Chapter 9: A Demon Bird's Savior!

DeadPool was outside getting air and taking a break from the hotel. He thought it would be a chance to see the rest of hell. He wanted to take his ride but decided to walk instead and if any demon or shit bag gives him trouble he always comes prepared for shitty ass situations. He decided to take a walk around the lust ring since he looked kind of cool when everything is all lid up even though it's for people who desire love and so much more.

DeadPool(Matt): So this is the lust ring. Huh, I can see why this place looks so fancy and yet filled with lots of naughty stuff that would get horny sinners attention. Though I am surprise there's hardly anyone out. They're probably at a bar or strip joint for whatever I know.

DeadPool continue to walk around the area until his eyes landed on a person or more like a bird demon who was sitting by the street looking upset and lonely. DeadPool eyed the woman who wore a dress as well as holding a golden tiara. He can see the woman crying her eyes out meaning something must of happened to her that made her so upset.

Woman: 😢 could he do this to me...wasn't I not good enough for him. He just had to do something absolutely disgusting and it was with an imp. An imp, a disgusting and dirty little imp.

DeadPool(Matt): Uh-oh seems like someone cheated on her and it was not good at all.(DeadPool saids in thought)

While looking at the female who was crying her eyes out, all of sudden out of the alleyways came a group of demons that look like sharks followed by some weird looking guy with a skull head but with the body of an imp. They were all armed and looked very dangerous and were walking towards the female.

Skull Imp: Hey look here boys we got ourselves something to have fun with and not just anyone no we just happened to bump into Princess Stella of the Ars Goetia family.~

Sharks: Hehehehehe.

DeadPool went to look up the woman's name and discovered that Stella is indeed a princess of a royal family as well as the wife to Prince Stolas and mother of Princess Octavia. And discovered even though she is of royal blood, anyone royalty would always be open targets for gangs and bounty hunters who would do anything for money even it meant kidnapping or worse. He stopped and looked see Stella being grabbed by the gang while the boss holds onto Stella's tiara.


Shark Brute: Yea a bitch who going to get what she deserves.

Skull Imp: Hold her tight boys because now that we have Goetia of royal blood in our grasp she would make us a fortune.

Shark Small Brute: Hey boss why don't we have a little fun.~

Stella: You will keep your filthy paws off me you damn dirty sharks!

Knife Shark: Ooh big talk for a sexy princess like you. You know what let's have some fun with her and lets watch of squeal.~

Skull Imp: You know what, yea lets have some fun with her before we sale her off to make some money.

Sharks: YEA!

The sharks pinned Stella down on the ground and tied her up so she couldn't break free and run. They also gaged her so that she couldn't talk.

DeadPool(Matt): Well folks looks like it's time for another ass kicking, cue the music because there is going to be a lot of shit happening.(DeadPool saids and goes to work)

Skull Imp: Yea that's it boys hold her good so that we can.....


Skull Imp: Oh who the fuck is it now........


The boss gets shot in the head by DeadPool using his golden custom weapons he made himself. The sharks gasped in shock of seeing their boss lay dead on the ground. They all looked and saw DeadPool smirking under his mask and was ready to fuck shit up.

DeadPool(Matt): Hey fishy fishy fishies! Before you shit heads do anything I just got three words for you. BYE BYE BYE!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Bye Bye Bye by: NSYNC)

(Hey, Hey)
Bye, Bye, Bye
Bye, Bye...
Bye, Bye...
Oh, Oh..

I'm doin' this tonight,
You're probably gonna start a fight.
I know this can't be right.
Hey baby come on,
I loved you endlessly,
When you weren't there for me.
So now it's time to leave and make it alone
I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lie
I wanna see you out that door
Baby, bye, bye, bye...

DeadPool charges at the sharks who they all took out their guns and fired at the anti-hero but DeadPool simply dodged their shots and attacked the first shark that was holding a knife towards Stella.

DeadPool(Matt): Ooh cool knife mind if I borrow it thanks!

DeadPool took the knife and stabbed the shark in the head with it while the others continue to shoot DeadPool.

Bye Bye
Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me but it ain't no lie,
Baby, bye, bye, bye...
Bye Bye
Don't really wanna make it tough,
I just wanna tell you that I had enough.
It might sound crazy,
But it ain't no lie,
Baby, bye, bye, bye

The guns shots were getting close to DeadPool until he decided to dodged them while also dancing to the song that was being played.

DeadPool(Matt): 🎶 Bye bye bye 🎶 Oh miss me! Miss me again! Come on fuck heads you can do better than that can't you.

Brute Shark: Would somebody please shoot this clown?!

Hat Shark: What does it look like we are doing?!

Brute Shark: Missing obviously!

(Oh, Oh)
Just hit me with the truth,
Now, girl you're more than welcome to.
So give me one good reason,
Baby come on
I live for you and me,
And now I really come to see,
That life would be much better once you're gone.

DeadPool then moved towards the other shark with a knife and back flipped him to the ground until he delivered a mean right hook to the sharks dick.

Knife Shark 2: GAAAAAHHHH?!!!!

DeadPool(Matt): Oh my gosh I am so sorry I didn't mean to hit you there but you shouldn't have messed with someone like me buddy.


DeadPool(Matt): Sorry Jaws but your the one whose dead and by the way your movies Jaws 3D and Jaws The Revenge sucked ass. Though your first movie was awesome and so was the second film. Now be a good boy and shut up or better yet get stabbed you Bruce knockoff.

DeadPool took out his twin blades and stabbed the Brute Shark in the gut and then raised him up into the air so that his blood comes spilling out that left the remaining sharks in shock and horror.

I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lie,
I wanna see you out that door
Baby, bye, bye, bye...
Bye Bye
Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me but it ain't no lie,
Baby Bye, bye, bye...
Bye Bye
Don't really wanna make it tough,
I just wanna tell you that I had enough (ooh ooh)
It might sound crazy,
But it ain't no lie,
Baby, bye, bye, bye

DeadPool(Matt): Sniff..sniff...ehh he smells worse than the fish I find in the super market.

Small Brute Shark: Guys....I'm scared now.

Hat Shark: Let's get the fuck out here, this guy is nuts?!!

DeadPool(Matt): Where you going? We were just getting to the fun part.

I'm giving up I know for sure
I don't wanna be the reason for your love no more
Bye Bye
I'm checkin' out
I'm signin' off
Don't wanna be the loser and I've had enough

The shark that held the second knife as well as got his dick punched by DeadPool gets up and prepares to run for his life as well as his comrades until DeadPool took out his pistol and shot the shark bitch in the head.


DeadPool(Matt): Smile you son of bitch!

DeadPool kills the second knife shark and soon the remaining two sharks run for their lives but DeadPool wasn't going to let them get away noshery.

Don't wanna be your fool
In this game for two
So I'm leavin' you behind
Bye, bye, bye...

I don't wanna make it tough (wanna make it tough)
But I had enough
And it ain't no lie (Bye, bye baby...)
Bye, Bye
Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two (I don't wanna be your fool)
But it ain't no lie
Baby bye, bye, bye...

DeadPool dashed towards the last two sharks in quick speed and slice and dice the two into small little pieces and made into sushi.

Don't really wanna make it tough (don't really wanna make it tough),
I just wanna tell you that I had enough (that I had enough).
Might sound crazy,
But it ain't no lie,
Bye, bye, bye

Song Ended

DeadPool kills the last two sharks and retracted his swords and placed them on his back. He looked to see all the fishies dead and their boss's skull scattered all over the street.

DeadPool(Matt): Hehehehehe. Sorry boys but I am afraid royalty is off the menu today. Let this be a warning to you whenever you pick on someone or do something stupid or something extreme let this be known that DeadPool will find you and he will definitely turn you into a fucking kabob.

Stella who was tied up was in awe of what she just seen and her savior just risked his life to help her. No one has ever done something like that for her not even her own husband Stolas. She watches DeadPool walk up to her and helps her up followed by freeing her from her ropes as well as brushing off her tiara that laid on the ground by the Skull Imp.

DeadPool(Matt): Are you all right your highness?

Stella: Yes....yes I am.

DeadPool(Matt): Good a beautiful princess such as yourself shouldn't be wondering around in a crazy ass area like this. There's a lot of shit-heads lurking through every corner and alleyway, waiting to make a move.

Stella: Pardon me but who is that I am speaking with who also happens to be my savior.

DeadPool(Matt): Call me DeadPool, or whatever you want. But just DeadPool. I am quite well known in Hell.

Stella: Hmmm.....not sure if I heard of you.

DeadPool(Matt): Don't worry about it, not all of Hell knows of me but soon they will. Ooh seems like your tiara got a little dirty luckily I always carry a tiara polisher just in case of emergencies and if I would to encounter anyone of royalty.

Stella watches DeadPool polish her tiara that made it all shiny and new again. He then placed the tiara on her head very gently as well as wiping the dirt off her face that made her blush at seeing how gentlemen DeadPool was being towards her.

DeadPool(Matt): Perfecto, now you look all better now and no dirt no disgusting germs from those fish flakes.

Stella: Thank you. You know your probably the first person who has ever treated me with such kindness unlike my husband who doesn't appreciate me nor even spends time with me.

DeadPool(Matt): Ooh so that's why you were you know..

Stella: Sigh...I just can't believe he would cheat on me and with an imp.

DeadPool(Matt): People attend to do crazy shit down here. Hows about I treat to something to eat while you tell me all about your certain husband and how this whole mess started.

Stella: You would treat someone like me?

DeadPool(Matt): Why of course I will. Also I like to treat royalties with respect. So would the lovely Princess Stella care to dine with me.(DeadPool saids and offers his hand to Stella)

Stella: I would be delighted.

DeadPool(Matt): Stay close and don't worry princess if someone tries to take you they will have to go through me first.

Stella: Not only skilled in combat but also such a charmer. Why can't Stolas be like that and not some back stabbing cheater.(Stella saids in thought)

DeadPool took Stella to a cafe where they both had delicious food and some drinks. Stella went on to tell DeadPool all about her marriage to Stolas and how it is turning out and let's just say it's not good at all since both her and him were arranged together since they were little.

DeadPool(Matt): Wow and after being together for a couple years and having a daughter he just happens to sleep with an imp just like that?

Stella: Unfortunately yes.

DeadPool(Matt): Something tells me that this imp wanted something from Stolas.

Stella: It was some kind of fancy book that Stolas kept. Don't know anything about it but Stolas does and after finding out he cheated on me with that imp who interrupted my tea time, the little monster left with the book in his hands while I yelled at Stolas for doing something foolish.

DeadPool(Matt): I've seen husbands do that kind of shit all the time with their wives and some of them even manage to get away before they even know. What does your daughter think of this?

Stella: Octavia found the relationship with Stolas and that imp to be disgusting, it's something she and I could agree on.

DeadPool(Matt): I see. Has he been doing this for a while now?

Stella: A while more like months. He's been doing this for months now!

DeadPool(Matt): Damn. Why not divorced him?

Stella: Divorce him?

DeadPool(Matt): Uh yea I mean he cheated on you for months now and surely that's not how a husband should treat his wife with such disrespect. Your family should have allowed you to pick your own partner to marry. Arrange marriages don't usually last that long. You need to be with someone who understands you as well as know how you feel. It's clearly obvious Stolas used to do those things years ago with you but now things are falling apart.

Stella: You really think so?

DeadPool(Matt): I know so. Stella, you are remarkable woman who wants to live of life how you want to live it as well as be with someone who treats you with respect and knows how to handle what you are going through. Any man would love to be with someone like you, you just got to put your heart into it and sooner or later that certain someone will fill up the gap in your heart.

Stella: (BA-DUMP!❤️ ).....The way he saids those words is making my heart wildly skip.(Stella saids in thought while blushing)

DeadPool(Matt): Just give it some time to think about it and if things don't go so well, just divorce Stolas and move on. Simply as that.

Stella: Hmm..I will give it some thinking and if he doesn't change then I will take up on your decision.

DeadPool(Matt): Good.

Hellhound Girl: Um excuse me, Mr.DeadPool.

DeadPool turns and looks to see two hellhounds looking at him with smiles and a phone out meaning that they want a selfie with him since he is famous around Hell.

DeadPool(Matt): Why hello there, what can I do for you.

Hellhound Girl: Me and my friend were wondering if we can get a selfie with you.

Hellhound Boy: Your so awesome man! It would be appreciated if we got a selfie with you since you are famous around here.

DeadPool(Matt): Why of course you both can have a selfie with me. One hundred percent.

Hellhound Girl: EEEEEEE!!!! Thank you thank you!

DeadPool(Matt): All right you two ready and say....Chimichangas!

Hellhound Boy and Girl: Chimichangas!

After the selfie, the hellhounds thanked DeadPool with big smiles and went back to their table while Stella went to look up DeadPool on her phone until she saw the information about him as well as him killing the entire exorcist army and making a mockery of the first man.

Stella: You're him. The one on the news that has been spreading across the rings.

DeadPool(Matt): That's right, I'm DeadPool The One and Only.

Stella: How could I not have seen it. All of hell talks about a man dressed up in a red and black suit and he singly took down an army of angels and none of their weapons couldn't harm him. I thought it was all fake news but now I can see it with my own eyes that you are the real deal.

DeadPool(Matt): Like I said not all of hell knows about me yet.

Stella: I hope you don't mind me asking but do you usually wear a mask wherever you go?

DeadPool(Matt): Only when I am going out or in case I bumped into assholes who are looking for a death wish.

Stella: Would be all right if I see the face of my savior.

DeadPool(Matt): I don't see why not.

DeadPool took off his mask and revealed his face to Stella that made her whole face turn shades of red as well as showing a sign of nose bleed and not just her but other female customers when they get a good look at DeadPool or Matt's handsome face.

Stella: MY SAVIOR!! HE'S SO SEXY AND HANDSOME!!!❤️(Stella saids in thought with heart shapes in her eyes)

DeadPool(Matt): Hehehe, ok that's enough fun, drawing too much attention now.(DeadPool saids and puts his mask back on)

Stella: If he was royalty, he would make a dashing prince or a king.(Stella saids in thought)

Stella: Would you mind if you do something for me.

DeadPool(Matt): Which is?

Stella: The Goeita Ball is tonight and I don't want to take Stolas because he doesn't really do anything but just mopes around and drinks. So I was wondering if you would like to join me as my partner for tonight.

DeadPool(Matt):'s one of those fancy royalty parties right.

Stella: That's correct.

DeadPool(Matt): Never been to a fancy party before, sure I would be delighted to attend the ball with you. I can also act as a bodyguard just in case something goes wrong.

Stella: Really! I mean of course. Though you must wear something appropriate for the ball.

DeadPool(Matt): Not to worry because I been working on some new suits to wear, suits to be worn for special occasions such as parties and get togethers.

Stella: I would like to see what you wear for tonight.~

DeadPool(Matt): Same with you.

Stella: Before I forget, are you by any chance...

DeadPool(Matt): In a relationship yes I am. I am dating three girls but whose to say I will end up with more than three. I treat them with respect and keep them close so nothing happens to them.

Stella: That means I could have chance with him but I will make a decision if Stolas changes or not.(Stella saids in thought)

DeadPool(Matt): Well I might as well get back home and get ready. Would you like a ride home.

Stella: You will offer me a ride back home. You truly are such a gentleman.

DeadPool(Matt): I'm so much more. Where do you live exactly?

Stella: The Goetia Mansion.

DeadPool(Matt): Got it I will open a portal directly towards the front of the mansion.(DeadPool saids and opens a portal to the mansion that left Stella in shock)

Stella: I didn't know he can use magic and magic such as this?!(Stella saids in thought while in awe and shock)

DeadPool(Matt): Your destination to The Goeita Mansion, Princess Stella. Step through the portal and it will take you straight home.

Stella: Amazing....oh here is the address to where the ball is taking place. See you soon, my charming savior dressed in red and black.~(Stella saids and gives DeadPool the location of the ball)

DeadPool(Matt): See you then.

Stella entered the portal and headed back home. DeadPool paid for the food at the cafe and left to go back to the hotel. He arrived and went up to his room to get ready for the Goeita Ball with Stella. He looked through his closet and found the right suit to wear for the ball and he designed the outfit himself. He took off his red suit and took a quick shower to get cleaned up. After he was done he put on the suit and looked at himself in the mirror.

DeadPool(Matt): SMOKIN! It's party time, P.A.R.T.....Y? Because I gotta!

Knock! Knock!

DeadPool(Matt): Door's open!

Charlie: Hey Matt just wanted to see.......whoah.

DeadPool(Matt): Oh hey Charlie, like my new getup I designed it myself for parties. I was gonna do red but I figured white and gold would look a whole lot better.

Charlie: OH MY SATAN HE'S SO HANDSOME LIKE A PRINCE!!!❤️(Charlie saids in thought while blushing with hearts in her eyes)

DeadPool(Matt): Well as much as I would love to see you staring at my suit I got to get going I am invited to a fancy party. Be back soon, love you babe.(DeadPool saids to Charlie who just stood still and did nothing but just blush with hearts in her eyes)

Charlie: My prince. I have a prince living with me.~❤️

DeadPool used opened a portal to the location of where the ball is taking place and once he arrived he told the guard out front that he was invited by Princess Stella which the guard was told that DeadPool was invited so he was allowed to enter. Once inside DeadPool looked around and saw the many royal families chatting and dancing with each other.

DeadPool(Matt): Hmm..this is one fancy ball. If there is one thing I know is that you must always be respectful towards of royal blood and don't cause a scene during parties such at this.

Stella: You came!

DeadPool looks towards his right and see's Stella walking up to him wearing her beautiful dress that made DeadPool smile under his mask at seeing such a beautiful woman even if she is a princess of royalty.

DeadPool(Matt): My my don't you look absolutely stunning and lovely this fine night.

Stella: Oh stop it, your too much. Though I must say you look even more dashing and more charming in this fancy suit you have on.

DeadPool(Matt): Designed it myself along with a few other suits I plan to wear next time.

Stella: I would love to see them but for now come join me. I would like to introduce you to my friends who happened to be interested in getting to know you.

DeadPool(Matt): Of course, may I.(DeadPool said and offers his arms for Stella)

Stella: Yes, yes please.(Stella saids and wraps her arms around DeadPool's)

For the next hours or so DeadPool got to know Stella's friends and the other royalties who all shared their stories and past as did he. He and everyone got a good laugh after DeadPool told them all about what he did to Adam and his exorcist as well as making a fool out of Valentino and Vox. Everyone who knew DeadPool thanks to the news all wanted him to be their bodyguard and offer to pay him but the PoolGuy declined however will offer his assistance to anyone who is in danger even if they are royalty or not. Stella was smiling at seeing someone who is appreciating her as well as being a proper gentleman towards her friends and the other royals. She only wished that Stolas would act more like that then what he is now.

Stella: I really appreciated for what you are doing for me.

DeadPool(Matt): It's no problem. Got to say this has to be one of the best balls I been too. Everyone here is very nice and treat each other with respect.

Stella: If only the music here was better.

DeadPool(Matt): Whats wrong with it?

Stella: The people playing the songs are terrible. They have been playing the same song for years and it's getting old.

DeadPool(Matt): What kind music are you into?

Stella: Something jazzy and helps me get into the groove. Everyone here is thinking the same thing.

DeadPool(Matt): I'll be right back.

Stella looked confused until she looked to see DeadPool heading onto the stage where the band members stopped playing and all the audience looked towards the stage to see DeadPool with the microphone.

DeadPool(Matt)(Mic): Let's Rock This Ball! Hit it boys!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Hey Pachouco by: Royal Crown Revue)

Royals: I LOVE THIS SONG!!!(All said in thought)

DeadPool(Matt) and band members: Hey Pachuco!

Stella and Everyone: HEY!

Summer '43 the man's gunnin' for meBlue and white mean war tonight.They say damn my pride and allthe other cats livin' down the east sideor maybe just my brim's too wide.

DeadPool moves towards Stella and takes her dancing that made her smile. The two of them took the floor and began to dance with people cheering for them.

Ohh Marie you better grab my jackand zip gun for me.'Cause I'll face no shame.Tonight's the night I die for our name.

DeadPool and Stella began to slow dance as the song was starting to get more classy in which DeadPool took Stella's one hand and held onto her waist that made her blush but smile at having a wonderful time with her savior who was showing her a good time.

Well, I like to be swingin',dancin', and singing,just having a good time.Free to do whatever.Now more than ever I've got to stickwith that gang of mine.

Everyone and band members: Hey hey hey, hey hey hey

DeadPool then grabbed a rose from a table and romantically danced with Stella until DeadPool pulled out the big dance moves that left a lot of the audience in shock and in awe until DeadPool took Stella's hand and gave her a spin followed by throwing her up into the air and waited until she came down into his arms.

DeadPool(Matt) and Band Members: Hey Pachuco!

As soon as the song ended everyone clapped and cheered while Stella who was catching her breath giggled and smiled at having the best night of her life and it was all thanks to her handsome savior. The rest of night went great and after the ball ended DeadPool took Stella home himself so that she will get back to the mansion safe and sound. They arrived at the front gates where Stella looked tired after a wonderful night and could use a bath.

DeadPool(Matt): Here you are m'lady, home sweet home.

Stella: I thank you for taking me home, and I thank you for giving me a wonderful time at the ball.

DeadPool(Matt): My pleasure, princess.

Stella: Well I might as well get inside, I plan to have a relaxing bath after a night I had.

DeadPool(Matt): Then I will be on my way.

Stella: Wait before you go, can I at least give you something for not only saving my life but also being there for me at the ball.

DeadPool(Matt): Sure.

Stella lifted DeadPool's mask and planted her lips onto his in which DeadPool knew something like this might happen and kissed Stella back. Once they separated Stella gave DeadPool a charming smile and her number so that he and her can spend more time together whenever she is free.

Stella: Good night my savior.~

DeadPool(Matt): Good night to you too, princess. Also my real name is Matthew, you can call me that if it's just us two.

Stella: Matthew, a very interesting name. Though I will still call you my savior. I like using that better.

Dead[Pool(Matt): Hehehe whatever makes you happy, I will except it. Until then farewell, Princess Stella.(DeadPool saids and leaves to go back to the hotel)

Stella: What a man.~

Stella enters her home and goes upstairs to her bedroom in which she looks to see Stolas not home which was good because she could use some time alone for herself. She stripped out of her dress and put on a bath robe to go into the bathroom to relaxing in the warm water.

Once she was inside the bathroom, she stripped her bathroom robe and got into the tub to relax in the warm water that was touching her body. Now submerged Stella began to think of her decision of what to do with Stolas but was cut off when she started to day dream of DeadPool in which caused her to touch herself and moan with pleasure.

Stella: My savior.~ I...I want you...I need you.❤️

Stella continue to pleasure herself until she stopped and shrugged off the idea in head and continued on with her bath. She later got out and dressed in her bedroom gown and went to sleep but with a smile on her face that she looks forward to seeing her savior again.

Stella: I wonder if Octavia will like him. She can't stay single forever.

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