpool manage to scratch on her left leg causing her to be kneel down in pain before she glared at Deadpool in anger.

Deadpool: *Gasped* I'm so sorry what I did.... Making it damage on your hot body will make you ugly good thing you not going be in my harem.

Oboro: What the hell you talking about?!

Deadpool: Oh, oh, oh, hush little bitch. Hush bitch.

As he looking at the Reader.

Deadpool: What I say? Some of the another reference I will say that some red midget man plumber goes rescue the princess, Alright then. It's a me Mario!

He was cut by Oboro clenching her fist into ball as she throw the punch at him! Causing him to be groan in pain in slowly motion.

As Oboro started to activating of her Wolverine Claw started to stabbing on Deadpool's chest in rapidly and multiple time!


Deadpool: Okay.... Mario is dead now....

He slump down on the ground to be dead before Oboro remove her claws off on his chest. As he breathing in and out.

She turns toward at Asagi opens wide in shocked.

Oboro: Now then.... Now that guys is dead. I go.... Gaaaaaahhhh!!!!

Causing Oboro scream in pain as she look down she spotted two bullet hole on her shoulders. As she turns toward at..... Deadpool alive using his gun!

Deadpool: Ha! How you like that bitch!

Oboro: Wh.... Wha... Wha... Ho-..... HOW THE FUCK YOU STILL ALIVE?!

Deadpool: That a good question. I have the special power is the Regeneration allow me to heal up on my body and.... GOOD LUCK TRIED TO KILL ME BITCH!!!

As Deadpool smirking toward at Oboro to taunting her before he get up his body and feet returned on the ground.

As Oboro gritted her teeth in anger glaring toward at Deadpool.

Oboro: This isn't over! I will kill you and have my revenge!

Oboro uses the Smoke bomb causing her to be vanished without the trace. As Deadpool remove the ring making her able to be control her body.

Deadpoo; There you free. If you ask me but can't gotta go! Bye, bye!

Asagi: Wait! Who are.......

As Deadpool left, started to be driving of his truck, leaving Asagi to be alone wondering who is he but one thing that trigger her mind.

Asagi: Wait. Why does he sound like my student, (Y/N)?

At Deadpool

While Deadpool driving of his own truck before he removing of his own as before turning toward at the reader.

(Y/N): Guess that over and... CIAO!

End chapter 1

Showing the author of all the books revealing as Doct sitting down on the table with a smiles.

Doct: Hello, everyone! Welcome to the new book of my own story that I will be writing first time of Hentai! We had someone will join us!


Doct: Me too, and also this is the Harem story with Hentai females on it.


Doct: We had for coming of this story!


Cayde-6: Let get some party on!

Doct: Yeah! Next time on Deadpool on Chapter 2 is Meeting Saki Yoshida!


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